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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Apr 1943, p. 1

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NO MA1à ES Vol. 7. No. 14. ORONO, ONT.,TFIUUSDAY, APR. 22nd, 1943. Subscription $ 1.25 Per Year K,%irby Contri bution to Local Red Cross Sends Total Over $1, 500 Fish and Hunt Club Organized In Orono Open to Clarke Twp. Two Prizes Offered For _Heaviest Fish Caught During the Season F iteýen acittend(ied the eetinlg (on Moayevening last helti in the iCuniîte AparýtmLnents it the ie ofiorming a Fish Jai Iunit Club ,in Carke Township. Great euhsaa muas shown throughout the moeetng ad it ia now a certainty tttat ter wsil liea gooti live club firsmed. The following officrs were elect- Pre-s4dent - Dr. A. F. McXenzie. Secrtan-Trerurr -C. T. Mil- lit was moived by W. E. Arnstong secoded by Wý. J. Riddell, that t1he rmemIbershp Ifeebeset uat $2.00., se 'that m we illie availahle to hielp orgni e heclub. Dr. MieKeazie, W. J. Ri(idellI andi C, T. 'Millet ee îdbacommwittee1 -tn interview ,our Mcl eb rM. iCecil Mercer, aboýut having fia4b uplýaced l in our treamS, and if ps aibûle te have yioung pheasants andit Iling-arian partridige-s distributeud thrughout Clarke Twai.Alsýo te -et ini touch ktithje Deartmea-t of Gameic andi Fisheries, Toronto, te] finti out all about a Fish anti H'rst CI-ub, andi anything- else pertaining to a cluxb. Mer, Mebershisp carda are noiw -printeti ~-inansyone caring te join nay (do s) ,,y getting in touch witih the SPecie- tnry, Mr. :C. T'. Millier. Anyone in Carke Townsh!p are eli-ible to join, aise fromi Newcastle, anti other for- mner Clarke Township ipeople. It was nieveti ly P. C. Luna, sec- onrdet by Ted Woodyard, that two prizes bc- given at the endi of the, yera$4 war cetifficate foýr thc heaviesit browma trout caugýht, aise) a 84 irar certîficate fer the hais -brcook trout. Thesie iish, whien anti if tbe»y are caught, are te ;bei taken we the poreaident antoi cetrse that the--y cait bci weighed c'anti arcr maate cf thern. Oaly nmembers of Jthe club -vil.l ibe allewedti teconmplete ila this contest anti the, flsh have te be bei caught in Ciarkeý Touwshiï:p. Nwihat the cli i, s formiet, thierýe isno reason ,vlhv ther-e shoulti net bei frona thirty te forty nmembers. At the ugt of thle imeeting eigh"t join- eet, up. Eîther bring or sencl in yo-ur $2,00 anti you will bei-,iven a miem- bers card "eihich will hielp te cit 4up the trout streamis in tiis towýýn- Ship, whlich1 will afford you gon (s ing 1 this district in the year.- te ornI-e, r 1Mission Band Sanday At Park St. Chnrcb Amiidst the setting of palmlavs Kasi1ter lillies and feras. Palm .-1Sun- day Wasc4serv-ed on Suini-daY orn- ing last at Park st. Unîitetd GChurch wjthi the Missiodm Band having ,char11ge if the srie The larg-e choirwa made up of merihebrs of thie Missioni Band wv1ho sang a imiber Of sele- tions, one biggiven i)y the Juiorji Band aoi.'Plie singirg -\as excel- lent, wii-c slhowed the splendid] training by tlhe Iteaders, 'Miss Mc- Dowell and Mrs. W. E. Arnstrong, with Ms A. A. Dri-anmond at the- Miss;-ionary stories -were told lly Jean Tîrner and Joyi(e Gorrmsh and a~ ~ ~ , motitretn 1ak -was given to tihe hlre by Rev. S. Lifle- More Men Wanted For Reserve Training The locail platoon drillinii i*, Oron,) airmouries are mkn ra strides; in their vwork. 1 have watched themi driill on several occasions and haive i>ecen sunrprised eat !their smart ap- fpearaince and work. Wh-ist is puz- 6iling tcnIaniy i,. the fact that tie-re are se mn-any not eniroiled. The Reserve Army is ognie to fit imen for LccalidefL-eseand inu- anerous people ýhave a-sked uis why ihese f ew s4hiouId preipare and so inany do northiiig. The statem-ent1 has been m-acle so often that every manii wohas heen g iven exemiptin orseime cause ,shoffld be drilling here, but the answer is "WVe have Theensm to be time fory every- tbhielse but dedend your owp homnes. Whýl-y net corne and joini the rest anj get the training whidi is good for you, 110 natter whiat hap- pn? NOTICE The -Ho'oey Transport, Orono, will eaîl at The T. Eaton Co., Tovento, thrýjee day )pr wý-eek for parels. Please mark painly on your orderj ;that it will be calledl for by Hooe-'y's trluck, Orono. On or-ders to The Rdbert Sim.pon CO, Toronto, please state on your order that it is to lie p.icketi U 'wsyThe IMotor Exprecýss Term.ninials for IHooey>s truck, Oronou. Doý- you know what am-oilnt yo u areý going te invest ilu the Feurth Victory ,vLean caoipaign? It would hellp the cnasr if you have yocur aount decideti on and it wudsv a great deial of time. W. C.T.U. Gold Medal Contest To Be HeId May 14 N k- The Wra' Christian Teiper- 'ucUnion helti their nîIoithlymet ni:n th"bcSÙnlday SvbOoL renil ni ~Patc St. Chnrc(h on Tuesday, April 21OtIh, with flic presîiet, Mca. H.! Waish, presidln. T'he mcting- qpeîined with anas teir hym. 'Pe tevotional mwas tak-en Tiys.Mca.Bive, who gave tlic sci-- tu.erc cc1-adng sd a beautifel Easter i~nasgeiolow itlh rye.Thec )Ii cail mvas answereti by th-e mcmi- er.Thýe aeci'tary 1reati a letter e f Thnaantid pecainfreinfaut- ily foc flowers senit t n teir mth or hi passeti away. Tharks mccc - aise ecetveti item menieafoi - R-ainey reporteti on the sueýceas slic ladl coliectisig funds fer tIe Milii Canteen Funti forcGanadian soldiers. i Mrs. !H. Ro-me rpre on sfartinig a Loyal Temperance Legien mifili the chlie.Forty affendeti the fivst metieting anti thcy h-ad already start- cd a quilt anti srap book. Final arrangemlents mere matie for thie Goid Medal Centesit te b-c- elti on' Mlay l4tittIc lunch cermittee, Mc.R. Best te prcas bokas, tîoset tak the moncy at the ]oor, aI thei price m iu la2(c. anti10,c. mas-a,- arfuotir. Mca. Walsh rend ashort qeiinieon "'Th c- White Rib!ýbon lu WMar Tre» ctmeeting ii fluth e Oitio officpies. TýIcmetngcloýeeti itili prayer by Mca. J. J. M-eler. SM, 10 DOWN AND OUT EN THE DESERT: ITALIAN PRISONERS BROOD ON THE "Gl,0RIESý 0F WAIR.", Mfter a baste of the Eighith Ari-s artllery barrage, reitreat under ihe eoivtanit bomJbardiiment of the R.A.F. and final desertion q)y their Germlan eoliiradfes in arms,,, this party of Ital ian jprisoners appear to lie iuging ini sonie sobur e r scc ii ohts abutteGlories of war".-oft tepeaýàtd themhc of Musaolini's bellilgerenît àpeeches. The, Bomber Press In Britain WOMEN'S W'ORK IN W.ARTTMIE ENGLAND T'he swa7y the iwomun of Englanti are aîl woiagiil cannot but arouse the admniration of everiyonie. 'Phey are not only -workiig in factories, or in the women's divisions of the air- cd forces, but thiey are acting as clerks in offices, ianks, hiotela, and stores, as be2llhopa, porters, -uards on the rail.ways., fire îwatdihers,'ticket colceaor conduc.toirs on tramns ant-d buses, i arm abur asnsd even policemen. lIn Amnerieia there is oniy (ene mian in charge of a bus, aniL(I e colecets tickets or fares, anti acts both as chauffeur anti eonductor. 1in Hng- Lanti alI the buses are built so that the chauffeur sits in a little cern-- partment Iby him-self, almost ever the engîne. If he irere Vo collecit the fates, the busses ,voulidal! have te bei rebuilt. The ticket ýcclectors are -il womien, andi so are m-any of the drivers. In the cities omnlhUse2s have ce- placeti trains years ag-o i n rt cases. Nea'rly ail the conductors are -womnea, and it is very bard wock Such a thirng as pyn the face whea entcring a bus o1r tram-i is ap- paseatly unknowa-x over tiiere. They don net have a fiait face of two pence or three -Pence, hut a gradu-iateti rate W niceh may be an.ythiag froan one penny t4p thco1gh ail the halfpence to six or- sevea penùe. This means that the womnen have te fil-i eut whcire you are-,igcal- crelate the fare, select th e pl.)per ticicet frein a large double bankl of tickets ,wMhch they carriy on a lol)deir, ïmake change, anti go thr1Ou gh koýth dleckis f the bus, which mneans rua- ning ceatiauously up anti dowa the' stairs. Usualliyv te 'bus lacrowded, ,which makes it thLtt imaich more dif- fidulit for bhem.- With se nia ny strangýers, in Exaglanjd, they have te kespaaswecing sudl quesýtý,ons as- bow, te readh different ipeints. They qîIsC have te iatchi where they are, rýail out the stops, signýal t0 start aiC stop the bus, ant make sure that somrýe stirang-er dees not go pîsaýt bisi or- hec destination. Thle womien on buises reaily wekbard, A large nnlc of wmnaie do- ing fi ee watchir;ýg dutieei Thi listial iiy eans staying upai ih anti Patrsýoiing rooi5 anti eleys. When a Canaidian loka csire' the akylinie of English toiras anti citLies, the first thiag that strikres hJim is the appearance o f the(' Englisfi roofs w;%hich aire osua!iy eut with ail kinds of tercets anti chinmney pots. -Evecy building bas aalywlere Lip te a dlozen or" 1mre of these fchimney -pots. They eidd con sitebly 'ote c difficuLtîies of properly pavtrohiing the roofs. Lad%ý ders are ofteil kept on the roifs se thiat anyý part c'Ili bei qIckly reacbi e (1. This rwork is m i-ost, important dur, mngris Proaniptt bandling of icn dliaries on these( roofs ma1ke-s 't1 rilofs make VI difference eee little damniage andi staigigeringba lses. About the tine thnt the Bomber Pi'esa ar ivedtin uEngianti, the lHon. Heu(ibert îMorison matie an appeai foc mi'auiy housantis of cadra women fire watchiers. Titere iras a great dea'l cf criticismr at the tinte, as it ws feit th:at this,îwork iras tee bard ai danigerous for iromea. But the an,-swer was that mnore than double the number mashetifoc voluntetereti. It ahumcd tIhedetermination of the woemeri cfEnsgland bu do everything' they ceiidte help la mackti-work. The füoewinîgaippeaI nappeace ii the Septemiber- issue of the parish niaguazine cf S t. iM'a ry Reticliff e Ohurceh, 'Bristol, "Without question the grateat imateriai treasure iia Bristol is St. Mary Reticliffe Churccl. 1 now asik thec momien of Bristol if they milhoup i liarading it againat fire. WVe -mant twe, ar ieast, and three better stili, te bei on duty cvccy nih.There is peefectiy possible w\ork, for womien te do, anti thcy iii neot le aske t t atteýmpt -Wlat only mea can do, Worm-en bet-ween 17 anti 51) ii bei melcomiet, anti if vou ar- range with a irienl i or ientis te take Ion one aigbt a week, you miii be doing great service. Now is the lime te, strenýgthen eut banti of ir- chers before the minter bge. it nest be remiemnbereti that in ail prcbaibility, the momien wfle take on this wock miii (Io it ini addition te m kigat their rgla-oeccupation)I ail dlay. At ail tIc Air Foerce stations, that we visiteti1 there were WAAF's dng, the ceokingl, wasbing the dishes, wiiigon table, operating tbe teIe- phonres ani d icnitolanti doing clerical anti other wiork. Womea appear te be doiag nearly everythiing 0u, the ciwy except civiug the englues. -M ost of tIe gursat tIc stations are w7omen, anti tîey may aise bei seen hiandlingl- 1rucks with exipress anti lggage. landi today fa exu-ýpecteti te Iook aiter has eman baggage, neot orily ýwhile on the trains, but aiseo in the hetels. The mobile canteenis, se nany of whiclih-have been pirovideti by varions onganinations aimunicîiupalitius la Caniada, ýSoutil Airi-oa, Australia anti other arents nof the Britishl Gem- inonwcalth, are c:perated by woemen, anti their heroism cti-sing ecdi buitz niimake a giorieuis stocy la bistory. Thc nursing,. proffession las aiways býeen anihon r ne, atithe nurses la this wacl are îpoligail their tr-adition1s. lit moulti bei impossýible to tei1 of il thie varieti jobs cýtlat wmmen inEnz- lanti are cdeing today ila additioni te toementioneti alreaýdyr, such s okng aftec babies, uc ile their mlothers are 'orking in mnte facores'at ieir places, oietn saivage,h ipng in cantoeens at i l so ier'ostels, anti, if naibie te do entigelse, e nteiltaining roops in their -ciehms 'Without tie 'efforts of flic oin -I tory of tile, progreaýs of tfIc maci' ig-ht ,very poa l haveboen on'- 1tirely dÀfferen1t toduy. Kirby Community Presents Orono Branch 0f Red Cross With $367.10 New Officers Elected For Orono W. I. The annual meeting of t'e O1ono) Wonaen's Institute iras heid on F'il- day aiterunoon of Iat iweek. Fu oow- iIng bite business peiic MrL.,J. J. Y\LIllorSpeke to the laie1o the so- cial servie, work carrieti on in Glarie Towînsîhip), dealing with his siubjeci-t LUIlder several headfings-Old Agý;e Pensions, Mothers' Allowances, Re- lief, etc. Mrs. Donrald Graham- favoured with two piano accordion soIos, aiter whichlvi rs. J. R. Cooper presided fonr the election df offiýcesrs whieh result- President - Mrs;.'W. W. Sherwin. lst Vice-President- Mrs. E. J. 2nd Vice-President - Mrs. O. W. Sec.-Treas.- Mrs. J. Rcado Aixditors - !Miss E. Rowe and R. C. Rossboroîugh. Directors - Mcas, F. Hafl, Mrs. W. S. GobIbedick, Mrs. Lainîg, Miss F. Cobl),edlick. District Director - 'Mrs.Copr Representatives to BowmanIville Hosipital Board - MNrs. F. Taniblyn, Mrs. W. W. Shenwin. Press Repor01ter - Elsie Rowe'. iConivnors -f Standing Go-nnuit- tees - War WoAi. Murs. F. Hall1; Agriculture and Canadian Indkistry, Mrs. F. Taniblyn; IHistoric-al Re- sea-rcli, Mrs. J. Eugieson; CitizenI- slip, Mrs. IHamim; Social Weifa1re. Mrvs. J. ýC. Tam-nblyn. flelegates - Mrs. Sheriwin, Ms Cooper, _Mrs. Hoper, Ma.Dean. Home, ceeiie U-Ms. D, Hoop- er. The finanicial statemenit was then Ulmonte Bullock, ' Takes Homne thef as First Prize Ki]Iby conlimuniity helti a very suc- u(easfttlanc andi dramv in the Oronaii town h1all on FrdyevnnApril loth, when over :".)a pai( d adissionis irere solti. in'theu draw four 1prizes -were offur- eti, witik the followýing tieing the Ar.n- nerS: Pig;, Ulmo1nte 2BUlloCkI, Oroa<>; quilit, M2iýsa Eileen Todd,Strvle Icwt. Of fleuri, MrL. M Gahn, ak stocký, andtithe iushel of ap.ples, Miss June Grey, Nwate *Mr. Chas. Tyrreil, President of the Orono Redi Cross, took over the Ticrophone andi thanlted the people for the wonderfIiurespoinse they hlai sliownt in attending the dancý!e andi draw, andi gave an outlne of Mite work of tde RediCross. liealeo tolds of the îwonderfuil responie receiveti in the Rei-os~s Drive lanbIis dis- tict, tha-It aleng with wvhat Kirby tomsmnuity donýjateti bouhtthe toJtal over thie 1,0mak the ofi- Jective being set ait $1,00. The rsarcepsfroin thedae iind ra amonuntetito $1.9.Af- ier 'alI the epese vu-ee aidti Ui o1D of'$(37.10 w:is turneti over teý the Orono Branch oF tie Redi Croes 'Plie dancers, dancing,, to the staîins of Russa. egtossVariety Dance Band, hati di fficsulty to fi-ti a place to put Ûheir feet, as the creird a se dense, daaicing was aearly îim- possible. The Kirhy people wish te thank, sîl those irliehelpedti teseli tickets, or in aay ethei- way they contribu- eti in hepinsg to miake Ois scb ha m',ondefu s'uccss. Th s setsan cx- ample to other parts oi the township, presenteci by Mca. iciardsoa. soinielntwlat 'dan beiacm Votes of thanks were gracieusly la comilniunîty miii workto extentiedtieMc. Melior and aise te Mca. Roiph fei- hec -worlk as pei dfent. The new president presideti 1 ver the latter part of tIe meeting -which cleseti mitb lunch antisd a chat. Gifts for girls of te Armeti Forces wccc receivet inii gootily (qu-antity ai were on tidsplay it -\as arranigedti t prepare two quilt febr -the aext imeeting. GOOD FRIDAY,_APRIL 23rd A serIVice oyf morsip 'mii lie heli Gn Gooti Friday la Park St. Unîteti1 Chburch at 11.00 a.m. Dur-inz this day, sometime. somie- irbere, semehqw, speati a fecm meen- en ta lusn tsonght of Christ on theý Ceosfafr lus. ieliping aiong with somje 1wrk Again Kiby, ire VICTORY CONCERTS Viittory concer-ta ml ichelt inl Orto, Kential anti Newtonvilelai coanc-tion vMth th1e cenii'ng Fouctit Victocy Le-an. The concert in Orono w&Hl e helti in flihe tomal hall on MniaApril 29,th; la Kentiai 0rangý Hali n WednedayApril 28thý, arI ntil r tonýiilie Com-rnunity H-all on Fviday, APrIl 30h. Thece wi1l lA moing pictures on the tmrsnnt w'sc, pinîc on Jsii, the Btz Wnlf, antI Pna -e Daof mac. Theefing 'iii o adrý, hliy Mr.J. Muo eeieuigtlIc Cocr.There miii aile 1(-a 'varieti prgrmm.A sle oleto ill letakea, flIe rroceetils te beiu-ed fer charities. Fourth Victory Loan Drive Opens Monday, April The opening dlay od the Faue-tb VictOcYLoan Camllpaigna acrosa Can- adaL mïil bei Mudday, April cth.,I wlen, the Domninion Government is asigthe people di Canada te lenti te, thefir gover-nrnient the large sum of $1,100,000,000. This is certainly a lange suan ai meney, but se( are the people eft C'aniada large inhen il cornes te handing ever their nmoney te the govecment to e1ci save their cutyfroaIn thc Axis Powrs 'n Erpanti aiso te provide their owe sons anti frienda on the b)attle, lire te hiol t heir own w thuh en'emy. Geea Mc-Ncugh'ton hs at time ati aoin tht tho C<aain soliers are tIc fIneat equippeti in thie 'wocd Teta, anithis ila the may it sýhoulti ie. The narmy thala isbo-t- ter eqipei mi go thc facthest on tIc tte fielti. We woulti net mant to think that or -seltier, wcc e fcatei, iras on scien ing îpe)orlyý equippeti. Th( lave the liest fIat r-noncy anti te do thla; the Caaad'ar ment m-u.sit ha-ve the mon1e these isuApl(ientqs i m. TIecobjeýctive for Cchre sudr Nem-ýcast1e ila set at Thisila tIlarg tamounit eti fer la this isilt ct lil wac . IThe pcpeof tIc vuiii cis to e aocaina timeitIc cae paige is vl, netliesiupriedif tho eb0)je' to 1oq!t affer tIc dli tcict Chair-man ao Mc. J. T. Me-unr; p man, W. 'J.Ridel E. Dv.yFred Trull Ccci Garvetî'anti J,

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