The Orono Weekly Times Established Januar-y, 1937. Pubnshed every Thursday morning at the Times Oronlo, Ontario Advertising R'ates on request Subscription, Subscriptionsto the United States, $2.00 Ail Job Printing Will Receive Our Promipt Attei R. A. iForrester, Publh TE WIONO W] F(EN DA L m.James S-waxfbnrick b'as r'etumned to bis home. Mnjj. ilarceeBell Ment1.Sunday aith bis pareLnts. Siga. Ne!il Stewairt, Kingston, at ilwy. John Stewar't's. Miss Hlazel MceTagrertt sud friensi ý%with Mns-. B. Alexandor. Mn. Alec. Little speat the weck- ,end -witb Ms. N. Little. Mn. and iMns. Roy Mei-cor and David ripent Snaday la Tooto. Mr. Jacek Bryson spont Suaday 'wiflb fnriensis in Bomnvle and Oshawa. Mn. andj Mrs. Lomre Paedenaoad ýSt6ve Tripp spent Sulday with ýMn. ond ýMrs. A. lloskin. Mr.T. 'Hildlitbch, who bas been visiting witb fienda la Toronto, ne- turned home on Tbursdlay. M. an-d _Mis. Jack Glover andi Miss rGorgena Danlingtloi, Ajax-,, spent the week-end 'witrh lMrs. A. G. Dam- lingtoai. Mr-s. A. CG. Darilingl-tan received. a eable fromn ber soni Pte. Bll Darling- ton eling of bis salfe amnival in Enýglaýns. W. I. Meeting The W. I. imet in the libamy ou the "l4th of April witb seven men-ibers present. The president, Ms R. El- liott wes la the 'chair. The rol cal was "a recipe -without sugar," and a few, good necipes -were gi-ven. One dollar was 'movcd ta ýbe sont o the Canadian Tubenceulosis Association foar renorwal of ssemýIberslip and $200 Vo Vie Beownvan'tville hosptal. It was decidesi ta maike jam agaîn this yean -for Vthelied Cross Mrs. R. Mercen te ho convenen for this enterprise, Trhis was the m-onth for the appoint- ingcof officers and al Vbhe officers rwere retumnod for another yesr. Mrs. R. tMercer read an întonesting article ýon bee keeping, whicb wetild ho help- - fuI for anyone thinkîag cf stanting in this industry. Mrs. R. Elliott rossi aausngpocm, entitled '"The iSpelling Lesson." It 'was aranged te meet li- Vhe park for our May meeting o attend Voý the flower beds. %frs. R. Mýercen mo-yod that we cal a -meeting on Friday, Aprîl 3th, at 8 p.m. in the libnaryta ineet Vive PEark Committee, The meting clos- cd -with Vthe sng-ing af Vte National ,Anthess, Mr. and rs. Carl Ritchie visited rt Mr. and Mss. H. ýMongani's aver the week-end. Mr. anAd Mrs. Bradshe-w were guests et Mr. and Mrs. . Cbap- maan's and iMn1. and Mýrs. J. Th-omp- F o'S. A g'oodly arnauber atIended thou 'W.M.S. Thanký-off evin gscrvice last Suinday. Mns. S. Littlewood in becr- oawn pleais:iin amner, spoke on 'Wyis Comimissions ia War Tisse." Mrs. Raymiond Chapmnfan favouresi 'wtb a well endered solo)." -Open thel Gates -f the Tem-ple." W. 'M. S. MVeetinig The Easten mi-eeting- of theWMS -vvas lsia n Wednesdny, April l4thl' wvith Ihe president, Mrs R. Allen, pnesidlarg. The meeting opien cd witb ihYmalGl, followed by prayer.. E'veny- 'a-nc folecwed Vte Enster service leaf- 1l'ts. la th,- 'wrship service Stella Best gave thie bible roadin- 1and( corn- moints on the seven sayiags of Chist 'a-n the 'Cross. Mr-s. Fewleýr and Mrs. Iarrîis gave veriyineeta i'eading1-s. A sweeMrtlendored vocal solo was ung by Stella Be(st. Thec m--eeting cloeed wit a byma and'11C iprayer. W. A. Mleeting The W. A. lield thir iieeting lai the church on WeInesday afteraoo-n, .April 14th. Th(- President, Mrs. W. Riuthberford p-resided. Tie -m-eetinig rponed iwth -a,,hyma ansi prayer. La tbe business periesi it wvas decided ta give ton dollars totwerd thýe church siofcit. Gifts Vo the Red Cross were ras follo'vs : 1 crib blanket, 1 b-aby <Blanket, 2 quilts-, 2 childen's des es, 1 slip. Letters were read froini boys overseas vwho receiýved 'boxes fromn the W. A. Inthe worsbip eervice M.frs. E. Bryson gave the ~Ble neodîag 01 "G'od's use cf Vie -onmon place." The meeting losesi 'wlth a hymanad prayer. Office $1.25' ntioni iher it CLARKE UNION Mr. Jamnes Nixon lost a valuable Mýilcb cow lastV week. Mr. Rever-ley Pogg bas acceepteda position in the Gooyean et Bwa Mris. Alex. Watson beld aiquil'ting at ber h-orne on Tuesdlay for the Re& cross. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Blackburnn visited with his sîsters at Newcuastleý on1 Sundcay. M.anid Mrs,. Konineth 'Hiilîs 'isit- ed with the latter-'s parents, Mm-. anti Mrs. Wm). Ruiter, on Suinday. Mr. and Mrs. Jiss Pattersn, Toýr onto, visitesi witbh bis parents, Mr, an Mrs. Jolin Patterson on Sunday. Several from thiis section atteândesi Mr. George Laing' aea ate hogs and seplast -week and report _goos prices. Wer were glad to see Mr. Dai, Frasen atllpto ho ont Vo oui, Homel snd Sobol lub mieeting -ýlest we('ek. Hesys be is feeling soneiowhatbot- ter. Home and School Club M'eetin.g Qur Home and Sdhuol Cl11b1)be-1 its régular morithly meeting Thurs- day, A1pril 15Vh, with a gnoo attend- ne.The meeting opened -with the siiging½-'f "O -Canada," followed byý the od'-prayer. The busin'!ess w ýas then deait 'with,*Pres-idenit fHero. Scott being lan the chair. It was moved to send a get-well c.ard to Mrs. Ulimonte Bullockel and _Miss Ber- noiece Colville. The convener for the programmie for tlie evening, Mrs. Dan Fr-aser ther on occpied the chair for the following oram.Duot by AnsMneSherwin andi Catb- erin'e Powers, accompaniod by Mi!ss Berneirce Colville, entitled "M-\,y Bon-' nie ILies 0v-en the Ocean," 'wbhbwas done in a vpory creditable mainner; chorus, by tlie school eilîdren, ac-- compaaied by Miss Irelanii at theý pianio; irecitation by Donald Sher- win in "Tbree Blind Mce"which was given la a very capable mnniner;i seloction by larke Un-,ion tOrchestra accoMnjanied by Mrs. O. Sandemcock- vocal solo andi encrer by Mr-. R. E. Logano-, accompanied bly Mrs. R. H. Brown at the piano; fpia-no solo by Mrs. Jack Stapieton with encore; selection iby Vthe orchestra, accom- panied by iMrs. SandercockIi; Mrs. Fraser thora gave a talk, takea from the Hlome andSi chool -Monthly, en- titlesi "Y - t were not for the ta, vsich f very geod; selection 'by the orc(hestra, accossipaniod by Mrs. Sandercock; chorus byr th-e school, aecompanied by - isIreland; chelo solo by Edrwin rSandereoc-k, scm paniod by lMns, 1Sandorcoclo; 'voùCal solo by Mr.,-R. E. Lag-an, accompan- a-ad Patrol. The Easter holidays will soon be hene. t bas (been a long wvinter ternm tihis year. FOR SALE Cook ýStove (Ladies' Aid), ini good condition. Burn either cjal or w'ood. Can be seen at Luuni's Har-dware. Bargai11 for cash sale. Aipply to T. W. Soinerville, Orono. tf. Hon. T. B. __NcQiesten, is ruinng for, Uhe leadership of the Ontario Liber'al Party. Which one iwill leed, lUoni. Gordoi Conant, Hon. Hairry Ni-xon, or Honi. T. B.,aV1eQuesten. One of three(- are bounid to be chosen leader at the tonvention ealled for nbext weeik. Pidk out a naine and sce if you picked a minner. MýITCHIELL - LEWIS The wvedding took plac-e at St. Ty- siîoChurch, Sellacýk, the contraiet- ing parties being Gnr. George W. H. Mitchell, eldest son of M.r. ilic Mrs. W. C. H. Mitchell, ofý Orono, Ont., Canada (late of Ledbury), and Ms Enid M. Lewis, on1vy cbild of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis, of Upper Grove, Se'llack. The Vicar, the Rev. A. B Caningi, otFiliated, wvifh Mn. T. Evans, at the organ. The hyrnms were "Lead us.,- Heavenily Father, Lead uis," and "'Phin~e for E-ver." The, àride, wbo is a meusher of the W.L. A., wvas ~given a'way by àer father, and was attended 11y Miss G. Ed warcis (a friend), and 'Miss Vivienine Lewvis (couisin of the bride). The best man was Car. L. F. Brow,ýn, also of Canada. The bride wvas attired in a Lgown of white satin, and lace and carried a bouquet of arum i lles. On leavinig the church, she was presented with twvo horseshoes by MastersiGoddrey Lewis and Clive Jones. The roception wvas lield ini mellackHal and they were reclp- ieiiti of numerous presents. A brief honeynsoon was speint in Birming- 4ham. led by 'Mrs. R. H. Brown, wTith env- core; s$oction by flihe orchestra which broughit the programme to a close. A vote of thanks *was voted to alI those helpng with the pro- grammie by Mr. Kenne't ih hus, sec- onded by !Mr. Jaek Stapleton. -Mrss Alex. Watson gave a report f ro n Clarke Union Red Cross work, indi- cating that thirteen quilts have be-en quilted and between eleven an'd twelve dollars realmzed. The mneet- ing rclosed lby the singing of God Save the King, follow.ed by lunich of sandwiches, cake and tes.ý The -next meeting will be held on 'May 20th, uith the election of -officers. FOR SALE Thlrty ýPigs, six ý weeks odld. Apply to A, H. Keane, Phiono 51 r- 3, Orono.l DANC E A danýce 'will be held in Newton- ville Comnr11-unlity Hall on1 Monduy, April 26th. Barclay's Orchestra will supythe nIIuqi3c. FOR SALE Lange Wicker BabyCaag, n good condition. Rulbber-tired wheels Mrs. W. H. Rýuwe, Phone 20 r 11, Orono 'mil. Cowanville Miss Dorot'hy H'olinigswortlv spenlyt tii-e weeký-endl with ber parenits. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Farrow m-ade calîs in the neig-hboimhoodi on 'Sunday. Mn. T. J. ýSiisspsron rvlisited at Mu. -Rusý,seil MeNeWls, 'Osbawa, on Sun- day. Miss M-arion Simpson spent the week-end w,,ith Màiss Kathleen Simýip- son in Peterbori'ouigh. Mn. aad Mrs. Chas.Coa ha tua with rM, nsi Mrs. Wes. Stiariger: -oi -Satuirday Peoarlg. A n-unber from bo hre atteaded the -dancoe in Or7ono on Fniday aight last and! report La good Itim-e. Mn. andi Mrs. -Wes. St.nngerý had -dina-er with -Mn. and MI\rs. Ade Baady on lAnd-ay lantheir uiew homne. There will be com-union an bap-' tismnal seivice in Clarke Cburch on, Easter Sundï4y, aftemnooni and e-von- ing witb n J. J. Mellor c-onductiing ttho services. Orono mixed qruar- tette -will srup4ply special music. Due Vo a mis-und-enstanding in a phone caîl, Dr. lSherwia rcalled at Mn. 11'liodor'e Stephe-n's farm last Sat- r-day night, and seeing no ligbt ia the bouse drovo ta tho ha-n Vo docton a sick animal. Mr. Stephens saw the car go Vo the boa and pboned bis neighbo)r, IMm. Jair Rid Vo corne and help hlmn investigate. After get- 'tmg Vtehine numben tbey p-honed Vo the police who dentified the car 'a.s beloaging Vo Dr. rShen'win. Nýoth- ,in~g like en on Vthe safe sidp. School News (By Analie Getlick, Grade 6) The, juniors studied adbout mauple sryrup. Sasse taýppesi trocs ansi made syrup after their lesson. We hasi a stary cf the Easr Bunay. The -class asade pictures of the ibunny wlth aa basket csf cggs. The 'class kept a record of Vthe sfpning birds a-s they casse. We -wenue very rglad Vo bave Mrs. Robb beno on Tbrursday. For the juniors Mm .Roibb gave the Gold Fishi. la the seniors w-e had The Volga Boat Snd'onc as -alcanon Stock Sale orf PTJREBRED AYRSHIRE DAIRY COWS Having received ýinstructions fromn MR. CLARENCE ALLIN Lot 29, Con. 2, Clanke Township half mile north of Nerwtcstle Drue to insufficient blep CMr. Allen b-as iristructes( irme Vo sel w-ithaut re- serve his cdtre herd af Dainy Oows TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1943 MOfie Hours:- 9.00 to 4.00; 6.30 te 8.00 part. PHONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARYi Wilfred MW. Sherwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Phono 56 r 7, Orono, Onit J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-. bile ai-d Liability Orono - - Ontario STOVE FOR SALE One Second-hanid Quebec Cook, Stovu for sale. Apply Vo R. E. Lo.-an, Or-ono. tf. WANTED Twenty Cattie for summner pas- ture from M -ay 241th Vo November 1s't. Running water anrd shiade. IH. N. ScoVt, Phone 1 r 18, Or-ono. a-14-p. WOOD FOR SALE Pine Slabs ani,, Soft Wood. To ensure ealy cdelivery order now while we are nioV too b'usy rwitlh our lumber busine-ss. Phone orders to J. J. Mellor, Phone 100, Orono. e-14-p. BASTER SERVICES Special Easter Services will bu held in Clarke Cburch on ýSunday, Aril 25th. Rev. Moi-ton will con- chiot a Communion and Baptismal Service at 2.30l p.m., and fMr. J. J. Mell-or %vill coiidu,-t the service ini tho evening at 8 p.c., wt the mixed quartette 'of Or>ono supp}ying speeial miusie. DANCE The Canadian Legion are sponsor- irig a Dance to be lield in the Bow- maùnv\ille Armouriiies; on the evening of Fnicday, Ai1pril 23rd. Modlem andi Old Tii-t-e Danýcing. The Coluinvians 7-piece Orcýhestra, of Osha-wa, w\ill f nrniish the inusie. A4dniissinn, 50 cents iper person. The proceesis fromi the dance Vo be used for the Service Men's Club. Corne and have a gondi tisse. AIJOTION SALE Househiold Furnibure - Beds,. Springs, Mffittresses, Cbest o)f Draw- ers, Ouphoard, Stove, Stove Pipes, Tuabs, ýRakes, Sho-vels, Pishes andl inany other articles. AI!lili good condition. Ail must ho soldl. Ternis Cash. Remienulber the date, Satur- day, May 8th, at 1.30 p.mi.. Anyonýe wisling Vto dispose of somle (of theirý ~furniture may bnlng their articles down tlie day -f the sale. GEO. KEYES, i he Gln od Mabelr, mNo. 217669; ïauv___ ma__________________ bora Scîpt. 1e,1938; calvesi Jan. 20, 1943; bod April -11b. 2. Knollview D-oroth-y, No. 230621; borai Oct. 25tbi, IL llin1,s Deisy, No.238;boa 1939; -cle February 5th, 1943; ,Aug. 2th, 1940; cle Nov. 5 tir, tresi Mer. 26Vhi. 3. Kaollviow Kae, 19)42; b)red Jan. 1,3Vh. 1:2. Allin's o.23608"; bora' Oct. 4th, 1938; dule Pensy, No. 28"9842; bora Sept. 17th, Vo freshon on May 1st, 19ý43. 4, 1940; elved Dec. 15th, 1942; ibresi Glemhood Rosýie 2nd, N-o. 198--74; Mabreb 21s't. 13'. «lenhood Blos- bora, achl5th, 1936; calved Mer- somi's Bell, N-o. 217665: bora Aug. 13thi, 1943; ne(t bred. 5. Knwve 3rd, 19,38; calved Oct. 1, 1942. Penl, No. 210730; bora Decemiber id. Netehierill -iss Mae, No. 23725-2; 20th, 1936; calved Ocet. lst, 1942; bora Oct. 16Vth, 1940; c-al-vcd Nov. bred Dec. 5Vh. 6. Bea More Mae, No. 3rd, 1942; bred Feb. 5th. 15. Grade- 1457.71; bora tAug. lst, 1930; due Ayrsbire, 5 years olsi; calves Dec. ta freshenriMay 10-Vh. 7. AIston lst, 14;bresi 'M'ach 8Vh, 194e. Moar Peggy, No. 2'y2420; bora MWay Teaoebr r i uî c 2st, 1940; calved Oct. 20)th-, 19412; creditesi ansi wiil h o saisi ub)jeeýt t bred Jan. 16th. 8. Alston Moor ýblood test at your exiýponse. Tisjý- Dorothy, No. 2a2421; baorn ,a.Mey 30tb, bord is an exceptionally good siber<r 1940; calved Nov. 20, 1942; bresi anid will siford youi a grand oppor- lFebruary i5th. 9. Clareadon Hill tiinity cf secuiing the ýbest àt yopr Luick, No. 195757; bora J -u1y 12tb, waPrsses. 193.5; due Vu freshen. 10. Maisie TFERMS CASH No. 216349; born )Deic. 1eV, 1936; W. J. Hancock, Iealved Nov. 2nd, 194r2; bred Dtec. 7th. . Auntioner- Protection cf property to-daly isý conservat ion for tomorrow. So when you paint, go to your Mantin-Senour dealer. Re iS the uvan Who cen fteli you b 'Iest 1aboult "Winning" colour cmiain.He is the imanr who really knows peint and the most economical anid practical ways of applying it. Ilis avc is sincere anrd help)ful-thie paints lie sells are made with the enduning qualities that,+,stand thie "test, of timei", Whien you peint, go to your Martini-Senour dealer. 43-1 PROî'"LPH'8 HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1; Orono, Ont. wc p AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coniducte Ai-Ltion Sales of ail sai and at reaSnble rates. Conimurnicate with hirn ut ?t, Perry, On tario, or fee his COkrk, L Ë Morton, at Onono, for dats. F. F. Morris &soni Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bow.manville, Day 480 Night. 734 and i7Z Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest ani Most Complete Furniture Store and MmenFuneral Service in Dlurham Our Service-THE BEST Our Good-,-THE NEW EST Our Price-TlHE LOWEST MORIS& SON jBOWMANVILLE - ORONO E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE AUTO'MOBILE, CAýiSIALTY AND) LIABILITY Phione 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largest, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance Firrs ns aCanada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared to quote you rates from 40c. a hundred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better stili, cali. I wilI be pleased to quote you rates .n vor L)o.)rt c-16-c. 1