M 1Ô WE -PARTIElS- foer your tamiiy's waltare Your doctor and your Rexali Druggist hae a mutual interest andresponsibilityin yourfamily's welfare. It pays you to heed their advice. You can take your doctor's prescription in your Rexail Drug Store with thse knowledge that it will be accurately filled with the finest-quality, fresh, pure ingre- dients. Make this dependable partnership a regular part ofyour health programme. When a CoId Threatens Gargie and spray with MI-31i Antiseptic. It ilis harmnu germa i a flash. We guarantee its purity. Compare MI-31 wjth any other antiseptic for economy and effec- tivenesa. It kilis germs when dilutd one half with water ...isa safe st ful strength. It is another example of Rexal's safety and economy with full satisfaction. 1 ôoz. s o. 4 oz. 87< 47< 25< CHTARLES TYRRELL Prescription Specilist Phone 68, Orono SURPRISE PARTY A pleasant surprise party was held in the townj hall 'on Monday nijght last when the school puýpils of the commi-unity gathereëd to spend a so- '~cial evening ;-with Marion and Doreen Cornisih, whn rwilI soon he Ieaving for their new homne at Morrish. Theý evening vwas speit in dancing to a Roekola and a grand tire was 'had by ail. Misses Marion and Doreen Cornish were present. ed with a -white phctogra&ph alburi as a reanem- brance fropm their niany frierds in Ihis district. Local News We are ,Sorry ItIl 7hear dt at r W J. Wa"lte-rs is on ithie (kli it. The Ester exan is of the C'oniiitua- tion1 SeIoo0,l are n11owfnihd M is s Basnet Ja.d Msýs Tanner SýPe)t ÉI'the ee-end in Tor onto. 311.and IM. s. Eagleson ar nwliving in t heiw hme o Main Street. Mjsi LeoreWood, Toronto, spent, the week-end wth lier Parents, Mr. andMrs. Fred Wood. famlily, Toronto, spcnt %,jndaýy with Mr,. andMis. C. F. Awde. Mr.R. A. ForreSter spent the wekedini Toronto with 'her par ensMr ed Mrs. 'C. D). Bouck. LA. eRoy Browvrn, f the ROý A.F., Mia te we-edwitli- h's arnsMr and Mmlr. J. D. Brown. Speci.al Eas'ter servcewill lbc h(ld i '11Pa-rk St.Unàted C'hurch, on Good Friday morning at 11.00O a.m. M4v. and Mrs. Cecil Glass and Mrs., Lloyvd Glass, of Kend,(al, visited the 'oirmer's atnt, iMrs. Jackson, recent- l.y. AC.2 jas. Powerjs, of theRCAF. Dunnville, svcent the weeký-end( with hiýs parents, MýÎr. and MHrs. C. L. Pow,,ers. Eleanor Dýiwes',ongdalhe of 'Mrs. Dawes, Pak ,treet, was Operated on fori- eniiis ls week-end. 'Mr. M. Il. Stapfles lý ias purchased the, cieken Jiouse on Station street. Ile is euittinig it in hiaîf and moving it tu lis farm. Lieut. 'E. V. Ph'asey lias returned to CamnP Borden atter spending a twO wee&s' vacationl with Mrs. Phasey anti fanily.. IMr. andi Mrs. W. Iloar, w%-ho have been living in Pickering for the winter ii-onths, are noew ataying at their homne in Grono. Be sure to leVt'us know of your Easter visitors. We mnay- see some of themn but nect ail. We like to putb- liali ail the visitors w.e cayb.j Mrs. C. ýG. Arm.strong~ andi Wrs. J. E. Armstrong are, spending the Eas- er week in Hamnilton visitinrg the forymer's dagtr Mrs. Grady. A very pleasant surprisec was' given Mrs. Jackson one, eveniing re- cently, wheni six of lher old friends camre in to weecone ber back Vo Park Street, the evening being spent in playing domixnces. RED& WHITE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY lIGHER TRAN PRICE Butter coupons No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 expire Friday April 30. No. 6 ex- pires May 31 Fresh California Carrots, 3 bunehes 25C 2 in 1 Brown Shoe Polish, tin 9C Quix Wheat Flakes deal, reg. 2 pkgs 25e., now 3 pkgs. 26c .Alymer Vegetable Soup, 3 tins 29c Party Jar Sweet Tomato Pickle 25c Fine assortment of Chocolate Bars, have your choice early Lavoline, pkg. ' lO- C Rose Wheat Flakes, 5 IL bag 22c Writing Pads, each 10e Tomatoes, 2 ige. tins 25c Beef and Liver Loaf , lb. 34c Skinless Wieners, lb. 27c Bologna Sausage, IL 24c J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. mornings 4 1? I t LE You ca aeyou fat diîp- pay you the establiahed price for the dripping and the scrap fat. If you wish, you can turn this money over ta your local Voluntary Salvage Committee or Registered Local War -Charity, or- ZYou can donate your fat drip- ping, scrap fat and bones to your local Voluntary Salvage Comamittee if they colleot them in your community. or- 3You can continue ta place out your Fats and Bones for col- lection by your Street Clean- ing Department where such a sytem lis in effect. 0[pARTM[NT W NATIONAL WÂE SERVICE$ REPAIR Your RADIO Now' Don't wait until parts become srarce. For your convenience we carry a complete Uine of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- ýSERS-and RESISTORS If unahle to hring your radio to the shop, Phone Orîoo12 r 2 C. R. KNOX Orono Tinshop This Week REËADY FOR ' BUSINESS and at your service R. E. LOe-GAN PROPRIETOR Cexhtre St. Orono Phone SrlO PARK ST. UNITED CHU'RCH Rev. S, Litttlemood Minister EASTER SUNDAY, APRq. 25 11.00 m.Wohi. "Rýesrr ection the Co nfirmia- tion ef the Gospel". 2.3i0 p.ini.---Sunday Sclhool. e 7.00 p ~osip "lThey Still Lbre?" '1If ye illicobe irisen wîth i Christ seek those thing--s %wMch are above." We have one pair of b1ack leafher gleves in our ?window, aisoemoe tan leather gloive, tlhet have heuen ifuraàd. ùwner mauy have same for the taking WOMEN! H " JOIN THE NoW E m "NFOR V" DRIVE Our Government realizes the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Governmcnt surveys show that the diet of many Canadians is deficient. This 15 flot necessarily because people eat toc littie food, but rather because they eat the wrong kind of food. That's why it is every Canadian womeni's duty te Icnow and apply the basic rules of Nutrition. And that's why we ciTer you an easy way te plan meala that will feed your family well ... in a useful new bookiet, "Eat-tc-Workç-to-Wïan. So do your part! Learn how to bri n g ew health and vitality to your THIE fasnily! Get your copy cf "Fat-to. Wor-k-to-Win", NOW! Sponsorad by THE IREWING INDUSTRY (ONTAdUO) in the interesta of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. LEARN FREE HOW TO IMPROVE HEALTH THROUGH DETTER1 NUTRITION ...HEESHow! Send for your copy ioda y I To getyour PRErcepyof aqd address, ct.ar5y pranted, to NUtritiaif for Victory," BCX 600. Toronto, gCana2da. DON'T DELAY! 3M DYOUR REQUEST NOWI 'Eat-to WFork -to- liVn" are ...... for the Catiadian Nntrition . . . . .. ..r..g. . e> E _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I Local News The Orono Bandtisl now ,practis- ing every Tuesday eveninig. Quiite a nuniber turni eut fast Tuîesday. Only aine more days andi the trout seasbn twill be open -for another ye«ar. The oniy drawbaek no'w is whether the dew cworms -will bu up in timie. "Bun" ýFagan, -who ef t for British C'olumlbia about 'six months ago Vo take tan officers course ýin the îmech- anised departmenit cftihe Armied Forces, grad'aated last week. Con- gratulations. The Loyal Texuperance Legiori (L.TjL.) met last Thursday, April 15th, in their regular monthly mleet- inig. There was a good attendaisc(e and an interesting pr-ogrammire by somre cf the members. tlhe Gooti Will Bible lass mionthly mneeting last Thuirsday eveniing. /Af- ter an apjpropiate worship service comileorating Pas;sion Week, Missj Basnet -aTe somle very instructivel demonstrations of bandaging andi ome usef-l 'First Aid hints for the homle. BIRTHIS RUTHERFPORD - At Nakinia, Ont., on Wedriesdaiy, 4pi221s't, 1948, Vo Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford, GO TO CHUVRCH CAMPAIGN At the prepsenit time thle Serviýce 'clubs of Osliwaan Whitby aIre promotîng a G-o4hrh Move- met ring ail -people in tiheir, communities to attend Ser-vice regu- larly in tlie Church of tb&er choice. Tiese 'Club!s arýe not ChuircliOrni zations, hr.d thei rimembers are emi- phas.ýizinig the value of the 'Chlurch ito the Commu1ILnity ai-d nation, 'ndthe ineed of a vital Religion in theuse try- ing timies. May we draw your atteni- tion tV onoe of the statemients on their posters. "'Rîghteýosness; exalteth noV only a nation, bt inivdulsas, well. Yoiuir 'Churcli is the centre of Right- eousne(ss, in tlhe conulit-y. Regular' attendjanice is essential Vo a warmn spiribual condition. "In timies of trouible and sorrow y'ou tura V1 o the Chuirch. --- Why nlot derive thiis strength and -benetit every week ? "One of oLIr greatest needs todiay, as a people, is Vo get baIàù t o first principles, back to our Churýci Wor- ship, bnck Vo the 'Bibile, 'andi back to God.--No nation conn 'le rly great fithteget its spirituial life. This is ultptey a personal responsibil- ity, ll one w hcno u -e else 'can d is,- charge for Tis" Freedui om fWosi lias heen- and is bigqucae for us,- at a ,great price. Surely it is only fitting that we uise it in a worthy mafnnr. lit the present world crisis everyone 1 s in th@ Efront line. Every iniidtual bhas a responsiibility-dfsitie and personial -Vo d'o everytingil possýi- ble Vo strenigthen the moral antil spffiritual frces iniakriig for a better worl. )Congregationys are earn estly striv- intg Vo colduct ser-vices whici give ïinspiration and ReligionLs instruiction to aIl ages and dlasses in the coin- munity, Vo give every possible en- courqagement te our ýboys in the Ac- tive Service, and te bubar our share ii creating Uliat betteïr wrdfor wvhich ;miffiens are fig4hing. andi praying. ITu thue Performance of that task we invite your felbows-hîdP andi co-opera- tion. RED CROSS SHIIPMýENT TO HEAD)QUARTERS The following list of articles wr sent Vo headiquamters in Toronte by the( Orýono Br'andi of the Red Cross: 25 quilits, 40 ae"roeaps, 15 long slaece sweaters, 2-0 sicevelesasws\eat- ers, 5 pairs whole mitts, J'5 turtie- neck sweaters, 30 turtle-neck uck- i ns, 15 pairs of gloves, 40 night- gon,25 slips, 50 pyjamas. Tic following uinits have sent Vo Oreno in April- Kirby W. A.: 2 quni1ts, 1 baby blanket, IL pair oif erili hiankets, 2 ýhildrenj's dresses andi 1 Js1lp. 'ClarkIe Union : 3 quilts'. If the Japanese take Australia, then wýhat ? THANK YOU The Kirfby eommunity wish it& take this ýpportu'niity of Vlakigal those who se rwvillingly worked te make their dainjce andi draw suali a stic' e s s. The uniteti co-ope-ration û! althe faitllful 'wor-kers \ýwa s re- spon-sible for the larg-e ntumber cf tickets solti on the four prizes,. andi -ionig -with the dance proceetis, after. ail expenses were paid, the sum of of $367.10 was handed 'ever te the Orono Branch cof the Red Cross Sc- ciety. Let it lie said t'hat when the Kirby comunity ýgoes on record of dloin'- something, they do it in a big Cail the T-itres office for printing. ARMSTRONGS IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 DRESS LENGTIIS In Crepçýs, Linens aind Sheers. Alil new goods. E ASTER IRATS In A styles and colors for E aster parade Prices to suit everybody Kraft Cheese 40ce Potatoes 75 lb. bag $2,25 White Beans 25c. Freshi Side Pork 30e.m 2 COATS In Tweeds and Pi Blue INaterials, diffr ent styles and sizes. DRESSES Iii smart New Styles, one and two piece, dif- ferent shades, sizes 14 to 22 1-2. Loin Pork Chops lb. 35co Sirloin Steak lb. 443c. Fresh Pork Shouilder lb. 30ce >Round Steak lb. 40m Thrift large pkg. 39e Kraft Dinner pkg. 20oc. Rawes Floor Wax '). jar 45e Fresh Sauksag-e 2 lb.