ISIA TANKS: MARK TI-IREE-~Oî Canazdian DvsosiiR IadClamoring FDr Action,[ Fiv Germaiviin -7,0 2aen-could. have conquered Briu- ai' adforces atrDnikl Jne, 1940, Bl.Gn omi )Mlliott Rodger, o Otan, mn. ber of the General Stýaffsid London rencenty. uan il 'daod ewen tireGer inan aad vctory proidedte îa force a ir ul eupe Candia la Diision 1and tbe bat, tered rennt !tieBitýi-si Mie CbanneL lest thichac, ltb be tgetat tire enMY, Remdy Mr Invasi Thse iisirsaved 335100mnl lthe Dukr vcai nwic ended on June 4p 1940. butfaied tO 9ge irirequîpment borne. TCe Onnadians, OîY mobile diisin Ieft on tire island, wa,,s ne u aï-, BySeptmbefor mn is mdittirrougj-ir ie rtsiNv Redger salid Tns Canadian ivison has bo- tomne theEmpures 'xaubiuamy." Pais but werewthdrawa whea tire fl o!Frnc bcae ppar- ont. lu tre "ig psrclovsIon o it - zuivalnrt Men Fromn Down Under Corne Homre ALstraiia' NaeWritte Int', RoIe of Honer of oth Werlcd Wars Except fer mat li air an1d grOuniý 'eits tii pe-rating wlitIltie PBrit- lirEgirir Army , iin Tun-isia, tireý Isat of "ti'ardmenfrom lDewal Under baveleft ireiDend l-, a aMc have taken tiroir Iosry mci 'witr tim te Asralia, ays Tre New en TesOs! tre Cin- sInns ie ianthysfougir tA.l carprese f eilad rdte urrender. Mueitraead Sev enti serve 'wh treofgiMisA"rmylaNorti b&frica atI wereoreugit ironie tepeC mset ire Jpn iendp mtsicaNew Llbyaiast utuma -in moet Pihreyaso war tirese b Nig~e~tidi o Vlea ave adddTnew iaterst tire ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ..ed fti Antaha sl dler-disingnisied fer is cour i3itshani-an-unnlers chalkedu îyscore aantRme' ocson the Otea uii frotknokm otDtistri o Mrk IItaks aid 'an'othber]pa ir .-otbshwn. BRiaDIoREPOI y ear ago are non-culiis aittag t hoe wth atrindlis- SUDEFFECT.Dnc si upl oumertan, ejut, H ,an iterrpt t insprogra ete býrinlg Yen a special bulltn ..C AS- ANESE TROOPS HAVE LAnD- ED IN ORCEONTUCAS FOR FURTBER DETAILS!%EEP TEDTO THIS >STATION,.. Thenfollweda briefcaer sainbe-tntwivo niand the incientwasconclued by the aIlfee lie 1111iifit Pli) happenj yorrj)t hyonistng, 1nT' Reseve Aury. . nouoteu foewia abrodeatfren FR teers hearing the tirt part et tireminute and a haIt dramatic spot didn'twigtir n.Theoy There la rooînferarumntast wthror net zqb1 roecht jare good psyci-olog:y. Teicd ent iowver, reealed oneintr esigpoint, htnnypeh whea faced Air what thry ire hievedLw-,ianationaý,l emrgencylo rushedteioirtelephones; t 0irey id thevery ting tryirdbe aakeda by Defense Authoritýient facîhities for lusýe h thotjcse ogn ,iziaÏtire deese e 1cWhaniiitn Meat~eehe gre thînt r-adio hunou is-amucir ueeded tonie tirsediss nd ffrawchcoine re- lief tro-m tire arre eronSside et Woo iaws and discusson. one rdie 1 omedin a wose Sunay everng v:et aI eu olda a eateIr place la entertalamnt circea, iaapprently issAda irsue t mire knev laaie ocircie is s ne peardtesy hn r Say , . "IArn going te tae reat I'v heefinraifodye To, the aeaerdi itnra I'r d Aien preents e ery un how many atrenus cfr e work ggo intotirepepratien et IIILR REX FRST1 there mnist bie nwjokes, nmnsic, draýnratic in)cidents ard thre tram- ing of'rgam styjing te suit guest stars. Sncb tjïings are simply net ,jnst drawa out et a bat. A haîf hour show of insi type represents at leasttrean seinetimesv- up te five or six foli parti onl, Te'Jre o Ie reharal Prm neSund](aypro- grammc te anooitherit's astead go riad nt hich musijiot be s>n- wiched many other personal13p- Rgollywod fr, ta' wohi(l1c,' oitherwise drab wartýimedys Tho Canadian -Broadcasting! C'orporation as Iwell as, tireprat stton nneunce appreprit programmes forthre LEnster ea seaieligonsousecs xvii h broamdent y the crC inludin Ncw Tesanrnt tor ettir Resurecin. stru ya- te e SItnetr ' 1Requ7i Cem 3 reteSypoî Ochstra. Toins prgrm ih h cwicd y bta the o" CBCnexrkadSat CFB, Torent o CFRB la addi nouncd fo Easer ~aay cin- peilrnitsion o ten "C ri- 10.30. u rdbtwe 83 By ad mof cotrasa, fRBu noxifersinwouradifferen ndL teiresýýtirg usical bradesta onjàeC Satnrday evenlî)Strga. OeSrn adograinBeheard betwceea1.30 and 10p.45. tntrsirecirnrrning voieand pesonahity et Pat Bnihole l ppuranmAýdiwell kîrean tion tet esMstpbc er. ios te Tire qcien -ant eÀ, srii' CHlST'S CHARGE TO PETER John 2l PRINTED TExTt John 21:15-24 GOLDEN 'TEXTF.-Greater love,, lbath ne rmani isais hî, hat a nman lay dUwn hbis lifce for bis frients John 15:13, Memory VreW gv hnka unto Jeai; frM l d Psalm 130Lî THE LES-SON IN ITS SETTING Jesut Questions Peterci "So wie hey hýd boe hi fast, Jeass aaith e nonPeer l'el oe tialrese 1aith unt hM, y"a, Lord; thnkow- est that I love thee. ý11e sit unoe mm ,Feed nsylmr. h was a tiniie,nemaydsbe fort thi's, wen Peter vs bat îng of lîom loyal he pas Lote r Lord Jea > nsi, taLeis boast,- ing proxcd vain and empty. Christ wants te knexo rmPee'ww lips whether ee eain truly îîow lovs te Lr n Master, loýveat tholnime? fle saith untodý hlm, Yean Lord; thon knowest that I love thee, 11]'e ,athuno ni tedry aheep. le saýith umiteh the tirid tare Sinmon, son et -recd becaue lie adit") nthl And iresaid unte iar, or'd, thion that I love iree. Jsus sith unto iim, Feed my Sec, The ade1[ýss toirf Lrdziiçce repeated, recaîls irefir, ods addressed te, Stetr lie- h received tire srae Cp (Peter). Tiretre qusis could net but recahh tI he tlsree cenials; and tire form et Vls has question couldne bu vidy bring bacirtie hou dtoftie failure et per-sonal devotion aýt tire momntettrialSe Peer wascu grieved net only that thse ques- tion was put agin futtatitins third tume tise ph-rase was h'ang- ed; that the que,-stiïon wis inet onhy put once again, but ct the anme time put seas e risea rightly daim that 'rnoiidlv wMhciho hadplaoes B is grief O-1UR RADIO LOGZ OR NrO S AT IOE 1ý.SN PTWORK is xvanc(Cr35) - 50k Si-(MBS) ri CANA(m 'h v i, ,v CEOSOwn rd 100 1 -A," Montreai 730k ilCOR aterIo n 1490k 'M,0 Otta w& 1310k CROn imin s 1470k ('CS 0 dbry 790k CRPC j rn'i rd1380k 'Ki,\\VWindsor 800k CKXW jnghý arn 920k 'CHEX L'- ýerboro 1430k WFER1 nufiËýo1 340k WHAM f,31lcster 1180k WLW 'nims ý?iati -700k MTGY l<henceady 810k KDK' Pitsbrgh1020k 1,;. hicag 780k, W ýu Èl\ jiff e930k WGI1 Ilufale 550k xvr-ow Bufale1520]c v-1 .Detroit 760k GSB LîrguIan .1 GSC EgtIL OH GSE 7n]ad 1. S GSP nln 5S RA\ tsit 9to RNE Iusar.0 \VGEA shrtd WCAn B i0.7n WCBXN.Yr LO w RtUrLBson1, lay in the deep Sense fthat such ea the tnst, even if'itàeret the saà nie t in'!1e un11gr o 111d ed.L Me23 o1ightreas-onably dst]s is pro- fession 1or incerîty 1atter bis fa,1q but he2 appeleud to itheLord usin the Or.ds 'thon kn-oweýt.' Pr-OPheCy ofSfern "Ve!rilvey, 1 say untothee, hýe1i thou vwast y ,lthou gird- estthyseif, a dwakedst whither thonwoldstlut we thon hatbeod, hou shait stretch forth thy handsand anothe, ShOI thlou wouldst nt N,-,w\"thî h le spak, sgniyin bywhat i uar n-er oidatle shlould glify God. And whben he ha spoken this, blsapih unto his. folow ne." Tis sobeini prephecy of siffering l CoS ely c, onneceted wihtejoy ofloeadrsr- to.In oewyoraohrit willsurly e thus with every tru dscileof :ou-.S- v Tu , T each of u1s withutceton 11 wil! assiga soue cross to bear fo jl;teec 1 wl ain one wy oranothr, 'f you love Me, sre e«nd you sha u- fer forMe.' unPeuer chReponSbiliey m UPte, tring0ao, eet the discipl0 whom Jsuslvdfl Lor, wo s the ta etrayethý sh andthis natdo? J- aesns sth montoh, ofuI lun hat entrdy not peter's conicern. Ptrhm Self is an iniiua ih drect resonsbilt teGodi, and he mUs j .ýecide(- his course of action as a personail mttr etee od and himself, The words nhave afisimi- course of racton which presents itself to us muist be decide'd upon directly by our-selves,ý, our con- science and God. Jesus' WiII Madie Clear 4"This saying therefore went forth amiong the bre-(thren, that tbaýt disciple should flot die; yet Jes~ sid ot ntohlmI, that hIle hsudntdie; but', IfI will that he, taýrry 1tili I corn,~btl that te thee? OlywhenPeter wasacual prophecy spoken byJesur con- erniing bs aryromfulyaud positively udestod vïwth3 John -- the event wouid finaly meake ear just what the Lord's wil cncrnnghîm was The sttmn ere mdtherefore, -ensoly one thingit cc alîs upon aul to wait tMeuch tiue as the, Lord Hir)self wîll miake:ý plain what I-is willcncnigJhis In Peter's case, Jesus poone an actual proph2cy,; in Jon'she declined a prophiýtey, andleft John's career anid en whlly la theý serec flis will. SA iReSomeResueijS S rhaid , in rm Bitanarv sotu I WESTERN STATE 1 epced sae 2 1 t i cnn - mines, 313-nd Altitel (nbr),de f. tflQck POPPetinntPop fl 4 E I-I Q L ~ A ~ T HACIQ, ________________ e Bell 5n~,e a. Answer te Psevi-ous ,Pule 9Fis 7ti w T L LI AM~ VI S B uit ii'n ar Wi PL LG FDA DE 2AprceS E D U L Ateeroa NATURAL thear i N TO 1 I T UL23Wr. I DA 2Epue TE S IVS E I4IN26Varnisih N iS C E NT ngeîet A~ AWE TVA LL] 29Bihical ti DE ET E O N 2 staline, O I OL T j - Substance ,god et irsk 44 Cuts ll 47 Adirerent QI 48 Pertaininjg te Aps. 52,53 fis ca,ýpital City, E Symbl for 33 Dieep trc s ý ie ree, ý34 Nrrow itlet. 4 ~ 3( Md36Departarenti- 5 Rumnant of Pubflic E"ducation F Fluff freqin Liutnat fabricS, rabbr.. IDAngev. 9 Leavs, 40Curce part, 9l Incline. 41 Twist int: â2 Shwr. 4c Newr z6aland' 18 Phud publciy ratibirM; <ph.). 49 Parent, 17 CoMpasspeit 51 Ail rgà,t - - - - - - - - - -