I v Cycle 1s Weapon For Wýinninig War if yen ou ' - ý o abccle lu Brialu nocadays, then you're no-, kep il;g uLip wl it h se('ie0ty. Evorybody's doiug it. The bicycl le eme et the country's ar-w!n- uin1g wepnfor wtotcce the arme ladusty ight be pluug have repaced the cau aliah -e- placed the herse and cart atte the las war. Geerals lue bicyces te inspect their rosplt pedalL totei bobes n every, irf-ie!l,ids tialmauae juip n! to)yce te got hom'ne for îlh, myr i lia pea e , ther wre1200, 000 uicy l lu, Br ýiti. Nbd pee w 1cxho had netý ,at onî a sudle erw -'u or, 30ý yor hv ee î- dag te recovr dexeriy lu an art tlîey hlad lm t folgten, t e haî f et te bicycles wil.h cî-y ý,Iag wemen. l-vd Hude l ftoua ef wouîýeul la subibe",cunr siieps and friends by the Ma on? apparaceof bus servies, haveý turet te iccls~ foriavu- n Wohbe On Boi1eshakeîrs T -resne groco- boy owý te dt1iv1,th 'er-der," i, ne aid ýte send~~~~1 tetle ila e adnet MidleagclwoInen who lae' cyidSînco tlrey weîI,- doli fou0dU havee benwot, et as scra beeth arsd a Preb)aby gatered dust and î-us mpachinie carilets its, base. te a heniemadeeu,ý te blgroce Cycole dealers ai-e eveîwholed with epair woi-k,- TIie art et, oefîn puacre as ude std s. hops and theatros lu conrytwas fund their outrances clnured up with coresi etMa chies,. LI usome pae a-pik Typical Prusian Ruthless, Arroganit He, WiliLie, SeaKili l Break His Poie Ose ianeAdif %oen :eltke, hai bc" tpclPrussian." That 1ia a lud thiug 10 Say about nayene, lnt steutl'y ite the quaitiîtteyta le Germans are a 'master race" t sund wbese religioin le wr-so long, that e, a waris net) teeuacm trale oi- tho emnpel udpays hn ie rft h cypical Prsia las ne siuplos eýg abou:t theftî bottrtr 1udmr dle, when used ton the uggrau- oieetcf Germluuy und tuns eÉ h'imlt. ifi e will kilI t'ons et tho- rands et Jews or starve a wle ed Miud toiwiî r esome svain,- cage lit t on Germany. stol ad dybreak hies mes"t sel-' omtpomss etrttese J 0ý' .tao w 'bm e 1luspede etna t fioashi. i, isbouettulu lu, vif;- trbut 1ho whInes lewîu buo sud cies etbtat the wndl * ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 oubodbntad as we tbe typiu Nazi and tCe typical Co-u.Somle day îl. dsih u sau on u litier aa ispack' - Haif The People 0f£Essen Remnoved An estimuated 3000pres unbete oia ve benreov ~3fotgbri, cemmunite su s, eringt"reorts tam This e ppoimteyhat l --inada~s Housoldiernew that custadnd blanc- mYan'ges, quickly and eaiyiae ihprhigh quality7 ICanada Cern Sta,-rýcaeadhgtwith nl,; ceo * or dinner mienu. At hi tmewhen Ganadianear ugeàt,'atRib * wekome ddition te the nutritionfo fatured.b Ylý .......e... b Nationial Pooýd for FitneseCmagu o0 'Canlada's 'Food Rules for-He-aith m Fitrue-se. A prodýuG# cf the CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limied KING HIGGINS By A MAN TO B3E WATCHED FHiggi's car was at the îMole woen handemd Déoos ajbore; and She was quite wilng Ate a- c-ep itsconv;enienlce, Higgine had,ý' beur driven tQ othe form)idable e- trancre te the Casa Falleiro; the ithomie of ber famlbilin stetnear tbe, Plaza Grand.!c.fe wasanious ýteý niake a dfnt mpresion onher, for, avcustOmc- ed toïc qnîcik decisions as, habt mcadv hlm, he realized witb i- craigforce- that the girlvas a disturing ci"uueuce in a uer- ual(2eas-g-eng i feý; ber i'Seer ~ivaceus bautyhad, give i joit 0 ta uprsdbi!ni "Corne in and see MothePr," Delees nviedas olld Franise the oorkeeerundid tbe ou- detrous b!o1Éts o fithegrillîedoue g-rne-aS]sal. Bt tShea0, ay1 Francsco'sfacebros n ;)anis with a:rot Lte hesaits ISSUE'N,.17-43 BRITISH WOMEN iSTOP HEADACHE BEÇFORE Il STOPS THE Today, there's a littie wb'vite tablet th1at'îs raking1 a lot of difference... te woentroughout the whole British ies. A recent British Goeaetsurv -ey showevcd up these facteý: that womeni, ahl over Britaiin, are counting on Aspirin tablets, as one of the three most 1belpfulJ dru'- items for maintaining ielt nd morale. -Now that hundreds of thousands ofwmnarwoinnwaplns do(ing ema' jobs in the factories, teesne ime ýto "give in" te headlachie, necuritic, or neuralgie pi.Se when distress first starts eenreaceh into their pocket.. boe ian take the tablet they knwthey oaa trust. Aspirin baLs lhelped millions. It'e quik, ffctiedependable . neOf thle saf est anleies ken ,Sei be Tsu1re e , hLa ve Aprn. It cos less than 1p a tablet in theecnm bettie. Aspirin is made ia Canada, znad "As;ppiin" is the trademnark ofü 'The Batyer Comupany, LiUite0d. If you do't see the Bayýercrues oneal tablet you'Vre urot getting Aspiin. i ~te patio, h clLe Il ther, Mthe 01hoear yhen? mtepouino au coeqâhtvvd topi- 'Heno!Is tht Deloes?" give tbe.-dentiabrd te Dolre hotokutdti u ueJsf mhe ! tgirl exi ted poetd ý,"lisdaHggn -;elbck0e0er i heruo t b ccmlish- "Darme" oSoud u qer ulous tue; "yo'eurily ig Doreos!" t B(ée derstd ta luh, a bigh deronderpo thence et exieme yoth wuln lengr old gulwarnw tat befud ael-uinduugerteian- aet ore "Muet you weuri 4,- y ciethes u,,asthatraked yelook ladoplore'slbtue nas wethJeasbe r a,00 bsence h not eiaped ber te rget ber moth- etn's weakse, iý )t-ef "l'-oi go back e ishort skrts5an sierc. DonMicke's ougt me isud ete, 'eme homs fnlightuly fscuainma lu thüe vonld aboar-ýsd tesi." ok "tDo ore alongRichard." on- tr udt he O é- ý 1 ae. lu yShe ie , "tWbat a sýutraner pyn ar! Is cohar, 'lrigil wavin a paklm- adfhan; a l-ndulgnt wfemun maptte pose as un invuthougtc actUly usbcstreng as eu ei et t Briishmustangshethatramed ite i laýmn lin. "Io'e bee tobusy te godîn for se car,"Dona einorae& Diekie apoliz e, ber slau ute bisclis.tra'm e ae t thee AmperaicadivAnthey eottln yr," onna lenora iteda beavy 114 eadte, snside buasif- vc-u 1e sapised kber. Shne looed ut1 doren uac;insowgm stoýle over er fiae. wSho ýL,,none, Lti e ldssui br ln adirubly sud of ber"Ande; und if sh munid DckHggn temac frl ho CagredubDe elloi nits, so ibed e auhe te~ ~~~SI maiyitotecoerce buviiti ias expoienedeotbing et, iteiwsetan loya-'te cerowp ie',s tmanutc-r wss1 suddenly ,clurt. big sceswt oe.New ', 1 ns be of"lerefused thle Profrdlersbetma-de hie adlieu"x, walked, withl ightf-eel- iing o'flheavinestow1ards the gate 11e did ntko o htruo flict bu;lbt thlere it ' tas asif the sprkle hd goIne fr mthe But ibefo re p e eached the jealousl gade do adDon Enrico rieligio)usl;y leiredte riayof bis mgiiethm -bis umwsiplsvl agt there misoios glints inbe-r lapels of bis coat, ihota !bint ofafettose ife be glowin)g lipstobs darl iug " shesa i d. 1"lavýe youi stîilgot those chocolatjiscuitsg I1 used to ik'e se mPhL'i corne roundIL"as soon i can." whitlete hecý -ar-d1inal; udth ufrom Di)ckie'.s seul. Thý1at ltiss, he bujt-but-ieplailied in tsel tri hLlýiml(If, It stil seemed t e be ceressed thie Plaza 1 foo - eanj foginbis witn -cr- anid enitere'd the Cnuae "htLafellette bloIke isn'tgo ing 'to 1l rarrylber wtout-, struý-ggl," ho said te io si.And then, such bin iscesîttin be riddledbimm tepriy of ail distuîrbin1g ;theugb1ts and( conceuntrated onr usnes "Let's ,get that -eportfishd Sebastian," bhe-told 1bis secretary, 'who vwas enterýing u'p vlmnu details w;ith a- sp idery pu ,,Ye-_.s,ý Excellenicy," sai ddite f ac totmwitb angusb. 1He %was a glutton fr work, ibave ailready copldtbhe trefiures frlte sttretfromntheminliing coil- * * * ý) io bTk tirdweDciesi bref oïutemped evlio potniis ferthe advaucI temeutI' of itisb t1cî. rade witb c Hiyatala-- Lts is rlýleonime,.ne- bis moil lücips. lumau wysoi .Everyv Canadian Homne Should Have the MAMMOTH SONG BOOK O-ver 225 W'orlid Famous Songs and Coue Manmmoth ie the -Word to desr this remnarkzabe volme Ià:sshetmusicz, aad has 221 pgsof 'the wýoridl's choi'ce sog-s-trl a mnammo-th olcin AMONG A HOSTE0Fe OTHERSNG Rose of N asLand Wh'ýere Do Wýe Go From Hre The Stat. Span.gIed San.ner- Y, Can.adaIu Ave, Maria (Sach-G;ourod> The LostChd My Taîk Mhe Ol EH gdCross !ehn lue! Santa Lucia (ee I teTwUg Volga 1oat Song When Loe le Khid Uomemo=the Range The B1and 'Played On Dowu y The 014MW Stream 1 D)oP' W t e ý;pIay i orsd i Always Chaslng TRainbows Beambo! 3Haven (Ole oLlnd* Cmame &mgSa uas). D)rearanf ove (1iebesarauna> UmLov You TAl l'il Sing The ogs c-DÉa Just A-WVýeyln' FrYoju Who jb Sylva? eatflDremer Iï -Dem i Jeanieth ýthe Llabsý Br, % Hir.c, etc. SPLAY or SING Volce, Pianio, G1ultarf Mhiswondrulbook hsevrthn aiabl ewenis oes-e from the great operas, coxncert sonrge,, reiAl numb;eirs, patriotc and arsmine~ sacred smops songs frmn the sunnay soutl, Stephen Foser's itmmertal cmoionegro spirit- uase c den's so bsbade, lmmesonge, hyne and Christmas crjTebo Ma centAne a choS iceslctinof the ee peua ongchoruse_ f thepaitquar- ter cnuy h rust piano etng r by Hugo Frey, wrdrnwe ediîtor adarne.Weèl vrntdongodpper-a oosa olcto fgreat wmon-th e etyeu. Marvellous value at $10pn"' ORDER FROM V OUR DEALER OR USE THIS SPECIAL ORDER COUPO-N HOURS 0F ENJ YENT FOR ALL of tbeTnusy buotbgt ueacetcuiin GOOD EATJNG NIREWS Morniug, nooa on night, wbat could be sweeten thantho beanveuly ai-ea et AilBran Muple Syrnp Mlutins porft ning the air thatwed ýU wuy freni the kitho. he recipe ae its debut juet-. la tm te ring in a uew ruaetmapole syrup. Yený will fiud these muiffhIs kiudte yeur raton cardasudiverY appaiiug te your Plate. Ail-Bran Maple Syrup Muffins 2 tablespoons sboyteuiag 1 cup fleur si wcp niape syrup 2 teaspeens bakiag powder 1 egg 1/4 teaspoon sait, là cupmnik'1'44 teuspoon Soda 1 cup AIL-Branl Bout shotnig and syruptogether add egg aud boau wellAM. mulk and AliBran; lot msountil ametoe moisture i ken up Sît dry ingi-edients together: udda tirfemixture stining ouly WUntfleucr disuppeuars. Fill gosdmuf'tipane thwO-thirds fuilland bak'e ina moderutoly blot ov,ýen (4000FS aout25 minutes Yil:8 muffin)s (2U/4 jches ludimetr) AIL-Bran SgresMEfn 2 tublespoons sbhorteuinig cup muiîk 1.cnp sugar5 i- cup fleur i egg -,4teusponsait 1 cup!ilBrn2 ýiteucspeens ýbuking powder Blonid shoren n udsugar tborengbly; udd egg and bouat weiL S&rlu Ail-Brun d mulk; lot souk until ieet oet moistune i's taken 11P. Sift fleur wilt sait sud bukiag powder; add te %t imxture sudstir ouly u ti fleurdisappeare. Fil11 groased muttî puais twa-thirds fuil and bake in mioderuý-tely hot aoven (ý400'F,)abu 30 m1-inuItes. Yiol: 8 large muffias (3 luches iu diameter) or 12 emali m-jL- flua <:2½ inches iu ime.) "NOT :-a cp cern syrup bc-y ho ud is ead etnugur if ni l eucod te ý/a cup. ataper peisd Oon eoffiia oce bis theugbts hud strayed fromthe matter immedaiateyAt LaIvaJi o ts uaLualet nti bt net pte nd vl e-t~ coutryofhie dpinsh aa trýy te bibho had evtd i "J'd botter ke rtycloSe oyortatmendian, otog "Ai!ight, Sebastian-wbere had -a gettteOn Up In Ontario sh"ows that rdcin uSuh motltn14rws70pr et greatr thu fort'bc sallepeie menktheths yen. improve Vouîr Itealth by Correcting Sluggeîsli KIDNEYS This Way ùSWi ECnmal Few odtosclwrcxQrhat pur than dsree iur u iulamed blader. Veur bacle aches nieal.You have rvestes igi. on WMen tue ngeltppn yurkdny yorealtil. GOLD MEDALCsuecoai accu-atey tnusued aenai efthe Dropa). Yýewll l rguul urîi an iad IMbiaddr. Go) te or riie30 sdgt 0 ex Besur e e e OL EA s r GORDON V. THOMPSON LIMITED 193 YongSt. s, Dept. CN Trot $1.00 plun IL Postage