8th Arrniy Dees Own Dfrty Work Commader nçCnsed aet s81w Cast UpOn His Mer, idtforten days lu North Africa bthe BrîialiArmywans that lie impugud themotive aI Bitisli nuiitry eaer, rlaesWashing- end a scepomessae ta his u per u N Yr k, net tfor pabl*a- are Hsiag cther troops ta do the dirty werku NoreihMrica, 5 tlieýy eu adiu%îe ostt Il is ssetdhr htKuk tram Somledisgruntled Frenchio 4~ei~asoldiers, ud et 01o fo h nforaton ieite rs Caugbt hand eerred It na ce: dîsiplnurun.Incaleild jlu- th stury, ho a rep orteu ta havej GRAid"They caîl meR a matint; !Fellby God, thLis lime ruilbehavwe olkeî one."ý GO lie Irew QuKînlholinlathe un lh ert~days. kioreîle aî, lie called it île3 Iron Divsione ad lok ea feeling a eis EigbthArmy LCvO0fCourtry DICnt ExpectAmyy; Jut A a aadbsnieul o neithe rend or nite uea t mita wîti C ealdlo an aaid lieidn't kvn';n'hattoi(y Mufest lier oli. r ro t * fý îàade-t ht wîh le Saaidy tlie ma nasdnxvi ang.sne By quesv-îngtefoea Usr~ed ut tic facts 'He Hadwaereus biintl tasad1 u u eev 'litte sli of ap from time t jKING HIG GINS CAPTAJ.N FRtANK H. SHAW CHAPTER VIl A.MASTERFUIL MAN patio, where baurgéailea chal- ed profusly up the treBkied Wls the sheer eciustmpùf the laýy tango tie liing played caascd bi-s thougits ta quieken lu llfstisfed memwey o e c aik lhud alredy doue. Y Noýt calied effort, when yeu came ta think il over! Ris father liatistirrd te"cauty fNom us aneta etbar.gy ind is ire i witli desire ta tke ils lace atmongst tlie 11a-tionisctint cutd anretiring, had 1liauded on -thut inattr ofapdvncmeat as a Sac- red rus't us uat1o h latic"neg ci iedï. a ntcr sppysecond tnoein al La.tinr-Aimerica; crystal cîar ater piped from the unseremoutai rages;water lhtIn upfrnuthe tape la icy ut hpd rii icliCgapai- nitah bli degae, It na Kin ili ciy'slhtbgc U! h go thre that ruweecuswr anther menm eutso lis m enaus * n te e, ' Sé d j stdit ti asî a ecf cap- taf ifn Lfletet-a qucer er- paîajay ýnn'oud ty t ui 'dt oa fuslyusetonp iyaDick Hggu, BusdheW cl, tatsü a gm t r .ig3 etb riset 'r lLy arieon a pot'eati set thtnlag (1siea akiug i .Ai isnfoi eelopmCatnail re-1 alin'tat old n'als Iliere aliof dhnce no' tat tyl ir-ercel n'as fu Eting aequclyn al Briý tsi uromfli ehoe-frn ating appeared ta, staînd in th-e way of Hiyutala's -teady progreoss towards emancipation aMd pros- perity. But if Lafallettewiletaer down so mucli of wliat Kýiug iHig- gins Iiad built ap, losle de- vataton m inJevitably -rest;, tbe ,vork af easpromiseta be pitch1ed into t""e-fiatuous etg pot of civiljar.Damu t01fL. ý- low,qanyway! Then lie gaye;er tiukiudg along suci biues, because the Fal- leiro party entered the patio u1t that moment; and the onfly thinýg of whici lie remained reully con- scous was Dolores's radiant you.g dliarm. Lafa ,ette stoo(d up, bending,- like a jacek-kife; bi'oke awa-,y frol is associates -tdiitl ce ontIe PFulleiro party in, a, '001- qeigway; buýt as a dan u<a stilliui progre'ss, lie fouaýd his wuy leti(e case, Dickie wuus bfrhn %vitih lm.n "Joie nme at my table,"e n - treated. "I found 1 could stealq an heurîi and lioped ta meet yon lre"Don) Enrico grinned e- come; touched Dolores's arm to', druw lier attention; slie was gz iaig smehaixedly towards'Lai- "Lts see ifthey tauglit O sai lodlyenoglitabe hea1rd above lie crot)of oand;an as ing sae "Yo'rea astrfl maDon liershel-lie ca. Sie felt ulike gossmrIlilasp, obedlient t lis cucry thuglit eeit was,3 ly, "Im Oing ta Ie far tooobus y tao idle ,on a trndrig"si age;anin l]turning1, lier cel brusIed blis. "I've discovered- a missi>on ,for miyseif aradLooki ut those ploor liaremî-fa1Vaur!lites everoiywhlere; P'm going ta rouse tliem ta emiancipatian." Slie me-ant tlie laiýes of Sun Josef, and lie felt a slight senisation of shoceku lirreoutou qpeech., "'Io machemacpains gfod l rsome woen" i ou- tered. "Tlia ýclimatis more danl- gerouis 1tan Eglnd!on't'for- "Onc a wmanlias aciev-ed se--2-resp'ct, nocliaematr, fruit that tse h weet "louto lie mouths aI babeCuusý, theelcles ilu, tlie euberun'lce of (-isj compli ï mns.The g'ilws irle fiurna lvigvtl aim eta ab,"Doors ai i ougnantly "I've gror p, DoDieie darltg." e a,ý "I seem te enumer beingl askd ,bot choclateiscuits not aI0 log voa i tnt! ol-es-es cîeaed epcciliy or you crn out vîdîn'g ht , me oto-morrow, i that- ylou---nless liees a ret. Hîg- oursune making hiref agiee- able to Donna Elenora. Unquesb- tiona-bly tlie, fellow hiad a way vwiti women: lie overcame oir langid protesta and Swung lier on to the "Te] a)OortexileWht En1giandý( IQol-S ketliese dys"pleadedf Higgins, "Sn(ug and g ïenan safe," lie rpid "Dickie it's a grandi( couatr, If 1I w2)ee, a mnI'4ý neyer want to leave- it," iWplave it for the joyý of go- ing Iback-wlien we've d coueour worký," lie said, striking a m-ioreý seriouqs note. "Wlien w'edoue Our work," lie re'peated evenl more firmly, liis eyes onLaal lette's suavely bent liead- Tlie fellow danceed like a danicinig-ma)s- ter, damn bin-! The orcliestra wtpped, wa s daatto tlie vociferous ap- pas;Hig2giins led thnegirl ýback tc, ber fatlier, alrewdy seated at bis table, ordering lamislirrealib- mients; foýr DonEnrio xas asso- citdwith i nucli'of HiYatala'sý wealliy an;just 'as, Higgîins iiglit haebeen We-altlý iy iadliec avatiled hIimself of the coautes opprtnitesoffered for self SoîmewI-at nnioyinigly Don En1- rice on lopolized Diekie, buttoni- holing iim iito discussapoica situation; amd winteorchestraO resiiued, Lafallette cletdDol- ores as a catter of course and took lieu away. "I{e's dlîghitful," etue Donna Elenoî'ai. "ene more of lis stamp in a Jsf Richard, It's tihrilling tou, ik i ia making a long atuhee." Captain Barker, whe had et lier on a pn vius visi, approaci- ed, sliiiier fvors ooli lier away,. figins grw ware of a definte dilike for DonEn- ~ rico, whe pj-rosed On ponderously about matters tha,ý fuil of itl est initlie ConsuLarOff Ie, ap- peared ingularly inappoAltu lee in tlie busy pto "Witsthatfcow aflets backroud?"Dickieasea qsoon as lie got anil otuiyt speai. Don Enrico h'gedti erantly, crdetils"lie sa>d, sDo ores uareathierage." lue urge szed Higgins to propose tliee and tlien for the girl; thiere wvas sti110eno-gb of the patrarclil habit pesistig buHiatlate ow afather te liave aSay"' in his auhe'sds tiny. DPon Enrueovas udrobli- gaios o him; comniuon gratitude wrould probably iake hinu îecQp- tire of sucli aniea But lielied an Anglo-Sax-,on Lis ,tedo- lis own love-muakig itou outside lielp. Helie s old-fasbioned enougli te wîsh te be Iovedý for whalitever qualitieýs lie posseaýsed; anrd, too, lie liad atwingecof infeiîority complexwliicli compweîdte com- pare bis solid qalta etii disfavour witliLflet' more obvious cliarmns. Anld ayw migltn't lie- be bark11itgngiuptlie wrong tree? FBut he dý id ask DJon Enrico if lie w an objections to Dolores ,7,ariiig ubis comanl the busyouofdrs "My deur King," laagled tlie you to play guardian ttlie ch bld. England lias improved ber, Yes; wonder if I ee s o edler thr.i" ase nt her's swsli,Vh of course. eprmsststre a few of tlie moreconevtv before a littlime ýiaspssd If you can ttor ie- I ku1!ýow she,'s sf it ou o'1ïi make me youreeisigdbo. officntiaiption! lie ', st-ying to thinkup1)a suitable îeply alien the foor *I Tu hese bu1sy daýy sçofwaryoucw - t ta your rcotry-ae xwell as ta your- self-to lkee-p "lu the pinkc". That's why it'ÈScse important ta avoid the commron type, of cntpto caused by 1-lckof "bulk" in the diet. And dIt. àby getting r-ight at the c:aLîS& instead of "dosing" wlth harsh purga- tives thlat give ouly t'emporary relief. Just follow this simple plan. Eat TABLETALKS Honey Cakes Your fmîy r,,ves écake-but you:r sugaîi supply is lun'? Al nigit ! lie f re ec i .(ipe for a cliecolat-ecake , tual ma1;y be pre- parede ,ithiut a particle of zsugar: Ail Honey Chocolat e Cake 2:P capî sfte-d cakeur 112 oten or li UCe, i , Elted .ù teso n evanile' soda csud sait (1nsifi t ýogect ier ï1ionley gad -lY,)bcating h i 9 l alter cadi add1liiin. AddI1. af flour and beaýt iuil aoolian well lil1çdd*,Adggs, ùanc ut a tiime, baignel f a di. Atiti eliocolate ai l !icd, Addrman ing flouLr fa irs ateatl urcl alercuc aditîn. Addi vailla Ba 1ke l t'ng; asei (35 0 'F. 3 0 mnues, or aIl ofcae Fo '!es rsats beut vejry weil m Aid liere la arecipe for unr olng ckeusngequa!L, uanfi- ticsof lancyand sagar:. HOncy Orange Cake sCap shortemngiý 1 egg, n'eillliaten 14 teasp5oon soda /4teas-poonsal Vs cp liiney sîreddeti orange peel (3oer 4 oranýges) /cup ragejuice 1 feaspoent grated lemon peel Creaim 0shotening. MAdd sagan graduully addtihoacy, ereaiang constanfly. ýBe'at ila eg. SifIdry ingredient, tlioroughly (fleur, soda, liaking pon'der, saît), add o)range peel and hemon pccl. Comr- bie dry iagredients aud orange juice alternatcly ta eceamiet mix- turelieginniag aad cniag witb kÉLL-OGG'S ALL-BRA1N everv day I It's delicioas a- a cereal or lu hot; tasty mfis Drink plenty of water. Then See if YOeUdon"t agree ALL-BlRAx la the "better wý.av" ta natu2raf regt2- larity. But reebeet ALL-BRAN every --day! Grocers ýhave ALL-BRANI l tw Convenient sizes-. Made by Kellogg'u lu Landaul, Canada. flou miture Speadin ell1 greaed cke pn, ( itre is quite tblck). Bake at 35ýOdgree-s F. about 40 ilnutes, Serve plain, iced, -orcwith bfot fruit sue Aslingle llC00Vicýtory Bl.'ond iýjjll buy 11,300 rounds, of anuiriioný) fr a -8303 rifle. Bonds b ýuy bol- soa _ ~u~the n a vw~ tgJg f~isIs~ ml" ,~N Q PI O orkrshae ackd aidas'Iarir XiordL-d atrad t th înenE iaîîalv rCe mllon o an , dduiL -----------------