Atar udglpet i ayLike To GieBut NevrtèlssThey Wijl Piy taui 1- ritdns Mew budgette '~-'~ inreses -oa:chesi 1-be litI!e perp: Y oupBritan1ey bomeory in- dgat.]heir ninainflUe cinemacs, tîearePtbsand 1tbe A tobacniAt, osing up is shtsp fort ng,,lao- ofd inglyars h one n ad Thy W l o oaln nssg1oa A ecaer unonado isF'W. Stee oo oeboîifod10ke pi-ies go-na," Then, ladoflnc: 11go c eyfortaigbt and Cjfoeu 1hem." ise tbugPht again ayd edd week,"raid eue tid about a ï;1y0i asWante;d I10 Sec particulariy, 1-a piio 1li nw e s on dg, . vousc01e a package OL 20 cigarttes fr1m44 1co53 Icents-woulDnot bon sales aft - e -fit.wek, aid we a buinesmancame ite 1-Le pubý an adSir Ptic1 ano,,es ber, of Primotadpresidea-t to 1-be Natuinal Union 0 Mnua(uÀ ar, ai te iunion weicms1h 1be waraWffort,"ar btheatra, when asked wbat 1-h naw taxe wouid o tMbs businless, 1-e e s ald fla two yers1-ey wîIlbe cuin 1-bcs '-begood lsi days'" But1-b gipig waton 1-ar I nto tho-igî.The FBritisb peoplýe love theil, cobe-aPea teeai- 1othose go onuo as 1-eywiltake bstae ad s 1-eyknw1batif any poi i1b wo- oa tke 1-bs kid Of 1-bin tbey eau.cBats1-ey aî'e nutgoing 1-o b)e 1-beOnes ý 1isick tercat aud Iohms o>11,andsy:Welpy Tbeyll pay ai l igbt, bt 1by gissting. The cadesTo hall! what coants.- Tank PinReaed Ciaainane ocsae1h 9soure. A Nazi ank trsk pin ad ia Oaa of lie exemig 1aies of 1-be wr-the a1cou ofho Amnercan bomibiagraid on Tokio oaa year ag-vs old of"c-)vne day "Set we.Naxt !day 1-etg, e ýof eigî apuedAmrca fy ers warje ,ecated by 1-h Japan- ese. dospirto1ha fact 1-bt 1-ey NwYorkHradTiueJi y Doolittiedidnoiovafre wbt1b4a!get w,,as 1-obe, ut halu roujnded a"p 150 ounesi WyTaxas nd took-emanq twtty bomnbera -o lia1-o dril.OAfm ho-w1-o ot nto 1-be airnol 800D atand 1-o raaarsdbo 1-bey woald fly iw over 1let n nansed ojcie. Tha planas: wuýeealtuleo;-ie eiygunwhh woul ha solee whn fliagso iow wasrepiace witz(agua to were nsaladfor a 1long fiîgbt; placed i ha 20-cent s 3 ir s n cretsCoald ,fallillitoJaan eeabaus. By 1-a 1-lae 1-bIe-yars oarded niot iaformevd of thei msson and eigbty en. Tue bombera ;ac:s groat awýing spread 1-at 1-eyhaU-J o hoarrvied on 1 fiig-bt dock laehad ltothoýr.Te sixtee teekop so macýuh o 1-at oaýly 5î0» foot o doc-(k spaca 'gasebi't free for 1b aeofra Todays out at sas anMIan- cmadro f 1ho fleettaeký sýpe-akers:1b ojoo-is is sdon î -obomrb ToIlo. The ýfI.vers herdand hoard 1-ble de-tailed Plan. IThe ariz w dapproach te-omm ib400 nmi f Japen. The anes wouId take offAt fusk, bomb ýTokio bhy nigbht, fio -o Chîeseaifiedaand lauld ada- Change o'f Plans% O'n I-e moniugof 1lie biga, April 18, a grava hlitcboelpd At dwnaJapanosa ta 114-hva la sigb il An Aerican caie sankil meitlbthd1h trawIer alieadly waraed Tokio hy; 7radi? d mirva i alSey wg wagged -beprobloau 1eJim Dootl'lteon1hoe arer fw coni e, we ay rua ntodisse- te;canyurplanes nmakteToî-joý fro ibre? Doiti adyeeý. Su at 8020H1-bat mnith1-e si- teanplanestokff, 800 mile stead of by nigh. At igh 'noon 1-ey suîî e1h rfs of t,îTokio. Oua y oaaeaCC objective Afeac lane =asCbeck- ed of-ank facto)ri, shlpyards, airpianaplants.Theycoad have homhd 1ho lapoialpalace, but 1-beEmprerwasnet a miitaryýý objctivýanad of roistix aly minior importane. The planes thon boadad back ont 1-osen for ty mules1to fuel 1ha nmc eoetarniugsoh îreacuïa irfi elda lu n occpied Chia pila -eimpracutinbt cy-e eanfocd hng u ce montinl Itchdnrkan ous jumpd l thir arcd ý hes tUIsto Most f 1be men ianded in un- ocuidChinlea ad eetai adee ir ayto h ing; smenoae fihtnginNorth' Afica. uA few o the lersho- ever, ianded i aansàccpe China. Tw,ýo nceer'have ibeen iac- counted for. Eight weie cpue by the Japanese, Japan KilSPionr Be'for)e th wa Jaan oieoi agreed to abide by the interna- tional Geneva convention on the treatmenit of wavpionrB ut six PeeksPago ou r govr 1 ent ieared romJapan, throuigh the, medumof heSwviýss Minlister at Tokiýo, that ail of theegh cap- tured îyeswere setece w death 1forsome the aetenevas three, aithoug 1-benmbr snot the State Department said; they had Orders A-oattackonly Miiitary objsectves and "it is kaown that they did not deviate therefrom." Tokio insinuated that the muen whýose death setene were comr- mutI 1ed haad dmte aigat.. tacked n]on-comnbatants. The -'State Deartmens rep was thauthere have been ueru knw i- stances in, whcih Japanese officiai agenlciecs have emrployedï brutal endf besimethoda in extorting aileged confesions Srom persoas in their poser?" 'NEW POST Japani 1ese Amilbassiador' to Grjeat j Brta1in, n ]ew Foreign initrl Ishmke-up of' Tokîo cbnt i anese co-operation wýihU, S. and Brita1in, his appol-intmiet sggs thtJaps e-xpect even1tual -Axisý defat i;and aeprprgfort GldrTakes OffE Fro- am The Wate A glîdeýr aapedwî loatls unde1-be wingt1o eabeit Windermere, Eniand rceniy fa.ýis seedbot 1- about 0 .pW The1 ie r wsGsorarbrn ing. A il glidelrs arm dpenen rane o eap1-emfling >tma be mor diffiuittofndths unmder variou cnm1-on Lo est THE WAR- WEEK -Cmetr on Current EventIs Story 0f Amieri*can Bombing Raid On Tokilo One Year Ago REG'LAR FELLERS-Message to Heinbockle a THIS CURIOUS WORLD By Wiiarm OF 'fH E LIVELIEFST RAINBIRD Aohrgranid od ady has she r-aly bs oetig. 7L.H iRaciid, of Brentwood, Eng., gets u'P .a1,7îa.mand cooks break- fast,-and she bas justý celebrated her lO4th- birthd-ay, Anîd 1-be rest of the Rihidwe spoe stay in their nest und let beï- do LONDON'S EXAMIPLE London, Enig., in a;,k ekin the,( fourth year of 1hewur" raised $600,000l,000 in a"insfrvc tory" campaigia to back the R.A.F. Ail Canada isben asked 1-o naise I1,10,000000,hao! a boilo more, iin the thre weks iin 1ha ForhVictory Loan!. If London biedanzd bighted by G (erinan boWmeau do it, thmeeshoud be uno doabt of Canadas answer. -TeLethhiridge H1eraidý -oU-- POST-WVAR T-HOUGHT A scientiet predicte tLat Sonie day wewiil b abte-ive on air. Beutoat as it May, we are hopmng lfor t4 eday whela the Wareds and we ill be able to vall, on t. -ChahamNewvs THE RADIO EAR Wbhy i hith1-e average personl can i sý,tinctly hear Ca dock tic'k across 1-be roomi. yet cant ear tub io ftom a disaîe of eight feet if it isn't l-1-rned u-p 1-o hog- Calling volume'? --St. LusStar,-TLime-',S CRUMY The new "'%ctouy suge is to ontinvarlous adsundry susacsbesi-de-s nea- mrking the first appearanc,: wýe blee of bs in tights. --Grit ANDO THE HARNESS? The renaisance of nis nob- lest friend trsoutt1-o be very,, tiel; utater eâtinig -be hor'se, what do we do wih the bugg-y?, StratfordBeonHad BATH FOR ROMMEL de,ýcent sort of hp-e' rm îsed tg ofr -eoider of the Bath on Romm-in te sModi- ADVICE TO FATTILS Weight nmeuft peokpie ul and iftbe'resmattha pnffing -wijli make them it -Kitchener Record Record %0f British Planes Flew 10,000,000 Milesý DuigLast Vear Aîrways flyag boats and LanO plnes flew about toopo miles Wu na aggree flying ltsmoi about 6ï,250 moins, Canrying ap- proximatoiy 43,000passengers,851; ton, cf mailsd 22 tns out là ihtl1ha Air Ministry re-ports. ThÉotal a saermie lown- pîocvideci wae roughly 2L1un0,0, cipedwitb1, 724to-ie iii 1941andi 8,74,072 N i1940. Tha airrant- iy anamod ,end ir4unetly1-ey have been abon fraîgit. nore tirnoro ndthe nt~Kigon Pamoro snd"Lags, to and -rom Lagos iand 1-a nitsiKii!ndom, beteeauitaibn aîîdlishoeWn, cs Afrîica to the'MidLaq astJ u !rMySeutm wfincae1-o Idia;sud Mus pse aei-de lIaroM1-a r- anadCaadca sud maiutan erv mias botoeud1-be U dKidmC ,AriAf]o 1o -be ntel Staas tory BondAR ica0sudadgacai- thedli "the tyas'f hiaudpiu IFE'S LIKE THAT London Repairs Lighting System,- Leudot's.long-used srîct MUistry0au Homyendacarltyeordar ama u bot n-b orand btanybit ons Loal coe rceved argent îssîsyo!wih lad beau smashad hi bmbig raid, By Fred Neheý-r aorry to diatnrb yuu, inister - . , . but I csn't get aIl tIsa silverware lu my pockets," B'y GENE BRE ANS WER: uoe NEXT: Thea b rc iwtr