* THE ÇORONO The Orono Weekly Times iEstablished January, 1937. Pubiished every Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Advertising Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subscriptions to the Unitedl States, $2.00 All Job Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publishier INVENTIONS AND) WAR Six inventions deveioped duringl this century have mnadeP World War Il different fronial othier wftrs. They are the automobile, airpiane, te-leplhone, radio, rayon and modbion piotures. AIIýied shipping losses for lastl year amyouiit te monýre than1,0,0 tons. iearly ail tihese ship- wouldl be oaded ith fooci, wa naierial.1 i i ~v 4 i 'o The Toronto M1aple Leadf lasebali eluLÈbare ight now having n field dajjy. il, their. last three gamnes theY have blani'ked their rivals, Baltimore,l Syracuse and Wednesduay tbey also 1hlan-ked the NeuwarkBas Have you beicomie a memnber ýof the Or-ono Fish and -Hunt Club ? Most likely the -heaviest fish wilil. e caught on opening day' and yout have to le a meinuber to 'i a prize. Jbin now. FOR RENT Stone Flouse on Fifth Line, 1112 miles east of Orono. Apply to R. R. Waddell, ýOrono, Ont.tf Wulbb Hall in Toronto can serve meals to 7,00 ýsoldiers th-ree tim-es a day. A $100 Victory Bondi will f eed one soldier for more than two months. BUTCHERS CAN RAISE PRICE 0F MEAT½ CENT POUND Pu,-ces oef beef can now be raÀiseu one-haif cenrt per pound coîmmencing (tàKdaýy) ThuLrsday. The Wartimne Prices and Tinde hoard authorized a wholesale price increcase- for carcanses, sides and quarters of beef of ,-0 cents per hundredwei-iht, effective todalj, whieh pernmt frectiomnal inreases in consuer pnrices. Sýtill the weither keeps woid, nuwi amid Han.Iere it is the 29tli ou AI>ril and t-he farmners lhave been unable to iuork ,on tfie lnd as Yet. Classified FOR SALE Thirty :Pigs, six weeks old. A~Ply to A. H. Keane, Phone 51 r- 3, Orono. FOR SALE Lalge Wicker Baby Carniage, in good condition. RulUber-tirecd wheels. Mrs. WV. H. Roçwe, Phone 20 r 11, Orono Mili. c-16-c. GOLD MEDAL CONTEST Plan to abtend the W.C.T.U. Gold Medal Contest in Park St. United Crureh, Orono, oun Friday, MLay l4th. Eighit contestants and &other pro- programme. Lunch served. e-17-c. TEACUER WANTED Qualified Protestant teacher for S.S. No. 8, Antioch, Clarke Town- sp.Duties to commience Sept. lst. State salary. R. E. Otto Coatham, Secretary, R. R. No. 1, rono. c1-p I _______________________________________________________ hi ______________________________________ STOVE FOË SALE One Second-hand Quebec Stove for sale. .Apply to Logan, Oroniý. Cou R. I :uk1 Lf. Auction Sale The undersigned iafetioneer has received instuc*t ions fromn MRS. GORDON Main Street South, Orono to sellIhy -puIblie auction on, SATURDAY, MAY 8th, 1943 the f.ollowing Household Effects: Beds, Sprinigs, -Mattresses, Chest of Dra4wevs, cupboard, Stove, Stove Pipes, Tulbs, Ralkes, Shýovels, Dishes, a.nd- niany other articles. Ail in good condition. Ail must lie sold. Anyo-ne wis-hing to dinjpose of any articles m'ay do so by bringing -hem to the sale. T R S C S Sale to conience at 1.30 q.m. GEO. KEYES, Auctioneer. c-16-p. éw O N'IABIO has done well n er contribution of mnanpower and resouirces te the prosecu. tien of the war. Onitarie must do stilI more in providing the sinews ef war, by supporting the Fouirth Victory Loan te the limit of the ability of every citizen. Our men hii the fighti2ng serv- ices will give ail th.ey have. Our people on the Home Front can do ne less. The Fourth Victory Loan is your opportun- lty te join with the Navy, the Army and Air Fore in an ail-eut offensive. You cairnnt be there in persen, but your dollars can be there for von, and will provide the materials and munitions se vital te the succese of the armed forces. The Governmnent of Ontario is backing the Loan by the investmient of $5,000,000 in the new Victory Bonds. This is Ontario's officiai con- tribution towards strengthieninig the hands of the Dominion Govermuient in its tremendous task of financing the total war effort that is needed. It is the tangible piedge of the Ontario Govern- Ment that it wil co-operate to the f ullesi Possible extent with the Dominioni Goverinmenit in the drive for final victory. The action of the Governmuent of Ontario is designed te give practical leadership te aIl the eltizens of the Province, and shouild be an example and an inspiration te our people te accept this Fourth Victory Loan as a personal challenge to do their part to "Back the Attack"9 and hasten the day of Victory. As the old Parish Rector said at the close of the remarkable film, ",Mrs. Miniver", "This is the peeple's m7ar! It is our war. We are the fighters. Fighit il, dieu, Fight it with all thati is in us." We, the peeple of Ontario, must figlit it with our dollars. Your purchases of Victory Bonds will help te send Ontario over the top again in support of our fighting men. They will do their part when the time ef attaclemes. We must do ours to-day. G. D). CONANT, Premier, Province 01 Ontario. SdN,,'ef Prof essional Directory MEDICAL PUII.ISFIED BY AUTHORITY 0F THE GOVE RNMENT 0F THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO summu - -, M magenual% 1 A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON Office fours: 2.00 to 4,00 p.n.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.~ PIHONE 47r! ORONO VETERINARYj Wilfred W. Sherwin B. V. Se., VETERINARY SURGEO~N Office : Main st. Orono Pihone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont,. J. C. GÂMEY INSURANCE Fire, Cauualty, Automo- bile anid Liability Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Oonduetz Auction Sales of aR im&ze and at reasonable rates. Commuinicate with hlm at P.oe Ferry, On tario, or see bis GIe*, 'L E Morton, at Orono, for, date. FF. MVorris &Son Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanvîlle - Orono Phoncs: Bowmianville., Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 1h, O1lest, largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST. Our Goeds-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOW EST J MORRIS & SON iBOWMANVILLE -ORONO -Vww E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASUJALTY AND LIARILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING some of the Largest, Strongest and M1ost Reliable Insurance Firms la Canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared to quote you rates from 40c. a htùndred, according to classification of Phone, write, or better stili, cali. I wil e pleased to quote you rates on your property > which will surprise' you. >HON. H. C. NIXON 1 1 MEDICAL