Great Britain's MateloTowers HMundrcds ý uîit Te Mee wipoleo's Invasion hra Todiay' British Gvruet ~out andosaI coaI-lies, ith au have doese withaciuke wriesK.Silu tireWindsotar For, wýimu tataehekb jow wý,îIci Ili met moem nti Iircaf tami ilro knowsvwa- .other defienceS of ti presenuti wrstli stIadsreof tireleie-s of towers tiraI anotirer Briial v:asýion-mmnIdedNpeeu .Iut over 50years age. Srugain Chanel bsace hyqtOfun ,250,000 goe, PSONlLndoc rik aI-a aI-ef 2,000o gîsrpounds apioe, sud!cshed tiremarte Towers. Along I-ireuinerable bult -hm;aud, ýfor otiror in îvas-, ion ,reaos, Ca ,noaa adthin teeo; has thonstili, pniplyat Quebýec,Kustn Haia ad $t. John, Tire SI-o of tie Martell Tow-ers gesback te 179ý3. lui thatu yrLritainsenIýtoteaid tiireCor- sicans Ihu hoI-ý,iy insgent r~ Jat -ho aleof tiroir isiaud hby the ~ Genoese tateirePenci , -rre obshisof tirehune sud twofrges uinder tirecommn1aud of Lod Uodi tower con Cape MaI-elle, offwit mus later known as Mote-lle Bay, brougirI-evideuce tu tirte chrlar shape os tireIower ws Merel deflecting I-ho Canumonais. S HII-la danaige %vas ieing douei aud tire Jo, after bmad ing tire towter. forthflreohnours, were cbigetIo haul offnee be- iu-g afhre, sud wI-r eaiyahu.. drad dead sud wonuused Ouber doks, ., TieShore batterieswer eqal-yhoplsa ire ttciwas couIinued nex!t day, hwîeand M-iistie a lucky Mro n sotfre t an interios.ii)iug cf wocder udtiregariof 33 uesui- rendered. el'osa;d thatit lrý ad halId Oeut agai nat mrI-f c)00 uns ,of tire Briisir Navy with b 'uit irrep tof its own, faCle, yet tire govermnet wý.a5 ;low I-o appr-ove wliatBitsrml. taryirrnds were quici I-osee. I-iaI- a cor4n of simlar towers -addd I-o isin oai dfece wvould 1ha ,powerfui isuran eireyplans were oinade, but wiI-hkNapoleon Ithon roceked b Neis'on at tire N , Sir Sidn'b-:y zmti a-Acre, by tire BitisirI Amý)y lu;n pt iis ubeqen age etoIho Peae cf Iniena. made now defeucsappear un- xrceasary. But NapoieOus"Cpae, Pr79- I-hrcwu e tca mclee 1,se a-twiter feux nd teou, eer teleToesIrelal e ugI-rie gun I-o ho dopted by gvmm mravou or ne, Napoleonwirhiis fiatboI-omedfleetnrred y tia-ho hould net do se, I-at stripbetwen iHytire au Safr 15 lchesthiI hir oiylools werefrcm10b-e 20 feet renthre SuN DA y S CHOO 0L L ES SONI PETER AND JOHN PREACH TO SAMARITANS PRiNTED TEXT, Acti 8:ý14-25 ayes;, and IlOoL< n irIe fields, that tha-y-are whita alireadly untO lu-r- Veat, John 4:35. MeoyVerýe: TireLodsry irelerHebeas13:6. THïE LESSON IN ITS SETTiNý,G Sycer anad Shecabrn. were auI- Jou ead ptirI-Sa- (mot I-by sent au-tIhonmPeer sudl John." They were doubtis, I sent I-tifise-I 0-howok a see bad I-e fonae dgnrenI-uponità; rate iho inspiration ocftireap- I-les, it isclear ta hyhdt WaguIe, debate, thmnk, sudbanc HcevedI-blat tire gida c f I-ha Hlo ly Spiýiit w-aav vucliafS cusn sd icrcru ofopn io,ï ,guided nd a n1iýýýDî1cIt-fied by 1prayer'. Thireu apo)sile diy ";d is- cbarged tioir'urîsson, sud b ceived tir- f -re Hlloy Sprit, LaYing On 0fHad "Wir, wien I-bey ore oa down prayed forIen, I-bat tirecy uriirI reeiv I-o Ulyspirit: fer a s y',eui-i asfal"liuponnoef I-hem:nyIie had boeeni ap 'I7(izedlu-etire uueo ieLord, 1JeasTiren laid I-ey their hands on Ie, sud-bey received I-r Holy Split." lTirera canut ha any ressorsunte L UnIIbevaldiI-y cf phuwps baptis"ansd 1t i theiirefere e'dn -bt I-i . yig Ou off ianda is here ditinIct frein baptfisin. Tire SanraIritan (couverts hac-ame by I-ie amiitrtonc and tira laying tu of irardswas neot se)rir hacoietion cfbap tiai asan adto t iiNw henSion ssi Iba A-hroug2 tire ling on cf)I-b Wasgiven ie(ffeeII-eu w0onoysayin)g, Give me):(2aiso -ii my b fauds, bIre irray rcev Ih cupidiIy cf Simon irad surnboeed for aeI-oe, but was now avrsed wirih îvuldplac aI-iri comaîr scie, bthd enn isac ben irnferd toirs Peter Rebukes Simon gif- f Cd iir mopey. TE.ou i)fere l;ed." Uere La a dubl reveatie, fisI- fiPees"sorv Peerha raa fuitsut leove fe roeuwa eteu f -hm Iscarot. eternxayhave-rot I-bingire kuw, I-a I-bp g ospec if, perinapa t'he tOiugimt ef tlq heart 'sha01bc eriv0jh%."O tCe cuiîdiioii Afp&iiypr and rt pentance net nycudteset auIger of God aise.Bunt teprs Foins te impy tat t Pte' mmIid there was nlçmuch hop(e et such rpnac.H iii ntrde- cIaet1hat t îes net, net oxeu. coveeu~n5s, hichis idlairy "For 1 s"eetha tho I[tin ire gailcf btteressand 7ýu tr bn of iiuiy"Tinspaagwo buply -that Sino hd gn ri 'In- eevl te notheix ilu te 1mtsprisener. Sio' Fa nou% e efth Ing wicmy hv spoken corne Upen me." Si ,n here spek-s rnch a bro hardened hos heurt atterwardsI meeyfor. the aetn fth, set f erthi ie e trrr cf e aa Subaequent Lbr Thytherefole, when they ha testifed andspeken chue word ci thre Lord, returned te Jerlei, arrd preacefid tire gospel t aixry villages of the aur-aitas"W thiey hiad seen cOnvince!d Ihm tire fitness ofpIdur SamWaritaus reCeive the gospel, and they fent that the tvrne had corne te rîc het eh WS clirsu wi revolver Ibullet fireýd t a rang BondilH buy 42 ife saviug hel- Mets. Buy your spare te-day! HRADIO REPORTER REX FROST Winteoradlosears en coig ta close ti oieal htmn broacastng chedule.Oid win- I-beocai te U be rekpled by -new prlogam m ud cangieg soîce- ,ýIorintin iI-be Ufrnb ited tates fronts, :sud the iittos h gasolinle rtoigbv mo cf keepiug myoepeoplraarI te tire usefuinesscf the0àrceving sets. Prom theI %United ~tt~cre new,,s tirttre Nati.)ial raat în'g anpnysd I-b,ýe Clmi nyforihe nost dosikahie broadý- castiuýg peiodms, butevnaie o cayngu though thu summer-, in, order tem[kecertinLof!iri turne for nct i tev seas. As tire Amercancains ha', o Cana- dian otietsitlo)ks ac;ioui sumner I-ho standard ofpro- gramImes in the omnonwilb ighIer than sui.Maypeople ivre pr.edîcted that, xvith t) he dwindiling ofronumr ood, ra- iong snd se on adIvertisers wudtend t isper10intr aihvaîon1ta -a ees lm the case. WiMou yrgri spousos have %vti or uothngI- seli, they appsronuivbelieve it la good buies e eptIheir naines- before I-he public. What la I ofrdola true ase of the preas Advcriserslu weekiy nlewspapersý wht I-ho bg felows are doug. by-play ecitin fsportsb 2-unning r adrio esritins o parades sud clbratiens sud a denand ee the1r events cof tla cnrne%-uare ËuI-is gr busnes c 'Ln e ikoi Ate-h broadcsst os' atguAr-cedl diectfruxtiefrotIle.A Londo, Eniaud whee howifl hlead the tvrseas staff, The wll tire TrouteStar wijllbce set-up, sud wîll f olow Canadian trooa sint cenesof action lur luiC ý I-ona h urc. Matthew U; al- ton b aaready gaine! faine for -zon.1e s. As pan,îs are eiu aado ut preseutdesripion ofcornîing btisw-11l be recerded on tire spotli-be fightnglinos sudthe dicsruhe t onden , ïfre will Caain ogioen a mr realisIic udrtuigof the biter strugge ià which WCear now engaged. Loyers cf goodimsla- airwaves whe tiSsI-Mar usicl aggregaA-on began ins seventeenti seaUson ou suuday atm nnpo willbe cudutediby aroid îBa- LOOK WHO .LAUGH$S WVhaïtsHitierlaughing about? Ge'ebbels ijÙsttidhmCtaau purchasès. Yeu Can prove Goeb- bels alanMd wipe the amile ff Hitler' face by gettingouiutna), ready auno cunc is eofd iugi-shedcpoprios. CI-c Toronto5A5it carry tse nyabe feogame of t e 43 nud ft r-i CPI-B aIe anoune orchnge Pridys 545 e Gp.m e un Us, porog rammefoi ets, usred philosonphy hoand>4uarn f itinularontereat telmistenrs 'tQF5 ALL THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF CANADA