ORONO This page lias always been used f o carry our correspondenée throughout the Township. Owing to heavy national advertising correspondence and other news will be f ound on page three. The World's News Seen Through, THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An In,,terniationlal Daiiy News pape? is Truthful-Construictive--Unbiased-Free f rom Sensational- ism - Editorials Are Timecly and Instructive, and has Daily Featires, Together with tise Weekly Magazine Section, Malte tise Monitor an Ideal Newspaper fer tise Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetta Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Montis. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2 .60 a Year. lrtroductory Offer, 6 Issaes 25 Cents. Name-- ---------- Address.--------------------------------------- SAMPLE COPY ON -RE-QUESI IF DISCIIARGED HAVE YOIJ RECEl VED YOUR BlADGE Otaw, ~pi122.- Dischap ged or tetired soldiers of the Canadianl Active. Armiy are urgenýitly rc(quýetd to commuiitnica-te with the Awards Section cd the~ Departmnst of Na- tionial Defence, Ottawva, gi-ving their presnt aUdr'ess so, that the War Service (Disceharged) Badge may bel m.ailed to them. Several thousands of men cwho leftý the 'Service bèfore February 1942, w-hen the War Service 'Badge was flrst issued, cannot bé Iocated. Re- latives and friends of such former soldiers are asked to communicate infdrination of this award to them. The lapel badge, in the forrn of shield, surmounted by a ýcrowni, con- tains three red maplec leaves oni a sul- ver back-ground, wiith blhe words "General Service." On therees sie is inscribed a serial numb'fer to alid i identification ifl1ost. BUY VICTORY BONDS FORMIER PORT HIOPE IGU- SCHOOL STAFF RE-INSTATED At ametg of Port Hope Illigh Sochool Board held recently it was dle- iddto re-engage the former Hligh School -staff and ask the presenit staff to terminate their duties next Juneif. The motion wvas as f'ollows "In accordanice withi the mand-ate from the electors àt Port Hope who decided at thse poils that the old staff and principal should be re-enlgaged, wie do hereby termanate your con- tract with the Port Hope EHigh School Board as of June 3th, 1943, with this official notice dated April iStis, 194V', Your $100 Victory Bond can- help wxhip up good metals for ta lot af soldiers. It will buy &0 potato mnasher.s and 27egletes Since Jîuly the departmenit of munitions and supply has bought 4,000 mnash- ers and 6,400 beuaters'. BONDIS MEAN VICTORY To HeIpH'Im NOW..and When NeCores Home OUR SON (or your neighbor's so)is in battie dress perhaps on a ship at sea, or flying a bomber. You are proud of him, but you pray for the time when he will be back home. You wilL do anything you can, you say, ... everything you can to brin., hlm home safe, and brihg him home soon. Well, here is one thing you can do. * You can buy Victory Bonds. When you buy Victory Bonds you ' help your boy to do the big job he is A' doing now. You help to make sure that he has everything he needs; better equipment than the enemy has. And you are saving money to havea <ÎÏJ % better home for your boy to return to. HAVE MONEY FOR NIL" WHEN NE COMES HOME He will want to work with new farm implemnents. . new equipment .. . to replace things that may be worn out. s He will have new ideas to improve the farm, He may want to experiment with new crops, new stock, new farm- . . .. . . .ing mnethods. He's young and ambi- tious as you want him to be. He will need money to do things he plans to do. Victory Bonds.. money saved now and loaned to Canada to a:: help win the war .. will be yours and his to use when the war is over. ACK T/MINTACK $s WHAT US A VICTORY BOND? VICTORY BOND is tise prom-ise of thse Dominion of Canada to repay in is the full face value of tise Bond at tise ti-me stipulated, witis half-yearly .erest at tise rate of 3% per annum until mnaturïty. A Victory Bond îs thse fest investment in Canada. Tise entire resources of thse Dominion stand hind it. Canada isas been issuing bonds for 75 years, and isas neyer failed to iy every dollar of prinipipal and interest. A Victory Bond is an1 asset morwe adily converted into cash tisan any otiser aecurity. Wear this emblem iof Victory -â Charles Tyrrel Phone 68 ORONO, ont. IIAgent for J ackrnan Flowers. Prescription SpecialistI Stedmiani's Sto-ve Pipe Enaniel for a La-sting glossy finlish to yu stove pipes. Helps to prevent rust, 1-29 pint tin ........... ....... ..... 15c, Reversible Dusting Mops, long cotton filler, smooth finish handie, each ....... ........ 45c. Dice-A-Doo cleans and restores paint brushes, per package......... .... ... .... ...... 5c. To cover dark paint or as priming coat, use Sted- mian's White Undercoat Paint, 1-2 pt. tin. .. 20c. Quart tin .......... .......... .......... 69c. For- a smiooth glossy finish put a coat of Stedmran's Gloss Enamel over the undercoat paint, 1-2 pt. tins.......... 27e. Quart tins ......... 79c. Plastic Pot Cleaners, can't rust or splinter .... 10c. Hou sehold Hammi-ers, each. .-. ...... .. ..... 25c. Cr-ack Filler, 1-4 lb. pkg. f or......... ....... 10c. White Wash Brushes, each ........ ....... 35c. Mothi Killers and Deodorizer Cakes, each on card .......... .................5c. Crepe Paper Napkiis, 70 heavy embossed nap- krns,pk...... .................. 15e. Children's Tracing Books,, Cut-out Books, Paint- ing, Books, new stock ........... 15c. and 20c. Meni's Red and White Bandana Handkerchiefs, liilted quanitity, 2 for ..- - .......... 25c. Crosse and Blackwell Tomato Ketchup, guaran- teed free from coloring matter, 141 oz. bottle 18e., Kraft Canadian Cheese, 1-2 lb. pkg. Special ... 19c. Thrift Soap Flakes, 3 lb. pkg. for....... ..... 29c. Palmolive Soap, 3 giant cakes......... ...... 25 C. Bc.k the Attack BUY VI'G'TORïY BOueND S uRONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE MotorEquimentPrivate Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers INDNESS COURTESY SERVICI Equipped to take care of ise modest f uneral at tise most reasonable charge as welI as the Iarýest and most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726. iNational War Finance Co mmitteeTeeonCletBwmvieO. K E yu can k.» Motor -Equipment TelephQne Collect Bowmanville, Ont.