îMr. anrd Mrs. F. O. CGoper, Oromo, Wish to announice the enga gemnenitof th,,ir only daugiliter Mlarlon Gwen- dolyrtO, to 2ndILt. Owen M. J. Fagan, sion of iMr. and rlrs. 0. 1D. Fagani, Bowmia-nville. The wedl- ding to taLe pla:ce early in Junie. CARD 0F THANKS The cfamily 'of' the late -Mrs. Edwv. Mortuion wish -to express their sinieere tbanks and appreciation for thle manry kind expressions oft syn-patily recoived duriag thieir recenurt sad be- reavement. IN ME-MORIA-M BDARNEIS - In lovinig miemory of our dear 0 Jack, -wbo passed away on MVay 4tjh, 1942, by euemy acetion. Gone from us but lioavingig emiories Death can nofver take away, Memories' thae will aliways linger While ulpon tihiseiarth -we stay. ---Lovingly rememibered by Mepther and Dad. "Bob" Brown plows a straight furrow and thinks in a straight line. He knows farmers' problerns. Here is what Bob Brown says about Victory Bonds: "If Canadians were asked to give money to heip to win the war, we would flot bc asked to make a big sacrifice. Some are giving their lives. But we are, asked to lend money'. I arn sure that farmers throughout Canada will bc glad to lend money to their country, for like ail other Canadians, they know we must do ail we can to help. "There is a. practical reason for buying Victory Bonds, too. -The rnoney we lend to Canada now, to help win the war, will be ours to use as we please after the war has been won. Ready cash will be handy to have when we will want to replace farm equipment that.is wearing out now. A farmer can aiways find a use for savings, and there is no better way to save than by investing ail we can in Vic tory Bonds." COMING EVENTS The rglrmonthly metig of the Orono Hortiejuturai Society will' he held !il the Stinday >SChool room of the Anglican 'Chureli on Monday ovening, Mlay l0th, at 8 o'clock. Thiere will be slidos on "A Perennial are"and programmie. Everyone weIcoine. FOR RENT Stone IHouse on Fifth Line, 11/2 nilles east of Orono. Apply to R. R. Waddell, Oronoj, Ont. VIL WANTED Nuniiber f catitie for sumner ~pasture, conimencing front May 24Vth. Running water. MVr. Frank Brownr, Orono, C-18-p. FOR SALE Large Wieker Baby C4rriage, in good condition. Rulber-tired wheels. Mrs. W. H. Ro{we, Phone 20 r 11, Ovono Miii. c-16-c. GOLD MEDAL CONTEST Meclal C(ontecst in Park, St. United Church, Orono, on Fridayv, May 14th. Eig-ht contes-tantIs and other pro- programml11-e. Lunch served. c-il-c. TEACHER WANTED Qualified Protestant teaýcher for S.S. No. 8, Antioch, Clarke Torwn- ship. Duties Vto commence Seýpt. lst. State salary. R. E. OtLto Coatham, Seceretary, R. R. No0. 1, orono. c-17-ip. STOVE ORSALE One S-cond,,-haadi, Quebec Cook Stove for sale. Apply to R. E. Loýgain, Orono. df. Aucetion Sale The iundersignied atictioneer bas received instructions from MRS. GORýDON -Main Street South, Orono Vo sol] by public auction onl SATURDAY, MAY 8th, 1943 the following Household Effeets: Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Chest of Drawers, cuiliboard, Stove, Stove Pipes, Tubfs, RaLkes, Shovels, Dislhes, ,,nd many other articles. Ail in gooüd condition. Ail miust be sold. Anyone rwishiag Vo dis!pose of any articles may do so by bringing blhem to the sale. TERMIS CASH Sale Vo comminence at 1.30 p.m. GEO. KEYEýS, Auctioneer. NE WTON VILLE iMrs. C. Morris spent af 0w days last week in Toronto. Mr. Coeci] Burley ariied homne laist woek from 'Labnador. Misses Wilma Prouse and Marion Bruce were in Toronto Fridlay. Soriy to roport iVirs. S. R. Jones quite ili in Port ýH(pe Hospital. Mr. A. Reicbrath is homie after spendirig, the -winter in Toronto. Mrs, Gordon is staying w'%ith ber grqînddIaughlter, -Mrs. Jack Kiniball. George -Moor'e, castleton, risited his sister, Mrs. J. Sta-rk, lasit weok. Raym-ond Gilmier A.C. 2 is taking a spoceial course ia Toronto this, weok. IIVTr. Chas Béeoe, Orono, -was a Sunday 'visitor at Mr. 'Lanson Mill- son s. MHrs. Henry Jones spenit the wieek- end -with her c4asin, Mrs. Corntih- -waite, 'Port 1Roýpe. - Mr. and lMIrs. Frank Gilmer and sons speat Sundlay ait Mr. Miut. Kim- baPLake Shore. Mesers. Lolard Milîson and Rofnald Towslùy, Poterboro, spent the rwveek- end at 3fr. Lanrson -Millson's. Those bginngshool alfter 'Eas- Ver -were Gloria Lanie, Winnie Sta- eey, Florence Rowe and Lauirie Sta- ýýOrono mg Ontario AUCTIONEERS TDJACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator 0Cond(uete Auction S'abes of ail iee and at reasoniable ratesl. Commurnîcate with hlm at Port Prerry, Ontario, or Seoebis a Oler , L E Morton, at Orono, for date. 1'F F.Morrîs & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Oronoo Phones: Bowmnanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complote Furnîture Store and Modern Funeral Service in 1 Durham ODur Service,-TH4E BEST Our Goods-THE NEW EST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON BOWMANVILLE -ORONO E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASIJALTY AÀND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASýTLE P. O. REPRESENTING some of the Largest, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn preparod to quote you rates f rom 40c. a hundreýd, according Vo classification of Building >Phone, write, or better still, cail. I will be pleasod to quolo you -rates on your prop)erty which Nwill surprise you. WIL'L PIJMP OUT DISPOSAL TANKS AÂT COUNTIES HOME Northuterlauld ïand Durhamn Counities Council held a special Ses- sion, ealled hy Warcben W. R. Pro.uso, Vo deal w vith the ener'ency wbich. resulted fromn the failiir. of tihe soïw- age disposai planitLat the counties home for the agod. The plaat bas heen operatiag suceýess'uily f or about 15 yoars but reenitly it brokie down du to a stoppage lai the sys- Atra detaied discussion on tihe mattor, council passedi a r'esolution, nmoved !by Reeve Char-los Calver of Clapibeilford airdj se'conded by Reeve Bort Reid ofClarke To'wnship, that the Board of Managemnent pumup out the tanks and repair Vile and if thlis doois noV reniedy the conditions, the Boaild is, autho'rized Vo take steps to disipose olf waste water froan th&e kiteien separate1y. MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHIYSICIAN anid SUR GEON Offioe Hours:ý 2.00 t, 4.00 p.a.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.=., PH OYE 47r1 RN VETERINARYj lfred W . Sherwin IB.V.Se., VETERINARY SURGEGN Office: Main st. 0Oronio Pihone 56 r 7, Orono; Ont. J. C. GAMEY 1IN SURA NC E Fire, Casualty, Automo. .bile and Liability