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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1943, p. 5

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CHARLES TYRRELL Prescription Speciaist Phone 68, Orono I SEEDCERTIFIEDI $3.75 PEmR BAG Alfalfa, Red; Timcýth-y, Sweet Clover Turnip Rape Mangel Seed McKenzie Pkg. and Bulk Garden Seeds ESSEX HYBRIID CORN Milorganite Fertilizer a-nd Climax Bug Killer LUNN HARDWARE -Phone 66 r 1 ORONO fRED & WITE STORESM-I Round Steak, lb. Sirloin Steak, IL Porterhouse Steak, lb. 37c 39c 43c We hope to have fish each Friday if at ail possible leave your order early California Carrots, 3 bunches 25C Supreme Shortening, IL print 18C Kraft Dinner, pkg. 18C Olives 6 oz. Jiar 34c 8 oz. jar 42c Nonsuch Black Cat Window Cleaner, bottle 1 5c Quix Cereal deal, 1 extra pkg. for lc Cross & Blackwell Catsup, btle. 20e Leaf Lettuce, bunch . 7c Eclipse Pastry lour, 241h. bag 71 c Cyrus Bread Flolur, 24 IL bag 69c Eclipse Pastry Flour, 7 IL bag 24e Fine assortment of fresh Chocolate Bars J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Tliursday, Sat. mornings Mr. and 'Mrs'. Parsons of Hospital 7ý j_ Villas, Col'well Road, lla'y7vard's PARK ST. UNITED CHtJRCI Hoath, Enlgland, annona the en- gagemient of their 'daughltpr Joani, to Rev. S. Litttlewo'od Sergeant Norman K. Biton, R)CA., SUNDAY, 7tMAY 9th soni of Mrs. L. Bruton), Orono. Pte. Horace York, of the Midland OHR DA Regimient, Prinee Ru.port, British F-AM,ýILY DAY ColuniJbia, arrireed in town early on1 You are urged to corne to Tuhsdn.ay mornirg 'oTf tliis week and Church ih your family. is spe.ndinîg a few days visit wvith- Arrange to cone together, sit 'bis parentýs, _Mr. and 3Mrs. York. ini the pew together, g-o for a walk together, and if there are Mvr. and rMrs. 0'Boylo, and faimily, any children te be baptized, a of Toronto, have r-ented MVrs. Jameý-is baptismal service will be ar- Eag;Loson'S rosidonce on Centre ranged. street and harvo tLken posisession. Worship_ at 11 a.mi. and 7 p.m.. ,Mr. 0,Boîyle is omployed in the- office "oortyfte n h 'of the 'Genoral ýMotors at Osthawa. "oertyfte n h A nuier of the offleers and mem-,ý0te. 'bers of Orono Lodige No. 436, 1.0. F., attonded 'the annual anniversary Service of, Durham Lodg'e No. 78, Port ýHope, on Sunday ofonngiay 2nd. Service -was 'held in 'St. Paul's Presbyterian *Chreh. Mr. J. P. Lorriman retu-rn-e(l homne on Monday last alter spending ten diays in Toronto with bis laugt and family, IMr. and iMrs. R. C. Elli6 an4d son of Sou h Poreuipine, and ailso his son, Capt. F. J. Lor,'nriman of North iBay, who spent last week-end 'with them. The roel mntly meeting -of the JOrono Red 'Cross Branch will hoý held this afternoon (Thuraiday), at three oû'clock. Th1e Womens War W'ork Cornimittoe have knittin~g on hand to be done and are 'hoping for the o-oiperation of the wom'en of ,the commiunity. Thie Normalites -of Orono are this wýveok teaching ischool in Clarko toiwn- ship. ýRuth Goode us at Enterprise; Marg-,aret 'Flintoif ut the Sixth Line School; Kathleen 'Simipson at Stark- ville; Gwen Tonnat at Cowaniviloe. and Joarne IForregter nt Crooked Creek scihool. Alter 'completîng this wadk in tho rural ,schootýs, they will P return to Normal for unther threo woohis. Thon they ýwîll bo through. Nearl'y ail fai=eorî when comjmen- ruing seed(ing operationis, imark ,ýthe date they started on the inside of Pro tho coiv of the drill. Whilo talk- inig with iMr. Wmi. Laing on Tues- SOI day aiiternoen, hoeinformed us that1 the latest ho ever so'wed nias on the cl second1 of May, and that onfly The f'arniers now are igradUa1lly g-et- a ting on the land, and i fiTe weather hlcis should ho seedinig the Ibegin- m n-ing of next woek. n Mr. Harry Bailey, nie feel quite certain, is the iuckio'st porson' la CIawk kodtewn'slip. On Wednesday of last week ut 6 lie hoinvestod 25c. on a draiw for a $5,0 Victory Bond on 'Linoe 3 nt Ajax. At ton' o'clock the dnaw -v nimade a-n-d huis numifier w\as drawu, rmaking $49.50 cloar pro- fit in four heurs. They also fiad a bat pol'on the hockev gamne betweon Winivlipe4g Rangers and' Oshawa Gen- orals. Bep drew W.innipeýg -and again. cleaned UiP on the mioney. Who -en beat that. Tlwice in one day. THE ORONO0 WEEKLY TIMES Loc l N ws MrArehie iWatLson la Visiting 'Loca News - ,ith"his parents, 'Mr. anid Mrs. Alec. Watson, ha'ving,, comlpieted his twol Mii'. Jrvn Raincy îs bacýk %t A jay year's course at the OntarioCoee and is ncwwoiç.ngon 'Line 1. 'f Phbarnacy, 'Toronto. Re'(-v. R. E. IMorton had Sund]ay tea wvith Mr. 'and Mrs. W. C. 'Crossley., Buy Victory Bondss 110w ami ren'p AC1 Enestof Db-rtthe benefit later 0o. N11ova Sc-otia, is; home on a six Wivee'ks' furlugbWilson, 'Ottaiwa, iýi vsingJKjfF KEPIIR our with hor gran'dmother, Mlrs. ýC. G, Arnistronîg. RADIO Now Gordon Winter of the Aràued Forces, Stratford, s-por t he holiday Don't wait until parts becorne srarco. with his nmother. For your convenience we carry a Mr. Clifford WVinterý. Long ýBranch, complete line of 9pesrt the Easter holiday with his TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- mother, Mrs. 1. 'Wintor. SERS and RESISTORS Mrs. Perey Cha!man vieited wver -If unable to hring your radio to the week-end in Toronto with ýher the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 daughter, iMrs. Rosis Broome. C. R. KNOX Roy C. Forrester, Jr., stpent the week-end in Toronto, visdtinig witil bis .grandpare, ,t- Mr. anj Mrs. IC. D.0 BouckOrono Tinshop Mr. and ýMrs. Normian Winter sjpont the weegk-end with lier, sister at Kingston, Cpi. Harry Taylor, Mrs. This is Tayloar and babhe. Mrs. R. H. Bro'wn returned home L on Wedne'sday afternoon last after and isisters ini Toronto. Rerv. S. Littl'ewood haid charge of the services at Newcasile on Sýun- T m day last, while Rev. R. E. Morton took the services at Orono. How is yrours Plan to, attend chureh as a family.Y Dû o n e love your child to explain that Dad is tired on Surdays and Mothor has to get dinner.R.E LON Mr. Neil Wood hais 'completed lis twvo year course at 'the Onitarlo Col- PROPRIETOR logerz of Ph:armaicy and is nomw visit- ing w.fth bis parents, Mr. an-d MrS. Ceiitre St. Orono Phone SOrli Chas.Wod_________________ I WEEK'S BUY IS A UT BOIND ~o w otection of property to-day is conservation for tomnorrow. when you paint, go to your MUartin-Senour dealer. le is the mnan who can tell you best about wnng lour comibinations. Hie is the man who really knlows paint d the most economical and practical ways of applIqngi-1t. His advice is sincere and helpful-tie paints lie sells are de with the endurinig qualities tha stand, the "test of ,ie". When you paint, go to your MUartin-Senour denier. ROLPH'S HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1; Orono, Ont. THIS, ARMSTRO,,, NG'S

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