]i iCuilt- ousakee i' The sgdl et boloîn-er ea te rmvs baidotse oceaiobf toutati- bank truy sas1 te ndon Fr theounac.id oseepn lu those 'go od oc!day' eue hiomes woecooler tsan tlhey,,ai-e no.Weed net cerne te tiscsag et spccizdnsulation nec bacý! wcv yteareifrein tise Queboc isetr ndte weod box. We were heay unersvoa and now asic thon awe flos i 0cr seeke vC siipped a sweater on wbers we get eut of bec!te tend tise stovos. Mnr ensesilathose far-aw'ay days sisnwed wido difeeces la wýes as hiisas80or !90. Close te tliesewails it was dow te(i,41. 1lu Ge-Ing Ite bec a navnn- ations la tise otsetPsa. TieMe d s e ucoidost tisîug a iiglit qind teoniy wr iigl the ouse trttiglu th( ou beýr I.-,allsayduti prl1 "es, th Iî !fahiiîdWiter !1:asl a tuispopstiu u 5 xvr-e ith" oid-ceieu oi they Sping pet p- and began to store way vod aýîndwooflleac for tase t nexi Wns-. bPyartuDwne havetisogbt rîytiugabut n lt xes inribt~coIl! nd laou SWkeetecrés aws HSLOYU Tuernsqi tedosntbiede -h apparentl as ne you cane et a lieciothemonstra tien It a n o eni Eecni Tobleeluetre icosoe, whicb, poau, mauiityanineet ter ignti proportions. Th h 's xplind tat a es - qitge tacks withset uoipt si rdu at ratiro b itethe fieh WPen tîsese penertbe t e astrego strawirghopi Tis eneredg ot ee it these elrctro mcrocoe, asshnI t hn a ethosimilr te hosonA The dmntainsswdte friel arou-:ndntP osqite's teesmal e le eenio ugeh'ot-.1 Anooimis n Action As arMasot s- r' r' T',' t- a> v n January 24 JESUS THE GREAT PHYS 1CLAN John 5 PRINTED TEXT John 5-2-17 GOLDEN TEXT. - W o t deets thoe lie made whole? Jon56 Memory Verse- TPe Lord is n'y% hlcper. liebrews 13:6. MEE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. - ThoeFassor, April A.D. 28. Place.-Thîe polf Bethesda la Jerusaleat. -" Now there is la Jesusues by the slieep gaie a pool, whiclî h caliod lunliebre-sv Beoda, Pcv- Sing iive porches. Lu t1hese lay a i ,ultitude oit thoîn thait isere scl, ibind1, bh l withered." When u - meny sufiterers are breagýht te- gether they -i)nîs us mue-h mnere than whuxx e mt thes singly; vo thon t scemore nde- qneývately ail the wrotchedness, the icrthe brokon lires tisaifeins tPe r esuit of in iaamoîg aiea. Those In Need "Aud ea certair nuasvas tisoro, eeslaw his ntrit. Wo îJesus cxv llas lsag, nd khiuv Weuldest thon lieu made wh-bo T1ise sick n mnai nswrcd hlm, Sm,. 1 have neo en 'hutPe weierý le tronbied, te put se inte tPe1 pool: but while Ia comiug, aii- other steppeth dwnbeiteme," mie ibtis place, xbr only tPhe hepescame, but nos-oee stroug and n'eu seuencourage Old-Tim WinterS LUN. DAY AToughPoblem SCHOO Î PIONEERS' BOAT j HORIZONTAL Answe vr to Pre 1 Vessel visicisH AyA brouglit Amerrea.- HAFST. s 14Nede iSu-oi. 1AID L 21 B-,, 22Baigcirri. Oenso 23 Toý card wooi. 5Prtiig te 20 LwDuteis soMed, (alii-.> 53Murmurs:a'- a 26 To-cchallenge. Ca t. 284 Liliaceous ie 54 legs etted. 2,1 Hlouelike. 56 opposite cf la 30ý Exclamation, 57 To peal., 2TZoent. 58It irought tPe 4Gadýuatedse - fIthtiot 39 efewouad, lis ed ili- 41 o cap. VERT !CAL 1 4't fiddier. iMothier. -18 Rvrn 2 Paieed. revio"us puzzle LOODWP UCL L 3 Tweivc menthe. 4 Offspring 5 BehoicI. 6 To change i boue. 7Fàtieued. 8 Genus cf! o0strichýes. 11t Pu blic 12To oasa 13 Year (ebiz 16 Hop>' kls ID Tsp c (abbr) 24 Errrs 26Potose 27 Mecnc. 35 TIherefece.7 -ý 371 Dipioncy. 40 Swoopm!ng 42 Petaining teý inte air. 43 lTîsyclb 45 GeIetJ k 4î 7 RiL 49 Sma-hi bird. 51Lili o.53Chs àlt.5 Dco POP--He Couildn't Go, That Far thelti, Lte invesýtiaethi cs oi Jonac oe neri-it ltijgeulot orotenmo cme ie who tb e announc d arte- that Ho had cerne o wn te pe sottet Iibeýrty thcm hat are brnised (Luko .4:18). Why onl' Lord centcred FHis attertion' upont one man ini the gro-iD ratheI-r than upon ilthemen, o ereother man, ive donont ke.Ti isthe way oit God'sdaigs eoare chosen, seme are ne.On ea- son, ne doubt, wrhy our ora focused His attention ti is day or this nman wes beeuse he vas the worst case of ail those wbo were thore, and, if mon were convircced 1-e could delîvor thi-, man fronýi his iniirmity, thcy xould kunowý the Lord could savc any man fili whatever disease or afflictÎin po- sessed hlmi. TheoLord noer peItýqormod healîng miracles je th Gospels automnatically. Ho could hve Uld lis hand'on thism'- thn Word, lifted îm u,ýp and so t n beone. ie did etchos t d se. Hoeis sc bi us tion. Thon lHe cormaned hlmâ te do'something, and thon, inter, lie gave a warning. Ho dedes net want tins main iautomatically hoaled oit a physîci deiormnity. Ho dosires that t!he-,: fh.e)ld bo an act oit iaith, an --ercise oit will, a transformation meorally and spiitualiy ns weil as- physicelly. Se ho asks him aquestion, 'Wouldest thonu benad whl? TPe man's ausw or shewed thet- hoe was hoeless. It h'ad bocrna, fl U~F B I~~~ % UN D' The frst ýýeis crwTorneC- programmein t e hlp mo dcmonsýtï-ting anddocrbig h suannoi r in hihmsclemn- ation nnbesshud teiter- preted. Teprogramme i,,î1, s nnP r the peiroe iretoi ema Conservarey ot Msie an should be otgra sssanet tm-ic suet h Poic-ne folk cmenigonWdnsa januery 2t, and centinurng1i ox-ery conseýcutive Wednesdaey- thereitter outil Mri2t,3 p.m. over a CBýC networký,-xxhxc includes CH1ML,1laitCii St. Cathanines, CC htan CKLW Winýdsor dCYTrn te. This seilrdodsg i Music. foi Yong elk as ico regulr witcr orb oitTrento but Sir Enot e -lla adli$ associaes iterstedin ontýin o- îing the-se prgameal "dtat radio bid udL tkethLPpp tesk oibrnigtepsdi oit finle mnsic et te Toronto youn- sters clone, but te sebool cblîdren throughont tlie provýince. Sixt viiýi ho studio presentatîons with d ig soieists andinfi!istrumental types of iiisruents piayed.1cý:ý Thvr v iii ne obtb uc i iniîerest aise e dit, atiu lesiy -ly usiF eahrsu oh i the series oit rgamspei ousl i motoued. *..WillPuspntboo eir onu 'ýuuuy ,window ýcývsiiio , -exea iosgd h ton 1hirtissibe t0rs whe aveiisono tethe Ceix bi aesenies, "The Gre 'atrus hard Saturday rînsi 9.30 ex r C oron t ec, h-o heunceu tat oin abou a enU' Dirt Dobis Arre Bo," basd ou th VGadonGe n«î ser:esi whib pubition ho a il deai xv it ouatnd ced quest- roion hc uzes toid neu the boo le pniise a unee"aderaorlait h seei tin H. A, Le;e, who ý has ben ian- pointcd genealPassenlger agent for the Canadian Pacifie aiwa at Toronto, joiiîed the cnmpany- in 1913 at Boston, Massç.; serving with the United States na!ývy from 1918 te 91.After woriing in the United Sats or27 years, hewas mdeasitntgneEaI Ontarie istrict the establish!ed order cf thiuýgs with himi that some eue ,antici- paed hlmn. 1Heakoit it as reg-ularly happening -'nto steps dew n before m'Ho has no friend - not one wh io would, spare time, to wait beside bim and watcb for the welliunI,Ip Oftthe w ater. Meeting Our Needs "Jesussat unto him, Arise, tak'e np)thy bc, nd Alk nd otan ta hemnwsmd will o n10gv sregh n h hV ently ellesbut I tt Chiss -Able t dlve fo waer ever cdoubt, waevrevil mýay hanve taken possinot ay in-. dividual, S "Se the Jews said unte o him that was cured, It is thus, hat, nd it is netliwfnl frthete take up thy bed. But ho answered them, Ho that iadeý me whele, the sanie said unto , c;Tako op thy bcd, anid walk, Tey asked him, Who is 'the auni that said unto Thee, Take (ýup thed, and walk? But We that was ho, baled knew net who itws; or Jesus had convey7ed biýimsolf aw1;ay, a multitude being Mi theplace. Af- terward Josus finidoth xm la inthe temple, and s>aid unt im, Be- hold, thon art mdwol:smine more, lest ia worse tingbefal th;ee. The mnu wont wa,and tolId the Jews thai-t it was Jesus whio had mae im hoe.And for this cause ilteJospersýe- cuted Jesuis, bocu,-tse h dd tec things on the sbah u eu answered them, My Fathoi( erk eth oven until now, aInd I1xor. Spiritual Soundness The man's bearing of Ubis beà was net a work by itof t was mcrely the cencluding aeIt oft his healing, that by whIich ho rýshonld mako preef himselit, atiive te- tien >t others of its ra ity.L ia a fu)teheal on itPe -Sabbýath day; ità aslwf n ithen te do whatever \"as immediately tai- voixcd ln, nd directly felloxvýed on, the healiuig. Our Lord is3 la- terested, first of ail, in a man's muner lite, thon Ihis physicai xul- f are. Healing him oit bis kbodilyv iufirmity, be wanted ti man in ail the daysto coma teo reveal a spiritual soundnese i t that of the soundness of the bedy wxvîch! had now been givea tehlm Final pnnishmcart fr eue When persists in sin is-a;orsetiug than long,-yoarýs oit waryiser- able liio.' AN,,SWER: Sait Lake City. .. Âpoiaey150,000. NEXT; De' DuffaloW5 bave L uwpul acd B3Y J. MILLAR WATT