NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE st Com.-pulsor]y Em Iloy ment Transf er Order NOTICE TO CERTAIN EMPLOYERS ,£ND EMPLOYEES that mren in specified Enes of civilian emnploynsient, in classes already designated under National SelectiveI Service M cfýbization Regulatioýns, must report for interview flot later than M1ay 19th, 1943~, at an Emnpîoy- ment and Selective Service Office. A. Objective, The Order makes available for essential empploymnents the services of men ia classes already designated under National Selective Service Mobiization Regulations, who are now employed in specified noni- essential employmnents. B. E-MPLOYMIENTS COVERED BY THIS ORDER:- Men, of the specif-edcaeoes are covered if now esnployed ai: (1) ta- verns or liquor, wine and beer stores; (2) retail sale of candy, conifec-Itionery, tobacco, books, sîationery, news; (3) bar- ber sholps and beauty parlours; (4) retail and wholesale florists; (5) servýice stations (gasoIinie-filling taionàs); (46) retail sale of motor vehicle-s or accessories; (7) retail sale of sporing- goods or mnusical lujstrai- ments; (8) wafier, taxi driver, elevator operator, botel Ibell boy, domestie secrvanti; (9)ayocuain luor direîly asýsociaîea1 witb nerameniclda btfot restritedl to theýatres, filmn aîencies, mto picture compauies,1 club, bowing alleys, pool ro0111; (10) aay occuipationi in or directy assoiated ith eing, cleaiug, an'tgPressing (not iacluding laundry work); bathks; gulide service; slsoe shiaiag1. C. AGE AND M1ARITAL CLASSES 0F MEN COVERED BY THIS ORDER: (0) Every man bhorn in any year from 1917 to 1924 (inclusive) wbo lias reachedf age 19; (b) every man orn from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive), wh1o, ai July 15, 19410, was umarried, or divorced or judicially separeted, or a widower withiout clild or chldren; (c) every man bora fromn 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who bas become a wlidower since July 15, 1940, and is without child or cblîdrea now living; (d) every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who, since july 15, 1940, lies been divoreed or juidir-ially separated. D. Proced are to lie Followed: Ail men as defined above must report to an Emiployment and Selecrive Service Office not later than Mlay 19, 1943. -Men resident outside a city or town having an Emiployment and Selective Service Office, too far removed to caîl per- sonaIlly, mnay write to th-e inearest office, and await furrhler directions. E. OBLIGATIONS 0F EMPLOYEES: Whben diîrecled to accepteemploymiet, imen referred to ia Paregraplis B aad C above are requiredl by the Regulations to follow the directon1. F. OBLIGATIONS 0F EMPLOYERS: It will be illegal for au nemloyer to retain la his empljoiý afier Mayzi 19th, 1943, any men referred If) in Paragraplis B and C above, uaesa speclal pjermit l!ias been oblaiaed from Selertive Servi-e. G. Transportatîion: Prov,,isioni will be made for transportation of men moved to a new place of residence. H. Appeals: If objecting to transfer to other employmient whien directed, a man may enter appeal withi a Court of Referees within 7 days. I. Penialties: Penalties are provided for either employer or emnployeces failîng to com ply with this Order. J. Atliority: Thiis Order is issue-d' by the Minister of L abour under National Selective Service Civilian Regulations (P.C, 246 of january l9thi, 1943, and amending Orders in Qounc:1). Men referred to above must present documvents at the employmient office, indicating compliamce 'withj Mobilization Regulatioizs. DEPjAmRMENT 0F LABOUR A.. MACNAmÀRA, Director Ntional Selective Serice ;0 WEEKÇLY TIMES, TRURSDAY, MAY l3tb, 1943_ Perc. Lunu <on Saturday moringi Iast .cauglit eleven fniee trout, nine .of whîch wer'e oatig't at Pidgeon river, and al out of one hiole. Thle troi~taveragel around tweive nee in leigth.' On itpeniin- day, Mr-. Fraffk Hall11ca.ughît invelve ish while on Friday last he eaugiht eight more. being twenty so fair this seaisoi'. RE"%PAIR Your RLADJIO ÀvNow Don't wait uintil parts hecoine srarce. For your convenience we carry a complete lbac of _________________________________________________________________________________________ M ___________________________________________ Rinso, pkg. Gillett's Lye, 2 ins Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. Lifebouy Soap, 3 bars Comfort Soap, 4 bars Skinless Wieners, IL Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. Kelloggs Krumbles, 2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. Steele Bri*gg's and Rennies' Potato Onions, 3 lbs, Fluffo Shortening, 2 lbs. Stuffed Olives, 6 oz. jar 24c 23C Ilc 19C 21C 27c 15C 23c 23c Seeds 25c 37c 34c Local News Miss Edire Best, Toronto, spent ,the we,,(ek-end w iher n ther, Mrs. H1. J. Buat. Gol. J. C. Gam.ey, of the Royýal Military 'Gollege, Kingston, spent the week-end et home. Miss IMarion Cooper, Toronto, spent the 'week-end with hier par- enIta, Mr. end ýMrs. F. 0. Cooper. MVr. and _Mrs. Kenineth FraliAk ad fernîly, Toronto, visited 'with his mnother an'd aunt on Su-nday lest. Mr. ad Mrs. W. C. 'Crossle'y ent Motber's Day (Sundey) -with Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, 'Newtoa- 'Ville. Mr. and Mrs. George Morton cele- &ated Vhieir 25th ainiversary quiet- ly et their home lest week with their famnily. Mr. 'C. F. Awde returned homec on Sundey lest alter spenidhig a week with bier sister, 'Mrs. E. Silver, Eow,- mnanville North. C4v. W. C. Crossley ha eceepted a ýposition with the Orono Telepho'ne Com-,paiiy, helpintg with the repair end of the business on the lines. Mrs, A. E. Chepman was the re- cipient of ae beautiful box of roses for IMother's Day fron Mr. 'Roy Col- 'ville, in mnemory of his deer imother. Gordon Watson is now sterting a zoo at his service station in the s'outh -werd, the first animal on dis- pley being' a muskrat euglit by s'oine chldren. ,Mrs. 1-. T. Tuvley spent last week with lier mother, Ms Jas. Diclhson, retumning -te Belleville on Satuidey to join ber husbeanl, who bas been trensferred to thet eity. After the hea'vy vain of Tuesdey lest there shoulid ihe 9, gond miulet rua la tbe creek in George Butter's flats. We will soon be lIooking- for- wevd te a motllet banquet. It camne over the radio on Wed- xiedsay mnc in the GRC broaeast thet only ten poundis of suagar mwiii be ellow4 edpr person for the p'resevv- ng c4f fruit and~ the mal<inig ci jani- TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS Ifunable to bring your radio to the 8hop, Phioie Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX Orono Tinshopm This is LawnNMowr Time How is yours R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Ore-no Phone o 8r11 AI STRONG BUY vIr CT ORY BON£ Thrift large pkg. Rouind Steak lb. 40e Sirloin Steak lb. 42e Kraf t Cheese IL 40e@ Fancy Cakes lb. 29e. Fresh Sausage 2 IL. 35e Neilson's Cocoa large tin '29e) Angler llerrinigs in tomnato Sauce large tin 20c Florida Oranges 176, doz 50e Family Toilet Paper roll 5e. Fresh Side Pork 30e. Porterhouse Steak lb. 45ce smith's Grape Juice bottie 25e Ewing'% Pudding Powders 3 for 25e. Loin Pork Chops lb. Shoulder Pork lb. ka9o/s «%& Protection of propevty to-day is conservation for tomorew. So whenr you paint, go to your Martin-Senour dealer. He is the man wvho can tell you best about"irng colour combiniations. le is thie nan whio real'lyknw painIt and the most econioical and practical ways oÀfipp'yinit. Ilis advice is sincere and helpful-the paints hie sellas are 'Made with the enduring uaitesthat stand the"ts of timoe". When you paint, go to your MA-artin-Senour dealer. tOLPH'8 HARDWAFR Phone 43 r 1; Orono, Ont. HIUMIPlREY MMTHEUL, Minister of Labour PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Litttlewood EMPIRE YOUTH SUNDAY MAY l6th To inspire youth to a g-reater appreciation of spiritual values and a readier sense of responi- sibility for the building of that aiew world order which youth every where demands and for which 50 a., are valiaatly daring and dying. Worship at il a.m. and 7 p.m. You are cordially invited to attend RED&WITE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY HIGRER THAN PRICE Guest Ivory Soap, 4 bars I8e Sirloin Roast, commercial beef lb 37c Porterhouse Roast, IL 40c Round Steak, lb. 37c J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. mornings 1 1