asA Lolneý-ly Job HsState abitaISes d The wrdslnl~ rvles amesseestose men Whso are vontslaly on the mone wAth sc r'et dcmnsfrabsaoso gove liment. onge sttingbesdevou la a ril- wa oir o rbbig lbsa 'rlei!s i ecl a i oe 1-recyuAv sa ha a stt slepin saonHe v't buLadeoh! Quresultu u Il iorne fa The war as broughl'p D0radca changes Mlings no' re r 111ed s t ise iFar East is la xi s bai,, uds ý1 isat theîo"nric must ev er, , Yi te uafriudly haud, itla a coît, ~însiness Ann oecsa$0, wrsonaRlM toeryrtihabs messe, nge, orisacnstr- fli nithcoe os nii hUen tiea ess l t nicbrgsuvans tie is, gve oders it ail cois Of ti fihrwro h destroed auda nesvset inented hoste anis mdshoo ac muIh is-prd1 a iro ieiaCa f und. bIaIbnaisad ofI t N'Obags, mne ta go bni. eaninïg Yfrons t.Ise, anofeei-sRstnding1 y m e 1 ae'ig isl ey Tonained cor lu ita plnaof isn'las rhey Arf tegCevppqe,2 ,?MeuyDos ui oarly Bomie buhoseu. wni Dse No w olideBrti iD tsm n ieîman sugd Italiaasmnta-d 1ud ho ssieu. si- satned a p dmyreail- le~~~~h hairigdNp isey ow W1 la bis sun Libeeyails. 9ufirSPUistbad beos prepred rï,f lise mîcis, ieNz- o br slow Brit- Wisoa tisere', ,. cut is c edy! eceaty we ld yo tisa FrJ Alnaa t aets i fo ie uor.Adnn a ust roramelatie present acBnny series asilAI ho ard from 7 1 7.80 Sundayevef n willbe aseral lier crrently.ý bengiéod usr ta u olur! Broadcating Sstm e unday bas uffaere h sequenceofcolda nervout- bread .Pereend t ans e f Por hlm ogo oversAs toi jouertan is lrop. f achng lu prisi tis luis fori0 ,, uî Ou th hse et off rdio a "i paaeof Iugsnu'h it nerv-wirckig jo lu 1il adio_ lieomatedians ri tisi sipts. n Tiey dpu pn"a~ - . ad od "gag" itesa fewa n ar batpeeds oIf tier lac thefello at tgakeswnlise ap Oe Milactersîeoffn aradio lives tsey're uie, '41suallmIer alias-s-TO suaaiaxs ~F BE 860k. ('fiL 740k 1çî3'r. 680k. CBY 1010k U.5. 1UiSTWORKS WEAF N.B C. Ited 660k wrz, - ne usus 770k WABC (('13.3) 880k WOR (MieS.) . 710k CANADIAN 5'T&TION5 CEOS Cavais Sd. 1400k $ KOC Hamilton 1110k HMLHamiitoa Oiulk ClOrE SI ('alh. 1550k dECE Montreai - 860k ÇF('H Nord, Bey 1210k ÇJCS Stralford 1240k Ç~CW~ Kiogaton 960k Chrtham 830k Loodon 1570k tis ame tisings It doe3s'lre-, fiecIupon your Senseoff Isuaour nsred Uas UCastse couedias Shierp hoy!iemeriapNv wtis i8î5 ero up lias weigiso the of th CC ntioalne- offt" vas - entortiu eus, Evoryn Waesday evlssg comencia at ~ P 8.5ntblsofatg u oradi are "S cented aboard. bymo t0esumn la brimui ai. ner ssas'r god uanu sppie etenmeber toffn$ tise eiiDe trces anddtosritof ssympirly PETER'S COUNSEL TO SCAT- TERED CHRUSTIANS PRINTrED TEXT, >1 Pete-r 1:1; GOLDEN TEXT--honir vii rrmn. Love thse brotherloi.earGOd. Hnrthe ig.iPoe'2: ;7. iMemi-ory Ver'se: Hocarts or yneum 1"Petr 0 7. THIE LESSON iN ITS SETTING laCe r-S oîn blireial Pa(mi thoen.hv gsedtst o TieApostolloSauc.o "Ple, u apostlecf ean Christ,10Isle ebl ni a-e so mmt isyr" ie uhaiat tn cour gG- Tia rck- Nynn bc "elored, ibesecs u as so V' Caonrcs7;30S-. C'KP' lîactrd 3 80k CR P idsor 8081-2k CN Wingham 930k WEuR Bulffalo 5 348k l \lvuENWBuffalo 1ýk WJR Detroit '.60k SHORT W4V~ tIsa L'ngsasîd 9Stm G~t' îlngiand 958m (lSD Engiand lt.71m OSE Engiand 11.iSm GS(s Englanil 17.70m GSP Engirad 11.11», BAR Spain 9tim rSAN Itussia SIOns ISNE Rusai' 12.5e-'sî PREI Ilmazi 9.,00m WIIEA Sehoneis ~dv U,53m wc ais Phisa, 55b7un WEX N. Yomk 11.Shîss WRIJh Boston l3.lim Il 91 lai, si 51 OYREX FROST vitto."TJise s&l onul believers mi h., bolloniuuous or !ut n';ill1 fa it1 o'ffil',S p1efýfeb. COe dis- plaýy o01Cisistin ,adut,or oe- fasion1!al l maiffs t'a ï lns 1 theî,i 2 'eof avJIil ot ninmon 10 love tise n'ay off hrit. Tse ril epo-taoff lise ad vesrries ai-e iii gîouaded, but, they doIo ir iir so; sud tseoly useas ýýoff re ,;u tliereves a icr l bya cotinonsrevelation offmo fo tseLoi-d'a sake: nhts engeance cii evil-e-s, sud1> forý pi-aisem1 mtasat doWn'M. Fo don y hîould 1pu1tc1 ienets ai- h sisilfor tise Lo-dahle, la! order nol obnn1 dss-dt p treedom, fort a cloaliofwcid for ma oliiousa, a 'oi-d 'sc cnlyho ise ýgood m-d gestýe bu snffer'iîsg n'rongfn11uy. For wia gloi-y lailif, vwh1(uilyosicd aCsd fr foril, iyýOsh1ajIaki patioîstly, Iisis aceptble 'i GcC." e- nsar e 1nio-C 10 h, no[ onily beiul blloal tîsli'mases-. Tse fean ,i-" iot offpnsimnbut denoteGIs auïx- ions fidelity sud defemoîce aI aI tIiarssd eessJ l C j>ime, to avo c)idi al Offense'. Christ OurEaml "For beroualo nere yu ealed: heanse Christ alsasuffed for you, leavlng you au examle, tisa i', is, tiredifffeI-eace bý1etweeutise Catrand ts i-erur.Aud yet Ho lj"a!rSo lruly Mais; :anC fior puîr- pssofiimilatian the'Iruti ff is Maiodl il tisI w requime. gro foIn l slhM .mnts.Wo eneo nomi t o mmittetis isijuscîfic Chis saIol banal l sfu merlu- surance tirI ieï n'i!l oneday hAve rîgiiros judgment. hWs iso'nso If baie o 1ur sica" lai ijA body upon lise'o, biaI nJ' sîripes yo vere hiid." Tishords iîuply bisaIChril, hy lis onî se sîîipes e ae ieald" efea 10flise tbr ugls Cisris's n'es-k uoîs lise refos-Oc ise', aiu ofise seul "Foi yen'ee ging jtaylk risep; bl ar nowîetuîsedunlo tise S'hopbecsuad isiop off our seuls." TIie i , .-prbap, aSpec- i POPULAR SPORT HORIZONTAL Aàiswer têoPrnosPlzzle 17 Amn-uses. lPituîd NNS AN G/~L 20 Bakblnian sport. iENOQGH îERA Ijj SLE god Of tise sport T o 1-1A dOT2Jube y of -.AP t Wlp;R 25 BrazUban lOKnid o! AAýF,ýi -iE r "T E1NETS MoneY Of horse (I.. AR QL N~ acut 12 One of a RAYE -N'AB IP~ Smo o 1l3 cmain SB SNEd-c I27RHawai ia oo supernatural NE E tc N2Sdeofte beigs. N INE1EL I sL ANDdr4 i n Il4Flat pile 0E O-<OA 1 thse parapet. of nimal. 30 Teri na ,tesq, 16 One Who 34 Beonts. VERTCAL 32Qeest PUtS in pans. 38 RenMd I Drapee 33Enhtet 18 Small fruit coer y 2Paurtil. 34 Spring Up. pie. '40 y et fwolf.13BUag.35 Mstres 19 Condicition 4-12Disposedl u 4 Si"ýlly. (abbrl of strain. azi"gg ne. 5NvaSotn36 Mel2bar 21 Theefre. 4 4 Bvrg. (bb,, ueor py 22-> (br) '15 Genusoff 7 King'couamp! pross 23 Aie parnt. plans (pi>.8 Rom-an 37 Cul into arts 2-4 Betelpl. 47 Deuice ý-foi sgxa. 39Opst f 27 Chooses. holding work. 9Famiîy ofwyisr 2S Edtor (abbr.48 Soften-,s il', hebs1nd41kiN 29 Age. temper. shubs (bo.>.43 Italinroyal 30Dan cob.50 lisgious Il Indian family. 31 Cry o! 51 Long ouur 14 Pis abbuq. 49East Indint surris. ermnt(pI1). 15Minutei 13 Pernh. 52 Thorougf ae. ParIc&e. 50 Street (bbr.) Lient,-'Cen. George S. Patton, J. drive loto Bizerte OUR RADIO LOG Boy Scotsf alt, he oa Scurrhed bu otsarod." 0 unordaof eat !gre accrng to cordreeedd from Iînprial Rledaqusr 2otu"e Scouts SLondou, They iMba tory" gaurdos, rueCent'%kst ominioncBo of nicappe Scutsla hml peg. sEnisMmbr oEsthi patio isa1- tmo infaile paysi and ecis1one la bedridde ,,-Th havist the li iron s u tis Ioredspeney ny making5li romack Ca)dbooi tendjas. ACnon0tisems reganss:oo donors a th Oawa lad C osa clini c are ' ot lars ot onisr n frFIegecisan werASa s Petroïell, recnif oferiusy ii l iSpthe, required ai blonodtausion, iitwshi Bo esnie rcentosentati of an 1,00 mblnetots