ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 20th~, 1943. The Orono Weekly Times Estabiished January, 1937. Pubiished every Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Advertising Rates on request Subseription, $1.25 Subscriptions to the United States, $2.00 _Ail Job Printing Will Receive' Our Prompt Attention R. A. Fo rrester, Publisher Sports Day at Orono The irono Chaniuber d 0oennmere is adeptiing,-July lst as a day of céPeibation in car village. iA1I others paes hold days, once aniyway, thr-ougliout the year, and senietimes more. In the pasit fe-w years no day lias been celeirated he, exeept, our fair which is an annial event. Every progressive village or town hold days i ~which te bring people to their communiity for pleasure, aise> to waise money for some worthy enterýprise. Orone bas in the iast ibeen uoted for ts proresve spirit, buit in tihe past numbler of ýyears, especiaiby i) the Une of sports, the ,pace lias eûne dead. Now that the Chamber of Comrmerce hfas icken hoidd (X this matter. we f sel sure that there will lbie ýa day of ýsportq held levery year on July lst. Later on iprolably the owigani- izatien can 'bramich out into other sports along wilth ball andmake this daV internationally knewn. 'This year the holiday will be heM on Monday, July 5th, instead -of Ilhursday,,Jily lst. The proceeds froi this ceeebration wiuil bc used in ýsome kind of war work. Nu'- mereus placier hold (?ntrtainmenjts to purehase Pigarettes for eut -fighting forces overseas. No Cana-,dien jan get useil te thle English cigarette. Tt was the sine in thé, isat Greiat War. -Our canteens used te have tins of players, and rwhen they ranau ot iere certainlY inis'sed, whidh was very ofteii. This mns't ikely will be one of the things to, ibe loored after. A igarette f&nd shouId'bce rtarted ýte see that ouit beys 1bave pileaty ýof eigarette at alil thnes. We knlow they %vill bc greatly appreeiated, audrwll. let )the boys overseas know that we are thinking of tihera at alil timer. Keep this date 'epen, Let Ailof us patronize this düy of sports, ,and if su,,çeessul, w1 he celebrated annuaily, Orone ean hold suoh a day as lonig as everyone gets ibehilnd the mmemerent and help in ,every way possibl1e to, make it a success. Let's go, 'rono. Biggest Loan in History Realized Canada"s Fourth Victory Loan which closed on 'SatuvdaYé May lSth, was a deeided success, and showed the world that this couniry is behirsd t'hie war 100 per cent. The liarges't lan in the history of the country was asked for, the huge sum of $1,100,000,000. This ligure was subscribed ani the 'country eut over its objective 'by The peuple od Canada haive giý,en their sons ifor the different franches of the armed forces, they have given their daughiters 'Who tAke the place of many men se that they cari be.released for our difghting brances. Many tiousands are absoobed in, oui. bnge -war ~prgraii industry te ses that our brave soldiers, sailors.asd airmieru are sjppied with the noL0esrsary armaments of the wrand now vthe -opea eriwt ie help of the armied forces, lent their 'dollars i the higest boan in the ýountry~s istory ito se th at eut mon in the different forces ,will nover 'want fer an'ytbing. Thie Axis po'wers will get no solace out of this boan, It will sheow theim just where Canada stands i this, war, and that is 100 ps cent 1behind the TJnited Dtos.Every province in the Domin- !on went over the top, fhihgees to show that this fïair country ýof ont has at lat becoine war conseleus frein east ansvi west and north anud southl. E'veryone 1nows that tremi-eudous suins are needed fo'r victery - the price is vietry is always csty- in [bbeod andi i-tonk-y. Ouir m-oney goes te, help bomnh the German Reieh. It imighit have been Canadian i-n mes that djstreyed the great dams lu Ger- inany that lias caused suieh haves Vo. its' industrial lift. If tObis bei so, thon it is mnoey weli lent. E-,7eiry dollar that is lent helps te lring us c1oser to vitry, a 'victory froin which 'will cerne a lasting peace, that people may livce on tihis earth without fear and preju- #ice, and that nations eau live side by ride, fris of gred of wcirld ~power. Greesi is the ruinatioui of the ýworld today. That ne forti$- cations will bei needes in ifuture yeiars te keeop eut an eunimy. That 'wll bo a wloe pence, wheve lauihter and Joy wiX rtile supr-eme and wars will le n,() more. If bioodshed and monsy wil bring this te pass, then àt is blod andd money 'well spent. Labor Draft Far Too Late (The Finaucial Post) Ottawa's belatei morve te dhraft mien frei nossuia»inclus- trýy into agriculture sud otber total war production seenis desigued myore te placate ppulic opinion than anythiung elise. Se fat as foodi production is concernesi, andi it was hero that- the scarcity of help -v.as rmst critical, the .gesture ernes far toe late, By the time this uew -work eamy 'ras been trainiesifor agi- eultural work, this 'year'*s foosi production preblein wffll le pretty7 well over, Farners have nevedeld extr-ahelp for monfihs and'riglit iiow \vith seoding ;ýtt baud the situation is actually 'desperate. iHuni- des of thousands sof acres will eo ncuti ated'an'cores of thous- an às ofcos will lis fattenesid sauhtn d for the simple resson that the fans are eritiieally undurnianned., This lous Cannot is a'voided unless skilled heip ir availaible now. A f ew -weeks lieues it -will bei too lats. Farmners must werk vitha nature andi nature v'will net wait. This miovodc the Departmnent ocf Labor to make barbets, wait- ors, mnusicians, store lerlis a-ndi others available as agricultural houp wiili be cf littie use for tihis sessom. A mn mayble an eiebn barber, or a slkifled flute playeo, but sncb experience doesn't hel'p inilk cowsr, feed pigs. operats a seed dIi or any other of the many _-sore of skill1ed jobs a fretmust haudWs These "n)on-essential" irorlkers can lie trainsil, but it wil take an average of a fui! year9s praetical experiense ion a farm befori tiey can bei worth much more than their 'board. (For the fiirait f ew menthe, in faiet, they 'will prove a lialbility bhecause anï exp erionees fariner 'wil have to supervise every job or ri sk serions l'oss through WITH THE BOMBER .PRESS IN BRITAIN ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS IN WARTIMIE Another iu a series af articles wr-itten by W. IR. Leîgge sud C. V. Charters, who tepresentes tire Cana- dian Weekly Nerwspaperýs Associa- tion in a ecent tour everiseris. (By Walter ýR. Legge) Like evenything sise,, tire uews- papers in England hârve been verY mucli changediby thre -war. Imagine uews stands -Ohiicl will not solI you a newepapet. Imagine tire adver- tising imanagers of newspapors lie- ing courteS by those -who are trying 1'0 buy s littie of the space avail- able. One of ont first experîencsa was at the news 'lu our London' botel. W( liad hearsi rumors cf thre Dieppe raid which teIck place as we were ieaving Canada, but we had rnoV reasi auy- thing about it. We wene anxioua Vo. see- a newspaper. However, the nsws stand coulki net seil us eue un- less l'R was ordered lu asivanCe. Thus we .abruptly learnesi te ap- preciate a privilege whieh we do net think about here, the privilege of ibeingi able Vo buy ainewspapem at auy tins. People over there aie now glasi Vohave any paper atail. The prit- ilege of havin4g a paper doliveresi every day is a highly prizesi one. A householder -who goea away for a turne eten finds on bis' return that someene else lias taken hs right te geV his daily palper, ans ilt may 'bei a bard Vask te igeV bsick ilu the igoosi 'graces cf the* paper boy. Peeple travelling on a train will niearly always pass- their news'papen around Vo Vire other people in hs, compartinent alter hey have read it. Newsptint is severely ratiýonýedinl Englains. Net ouly have tlire pub- lishers 1been forced te, reduce the number of pages ite afraction cf tho usual volume, but h circulation bas irad te bei drastically jcurtailedl. in miany cases hes ize of tire pages an-1 the wïdtlb iof tir, columuns bave been reduýesi. Ont psrby waa entertaines at the Daily Telegrapir, the I)ailly Express, The Turnes, sud Reutets Agen-cy'. Wei were sheown tilironiglithier plants ansi giten' every courteýsy. AÏ-t ee f tiro-se nsW5iaper s, ve feunsi that the papen bas beenr eut. down Itemon an average issýýue of 28 pagea Vo four pages. Iu addition. thre circulation bias been 'eut frin e20,000 daily averge te 650,000 Setomaàl iundred applications for subcriptious eaeh day hame te lie refnsed. 'This is typisaI of tire re- strictions on ail tire nowspapers. Al of these plants bats dupli2ate plants deeplu the gycuýns, 'very coin- focrt.ublly sud completely fittesi up so that hs entire woîk of -getting eut he ipapet eau Ibe cariesi on witheut interr-uption ciurinig raids. M Tore- oýver., several cf these papers hiave ecomplete plants in otirer cities where seine editiens aye printed every day. For instance, tire Daiiy Elc- press, 'which has a daily circulation of about two ansi a hall millions, is pinted in three places, London. Maucthese,,r ansiGl'go.Tiry are 50o co-ordinatesi by wime servies that sîthougli they are set uip andi made, up lu eaieli city, hey are oxactly ialïke on» most pages. Advertising lias been eut te almeet hs saine degres as Vthe rost of the paper. 'The 'D'sily Teegrapli, we [were tcdld, refuses about thirty coli umus cf advorti'sing every' day. Dis- play advertisiug rsaallybhas te6b> beoked several weeks in advanýce. aud even then witliout any guar-an- tee that iV will *vppear. Iu casýes whene legal advertising must appear belotîe a certain date, caee ust bei taken Vo asivise tire client if iV eau- noV ire priqitesi, in enSet that an ef- fort may 'le made te haveit printesi elsewhere. Advertisernents for beer ansi liquer may stiâlllie carriesi in hs Engiish papota, aîthougli hey are now ban- FOR SALE Limiitesi quantit~y of imîxes inlhnb Wood. lu foot leigiths. A Carsscad- .den, Phono 25 r 9, Orono. c-0p MY YOUNG CANADIAN NURSE Here is I lis -with tune te dreaîin, snd mus e 1 think, ber Pharni and beauty first, I See. Then when miy nessis ar-e greater andi I ue Hem intellect, thon it is that, 'whieh 1 must appealsite nie. Whatcouls it itehothat in' ler tendqr years Caused 'lier teomake this field' cf 1work lier choies? Ailesson learnied, a iGod-given insight tihen A nurse-bher frisusi with-kindly cul- tu redi vie ? Slesnow to hear a ne'wborn's lusty With lo'ving parents then, to cele- brate In econtrftt, though. 'we now on ber rely, ; To'cheer sud confort -wheu' in grief we nwait. Wliat glorions' fiolds cof coi-quest lie ahead I. coulsi net in1 my humbl'le waY Ssugigest, But hs I know'-shie serves me at my bett Andi here ýshe gives l-ier 'very, very hast. Now when three yeats 0of Service 1she lias illed, Eadh phase so planined te lit lier for lier task, III tenture she'Illlie coimpetent sud silled Aidig physicians, 'giving wlat they ask. ThoiuighiwiordJsdi(> lau to telI what I would Say, ,My thoughts 'of lier, Pve triesi te say in -verse.- Knoled'eshe Ïbas ansid id'mfor to-düy, God 'give lier strength---ýMy Young Canadian 'Nure --Jean ýStewart Loîthouse. 'der which they are opetatiug, the Britirli newspapers are vemy read- able ansi gîve a surp,-risiugly good news coversige lu the space at their dîsposal. News of 'Canada apýears in fairiy-good volui-me ansi la well presentesi. We founs that the Canadian sol- diers are quite 'worried because it is no longer permitted te send paper.s over by mail, exceipt actual subs&rip- tions. 'They are afraid that sub- scription copies may aire iLe banes. They appreciate he 'home paper 110w ia way that they neyer -did before they eft Uonie. They rossi- every 'word of it. One officerreaki that lie considered' a boatIloasi of papers frein home is a boatlosi cf morale. One tesson whry hs restriction was plaeed ou Canu,,dian papiers was that somie publishers had been ban- dliug n- p their over-runis, sud send- ing thein over te ho dîstributesi. We were tolsi by one service xork'er that lie liads esu ut eue tîiiie 600 bags oIfssneh paipers, andi 'lesipl d net know what (te do with theiin. There is. ne doult that the publis'h- ors who sent thei wvere anxiouss Vo belp. They theughtit IVwas a gosi thin g -te do, bout it actually was s irsguidosi effort. It rwas a great pleasure te lie able te visit oeeof the leading weekly uewspaperS, "Thre Bsuýbnry Guar- dïaû' which wasi rs epaper on whieh My father, the late George Legge, served si i istweài This is eue of the older weeklies of Englani and lias been ownred by ths saie fain ily for a igreat mauy 'years, lit is interesý,ting tuecom-pare pres-, Classified COMING VENTS Onitaric, and iDurham Qounties W.C.T.U. -wilil iold their Anniual zonvenition ilu Park St.Unitýed Ohureh, ,. oon e3t Thuirsday, May 27th.. Morning sossion is at lu e'clock and afTternooin session at 1.30. Ms Du~ff will Jbe the sjpep-ial a-18-p. Leain of thýe. evacuation of Singa- pore and Hciig Kong-, as well as, world wide ýstories and e,cýperiences, If'roin cavt. L. M. Goddard, thirtyý- sewn years at ses, preceded O)y a short programmie, featurimg Laur- Fence ,Morton and Glenni. Taniblyn in d'ual piano nun#,ïers. Newcastle 5United Churcli Sunday eihoo1 'rcoi on iPridayý, May 21st, at 8.30 p.m. AdmIssion 2k,. and 1,1e. Under thie auspikes of Mrs. Br0wn'ýs gronp Of the W. A.b-8. FOR SALE Quantity ef fluckw,ýheat. Apply to A. E. Morton, GOrono; Phoneo 14r-16. FOR SALE Oriental! Rug, size 9 by 1-2 feet. Mrs. Charles R. Knox; Phono 42.r2,ý Orono. DANCE A danie wifll be heil in Leskard ,sehool room cn Friday evýening, May 21ist, Admission,- 25 cents. lb-.18-c. WANTED Numùber of c-atitie for siummew ~pasture, conmuencing from lMay 24th. Runnluig water. M1r. 'Frank Browvn, Orono.c-8p FOR SALE AllikhIds of' Perennial Plants, Gladioli, Tomastoes, CJh4agýe,, Gelery and Annual Flo*ens. W. J. Leamen, Orono. -9c TO RENT BHouse ilu Kiirby, with geesi garden. Appiy, Vo Kininon, Kiriby. ibar ansi D. A. 1e HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Fi§hinig 'conihbined tevd, good as' new. creek or pend, 'eastiug attac'h- ment, split bamlýboo: aise gold platesi wa'tcli, Waltham make with golsi plate-d lob, stem wînd. Orn-ie Gains- 'by, Oiiro. DANCE A dane "ill be i leld in the Coin- mu.nity Hall, Newcastle, undier the' auspices ofl Ne'w&,,Àstle Baselball CTub, on the evenhrg of Friday, May 28th, cm'nen at 9.00 o'closck Russ Creighton ansi iis Variety Baud in attendance. Admission te dauce, 50 cents per persn. Proceeds f-or fcontfonts for boys overseas. Auctin wSale I have beeu authorizesi to sdlI by Public Auctio)ni forv EPHRAM WRIGHT Village of Pontypool on TUESDAY, MAY 25th, 1943 ,the fulloywinkg Farni Stock, Feed, iinplsments, ste.: Horses 1 blalk horse, 10 years old. 1 bey mare, 14 years od 1 teamn, wellI niachsi iisng3 and 4 years. Csttle 1 ted e0wý, 6 yeains olsi, just te- newed. 1 Red ecw, '7 years old, fresh four weeks., 1 fbl'aek cow, due turne cf ýsalé. 3 yearllngs. 2 calves. Pouitry 2i5 Legliorn 'os. Grain 200 busheis of rys. estis. QUautity of 2 st o f tesur harness, 2 set 'of single raruess. 4 hoim;e collea. Impleinents, etc. 1 îMasseyiHrris Bintdem, 6-foot scut. 1I Masey.4HIrarris Mowver, 5-foot eut. 1i set of liarws. 1 MCr mick-esrngdise. 1 single plOiv. 1 wago-n. 1 cat ilugoosi ceud;tion. 1 Massey4HairtisSepatater. 'Wlhîf- fIetrees, nrveyees, aud Other arti- cdos toe nurnerons te mention. Sale te commience 5V 1 e'sloclc TERNIS CASH Elmer Wilhur, Auctioneer Prof essional Dfrectorry MEDICAL A. F.-McKENZIE, M.D.' PHYSICIÂN and S9URGEON Offm eHeurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p.ML.; .30 1te8.00P.' 1PHONE 47r1 ORON&-Y VETERJNARYj Willred W. Sherwiii B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SUJRGEONK Office: Main st. Orçu. PLkone 56 r 7, O0rono, O0t J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Cannalty, Automo- bile and Liabîity Orono - - Ontario AUCTIO1*EERS TED JACKSON, Auctioneer and Valuator Conduetà Âuçtion Sale of au mia snd at reaaonab>le rates. Oommwiicate with hlm ai P.oei pfirry, On tario, or e Mahi O1Sk, & 'E Morton, st Orono, for dat& [F. F. Morris & Sonl Funeral Direetors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERViCE BowinanvilII,- Orono Phon*s: Büwmêenville Day 480 Night, 734 endi 573 Orone, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Moden- Funerai Semkêla Durham j Our Strvicr-THE BEST Our Geods-THE NEWEST Ouri Priceà,-THE LOWEST MORRIS &SON I1BOWMANVILLE -ORONO k E. E. PATTERSRN Insurance Agency FIRE 'AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITT Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING saine of the Largest. Strongfflt snd iMost Reliable Insuranct Firme lin Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared te quote yeu rates fromi-'.Oc. a hunidred, according te classificstion of Building Phone, write, or botter stili., caîl. 1I will ho pleased te quote yen rates on your praperty which wîll surprise you. SEED POTATOES Banning cf sale of sees potates for any other use than food la ex- pectesi te miake arvailable plenty cf jpotatoos fer plasrting, Wartimie Price Büard officiais peintesi out. tSoame dealers have beeu sell'iug s'ees potatoes for- food in view of tire X scareity cf the table vaniety, it was saisi, audVhis lias leasi te greatly incereasesi prices oa seesi petaltoes wbicli are net inicludes I.under the pyotatoeoing, 1t, l exipeetesi Vire -order wîlll bring thes prie down. In spite rcf the lissy ineomletax, thel'e are morle peopile iu Bnitain a euving, lenriing sud giving than sver lbelore. Tsry ouir prning drepartnenit.