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Orono Weekly Times, 20 May 1943, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKÇLY TIMES, TIIURS1)AY, -MAY Zfth, 1943. IN MEMORIA2kM OGDIEN -- In îSvjigg mem'iorýy of îry dear nothlelr, Ellen Jane Ogden, hoPaseed awaiy LMay 24th, 19)40. -Ever remean1bered by daughter. DEATIIS TEBEILE - In C1lrke Townii:lp, on Tiuesday, May 18th, 1943, Mary Elizabeth Te3bIe, widow of John~ ,D. Telbblie, 2aged 83 years. Funerail e'ervice will be held at Kenidal United Church on Thnr]sday at 2.30 p.m., and procee(d to Oiono Cern-ic tery for intelrmenelt. S 'eof the Grono pol are cer- tainly ruoninig in luck. Oliver Gibb8, ,of the souith ward, O-rono, was the inkýcky wininer of a diaw mi-ade at Ajax on Wednesday evening last, the plize beirig a $500 Victory Bond on w.hich he --penTt one dollar. Thie following miotored to Oshawia on Wedinesdayr evening where they gave a blond donation ito the Red Cross Clinic : CharJes Stapi!etVon, .Jaek Syers, Bocb. Cihaters, C. W. ljMaritin, Kenneth Bail, Raymond Chapman, Jack BiaiNorma Baiimst, lFloyd NiehoR>son, Gylen H1ancock, Haruy Daïvey, Rev. S. Lit- tl Frd ed Yeo, Win. White, ýC. B. TIyrrell, J. C. Taan"blyn and Donald ,k n oks Local News Ilere it is nearly May 24th andi niany of the gardiens throughioct the, villaîge hafive flot been planted. Newcastle's Younlg Pebple's U nion Iwill present btceiplay "Tbmboy" ila the Communty 'Hll, Newvcastle, on Fr'iday cvening, Jane 4th. Atiniis- sion, 35e. and,' 25ec. Mr. Gordon Bruton,' Trînity Coi- lege, Toronto, ia spendIng a couple of weeks with bis mother,, Mrs. L. Bruton. He bas just eomnpleted bis studies, proceeding to a Bachelor of [Arts degree, and intends to ;continue in the fall in the theological course, alan at Trîity G-ollege. He will re- turn te, Toronto next week to take uip duties at Long Braneh,- in the Chuncith of the Atonement, Mission. Four carloads of Oddfellows f on Orono Lodige attended divine service in Bowmanville on Slunday mornineg last, alonig with' the Bowmanvilîle Lodge. Mitcr the service they mrar- chedte t the eenotaph andi plaeed a 'wreathla incnninemoràtion of their departeti brethren. W. J. Riddell was suppnsed it speak at the ceno- t24ph, ýbut owing to the ain the seýr- vice was cut short. Twýo carloads also visiteti Cobourg Lodge on Sun- day evening and attendeti divine oervice. Court of Rlevision COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL -Notice is iherelby giien that the firsit sittings of the COURT 0F REVISIOIN for the 'Township od Clailke will be held Inthe Twa Mil l in the Villange of Or'ono, on TUESIJAY, JUNE lst, 19413 at the hour of two o'cloeck, to hear, and deterine the seeveral com- plaints a-i omissions ma the Assess- aient Roll for ýthe said îMunicipaity for the y'ea 1943. AI] personis having business ýat the CoYurt are equested to, attend as aioresaid. J. J. MELLOR, Towniship Clerk. Orono, Ma'y 17, 1943. b-iD-e. Local News Mr. Ji?-ii wuod 1 laid Ur, with a bad attack of Ithe 'lu. Miss JeýannIe Forr-ester, Toronitô, spent the week-end 1at hombie. Miss M. E. 1G. Waddell, Toronto, spent the week-end at her homne iii Orono.' Please bhave any fat ready for flhe Girl -Guideis who, will eau at yeur home on ýSâtuird'ay, Ma~y 22nd. Mr. ansd Mrs. Harold Awdie and family, Toronto, s.pent the weekc-end with IMr. and Mrs. C. F. Awde. Mr. Thomas MeNeil- is paying an extended visit with his daughter, Mfrs. HalIowvell in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis, Davie Found and son Bill spent the week-end ait theirT summer cottage north of Orono. Mr. and Mm&i Orley Chapman, Mrs. Fred Wood and 'Lenore were Sunday guests of 11Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilbur, Oshawa. Gxn. Rioss Wood, RiC.A., bias me- turned ito Siussex, N., after spend- ing a feiw days wfthi his parents, Mr. and iMrs. F. Wood. At last the weatheJm seems to have settl-ed and in a few more days the farmers will be jon the land, ca-pe- cially on the high land, Al stores in the village will ibe elosed on Mondiay, lMay 24th, as the Torwns'hip, couacil lias proclaimed this day a public holiday. 4AC Roy t&oidtt etuwned (today) Thursday for Summerside, Prince Edward i bsiad, after spendîng- a three wecks' furlough withI bis par-, ents, Mm. and Mxs. H. N, &Sott. Lost, strayed or s'ýolen, 1 set wireý fence «stretchers, borrowed froum 0. W. Rolph's Hardware store last Fall. We would Iike them mreturned at once. Miss Anaie flrunmmxond of Newcais- tle who is reeuperating fromn a Tfait is spending a few days with hem ncqphew, iMr. Aditbý1ir Druramwiod vnd Mrs. Dr-mm'oindý The Newcvastle hall lu>b are hold- ing a dance la that village on Friday evenin.g, May 28tb. The procecds will be useti to ýsend cigarettes to the boysoverseas. rOne camîcati of pupils froid the Lteramy Society of Ommn Contia- nation Sehool visited Bo anle theatre on FEriday eveiing. Others were taen la weelis preceding. We ntIced inl Saturday's Globe, and Mail thait Archie Watson, Neil Wood and Don Little were suicessful in eceiviag t*eir year at Tomonto Pharmacy, thus comýpleting their courIse, Congratulation.s. Dm. Wallacec R. Horm (Wally) Who fow the pasit six years bas beer, chief dihemisat ait the Eldorado Goid mines Radium Extraction t>Plant et Port HRopebias fbeen appointed manager off the aew Radium anmi Uranium Coxporation of N«~w Yorkr. Mecssr's. J. J. -Melloir and W. Devey were the onily two to rea their ýAjeictiv.e in the Doarth Victo Loan Drive, Arthur. Wade had per cent, Fred Truil 80 per ce and C. P. Carveth '70 per ent. 'W( done Clarke. REPAIR Your ýRADIO Nov wo' ait until parts become arare For your couvenience we Carryz complete une of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDE2 SERS and RE8ISTORS If unahie to bring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. I. KNOX Orono Tinsho1 This is La wn Moéwer How is yours R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR 1centre St. Orgoi 'o, A typographical error appeared ia the olbitua'ry noticee of t he litel Thomas Dean Casadden in lit week's issue of the Timies, It ap- peared that Mir, Carscaddcn 'was boivn on Aprlfl lt'h, 1885, which sheuiti have eati, " bsiorr on April luth, 1855." lsa't there aay large fish lin the ceeks la Clarke Townvrship '! No ,oive as yet las enteref] a fish ta, the competitionfor the heaviesit fish caughit ameound heme. We are think- inmg of entemîug our next raine inoli qne rwe catch to starit t1e bailrol- ing. Thatit l, when wè catch one. Th e atvance prize liait et the wo- inassection et DuhmCentral Agnieuktumai Society are expected te he distributed, aound by the latter part of Yrexit'week. If fou are lan- beudiri1g of showing ;n this depant- ment ajb the faim tihis yeam, be sure' 7ou reecive a lst îfom thàe s'ecretary, M.MH.StaipleS. On Saturday a en nlasit the edi;teEr, of the Ti'es hiJe outfi- img, Saw a yelio.w f, ayounilg one, ani was rwithîr, Mtty yards eofit be- fore the fox noticed i-nIaL was aý ithe lover end oGf Mm.r. NLSbfrvn'sý faynm, then sceurried across the old railroad traclis a4ira,qýMr, 'Thoi2,s COvwaIn's foranjueit opposite. Phone Seri PARK ST. UNITED CRURCH Rev. S. Littitlewotod SUNDAY, MAY 23rd 1:1iT.4orhp "A Gardon!' 2.30 Sunday ýSchooi. 7 pam, - Worship. Land oft our Birth, our Faith, or Pride, F'or wlose' dear sake or Father's died, OMotheülau(j' we pledlge to tbhee, Heaidi, Heamt anà Hanti in the years to be. ýei A 7CI a ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CAH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 .E.S ent ce. -16 Round Ste ,ak lb. Sïrloin Steak lb. 42eA&C Rolled Pot Roast lb. Fresh Ramn lb. 3e. 1DRESSES Just arrived in stock, Misses and Ladies, in sizes 12 to 20, 36 to 46, smart style in one and two piece, pricêd from $9.95 to ....... $13.50 COATS Ladies a nd Misses Spring Coats in plain cloth and tweeds, f rom $22-50 t o ...... $à>7.5 0 TRIIS BEEF IS TWO GRADES BETTER TRAN COMMERCIAL -Porterhouse Steak lb. 45cM Shoulder Roost of Beef lb. Fresh Side Pork ib. 30e.Mâ Primie Rib Roast H-i-Do Yeast pkg. Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. - LI) H protection of property to-day is conservation for tomîorrow. So when you paint, go to youir Martin-Sen.ourdeer -He is the man whio can tell you best about "w-uining" colour combinations. Ie is thbe man who really knaowspan and the mosit economical and practical ways of app)lying it. Bi$siadvice is sineere and helpful-the paints lie eils are mnade with the enduing qualities that stand the "test+.of time". When you pait, go to your M..rtiii-Senur dealer. ROLPH'8 HARDWAI Phone 43 r 1; Orono, Ont. RE &WHITE S TOR ES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QIALITY RIGRER TRAN PRICE Magie Baking Powder, IL.tin with free scribbler 28c IT Shoe Poluah, bottle 15C Carrots, 3 bunches, 25c Maple Leaf Cheese, 5 IL box $1.75 Chalet Worchester Sauce, bottie 13c Valvetta Cheese, 1-2 IL pkg. 22c Horse Radiah Relish, bottie 15C Round Steak, IL 37c Rib Roast, IL 33c Sirloin Steak, IL 39C Porterhouse Steak, IL 43c Sirloin Roaat, lb. 37c Wheat Flakes, 5 IL bag 22c Three stranci Brooms 45c Sani White Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls 25c Maple Leaf Soap 1flakes, Ige. pkg 62c 220 Navel Oranges, no seeds, doz 53e A Fine Assortment of Plants., Tomato, Cahhage, Celery, Asters, Petunias, etc. Reimie's and Steele Briggs' Seeds. J. J. CORNISH Deliver~y every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat. moruings RATS Ladies Mlats in feits and straws, priced at $1M9 to . . ...... $4.95 Ilandbags, Gloves and Scarfs, also tJmbreilas, in ail shades. CHILDREN'ý DRESSES And Play Suits and Overalls, from' 2 to 6 years, and 7 to 14 years $1.00, $1.25 and . . $1.50 ,P

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