ORONO WEEKLY TEIMES, TIJURSI)A[, NMAX 2ê1t, 1943. C -ýNNING SUGAR iwil lie bu l befor, haine îhsig ths ea, bis aunouncti the ration admIIinitration cOf the -tîime Prices, and Ti-ade- Board. la aqppecximately haIf the quanl- ckfcfor by Cnaie oUse- s. Aithiougir Otal-w's individual a bas be set at 10 pounds per oni, tire alotmet for personss i onto area Ira-.s iflot uyet been fIxed. 'ER -MIDNIGHIT, MAY 26th EAT RATIONING EFFECTIVE 4ttwa, -May 19-(GCP - coupon Giing oft met wili go into effeo-t ,27, bbtphcesboard lanircuncetcI Wc,î.nesýday. Afber idihi;,ItMay cienut may only be purehased witlrý surrender of brown spare "ýA" hie first pair oft these cou ions. ,keci No. 1, liecores vali(l on -27. Anther pimr wiil become1i iench succee-diug Th-rLai pors bcclg god before tIre( 1o:f th(re mon-th expire at the- enti t'h-,t nronth. Couponïs bloingii' i on or afier the iStIr of a mcnth' I ie at the'ceti cf the Follo>win-g A e mitinigilt of -May 26 lb wil' uniawfi for îny cuurerte rationti met wthout suirn ug valid coupons antiud aiu nayone to sce teo a conIsumer ot receiving viid coupc'ns," board sal-,l its announcement, WcdnesOki,.1 ationed meaits are- beef, veal, 1, arutton anAd ab Fny its such a s hearb, boigue, liter, Ins, s'weetbyeads and kidneys cookeýd sautsagi,,e sucl ins boLogna wieniersz are not to, be rationeti. soiann 50 per cent, or moi-e binc, auc<h as sparerils,oxil pigs kniuckies are ai.se exempt. hte boardî on Tuesdlay amroun'cedi groupa of rationed mecats wich-]- have varying coupon values. cmr this plan the ýýeeUIýy indiviti- r-ation wilil ie froni'nuonepould te and cone-haf ponnds, depending he type f menît purchaseti. 'ATO PROFITS MAY BE ROCTREIt PROM PROTECION lie urgent demnand for putatees riiLitairy aud c iia onsumptIýion as a repnsilh)ility uipon Ontatrlo to gweste produce the hasti 'possible ia 194,3 An objective t iast 10per ceent iner'ease ila dution over 1942 is requesbed. 'iiti labour scarce and prices for - petatoes hig)rer tban usuai, lb nore imrpa tant this year, than c bef ore, teovd the best ila acinfrin diseuse, toýigethýie i pr'ovidling abundanit supplies ef [Btl availaibie plant food fer tire ses are experieneti cach1 ucli potato tuber tlilseas-1 on scnb, rhiroctonia anti ut Uts year, growers the aiert against a "com'- ew dismee known as, ling Rot. Tis tilsee scovereti in Otrodur- B8 se-ison, ant insce tIntl gro crs in some loca uit orjtuiateiy, exper- 3r1eiy hea y losses fromn eautien sihoulti b tak n LtFig ý'o guzadagainst es. Under no i m uid iseconti-hantipotate 'C ýor et pbbca n ,tc bieen thorwoughiy dis- sgrowers miii le ce- lore than be-fore in uîn bIce îobao mChiner'y. ups hv led ln ceierco-oierabiveiy or l basi to oecm abor Cowanville M.and Mrs, Silas Souchwr Suniday visiltrs -ÉtMr Fred 11i11. S.eedinig in this Section is a slOw, proimon acouIt 01. the wet wVea-1 Mr. aind Mrs. Aiibert Hills and Ms Hv'lratio Hilis, Tyrone, visited with Mr. Fred His,-. Mi». and Mis. Kenmieth His 'visijt, ed witli the latter's par,,ents, Mr. and A'ifs. William Ruiter. iMr. and, 3Mrs. Jim Patterson, Tor- o-nto, visited witith his parents, Mr. aniMas. John Patterson. Mr. Jimi Nixon has. been iii, the Barrie :district for the past couple cf we'eks, heing eniiployed( by the D'owni- ham Nursery, BownüanviIie, and he r eports that the wet weather up thereL is wcorae thnn here. 11e e- ptsthat the 'water was so de'ep in thestale that theqy had to move the cattie up ini the barn, while isome bouses the water was comng in one LIooralldout the other. VEGTABESOUT 0F SEAýSON HIGH IN PRICE The Cainadlian pubhleisi- payirig high prices for fresh fruits and vege- ta~lesbecuset'hey are ibuying out- ,f-season goods which are imported :ron) th, United States and Mexico whiere price cediil gre much higlier hIan they are h lere, the Wartime Prices and 'Trade Board officiais said in answer bý( inquiries8. The alter- 'iative is: to Ceut off supplies from the Unrited States with the r-esuit that Cndaswonudd get none, Ail fresh fruits and vegetables, wihthe excéeption oif adishes, are broughit fromi the southeIrn United States, Cadbages, swhich are selling for as m-uch a.s 40 cents a head in thie city are fircuglht from South Caroyilna anA Texas. Tomnatoes are cmigfro i Mexicko and Texas, gr-een leanis firom Florida, onions from Loisaniaand carrots fm Caliîfornia and Tex-ýas. Actuailly, insoports of fresh vege- tale are g-reaitiy reduved tbis year. Onl1y 15 carloads of caibbalges we,-re býrought into th.e 12 princeipal Cana- dlian cities last mionth as compiiaired with 120 carloads in the samne perid Laist year. This is because of the supply situiation in theP United States. A siaîl girl at a sich>ool in Ket \vas having her weekly 1-penny (2c.') stamp put on her savinigs card whe-n the teacher -eaid "Do you know Lord Kind(ersley wats us to sa've another £500'0,OQin three wýeeits?" "O0h, weIl", replied the child, "Pil have an-] otherpeyiot" A siaat boy ln Wales, on hearing cver the radio that th e Savings Cansipaiga had reached £1,00,ý000,00 ($443000,00),said to his parents, "Weii, they wouldJ't have reached thait if, it hadn't been for my shili- Mnd mnachinery rifflcuties. That will b)e guo(d bus iness piluvided ample precaýutions are takçen ag.-îînst spread oF disease. lin other wvords, ýail ma- .iney should Ie hncu'hydisin- f cted before mioving fromn one farin to aniother. Ontario potato growers cain increase thieir Production and proit tnsyear if proper plans anti preautonsarc taçeni. Stiteatrrnernt is im-portant, anA wlll psy ot divitieuts, net only as proütectionl, but bI-)y produlction oit impreveti qoaiiy :ant iaicreaset Furbher i-partîculars anti recoin mendabin ay be secureti frein any CutyorDis,;trýict Braiihoit tire Ontlario Depaturnenat et Agriculture, o'r by \vriüiilg d;irect te Pariiament Buiildings, Torýon-to. The World's News Seen Through CHIIISTIAÂN SCIENCE MONITOR AiIniernational Daili Newuspalper ýhful-Constructive-Unbiased-Free trom»Snainl Bditorials Art Timielv and Instructive, and 1ts, Daily s, Toge li;1er ~with the Weekly Magazine Section, Malte initor an i deai Newspaper for thie Homne. Thn-lChrisrian Science Pubishing Society One. Norway Sreet, Boton, Massachusetts 1', ;e $20Yearly, or $1.00 a monith. day ï e.,includ .g Magazie Section, $2.60 .1 Year. i rodu:ctry Offet, 6 Isues 25 Cents KENDAL Mmi. Wmi. Geary, Ajax, spent the weekL-eiid at home. A goodi crowd tulnned( out to the dance (on Pi4day iniglkit. Mr. Donald Little and M1r. Alec. Littie ,.-tih lMns. N. Little. Mr. and IMrs. A. lioskin spent Sunday 'with M.ýrsc. Loimne Paedena. Mrs. Norman Therteil is visiting with Mir antd Mrs. Walter Thertell. Mr'.ea-nI Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Misses Helen and Grace with Mrs. Vance Allen on Sunday. Mrs. E. Luxen and Mro White spent the weolk-eiid 'with Mrs. Stan. Gray, Permitcwn. - W. I. Meeting The mionthlyy meeting of the W. 1. met in the iibrary on iMýay 2th, -with the president, Mrs. R. Eliiott ýpre- siding. Seven wse1nibers were ipres- eut. The meeting -opeupjd with ýthe singing oï the ode, follorwed by the LordIs Ptrayer. The roll cali was a piee of scrap metal9 for the -wam f- loIand quite ,a few-pieces )f scroap iie(tal rWere iprduced. The presideant anfiounced that the Amnmal District Conventton ýwas to lie held in Bak stock on June- 9th. As this -was the date of our next monuhiy meet- ing, it was aranged to hold ojr nex metig on June ' ci. An in- crease had been made in the feder- ation flee of 5c. and, it was put to a vote that the membership fee be aised from 25c. to 30c. and carried unanimously. It was announceti that a house ito bouse canvass foi- the Red Cross had resuited in the soin cfT $156.20 beàug raised. Thie amnnual picie is to lie helti -in Orono this year andi the memibers decided to in- vite the John G. 'Howard 0hapter of the L.OUDE. in Toronito to theý pic- flic to meet the Kii-by anAd Kendlal ladies. The meetig cosedJ with the,, sîngirng cd the national atithiem, aiter whichi the nemibers took a wavllýt to the Memorial Park 'o see how ý,-the flwrleds were coming along anti ara-e for the gap ini the fence to Lie fixed. (Tooý late for iast wee ) Miss Annie Wrighýlt at home. Mm. Ciarence Bell. spent Suudlay wlth his parents'. Mr. anti _Mrs. Jack lovcer with IMrs. A. Darliinýgton,. Mr. Donald Little spent a f ew days with MrýIis. N. Littie. Pte. Wiilis Wright, Barry-,filiti, with Mrs, F. Wi-ight. MNr. andti ~rs. VWes, Armnstr-ong with Mr. Samuel Bryson. Mr. Eari Bu-rley spenit Sunday with iM. andiMs P. Burley. Sengt. Gordlon Martineil spent the week-end withi Mrs. -Martineli. *M-. and Mrs. Vance Allen and MNadelon with Mr.s. Wni. Mercer. Miss Agnes White, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mmeý E. Luxon. Betty Martin-eli, , llene Duncanl, Gordon Langstaff, Shirley and ElaInae Suteliffe al .tarted to schoýol niter tihe Easber holidays. There was a good attendcance aEt churcli on Sunday. Mrs. R. Mercer acteti as leader. Thre seripture parts were read, by Mrs. R. ýBostok, Mrýs. Wm. Patterson and lMrs. LÈ Thornie. The choir whom were ail mothers sag"What a frîend we have in Mohr"Mrs. Reg. EiIiot eati the stoiy "A Hlappy Fmiy"The offering- mas takçen iby Miss Myrtie Fails andi Miss Helen Mercer. Mr. L. D. Bell', superintendent of the Sun- day Seheol, 1presented the following with prizes for iatteirding S-onday Schnci andi most number of tre saiti: Paul, Ruthr and Margaret Jackson, Gweu Thormpsonm, Mur Patton and I liez Gordon, eaih pupil ALL-CANADIAN MAKES RECORD Cedar Dale MnOWrCarol, whon mas' nameti A,1-Canaýdian anti Rese-rte Ail-American thrce-year old iast <t ah for M. J. T1amblyn, Orono, bias just quailfieti for a Reýcord of Performanice certificate. Starbiorg as n' two-year-old sire Produceti 9,345 Poais oft 1iik containing 341 iPis. cf buttemitat lai 305 Aays on tw\icoe-a- day miikiag. SIre -is tic Sth daugi- term "t hem sire, MaetWrDietator te qualifin la ire Record oit Perform- lice. A five-year-old, Cediar Dale Mlan-O.War !Mary, owueti by Cedar Dale Stock Farins, Oreno, matie a ,-12 pontis fat frein 16,0K1 pouis [cf nn0ilk i1n 305 tin'Ys mvuile anobiar T., Broma, Nemate ave 5231 lbs. fat froin 15,678 peunis eofmin iia NE WTON VILLE Pte. Bill Heskin, Ottawa, at home. y1r Leiand ýMlîson is , hoire on Pleaset to report M1rs. S. R. Jonics la rueb improved. flte. Lennox Vasey, Peteaiboro, at Mr. Wmi. Stap1etons. Miss'Marlon Bruce and ueplrew Bruce Watters la Toronto. Mm. and irMs. W. A. Wrig-ht, Ty.. ruine, at 'Mr. J. A. Barrieh. ?Mr. antI Mrs. Hugli Staipleton, oft Oshawa, at IMr. Max Stapl'etoni?s. Mr. andi Mrs. Hlaivey Osborne anti family, Weioomc, ait J. T. Peance's. ;Mrs. Cias. Watters has m-ove i lu- te rooins la Mv. Wmi. Cole's house. AjC2 Raymiond «ilimier hba been tmansterred to& the I.T.S. at Belle- ville. Pbe. Art (Moome, it e and baby Paul, Castieton, wibli bis sister, Mrs. J. Stark. %ver. J. ;MdLachian wa s a juadge at tlire Gold iMedal conbtest in Orocýno on Fiday infight. Messres. Wilbcrt lHanicock anti Wil- lis Jones are miakinig limprovemients on their homeýs. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. N. SmIith, o Starleville, 'with ber arother, -Mils. Thos. Stapietion. Mr. aud IMrs. J. A. Barrie- attenid- ud tire tunerni cf the late Mm. Brucel Peagciock at Port Hope, on Friday. Mm. anid Mrs, Harry Lane and Leona ant ilMiss Mae Ma-ilory, Col- >orne, at Mr. W. iC. Lane's ou -their way homie lrem Toronto. A aumrer celelimateti Mr. Bert- Samis' bhirbhtiayý at iris home on Sat- urday eveuing. iA pleasant evening was passed la phaying bridge. Sinceme sympnVI-j ,la axtenidedti t Mý,rs. Chas. ýMoirrs whese mother dlieti recenmtiy at Mt. Albiert. Mrs. _Morris has ireen at Mb. Aliert for a couple osf weeks. W.M.S. Meeting- The regular meeting -of thte WM5 oit the iaiteti Churdli on XMay 13tb, vipeneti wibh tire president, -Mra. J. AI'cýLacin Luthre chair. jcripture retigby Mrs. MoLacllan. îMrs. J. T. Pearce mas appoiniteti press secretary. It maIs noteti with ppe ciabion brut airumber oft gonod coats wmere handed lu for the 'bale. Aýf ber thre business penioti Mrs. George Waikey took charge cf the progranri anti gave the topic, "Thre Church's one-time War ýService." T'ins was foi-lowe i by sulent prayer, ait ber which Mrs. C. Burley andi Mra. J. T. Pearce presented in dialogue f orm "Asleep or Awake teo ur Home Missioni Task." Tire meeting cioseti with iprayer hy Mrs. Burley. The next meeting miii be in changeý et Mrs. J. A. Barrie on June S;tir Guescit speake, Mrs. Rogers, Bow- NEWCASTLE Mns. D. De'wdney was in Toronto on Saturtial for the weddiiug of hler nephcw. Mr. ýanti Irs. Joseph Irmin anti family, oit Torenito, were week-end- iriig ait "The GIcan." Mrs. Keitir Allen anti daug-irter were meek-entiing la Torento at the honve (dfber parents, Mr. ant iMrs. E. C. Bolanti. The puipils oit Roci2, Newcastle Public Scirool, reiport they have rais- ed $9.80 by the sale cf artiecs mlatie by tire ch-iltiren. Proeeds for the Red C'ross. Mrs. Haroldi Couci mwas out et town last week fitetie gradluation oit hem brother Douglas Wallaee. Hae receivei his B.5.A. on Tuesday, May 1lîthirat thre Ontario Agricuibumai Coilee, Gu~phthe tiegrees leu !ofrrtby sir Wm. MWuiIiý. Mrs. Coueh wlas acomnpanieti by hem tatb- cm, thre Re,,% T. oalccf Green- bark. c Tic C.G.I.T. Irelt a very success-- ful crodkinole party iu tire Couunnn-.-- ifty HaIli on Fiiay l4th, untier tire ieatiship of K. Toms anti Btty Enrigilit. The meji's prizes wuemo by Siti. Brom for ii'h core, anti BoI-by Steýphenson the cons;olation. The ladies prizes InySirl y Brntj ývith b igir score, anti Mia. Welilingtou Brunit tlire conshoiaition. Atter a lii<t luinclhtie party broke qp, everyoa agreelirgi tbey md a gcoottiae. MUore than 1,0,0 peepie (near- ly20% c f Br-itini's population> eon irqiute mgaryte ýtic Ret Cross "Penny a Peek incint. Every Day Low Prices On Gin PUIS......... 39C., 69C. Urasai, 4 ounces ......... $1.00 10 ounces ....................$2.0 Feen-A-Mint Tabiets 15c., 33c. Dodd's Kidney Puis . ..... 43c. Chase's Nerve Food ........ .60e.ý Large size .............$150 Eno's Fruit Sait ...... ......8e. Photo Enlargement Special Have ,your favorite -negatiýve in either walnut, silver, ebony eniarged, mounted and framed or go1lj trame, over-ali size about 12 inches by 8 inehes. Black and white .......... ...79t. Hand colored ...............99c. Dec-Tee Moth Fume Crystals Suire death to moths, 1-lb). tini for ...............3 ... '9C. Garment Bags, moth proof, 25c., 50c. and........ .. ...$1.00 Triai package FREE with GiIANT KRUSCIIEN SALT Both for 69cý Sal Hepatica ...... 37c, 63c, 94c. Alka Seitzer Tabiets 29c., 57c. Certified Minerai Oul, Russian Type, Heavy Petroieum Oit, bighiy refinied, 16 oz. hottie for . .............. ... . ..... ....... 39C. 40 oz. bottie .... ...83C. 80 oz. bottie....... $1.49 1 gai. in (160 azs.) $2.60 FARM 1NEEDS Biacklegoids, for iqumiizing cattie againist blackleg when pasturing. 10 oids (suficient to treat 10 animais).-$1.00 Vet-Aid F armer's Friend A relief for many ailments of stock a.nd poultry, 6 dram bottie f or .... .... ......., 75c. Box of 60-........-...............60C. Bottie of 180 ....... $1.50 Prescriptions a Speciaity Charles Tyrrel A1gent for Jackman Flowers Phone 68, Orono M w Colgates Coleo Toilet Soap, regular 5c. Special, 5 cakes for...... ... .......... ........ 16c. Granite Wash Basins, color cream with red timj, limited quantity, each....... .. ........ 35c. Chan Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins..........9c. Leather Dog Collars, eachi............2âc. Heather Linen-finish Envelopes, correspondence size, good quality stock, 25 for......lOc. Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose, medium Weight, -wide top, sizes 9 to 10 1-2, pair............39c. No. 1 Dutch Set Onionts, lb. ........25C. Hu-Mar Soul Conditionier and Plant Food, with full directions, large 3 lb. pkg..ý....... .. .25c. Vigoro Tablets, specially made for potted plants and flower boxes., pkg. 24 tablets .......15c. Master Dog Biscuits, 1 lb. pkgs., 2 for....25c. Puffed Wheat, large 8 quart bag, only....17c. Jvory SnoW, safer for silks and WOollens, large, pkg. for........... .......... ...... 25c. Grape Nuts, 12 oz. pkg. for.. .........15c. Pure Grape Juice With added sugar, 16 ounce botttle for ......... ....... .. .......... 25e. Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. pkg. for four coupons and ...................42c. Neilson's Chocolate Cocoa, 1-2 lb. 19c. 1 lb , - 29c. O-Boy Hand Cleaner, tin ..-...... .. .......0Oc. Black Figs, ideal for pies, etc., lb......... ýýý.19c. Lipton's Chick.:en Noodle Soup, cooks in seven minutes, 2 pkgs. for........ ... ..... ,ý-25c. Royal Yor-k Cr-eam-i Cheese. Special, 1-2 lb..... 20c. Baking Sodla, bulk, lb ..............7c. H. P. Sauce, 8 1-2 oz. bottle for ...... ....Me. lodized Fr-ee-r-uninii-g Table Salt, 2 2-1b. con- tainers .....-.....,......... ...........15e. Remember Father's Day, June 2th. Yi Motor KIN' Equ )RONO 5c. TO $1.00 STOREI FOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTREI rEquipment Privi Northcutt and Sm Funera] Direetors and Furniture Deale [DNESS COURTESY pped to take care of the miodest funeral reasonabie charge as weli as the largeur meut exacting Telephone: Office 668 ilion. Colleet Residence 523 Bowm -- - &ý- ---ajvJ rate Ambulance iith SER VICE at the mos,t t and Sand 726