TheNgt 0f Seamenà Lockou.ts With Keenest Siglît Seleotcd by Secre*t The -Royal Canadlan Ns-ývy is - riag aseretinstrumenttatest îi-sgb. v'isi ofa!seamený,-adlcv ery SeinigusSt icrae ie «ifi-hing fcicyolslp, 5asida naval ieadqnarte r pee release recuntly. The announcemait said 0iàis mest bsat s whiistIse-entýç rilghîsight uow eau bn h COCI~c for îIle Sais watcches. "hlt s aýialI meanit raicllcanges ta lightln-g aboard sppsud a way las been fomimSta permit aaraps-la o siavi galas' ta cons-ut schs-rcanrder bs'it light vrillant eing teni- porarily'blind,'whebleretu:ras3 ta theidg. B3efare the wr, aiSdîl relas "New pmaoas isue, hyonS re- stIeSsienitifiec r lautl lu- mjati b)einge are actualiy qipe wiils two sets o! o-yeral osfr dzty. sud(i anaiefor ngtvso. h daytlme se atgli haper'f'ect ud those useS iai iîtliih Tise Navy ,old gad yo! hýow Tiss-9'ossga l D'labrsti asag langoupia!30 os' 40 mua s onà, pletely Sas-k roa>m for ihes- tsts chairs doks, fluass, caili g-ev-- asý -y laci is psaS s Saé l di bîscis. Tisecselinstrument qtle ou y record anS casýOnparesamne h liyta sa a iSaris. Titeprs r-eleaso escriba boy aa'map voulti stumbla mb tisa eeta orao m ask hie ch!ine ou a a ir, pepede vrais rglut tta s ali Anoliser vould sopireu nyl,1 ir -XSýtand I1le 1aigh al aliee Il Took 456 Miniutes ped %viusi agisostly Sl'knd oil- mro eabout but aviiel donse u lu-g inle Saris,ie-asyaS e"e c ai~h ses45 minuexo le e- cyee lu gm-vfui actm it vision. Tsinn asmhlasne a nc Par e ci-'e ive-l, - hast - îI iglîýT lis be sagnoieby turiS-ehîeits Ffl r.-t Air Letters Carie B'y 'Jenny' AurMil Srienssge-t oct Tenty-ie ara Agan aI' P2olomar ar, ais --un 5 ycara go. and tise!pIlot dunîp Or; a potice o imah -Tise plane,trvln 80me eu isourbraugis tiseil oper tie200-m-ihe rojutef-om e Y sk, tis-us isuua-sgts i regu-ter ais' mtail serv"eira' -hie count y. That woac May l15, 1.8 Titrougs tha ertis e planai Prm isebie! vf okt- e enddoS -oopuefasoiat--os- pce sofa the avanS. Tday Utis iadove o!Atie pianes Diirer ovesres-ssepied %Hile an leyhamleâts, výibut ui nusreit-han su ccsonai upavard ginefront tie pep clig Fewer PiaaeaMOs- Mail inliesnidtes'y, ie iaa'os Iah fligis. . sure anitd ue a n n t-haod sy isa iote '- !lv Flrom t-ufirst 200 msrsu 1918te la prxiaiely 105,00),- M00Mles lu 194A, Frocn60î) psaeofiaii a ay lu ý2'2À5,000 thir iviAI rconautie Asociaion, -haovers ss-e 5* plne uar at.rug oves' t-ie cmerilair- heave ave b teISa are -r 'V ib i I - - - - SUNDAY SCHOOL LES SON Jvute PETER COMFORTS PERSEGUT- GOLDEN TEXT-For il ilabet- ter jf the wjlI of God should $0 wui Ithat ye suffer f or weII-oiug> ttian forei, -ofg ee 7 memory Vre hnatngt TELESSON iN UrS SE T'TIN.3 Time-Tbe exact limortia writing of lts Epistia dcnnaI h det "iîd butIl0a!pobb1 u,4al a ras AD.6 "Sle ils-mt Me mbyo"art rIS ba asam l -blivetiaIFie Pateraves ritte nf ro litegresat lag ls-tnaàIes olisers aesg gete tat, heause lise ty no fenIly ralledBalylon, Tis aéEis va wttenfsoui litea.Amo- ty . sisospele vr as', ba lera la Saignate tiserity af Ratite. Prnilsof Couduct yos , i ye h easo! litisavwicbý lgod"If v go about daiag goad va need ual ha sfIraiS o!ý tisase Who. ta a cvcr V rity, are sufer fi- rlgbeonlsues sia hled ar-s ye: anS fear nul thar pineess-a econsistent wiLA î -MI iryig ckmrmsieq« AReaosong Faith "But saactfy1litYOuM iss l Christas Lmar. esssre ilia yo pive Hum i l liaI leBts Se, su ta ha ovea!yoarlaî, swc as la ie Lihougisso!yurhars enrdgia"BLi fo whsta tTs anear ,ta evary uasittai a' you isu~es au cotcrnmg is lap lits-tîtelu yau, et avilis&e isaes anS lesou, s gireourrasorsanga lamp e! hcliha a c te hast "l{avingua mondcncine visarav e nrgodmaaur o tus iio! G-ad anuts a aii tI C yae sîsf errvt (do Iirg pusan fo os l din" I ta sfor baus ave arl 1al L;ful ta Chri t _in av cblain-rboys later g0%g M& asmi- dets iahueed boys who juisth Cades otaMUetai heir ebes ii te oySouts. So u io ts o! tu, eariet SoutTrops lu Grier, the einetCaîdnat baro wfon a lin la woiclt wa hibe puolppolocate the wnen owe unSO10 perentdoré $40 o~r a heBaer who l Pi cn sk- jeM u * m r ned,, Becaus Scouing ;liS doe sa D.FC. oi NeqZalnd lulis ii arovisa gbeQuecst ! 25oor ties, WsilngttmarkZ, Boy Scous- Asi soitoaS $15 t lis od Too ïc ou ntomebuTICNVZ.,MTroa * * * WlienQueenEliaaisth iiud Calgsy li 1939she rsethe RaQus lea ltshstt ta ind igsesUr ks lit wul Ca o thehllistmakslalis ae luem bIs purlesW curseý,ranuwas ln thir.nama, Tht vehae at- abdil frnjevilwhichnstlrrs a-A Chrst e te cndiiono!leJ TonloceA th bslie~ler tliatulie ay xplt u ladu ETX FESTB ts chgeledas a fn ar iiwapro- ducio. hecnti te t w1ra îe- pdîenoassemabturisurnina-ise the expriccs ea!7eta in anaS- ïsi ,a pate nl)î e i he r been, uloreS c Lthe Iaf a1 rtis t gfac toi-tee nggeSon warprodA.Ucto ani oupedsher tatswii DuSspeXse sytm s' tisdl grpit Ausr cenubeipi-eeaesfo tha enteîtaimiton iel'saf PÈmielail a-acsieproducin su deliciacy a eston taWu anSaccdet ;nte, a rurt o' asau tlatSpiu ntI an!irveeun l mora, Acomplte n eie pats l!i-Aias. ine tal raio anmepcsouapi rrordinebdis lad walnthSresvntsoyta anlu promses a b' a howworth lis- Quiz prg1,4neiay oed u quz.The iniitabe ReS ste lu quS roraniesdotsir Finland Is Va»d Stite 0f Germanu Te h stoR of Vhs elin e-. oaysDorohy Tompen Ever since ise la-Fmwarwe hae an,-s wed fuorl fwo gsrgo tha Fand Ge rnsmii ctry andolitGea- tany FInnd was aSs by Grauy.iý German eougine%02 uilt Ise Man was anymiiltary omtchstfonGOf steel tag<ve ctstrength sud Britain itrainmng FutureFrmr Over 21,0A Chiden EaMss Ti o Yiunj Farmïers' Cns non ~ ~ ýu hatswr agricutheal coin a! hei laS.These cwnomit arce trainiu-g theby u il Over 20,000c hldreu, agni h- e ted a aring - siýte as par-trs inersior fuss-trii- tler- oa beDOSY-o Yun Farers Clb, ht aeereia ainSara sncyb tehing a sec- Ma' sh2a ing ,ik, butter am carpentry, repaiî' o!hssîx U. S. ARMY CORPS - HORIZONTAL U-H. S., rm 12Pcfy Risoehad 17Sdese ISMusir , e 19L oe3 33on (m42 ) Aniswer te Prievioius Puzzle eupet 13 urih ap. ATUA PLAT1N120Ntatc. ON ~24 Passengerk ED EA E E HO3Orai CAP ARDREE yO 2Pay back. ALEIRSEi S36 Boy. E LEN T S SET~Giýt (ruv 41 Bmeerge. 6 Cer" id uinc Ach cnote 51 Theefre pubic 43 2000 pound-, 52 Up r at ai acutat 4 Cntllh hed.(abr), 50-)Aw,%ay ùfroutn 54 ~~ Asit. 7 urnt,(eM) VERTICAL 1abj 3 New Yo ýk (abb.)., 14 Fied -sets54Eca ton 2 peuun are uedin &ts55 Titi (symbol. POP-Like Miost Big Bosses