ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TRTJRSDAY. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Séeond Com-pulsory Emiployîinient Tran sier Order Notice to Cettain Employers and Employees' tisat men i, pecifiedï unes of civian -employmneut, lu classes already deignated under National Slecive Serice 'Mobilizatiox Regulations, must report for ineviwfot later titn lune 15iîh4 1943', at an Employanent and Speective Service Office. A. OhetiVe: This Second Order Makes avilable for esseniiial em loyanents the ser- vices of men la classes already designated under National Slctrive Srvice Nlliliatlon Regulations, who re now cmiplyevd lu speci.. fied non-essential Cmpioyineues. B. EMPillOYMIENTIS COVERED BY THIlS ORDER Mer, f the apeefied categories, are covred if no. emplOyed t: (1) Aisy ccpainlaor 4ssoclated siti retil stores; (2) any occuption lu or asoitdnisite jauacuiiof fether, pumsansdfatificlal lser ceiug gun; e; lace goods; greeting rards; jcwety; (3) auy ocpto uor isoitd wth ditilliag achlfr evre;(4) ..y oceup.tio- lu or ass- riated ith tise fat.ory produelirsu of etsiusry sud art good,; (5) auy occupa- tion in tise oeainof itee rens parlours ..d .oda funa (s 6) .uy of tise follo- ing ocptin:bus isoys;t ciarmen ansd eeur~csosfros ue teachers; disis nashrs; doorusen aud tatr;greena keepers; gonskeepers; potr other taissulurslýay tanser- vc)epivte chauffeurs. C. AGE AND) MARITAL CLASSES 0F MEN C:OvEaED BY THIS ORDER: (a) Evry munisoru lu s.y ycar froin 3917 t. 1924 (iclsiv) h.Las eahed age 19;z b) every man iorn froin 1902 to 1916 (icusv), .s, t July 15, l940ê was nmrred rlivorced or Jdeal scparaýted, or s ,ido,,erithsout cild or eidu;(c) evry .inubora from 1902 to 1916 <inclusive) eh. has iecome a sidower since judy 15, 1940, and la wihouit ehild or children now livinga; (il) every mlani oru fromt 1902 to 1916 (icuie ho, since july 15, 1940, ha, been divorced or judicially separated. D. Proccdmre 1. Le Followed: Ail men as deflned abcove muar report to an Empîtyment and Selective Serv ice Office lot later than june iStli, 194. Men resident outide a city or town having an Emrploymnent and Selective Service Office, too fat remnoved to cal pet- sonally, mnay write ro thù nearesr oflice, and await further directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYEES: Wheu direrted to accept employment, mea refeýrrd te in Parazgraphs B and C sisove ares. qlred by thse aeglstions to fllon tise direction. F. OBIGATIONS 0F EMPLOYERS: hi wilIL e illegval for anl employer t0 retain in is employ afirr lune 151h, 1943, any mea referred to in l'aragraphas B and C above, unldesseca l permit asheen obtained fronin eeceService. G. Transportation: provision will lie made for transporttion of men moved teu a new place of reidence. M. Appeals: If objecting tu tranisfer to otiter emtploymcent wendirected, a man may enter appeal with a Court of Rcfrets within 7 day. I. Penalties: Penalties are provided for eiller employer or employers failing tu comply with this Order. j. Authority: This Order is issued by the Ministr of Labour under Natioýnal Selecive Service Civilian Regulazzionis (P.C. 246 of january, l9th. 1943, and amiending Orders in coucil).- K. This Second Orde is Adlinlto First Order: Employmients Isted in Para- graph B ab>ove, declared noýn-essential in this Second Ordr, are additial Io the nion- essential cemploymlentis conralud ilu the Firt O:rder. The F-irt Order, issued un May 4ih, 1943, r(equired comnpiance by Mlay I9rh on1 the part of énaployces deiLgnarted under Mobiliration Regulations, and alýoto f ehir employers, in the followhing nes ef worl:- 1> reversas or liqiior, 'ine ansd beer stores; (2> rerail sale of candy, ceifecIieneryV, te- bacco, books, saioncry, n'ws; <L) barbe'r sheps ansd beaury parlours; (4> retail ansd qsbolesale florists; (5) serice staions (gaso.. line-filling station); (6) retail -le of ni"trr velicles or accestoriet; 7) retaýil sale Of spring geeds or muisical inistrumýenrs; (8) trater tai dive, eevaoroperaitor, botel bell boy, domnesic servant; <0) a'Y occupa7- lion lu or directly assoclated 'iitis nerao met, including but ruer restricsed tu ebearres, film agenciea, metion -Picture zceuauparneýs, clubs, bewling alleys, pool reoms; () a7usy occuption lu or direcrly associated '-itb dlyeiuug, cleastuuzg, arud pressing (net incluing9 laundry 'odbrs guide service; shoe Men relerred tea above e#ui present documtenta ai the emploa'ment offlice, indicaling Compliesuce ulth iMobilisation Regulatio'ts Mini.ter of Labour A. MACNAMARA, Director National Selectis.e Sertdcu W4 Local News 'One thing the rain bas donc is to inalke everything so ýnice andi green. d3'1iss Mary Sisýon is visitinig witb ber grandtsilothier, Mrs. Mary Sisson. Miss Gwen Tennant, Toronto, apent thbe holiday week-end -with iher parents. Mr. Jac(k Buchïlley of the Armletil Forfces spent the week-end -witrh Mrs. BUAley. 21r. J. J. 'Cornish imriproveti bis store on IMon'daiy last rwhen lie hati a new floor laid. Miss Dorotliy Virtue,' Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Rictieli. Pte. Normiaan ALInu, ol the Com- mnandos, Bra'ntfowJd spent the week- 'enId iwith bis wife- in Orono. Mr. ianti Mrs. W. C. ýCTossle',y were Suntiny guests wibh Mr. anti Mrs. 'Stanleiy P'oiteous, .Cowanvill'e. G ood sec'uic-haiid odk stOve for sue with rieseriv'oir anti higb eloset- Apply to John Berry, Oronoa. ,Mrs. E. G. Hay anti son, Toronto, are spenciing a few <Dnys with her pjarenjts, Mýr. antiMrs., R. -E. Logan'. RED & WIITE -STORESI SPECIALS *Thursday, Friday and Saturdlay I QIALITY HIGIIHER TIIAN PRICE French's prepared Mustard, jar 9c Maxwell House Coffee, lb. bag, with 2 coupons 47c Javal Water, Sunbright, 2 bottles i17c Moonbeam Pasteurized Chee-se 2 lb. box 72c Catsup, 26 oz. bottle 25C Jelymelk, pkg. loc Grapenut Flakes, large 2 pkgs. 29c Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 15C Horne's Coffex, takes place of tea or coffee 35c Gillett's Lye, 2 tins, --23 C Round Steak, commercial, IL 37c Sirloin Steak, lb. 39c Bologna Sausage, IL 24c Cowan's perfection Cocoa, lb. 25c Salada Tea Bags, 60's 4 coupons 65c Kelloggs Krumbles, 2 pkgs. 23c Quîck Quaker Macaroni, pkg. i12c mornings Mrs. J. IH,. Leslie, iaf Peter- boro, sipent the week-end with theý ltter's parents, Mr. andi Mrs. W. Jý Rdd'ell. Mrs. R. A. Forrester spent Wed- nesday i;n Torointuo visiting witb -eh parents, also with ber datughtetl' Jeannie. Mr. andti lMs. A. H. f)aivy, Tor4 e7nta, visited i wth their sisters, Mrsý, L. Faliek, andl Mi.,ss, Darvy, on the holidjay. 1 QMr. andi Mrs. Allison Cowan ant family, Toronto, spent the holidaY week-end with his parents, ýMr. anti Mrs. 'Thiomas Cowai'.i Miss Mario 'Cooper, Toronto, anti 2nid Lieut. "E;na" Fagan, Cam-p Bor- 'tien, spent theé'week,-end witb Mr. anti Mrs. IF. O. Cooper. Mr. Trewin Scott of New Toronito, _ant Miss, Ray 'Edwards, Mimiico, spent the 24th holiday week-end witb- Mr. antil Mrs. Hl. N. Scott. The monthly businessý meeting of the Orono Branici of the Ried Cross Soit vil, be belt next Thursday, Juine Scil, at 3.00 p.m. in tbe Orange (Toti'ay) Thursday, the W.C.T.U. convention for the Coundies 'of On- tario andi Durbamn is convenin'g i Ortufo, witb ioTrning ard afteroon sessions. .Mr. John Ariitstron.g bas returned 'bome after sp'endig a coyuple of m'ontbs travelling for tbe Cooke Clothiivg 'Co. tirottghout tbe Western Provinces. Frankîra Taimblyn, of tb'hé CAF at Toronto, spent tihe week-end with bis father, Mr. A. J. Tamiblyn. He reports havin-g a grand' timte inthat lbtancb 'of tbe arniet forces. Rev. W. T. R. Delve, B.A., B.D,, Mrs. Dojive anti s'on, 'of Wùoler, spent a few ùenys l'ast wcee-k withh the f ormi- er's mother 'ai-tit aunit, Mrs. R. A. i Doilve anti ýMrs. A. Courtice. 'Cburc' Ser-vice -wil'l be beltinhi Leskard Cbinjcb 'on Sulda,MaY 80, at M.30 pm., tbIr J. J. 'Mellor in charge. IServiue Will bce liel iin the churcb everY Obher Sunlday., Visitors witàb Mr. anti Mi4s. Per'cy Cýbapmslan (),,suld(Iy ,,vere, 'Mrs. L. T. iwartis, Mr anti Mrs. Howard Mc- Coirb, 'of 'Obawa M. anti Mrs. T. A. Paradine anti Mrs. C. R. Green,, af Toi-onito, Mr. Rnti Mrs. 'Orley Mrs. Dý(ai Carscatitieii exp)ects to l'ea've Orono socmetimie in June to stay withb ler son just nortb of 'W inrnipeg anti also 'with ber sisteri- i-1)nlaw, wbosie bu-baintifias been oves- seas for tipasttiwo year-s. Tbe tovnsýhiip gratier bas bec" useti ari tihe ide roatis hi tbe villa ge, 4[oinlg a gonýd j'ob in levlling ovin9g to tbe Ibountiful myoisture. Up to the ýpresent there lbnsnft been anry neeéti dor calciun cblioride. oREEURTO Ou Nutrition made easy! nt-g-rn ue to healthful famwily meals It's here at iast!. A really practical guide to ment- planning. Ail you need to know about nutrition, in an easy-to-follow, interesting, authioritative book. Th-is is important to you; for recent Government surveys show s ixty percent of Caniadians fait short of good nutrition, even though seemningly well-fed. Perhaps your family lacks proper food for vital good health ... stamîâna . .. high morale. So get in line with the "Nutrition for Yictory" 4drive. Send for your copy of -Eat- ~~~to-W ork-to-Win"s NOW. Follow TH E the new EASY plan for serving delicious. well-baianced meals. Wget adrss, .eCr', nGnc U~~fllfor YeO1TrtO Cettteu THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) A R 10 l tise interests of nutrition and healtis 4L2-ýas an aid to Victory. ATTENTION Fruit Farmers Incerease your production by rentiug bees during fruit bloomi Apply For Rates CHAS. R. KNOX There are ncow three taxis in~ itbown, Devey'e,> Mereer's and Payneýs.~ REPAIR Your RADIO Now Don't wait unitil parts becomie srarce. For your conveuience we carry a complete lune 'Of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS anld RESISTOI<S If unable to brilg your radlio to the shop, Phione Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX OJrono Tinshop% This is Lan iMower How is yours R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St Orono Phone SOi PARK ST. UNITED CBURCH Rev. S.Litewd SUNDAY, MAY 3th "The Proper Use of tbe Bible." 2.30 p.n.-SLinday ScihGooL 7.00 P.m1-.-WktrSIip "The UrcgieiChrist," ",For tis is tbelove o0f Goti t hat wme ee<p is Comnnianti- ments ant i is' Co)limmanti- m-eints are niotgreou" fuet Prog'aý ithrsit oi Clarkieet.0.1 on Firiday, Jne 4t. Miss L enore 'Wcod, Tor the week-end with her 'pa anti MrFred Wooti' Mr. J. J. Mellor brmught a, cildsshoe in the office whb: showed to tihe Outbs at their me Hie ought the pair when be, wa visiting in Wales. Thbe solec shoe was, matie of woo'd w)hiel ibout liaIf an inch thick, e wooden beel. The uprpei- pai 'o1 leather whic)h was na'lled tc iWod. The pair of shoas cos 5.an 'would 'wear for a maoy years, deing hantied, jthrcaugih a fssnily. ARM STRO N G' IT PAYS TO PAY CA Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 RATS ' Ladies ilats in felts and straws, priced at $1.98 to ........ý ý$495 Ilandbags, Gloves and Scarfs, also Umbrellas, in ail shades. CIILï-DREN'S DRESSES And Play Suits and IOveralis, from 2 to 6 years, and 7 to 14 years $1.00, $1.25 and .$1.50, Round Steak 40c. Steak lb. 42c. Rolled IPot Roast 30c. ~I Fresh Ilam Thursday, Try our DRESSES Just arrived in stock, Misses and Ladies, in sizes 12 tu 20, 36 to 46, smart style in one and tw,,o piece, priced f roui $3.95 to. ...... $13.50 COATS Ladies a nd Misses Spring Coats in plain cloth and tweeds, froni $22.50 t o..... -$3750 THIIS BEEF IS TWO GRADES BETTER THAN COMMERCIAL Steak 45c. Shoulder Roost of Beef lb. 1 30c Fresh Side Pork 30e. Â Rib , 1 1 'Orono Phone 42r2 1