.Andt Sirens ShrilI eiby Herolo LittIe lslsind 'Piesimifugy t he sirea reil fwnfoonthe a ge Csent cukeret parces cflandtlIa hors appearedta leha as eanti TISs sland race bas hec-n au- C,ý«temad 10 tofigisling fer, 2,000 took prt in the Pulu Wars anti laer fought the infidel, prutur ~ rin -that t ubuato.More '- etlo iseÙ10 asI uepa fmagmeimt halti by tee Allislise Mat 3 teert firînagainat ts airasatîtecarnet eutntfor weuks os anti, antimsa itutru- apie, heypianai t tlir faits eni eise coming et a day whpn lisey migsbufreaet nxet at )Ma tIey; mgit begiîm Ae Ilminl utrbidiaigIir emlsht Lbmes.i Tise Day Has Corne -Aq seeas isa-, news et ,ýtise faî cf (Tuis anti Bizerte bat ýreachetd #,he llatilwas siedlt ta ai1 tise balu Ibrougiout Malta a1,a uighbOril]g isîlnat afew miesn-,aer lIme eaum-1y sisoti in.Bthlie bel-r'ingars c1oulti -net 'ait aýýnItireh puIs bega a e-ne. 0ftise Ibrea nmmu blain ise121th utaýýry mrc efS.AugelO, ùtwe bat beea de- etryat. TsaOae ramaining asqtr- atueAsing Iheavyinyhe tiseIa- Xry, SU4h twe mua Iuggiuglise rope. yisCI nas tiesasal f or ail the eimut be 011ontie lad France Strippe-d 0f Ail Manpower Pat iot liIHave Nb p pertunity To I4eipAffies tisai lte Alies? ïil ritine lml frinpaitswbea lis "second ~ frot" taepena, cotinues un- aetd bayp teu as ru rrlaia- a e ui t tý-ý lie Seiis nuweapu MWse îcwante lu oAS er-m ratur tIcke tichy," e xrite ~ailo sent il s aveneer "fa arealant Naïesfxat etadrink cf minr vî,I i Phere ' fe rlise ïlas fei,-.> n' ont amciurcis rvecan no pSAh int Jul - r e tclack et, pnsagles, but becats :casr ardvagm e tpga- ara. mo of c cam eriit bais t airsl we in Aflar vr r e ut islise enmu tory W aen Austalia Natciveszý adp A1- t Wa Work Au rilnuave inli mii The RoyalAir ocelic saaiGreat Brilsarein inva- sîin undit îcbtegethei-wfmle roigAmurian Air Force bas beenwsgmg no-stp air offen- sive rasi (onGemn, lbsas cere anoîber triumph, say> MheNew, YorkTines.Withbueape arnskill antiï ingenuiýity lýýI bas viýtal part's Cettheie induýstri"al and&tasottin ssun e Wyestern Gerssnayandi asr- ing inge blw dsîtfrein thca air se fe.Maresections e isla - dustrial 1Ruhr,aledcipudy coutiueusares ebng r tenicarring isebuilkof Gr nmýany.'s ar1tat'fic t rurnnîg dryý priwr buseýs and railwýaytsud oai bridgeTs, niflitnev caîmasties.In tdue sprudîg tie j efeutcf heir effort wybyn ise bombedarae ffourFus airumsnuare loolcindfr.andIlaC ueln acrippling blow1te.Ger su war proucio ia po ontihynent.OW; W plant taSadtl h6~pu wits anesti ad 20, lam But oMene dhara ner Seest milesosud a debcf la fue biave aneeatimated 134,bu0,000 tonset wter.Jletaa isi nu lse pagerstare capacfiyet th,) pasr e rtovidhncbeti inaumer- abi)le planes inotis iur wib water rue gute Te aelav aIs cpth cneth e flisrwthIba ethd yonJ i wib erin audh: tia Bal- et iiavey whch ro-ugist il abouit ÈisaL i articuilar targeî 'w a Tite Blockade Principle The arrnt reatoffnsieoe forces acuor inteThe Ciris- tiaScrince 1Mocnitor, "; il ore Iban 'a "stenn u"rc saste familar phase bas il, forth puting assore et t0nksasd foot Sosodiala Amore thanau efor war udutry Il e lse ffective- apliatonetth iîstoric block- the air, By lumig leaoncaunl sith ovprwbulming force aIIrani- prainantiinustie cutrus, All, ai ;pee 11a nw in_1g in the huartcif urope wisat Alit sua pown ur iis uncuemsly aon tise contsien's pupisery la tIr lestwsr di.e creardng 'eýo al iag tie switutle cf ma anti umeriltelse1nt vbr te are-anet ma ugîy orunl ayw l oly s sron7a useuA shaise knwldge cf thi atones etGerîan ihitary ant VOumia resoîm lie Puas iesj weîe tiesthetipaye1939 wasbu êause PeladetiWas nauble tfoge cemmun-ant plns l liegtret du teanstise Lutwas teruiatcons iii ie ear kni te sape ao cf '-ucbama ned Jle Fa nece'shry uttercise breukathloug aIsedhya la gy bucuseYFrnc umse c a boukatia by lise Allis Iat esulud ii he thra nîn atiIarl en rutamice lit Trouse, Tis lnest tigstacovr AnIything taken te re-plae a es caused ý(1by beînbing iust ie 1bly b at a sciic fwar ro d ocin. F'or tis rasn ato of bomba on Essen todey la worth rar o t theUnited Nationms thakatop cýf bombe on Bii irmiug baign was te 'lie Gernaýs l 1940. raw ~ ~~ ý maeil.Teair rismk th 4hrae worse by' bombiage stecks and refneries. The Naval BloýkalJe The naval bleckade has forced cent. of itseetri*c power sp te synt!hetie p]ants. Theairid mnake tsinge more fficuit by bmiglarge p1wer stations. by drivîugils coaswie thufîcvof teseas. The ai r idsrinforce- moieand rlwy ao a- tOoe, and rail uctos la suinn the air offensive s t be ýSeen as an allyi, net o l C li aymy, but of Ienavy-. Andw;0i!e Brltain ptruvcd il cuuld, wthdif- ficulty, taesbs, Ihere are soli reasons w ýhy Gerýmany mayprove, le e nable te takemoe It's No Longer A Man's World ýNcwsgels' Solve PrObleM et carrier Boy Shortageý armshas venbeen felt laith delvey ndof fIheuesp ie business A shortage of good car- rie boys bas arisen througb tLA odlde"ysmoviginto jobs left vacant byyoug ua behaveý euliste(d. To fill hegapTh Terfonto star bastured t ecar- rier girls anid wihardly a x cepton -heyhave preved te b, excellent business peeple. In ae tfith rleetcares nmaîîy young ladies have nssumed' a new air cfineedc.Bu wiat girl woiiPdn't attet OTTAWVA RE PORTS suction Drive WiII9-- Gr2atýst in Our History. Th'1ý Mor,: Sugar For Cns WIIi Be Aliotted To Rural ha To Uran Resident Th re"eptsessoftPal men s il y tA keeplthepope' niidsumerbut 'I ndu ou tr- liamenary rceas udaiter Pr liient d isbauds, the buetepert tha (Jnad'sCivil ',cverrcèaud, wartme catrosnscl as cidiliz Ils problema cf the ruralre- det i e being k u md l grans.Lu the atter et lb prio- tion, Waertie Pres aad Trade wIivslu le comuty liuAdblieA letted more tan thoe who dwell dlasaweek? have definitely been iMyrqc(Ad w7ihSte advent of gis t& Ibi important phase cf newspapetr 4istrbun work The coem-ac witte pu1bliîc and thegnra fened te ca"rirs cas, on the Othe hand, greatly repaidth yun fieid.1ý that hbave t te irls and womn eefite hnin ak ie.There à n hngcran tho'igb The end ofuthe war Woul net ae theend oftecarr isàhed thenmelves as good. con- fiyears te cene. Ontario's Quiz Kîdis MrtianLhait a miLlio'n u- tarieiscisool chit ain .7, 5'24 scret by the Onlarie comsmittea turig tise FearthVicloryLoýa ati bure aielsc- rvica finaliste ou ii e -steps etTornt city hall., tnig ufotcf tise officia! in lulise bcge are Harry"Rt"Fsrmte et cureineniaýs, at iaQi ii frnilfIrigist, marauoles (eve osieir); Willim Ander- uer;NilStve, arism;Ba ou; AngelaMorsyDoa- sogta Ôbodfor, lis v-7 ý isali l Sipso's rcaianCeurt, su orotisers-a am Si , Wl- liain AtroTlisonas uss cuti place witis $'2,5wrtse n By GENE BYRNES NO COMPLAINT5! YOU'RE. IN TH~ POOBV~ ~ RMV -~.. NOW! - us * ~ I 2 Z .J les FTHE WAR- WEFEK -Cmetr ncurrnt Even)ts If Britain C o u î1 d 'Take Blitz Bombing Why Can't Gerniany? REG'LAR FELLERS-Too Late CalW -a a 1 1- - la ua anea.ose poliy o, gr.antîing iglitly more te rural dwelles tissu aran residents Was aitf leted by tiseBordRation A-. SiistrI laltiocr, aniwi-' tli il boU urban an(f rur-al loswvswI Pres;erve WiId Fut TIsera aàî-re(certain biu e ensl' for' this policy. Feýr aee ting, ruLral houusewive-s Ihave lwys e in tisLahabtoe "putting dowa" mo1re fui.NetOL .iy 1et ief4as tise most part must resro ver'y cnierbeSuply u fruit antI sîeinla teir D!WU eia oteri _ ieir cperswoulil he-prtt brelawinttear 0tlm wv-leu COltiandi le and Snew pro- výenIt thein relit igfar afitolA foripoviion, i egnerlyic- ogiet hat tise uityý 1heu(sawlf la esier ecoas telndistriait gaods and nses thein te ua muet greater extant than the colLntr housewifelias, tea chanceS ta 010, berrybushs inlier fewls gardet anifriitItees l in er w re(d liuyvst opea spaceSwh beiries 0f eue ertor anoer grew, soînimeili's ou buelme&s alo7ug like tisa wikl trawer, ousPiaiLer iin s ion trees like Ithe wvIld plTun, Ale hese, ,f r I lits a av , âstîy [0nme shond hapickadatiuet s a as polsle LoaPation Beards Tis RaionAdinisttrion hbas frcauining isa )eIngletater lmîdas it il felisatti Tfir jiore. lly zcognizaut 0? local con- utilnssudIoca, neelaauy- clib.To Iliumfias beun lait tish see SAofsertig oetapiain fer aauig suaisd fer-wardig auMIiig UIpese. Tesecoun n will bu delivereti byJan a le rie sniîng sasoî opest ,T