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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jun 1943, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, The Orono Weekly Times Established January, 1937. ed every Thursday morning at the Times Office Or-ono, Ontario vertising'Rates on request Subseription, $1.25 Subscriptîins to tbýe Un-itedl States, $2.00 JI1 Job Printing Will Receive Ourý Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publ isher Beauty Spots In Orono There are quite,'a rumber of b luyspots lu rono, the largestof course being the Forestry station, 'where it is out jr full view of the qoublie's ',iew, and motorists can rv lr the roa'dlways ladmiring the fbeauty. The other beauty spots are at the rear of People's homes. We were Igreatly surprised to see four aice bealtyspots in ~iehind the stores on the iwes.ýt side cf Main street, ieading down into the ~ 'a ra-e Rckgresae there îith loperfusion Oîf fowerg, be- ing shut off fniom the 'udi' vie-w b'y tihe stores. If the stores were iroved back and these rock gardera moved to the front, wh'at scenie beauty 'wouid hoid s'way ou our main street. These indus- tric'uis business men, tired frem their daiiy toils, stili talke time off iu the evenîsrgs to beautify their rear lots with flowers tard shrubs that (are very -attri:eti-ve. These are yarrds that need neyer be visited iby the 'weed inspector. I4 seeme isa waste of time arýd energîy for this to go urseen by' the maJority cf the pepfle; but it is rot, as it is greatly app.c'tdby' the business mer 'uho like Vo, sperd their- spare time i this \York, and to app,)reciate the 'beauty that t1hey are making of there rear lots. To mary lots are ailowed Vo grow uip iii weeds' îwhich are au eyesore for thoise who see themii. * * Y** Ramn! Ramn! Ramn! Wîill uit never cense ? This must be L'the wettest sra we have ever hald, le,, is it eariy summaier row-u. Farmers rearly always lffok Vo be cri the Iaard by April 15th, ibut on the heanvy lard tihey are still ,vaitin-g for seeding ýtime ard( here -we are ir Jure. Some 'cof the fax- mers ir this istrict bave Conýpleted their secldin operatior seeeded between the s"es This ise 'ou iight land. Up o Tuesdlay evenirg miari yfields were birg wiade ready, blut at nilght w efisad the heaviest rajin storin cf the iOrl [iis district. lIt just came do'wn in tor- rents as if the bottori had 1 aien 'out of the ýsy, sid we hope it did, thern 'we wl have no0 more ran for at least a couple cf weeks, There miust be eniugh m'oisure ir the g-rourd o Iast for a month it hast. Grass 'jr the pasture lardés is g-rowin'..g rapidIly which will afford ,, pientiful supply cf fodder for, live stocdk, and there shoulld be a heavy bay ecop, but vlheeare the cenealcrope cominsg from Y' 'ýtraw will like>ly be scarce titis yefr feedli'ng cttie, aIonîg wth ,cats to be grourd 'up for crop. There wi11 no dolubt be 'a Ilg ocreage cf barley and bu'ekwheat planVed, also corn, but hs will be lused mnostly for feed. There le a linge supply cf wheat on bard 'which wiil alleviate the situlation g-reatly, but we lare bourd o feel the effests cf hs ilate oping 'seedIing riext witer or eprng. Million More Acres For Flaxseed Caaniadian farm-iers are beiiig as'ed Vo, gro,-w about a m--illion acres more o0lbearing flaxsýeedj in 1943 thanl they grew ii194:2. Evýen ,should the omin, season brin~g only average yields pur acre,. he acide'd million acres wl asýsure at least -as g-reat a volumle as was obtaiued lasit year, -wheîn iper-acre yieids were much above normal; wh ieco.p conditionls in 19413 again favor hi-hli yelds, the extra acreage 1-1o'w' aimed at -wlmaLie additiorlal quartities ocf cil- bearililg iVlxseed avuilable next faîl. The inr isejracreaIge devoted to oci-bearirg ý-fiaxseed, sand the ýcorresqpending decrel-se jri whe2at acreage tVo malice this possible, ilay the oVi'se f Agriculture, bring duc objective set for these crops for 1943 iback Vo the fig--ures set it the closecof the Domlinion- JIroyvinciýal Gonfer-eiice on Decem-lber 9, 19412, nm an increase in fax acrenage of approximateiy 7 per cent ardà a dlecrease in. wheat areage cf approimately 18per cent. At tihe time cfbihe Decem-ber Cl(-orfer(?tee, Mr. Gardinen explaired, a figure 'had been set for fLax based o tiise-l expectation that ýexport requiremnerts ini 1943 would ýbe at least equal Vo those in 1942,bu -hen it later apae that somne diffiCuty righlt Ibe founid in Mar- ]eting as ueh ifla-x as was prýoduceti last year because crushiug faîCilities might rol(t be aviaih)Lube, farmners had be asked Vo go easy i th(- matter of plans for oi-enigfaxseed wntil further au- xourýcemient c'ould be nmade. Negotiaticais \uýibh the governamertsocf ithe Uniitc4 States 1 andi heUied ingdomi, tie Misercn lt, have ow advanced Vo the point whlere far-mers cribe adlvisýed to( sow ani extra m-illion acres eof flix ,vith thie expetaition that all flax groan wll be requareti. As anrounced in the Bouse of Gommnons or Jalmary 213'th by the MNiniter 'cf Tilade andi Comnimerce, provisions baive already been i-nade for taking delvery cf flax selet1inj 1943-414 at a fixeti price cf '$2.25 a bushel basslu store Fort Williami- anti Port Arthur. Meat Rationing itationinsg of meat jr this district is now iu full swing, but it will take a couple 'f weeks fer a famiiy to find out jue't he'w their toupons wi'l hang eut. Bacon land cooked mente are <ard or theý couponis as ýyou 'car oniy purchase one haif :pourtid cf thlese Mleats -%ith one coupon, or tw opn for 'one rjoundi. 't seem-s a certaainty that mo eau anoiy 'be used in a hiom-e -f(-oree meal 'a day, or, you wHil îbc left -witîherut any coupons for the wýee-end. Liver can be purhased without coupons, but the srpply will ,be limited. 'Chiekens andi fish ceeint abouý,t the olythiug otake the place of ratiored neats. kt seeme pobl e that flsh will alse Ibe scarce ais tihe United Kingd,(omi is a,,king Canada lanti Newfound- Iland o greatly increase iùhir shldpets of frozen aud freLig fish o that country. "rhis is the -fre;t tiinse Vha t the United Kiingdom bas approncüheti Canrada for 'a conitranct Vo supiy large Quartities of, this footistuf. 2ec os f the scarcity cf other footIe, Great Bitain lias made this spcecial requasit cf 'Canada aniNonland for a vast amiourt cf fishi filets. The quatity nequestet isj beyond the icapacity cf bot', countries Vosppy The total shlmetof filet for the laet nrire imonthe csf 1042 amourted o folr million pourds. Fer Hurt In Fali From Bicycle At Forestry GQeorge Me reeçr, son of Mr. and Mris. Wm--. Mer-cer, Kendal, suffered pairful aibrasions Vo the ieft side c f bis face on Sunday aifternloon-, MALY 304, wherun ycinthrougb the For- estry Statiou iat Orono. When iding over a piank wiich crossed a wide ýditehi, he -liost bis (baance, the wheel ileaving the plank and he was thrown heaviiy to the grourd below where he was found jr a dazed condition. In f alling he either grazed iis face or the p'lank or landed or the side oîf his face on some gravel. Rie -was taken Vo the home of his sisterý, s V. AlIlen w*iere Dr. M-lc- Neil, Pontypool, was caliied inam given medïlcal attentilon, lie is no'i able Vo be out and around again. 'The front 'wheel cdf the bike 'Was dam- 1 lageti. _----n MAN TURNS TO THE WORD 0F GOI) A flghting man speaike from thse poor of a storm-tossed rafit . . ., "Le tibere sa Bible amorg 'us'?" On a burisu- ing African 1deset savoicered quiety . . . anti' s thousaud heatIi bow re'verently. Jr the slnec night 'or a Kanl- sas tfarm . . a mother ifnds solace in its thir, we(rr pages... In the. search for ipeace thr-ough generations, . . , anrbas turnedtio tis Bile.For the thinge ýmer live by iare f ourd iu this bsook that le the Word 'cf Goti. Inu its pages . . . mer <ave found help for tueir deepest -neetis. Coin- fort fer- their shattered spirite. Light :for itheir darbeet heur. AIways, the Bible lias inspired the iobiest courage, the most sublimue actions of mian. Hi{roes have( dedi- cate i their lives Vo its pninciples. MartyresIsaîve died with Nv ords on tiheir lips. Niow, un anguisie worlid turne Vo this boeck tisat bas moldeti the l'fe of man. For its leseionsof mercy, bu- manity, tolerante, -charity. l'or a reestoration of tihe spirit tom iiwith grief. For s returru of the hop)e amd faith growr 'evj eak urder dhe whlip of And here ir its pages to seek the flarse that lifts, mer's- seuls. The courag-eito face tomorrow. Tise faitli, tit in gooti time, . . . tilie sourd of war wiill ciid . . . ani mer shaîl live aguain hi brotherlood anti peace.- Frou an au avertisement cf the Set- urday Eveulrg Post. The Jure hugs 'have mnatie ieir sp- peararce sud are or tiare. A. Objectivez This Second Order malees available -for ecential employments tiese er- vices of me,, i classes already designated under National Selcctve Service Mlobilization Regulations, who are now employed i speci- ficd non-essential employments. B. EMPLOYMEI4TS COVERED BY THIS ORDER. Men, of tise specified categories, are eovered if uow euaployed at. (1) Any occupation iu or assoelied seul. retai stores, (2) auy occupation lu or âssoeiated siti tise manafacturing cf feselsers, plumes and artificial flowers; chewlng guru; wiue;, lace goods;, greeting cards; jewelry; (3) assy occupation in or sssociated seuls distilling alcohol for heverage; (4) any occupation lu or asea- ciatecd siti tise factory productiou of statuary sud art goods; (5) any occupa- tion lu tise operation of ice creaus parleurs sud soda fonseains; (6) auy of tise follose- ing occupations:! bus boys; charsieis sud cleaners; custosu fursieas ïse»hsg teacisers; dish ,sashers; dooraucu sud starters; greeus iseepers; grounuds keepers; portera otiser tisan in rallway t$rain ser- vice), private chauffeurs. C. ÂGE, AND MARITAL CLASSES Or SIEN COVEBEI) BY THIS OIIDElI: (a)' Evcry suau boru lu sny year frosu 1917 te 1924 (inclusive) whio has reacised age- 19; (b) every man bers from. 1902 to 1916 (luclursive), whio, at July 15, 1940. waas uunarricdt, or divorced or judiciaIll scparatd, or a sidoser witlsout clild or clldres;(c) every suas. bers frosu1902 te 1916 (inclusive) bo h-bas ecome a ANNIVERSARY SERZVICES Surdnay Shool Aniiiversarýy Ser- vices will ho he'ld 'at Ker-dal! United Ohisuch on Sunid'ay, Jýure 13th, ut 11.30 aud 7.30 p.mi. Mr. J. J. MVelleir, Orono, wiil have 'chang-e cf tise morng service, whiile Mn,. Gril- S fith, B 'owm 'anville, wl have charge dlaiy, Jure 16Vth, a 3-set play, "A ResidyiMa'de Fiily, willi be %)re- seute i by the yourg people cfl ,Sh'aW's. Admiission, Adjuits, 30JC.; Childreu, 15e.; childrenu urder 12 years c< age free. AUCTION SALE 'Phie rnd(Iesi'gyIed auctioneer has reccived fromi MISS R. GRAVEL to seil by public auctio;n at Lot 30, Con. 9, Clarke TowNnship 5 ifles north ot' Or-ono andi 1', miles north of Leshiard. teIopd2one 62120 THURSDAY, JUNE l7th, 1943 the f loigvalua[hle JamStock,l Implenrents, and otheýr articles LIVE STOCK 1 GrayMae 6 yeaIs o01d, a real ,beauty with geraie disposiztion. 1 Purebred. -loltein Hifer, due Juý1'le.ts 10 Barred Rock liens, ear-olds, ex- ûellient layers. FARM IMPLEMNENTS 1 'tMdeormlickMowýei-, j List like new. 1 ýSeed Dr-ili. 1 Large Rolier. 1 ýSimIg'e Piocugh. 1 lIay Bake. 1 EJay Raek. 1 set' Drag Harro,ýws. Sleighs. 1 iCutter. 1 Bugg-y.. 1 GrÏnding 'S Voue. Log).Igiimg Chairs. ilorse Blankets. 1 Table Cream Separator, used one year. 1 Fene Stretxcher. Wire FencingI-, and mr other usefuýl articles ail ir per-fect condition. HOUSEHIOLD FIJRNITUR-E 1 Whalecy Royce Pao Combina- tion De.s],and Book Case. 1 thbree- piece iSunroom Suite. 1 White Eiameied Kitchien Sink. Chairs. 1 Kitehen Stove ani l1 Quebec Heat, used eune year. Ohnwae it- ch'erware. hos Dresses, size 14. 1 Man's Suit, Iil-iht gray, size 36, seldoseer since July 15, 1940, aud 1e isitisout eblld or cilidres nose inig; (d) every mansubers froeu 1902 le 1916 (inclusive) Who, since jsly 15, 1940, lias bees dlvorccd or judlcially separated. B. Procedere ta be Folloseed: Al i mn as defined above mnusttre ort te an Employmnent and Selective Service Office nfot later than june l5ns, 1943. Men rcsident outside a cit> or town havlng an Emipîymviesnt and Seleceive Service Office, tee far resnoved te cail per- sonally, may Write te thse nearet office, and await furtiser directsons. E. OBLIGATIONS 0F EMPLOYEES: Wlses dirccted la secept ,employr»eut, men referred tu lu Paragrapins B sud C abeve are required by tise aegulations te follose tise direction. F. OBLIGATIONS OF EIMILOYEII5: 1t aili be illegal for an emýployer to resi. 1. bis employ after lune 1itis, 1943, -sy mc referred te lu Paragraplas B and C above, udessa special permit lias becs.obtaied from Selective Serice. G. Transportation: Provision wil be mnade for transportation of cecu moved te a new place of resîdence. H. Appeals: If objecig to tranafer teothder emplcymenn be directed, a man mnay enter appeal i'th a Court of Refe,ées within 7 days. I. Penalties: Penalties are provided for citiser emnployer or emnployesfiling te copywith this Order. l' HOUSE FOR RENT OComfortaible hiouse with conven- ierces in Suth Ward. Available June lst. Appiy Louise Goüwan. tf. FOR SAÀLE Grade Shorthorn Ouiw, freshen June 12. -A. H. Keýane, Phore, 51r3, OronD. 2-p WOOD FOR SALE Liiited quanitit~y oî mixed block wo,12-inch; oaiso ceckar pocts. Gan deliver. Apply to A. Garseaaddcen, pâione 26 r 9, Orlono. b-201-ip FOR SALE Eighit-room Frme ouise,cen traily located iii Orono. Alil modemu 7onveimiences, gar-age Mn1[ garder. Mrs. A.,lHenry, Orono. C-21-p. PASTURE FOR SALE OR RENT Ninty ars Lot 34,'Concession 5, Ci0arke Townshipý, with running. Apply Vo W. J. White, Ciaremont, [Ontario.c- 2 p ----FOR SALE Part Jersey Cow, frýesherued May 14. Good ilker. -Reason for seil- ing, rat einuugh pasture. Apply to, Ivan Farrow, Newcastlie, Ontarlo; Phone Olarkýe 3921. a-20-P. Local suhbscription agent. Part tim-e. 'Commission. Either mari or wom'an. Whien upplying state what exîperie-nce you have liad. Apply "The Farnmer's Advocate," London, ùOrtarlo. c-22-p. PLAY AT NEWCASTLE NewcstleYotsng People's Union wi'll present the VIlay "4Toimboy" jr the 'Coviiiuuity Hall, Newcastle, on Fridaiy evening, Jure 4th. Adis- sion, 35c. )ad 2,k. of specmial initeresttVo ladies. -Sale to commenkce at 1 >m. A. E. Mortoa 'Cerk TEDJACSO AuctJACKSON ..Aselsority; -This Order is isstsed by thse iiister of Labour under Natinal Selective Service Civilianl Regulations (P.C. 246 of january th 1943, and amiending Orders in Coundil>. K. liais- Second 0-1er is ÀAdiiiouato Fîrsi Order: Enploymients liteed in para- graph B abo)ve, declared noni-essentiial i eia Second Order, are additional te thse non- csenItial employnents contam inhie ist Order. Thse First Order, isudon AMa> 4eb. 1943, required complmance by Mayl9dis or, tt part ofcm nploycecadesigniared usdcr Msobilization Refulations, and aieo of their employers, itise folowinig lnes of work- (1) iaverns or liquor, inie ansd beer stores; (2) retail aleof candly, con! ectionery, 50- bacco, books, tctr, news; (3) barber sbops and bar parlours; <4) retail and .wholesale florists; 5) service stations <(gaso- line-filinIg stations); V') ,etail sle of motor velieles or ,ccessries; (7) reta7il sale cf spcreisg gocds or usical ;jsinrents; (8) 'waiter, taxidrv, elev-as or operasor, botel bel lboy, ddmestic srvant; (9) amy occu!pa- tion i,, or directly associated wisi.s essertain- ment, inïcluding but ïsot rssriced Cc esatres, film agenci' es, m iapicture companIes, clubns, bcwIn1g alitys, pocl rcoms; (10) asay occu(paion in, or directly associated .witb degcleaning, and pressing nt inelueding lanrysork); batls)s; guide service, se. s)ining-. Men relerred Ioealove must preseni documents ai ths.emlynaIYeenl Office, ilndicalinig compliance açilh Mobflizalion JeguletionsJ OV I I-51 Hut,t'y Mlcsecs. MIinjister of Labour A. MÀcNeesemr ,Director National Selective Servie- -- W» TlRUSTEES' AND RATEPAYERS' MEETING1 The anfoal meetig of Durbain-ý Co. Trusrtees-' anid Ratepayeris' Asso- clatÏon wiil [bie held in Newcaistle Çommunitiy Hal, n StuwayJur 12th, at 2ý p.m. i'ntrestiing pro- programme. Plan to attend, Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, Pres., Bowmantiville Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Sec.-Treas. - I AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auictioneer and Vahiator Coiiducts Auctior Sales of qaIl -sizee, aend at reasionalile rates. Coniscaiiiite with hilm a t Port Perry, On'tario', or see- bis Clerk, A-. E. Morutor, at ()rono, for date. GEORy'GE KEIYES Auctioneer & Valuator Pure Bred [Live Stock, Farm and Fur-nture Sales a Specialty. Non&' to Large, nroule to Sal Graduate Refppert's & h ool1 cf? Aunictionieering, U.S.A., plus severalý years' aelling experience. Rate-- Reasonabile. Write R. BR. Ne. 2, Orono', Ontario. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furnîture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - 0ronýo Phones: Bû%wmanville, Day 480 Night. 734 end 57-3 Orono, 27.1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servce-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Price!s-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE -ORONO E. E. PATTERSON Insurance A gency FIRE AUTOM-vOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44.14, Clrke NEWCASTLE R. O. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largest, Strongest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared Vo quoteyu rates frorn 40. a hundred, accrding Vo classification_ of Building Phone, write, or hetter stili, caîll.I1will bho leased to quote you rates on your property which wîisurprise you. 73 Convicted Durig the past wýeek 73 persura were eon',victed cf charges involvinsg the breach f varios Wartinie Prices arid Trade Board Regalatione. Sevea charges 'were dismised. Of- fences und3er the gasoline sad tir-,- reg'ulatiors iId the lit, 23 pe'rsone being ec[oeiivcted. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Seceond Comlpulsory Employinlen't Tran sier Order Notice to Certain Emiployers and Employees tisat men ln specified. unes of civiian employment, in classes already designatedl under National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations, must report for interview sot later than lune 15tia, 1943, at an Employanent aud Selective Service Office. Cl-assified COMING RVENTS Cro.dC ,,e&k [Home and S&hooi Club will hold a dance in Nerwcastle Gomsn al al on Friday, June Il. Charles H-anigilan's Orchiestra will be il, attendance. .Soungs by Jimm-iiie Dofison. Admnission 50 c. eath. WANTED TO BUYi H-ouse, in good conditionl. Apy It owadLrljn Orrono. e-21-p. Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D.- pHysiciA.N and SUR GEON Offioe Hoùs: 2.00 to 4.00 pai.; ý6.30 te 8.00 piz* PHIONE 47r1 OBONO V ET ER IN ARY Wifred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEGN Office - Main St. Ormeo 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Caaualty, Automto- bile and Liability 1 ýorono - Ontarie,

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