ORONO v 'The mo,,tion ýpietiires hel'd in the town hall on Satuirday eve)nng werýe vjery 'weiIparoizd 'c FREE POTATOES 'Laly îLuck" seeeins to sit on somne peoýple's knees ail the tinewith hot1h atii aroiund their necks. Becauise Jack Big-elom 'o ouldn't gt elp to dig his pottoes on the oHd Rickabyl DIace last fallie bail to luaivethn <ýp the gro-Lynd. Whien BI Armi-stirong ada garden pl'oughed there ast week hie f onnd the potatoies lai iret clas.s condition ýand. now Bill and Jofhn Armiistrong are eating JLiel, Bigelow's Po"tatoe~s free of ch-arge. WILFRED FROSTE RETURNS HOME ON VACATION Mr. Wiifredl Froste, radio operator ila the M-Ver-chanit Matine, ar'rîived home on Tuiesday ni'ght fr'om Ha1,li- fax. He :boardnd-,, a plane at Hialifax aiid ariein 'Montreal four 1hoars later, thon took the train to Port Hope wihere lie was met by biis par- ents, Mr. ald Mrs. C. H. Pre(ste. lit is nearly ten mocnibe since bh, bas ast been homne, dur.in'g tirat tima,, maîing coisiderable numlber of trips 'ba't* and forth across the A'tiantic. lie reports that the submarine men- ace is g-raduably be*ing -ovorcomne and -moresbmaie are being sunlk. 11e wvilI be home -for -,botlt ten das <r Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE ürcno - - Ontario Local News If the Orono Timues is late cmn off thie presis this ;week'w.e can ýlay the blame onu the hdo The power went off at 12 p.m. aild d-it rot Corne on againunitil 4.45 p.m.. causing us tu oçý iaeWd'sa ftcriioon on the paper. It -will lie off again on Thurs- day -ardffiFiday aitteriooins. The rea- son being that riewý poles are beiwg. insteallei be2twee(n here and Neweas- tie liyr the Onitario Hydro Comrmis- sien. Ma. W. J. Cringan, for sm twenty-ifive yeanrs secretary of the Canajda Packers, a'ong with Mrs. Criiogan, sons Bob. and Eric, Miss Wilson visited Orono on Thursdlay ef last weok where ithey picked up the rotorious Orme, inspocteti our beauty anti industrial 'Forestry Station. bÙnehed in ýoua pa*l and then set eut in quesft of s'peckled beauties. They iat a ploasant outing anti caught The Orono Platoon, along with the ýplatoon f rom B'owananrville, leave for- Port Hope n week froni this Sat- urcllay for mianoeuvrres. They wilb leave at 1.30 Satuiréay noon and re- turn on Sunday night, spending the weelk-erd (lunider carrvas. This Satur- day the NC ' from Orono andi Officers andi N.'.O.'s fron Boýiwnian- ville will leieln Port HTope this week- e.nid to mi-ake alarnemnsfor the following week-end. Up to the present time not a fish [has Iben enteroti into the derbly sponsorei by the Orono 'Fisb andi Hunitt Club. We think John Aria- ,strong 'wo'uld be iearding 'by a good inargin if he-hatin't beéen in sucb a hurily Vo get the treut he caught into the frving ýpan. Hie hookoti a nice 12-idi spechled trout on M1ýonday of this -week but never weighied it ir. '?his fisb would have beld the record Por a few vdapa at least. Gordoni Wats'on bas siolti bis pleas- ure boat whionh he bas had for the 'past thre years, and has purchased another onoe, much i larger, a yacht, f romn a mar n b Osha'wa. The yacht la about forty feet ir length, bas sleeping accomoaton for fivý,e or six peop~le andi is certan'ly a bea'uty. The only tronuble willi be to secure 'eough ga.so)Iine to haàve a f ew trips throu.gh the sunmer. 'k aise litas a bath ail ail modern conlveniences., RED& WHITE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QUALITY RIGIIER TIIAN PRICE Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24-lb bag 71C Golden Spray Cheese, 1-2 lb pkg 20c Muffets, 2 pkgs.- 19C. Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. 25c. Quick Rolled Qats, 3-lb bag 25c. Robinlhood Flour, 98-lb bag $2.98 Happyvale Sour Onions, jar 29cý- Olives, 8 ounce jar 42c. Olives, 6 ounce jar 34c. Round Steak, lb 37c. Sirloin Steak, lb 40c. PortÎerhouse or T-Bone Steak,. lb 44e. Javex, bottle. 15C. Gold- Medal Tomato Juice, 28 ounce tin for 13e.- A pple Juice, 20 ounce tin 15C. Evaporated Milk, 2 large tins 21c. Evaporated Milk, 2 amaîl tins 1ic. Aylmer Vegetable Soup, tin 10e J. J. CORNISH Delivery every Tuesday, Tliursday, Sat. mornings Local News -Mr. Neil Wood, Tootspent Snndii(lay -witlihis parents, -Mr. and M.Chas, Woýod. Mil. and Mvrs. Jas. Eagesnan mns. Gdddus Jlonesý were inii trbr on Thursday Of last week. Miss- Gloria ýRichardsion, of thle R.{J.A.F. (W.D.) is home for a few days visit with lier mother. Mr. xPhillts andi Miss' Gloria Gray, Port !Hope, speint Sunday ýwth ~Mrs. J. R. Cooper andiMs Kate McKay. Mis. llazel Flintoif spent the wek-end ýn Toronto vsiting with rolatives andi also rwilhber daughlter Margaret, .Mr. and Mrs. York roceiveti a teIegram on Wednesday last ativis- ing them that their son Horace had arrived safely overseas. IMr. Jiohn Flett, cd Oshawa, is re- lieving at mr ilocal bank, taking the place of Miss Mary Somerville, who is taking lier ihobitinys. L.A.C. Jim Powers and, Miss Noreen THuthinseon, Gshawa, spent the week-end with the formaer's par- ents /r iars.A (Il .' wrs Governmnent surveys conductedi early in the war show that only 40 per cent of Canadians regularly eat the riglit foods, even though seemirngly well fed. Forty per cent are on t he borderline of malnutrition. Twenty .per cent are definitely undernourished. That's why you need a sure plan for healthful family mneals. Tbat's why we offer you "Fat-to- Work-to-Win"~* ... authoritative FREE booklet, that takes the guesswork out of nutrition. Send for your FREE copy today! I Clip the coupon on the right, aud TEmail it NOW! BREWII ltUTYSponsored by 8 0 THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) 1 kIAJini the interests of nutrition and health 8 as an aid to Victory.l CLIP IHIS COUPON4 -------------------- NUTR1TION FOR VICTORY">, BOX 600, TORONTO, CANr\ADA É Pleasesendme my FREE copy of"Fat-to-Work--to-Win-"- c;ty-I ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- --- --I ITwo More Teachers Revý. S. Littbewoo't is this weok in AMr. and Mrs. John Edwadsandti iqeutýldn heByO daughter Mary andti Mrs. L. T. Bd- Rfesign _______________ATTENTION __Quinite Comference of tlie United wards, Osh'awa, visiteti on SundayI Church of Canada. wi*th Mr. anti Mrs. P,. J. Chapmran. Two more teachers have rrow re- Frî r_________ i - e~~~~ignei. This time from the staff of F Lit rarimers 1 -rhu b ladOe To M r. and Mrs. Bruce ýHaneocek andi Orono pub)lic achool. _Miss Trull, ib- ______________ N rhu erad O rTp fainily Who liave ibeen living in, D. A. termediate toecer, wibb commnence Incerease youir production by Nol' tiuihniberind 'Cointy went oýVer MocKimon's bouse at Kinby, renteti ber fail term in a school at Hlamlilton tb üeir objective -when the t-otal re- the. stone lieuse -on thbe th Conces- àanti Migss MicoweIl wihl teacli at renting bees during fruit ceiveti was $l,612,00, for a 'percei*L. bioloom ag-e of 10ý2.3, The objective was sOL so.Leaside, just otside of Toronto. We at L,575,00. Mar. Haward Gbenney, just sotare sorny to see these Vwo tenchers Appfly For Rates Williami Goodiebbow was cho.sen ,oïDen? Crnrs I to leave 'our midst, 'but wish them p yyj y NOj.-WX at a meeting at Workworth to con- ojfDen' Crneslet wocabres eeysuccesisin their new positions. CI 'A. ft* fi' !-, est Vlieriding of Northumnberland on Tucsday evening when tbey were eey -in 'Lhle nexýt Provincial ebetion. Mr'. struck Iby a car whille they wcrc onFanete Orono Phone 42r2 Gro dfellow is a esideit of Briglitoni the roadwaey. townsipnndis ie irs fameV canidiate chonen hy the Conserva- Congratulations to Margaret Swan Recent orders of the Wartine ire party since ~a J. F. B. Bel-' Roy on bier graduetion froni Acadia Prices andi Trade Board are expect- Theme are now three taxis in Tord represeniteti the constitueicy tb University, Wolflvlll'e, N.S., nttairnng edti t conserve more thlan 230,000 ownl, rDavey'e, Mercer's anti Paynle's. Queen's Parkn ber Bachelor of Science wth hore-7 yards of flannelette for essential _____________________________________ Ibolti econbosnits. ~civillan umes. On the restricteti iist go chddre's Vopntsleepers, homethe e'gnnln tien's pyjamas andti ig'hitgowns. The urno returned restgnm ri ctosliertapyt a laess" tr.nt, anti s'lmor trou agtrslave e itofme 'essndtil A R M S T R O N G 'S of Vis ïweek with a nice catch of ets et i js dr h op ita ls. B "a r: i A nuniher from bohre are taiklng inr th ýllbrý Liesokanti Breeti- REPAIR Your IT Pr'A YS TO PA91Y CAH ers 1huwwhie wil beheiliin the agricultural grounds 'at that. place R D O N w Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 on Saturtiay, June Sth. R L I o Mrs. Piasey recel oti- word tlhat Don't wait uintil parts become srarce. bher husbard, Lieut Victoa Phasey For your convenence we carry a We hope you wMl co-operate with us until hati a, successdlul voyage everseas. complote une of ti a soe.Ti tr ssoto 'Ihis is his second trip evorthe At- TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- thelp, also as. OrTirs sare nesrt of lantie. lle was brougittVo Canada SERS anti RESISTORS epalogs Ou tisarnalyw n fora peie cors. 1f unable to brin' your radio to out. After this week -we will deliver onlly 'Mr. J. C. Tani)blyn recivt the the shop, Phono Orono 42 r 2 one day a week which will be on Saturdýays. dkvery of hais new mibki wagon We know you can not buy meat to youir froem Peterboro last week-end anti C. R. KNOX own advantage over the phone. Your ra- useti it for ts trial ru-n on Suntiay. __________ tion calis for fromn 3-4 to 1 1-4 pouds and The wagon la very attractive antif POe wa yuae ty i luS, ha wiîî go along way in solving the tire ( fyuscw a o r uigadw a anti gasobir aioning. 'O rono Tinsnop% the -overment says you are enitled to, Ther wa nomilkdelver bywe know you wîiI be much more satisfied Codar Dale Dairy on Wetinesday We also know that the person that shops evening bast, owh,,igVo the feet that This 1. gets goods that persons 'who phone do not. the hydro was off andt Ve milk coubtdl Su let's get on with the war. flot lie pasteurizeti. Dlivery, of L~ ~ vo e iflk: %vilib ho made fiem now on in UVYAw I mtâ; the :moning instead of the evenng. M1iss Jeanne 'Forrester retumneti T d% Crosse and ComfQrt Lux home on Wednesday after finishingIII Blackwell's Soap Toilet Soap ber year et 'Normal. She wilb leave ecu as3br on Vie'16th of June H ,fwwes row is yours bti eat Brorbn t :e iePam Service, thon btl te, a Y.M.C.A. camp in, the St. Cati-:tc arlae distic for tihe reinaintier oif _________ the sommer. R. E._____________ Ma. W. A. ýCýydeman, of Vancou-- Thrif tFrs verC, is visiting his ssters, Mme. PROPRIETOR 'Eclipse Sausage Burnett anti Mrs,. F. Taiulyn, Mm. C.iutre St. Orono Phone o SOn Pastry large2lb Cryderman anti Mm. Wili Martyn____________ Flour barnet e carpenter tradre witi Ma. Remington of Bowmianvilie some o2-b a 3 y _ _ _ _ ,fiftydbve yenrs aýo befo'e eari:ng PARK ST. UNIT D CHURCK ___ __1_ ____ for Vernon, B.C. Rer. S. Litttlewood M2.3aple ja1vaàx Oni Thurstiay evening .-of ast week La adbfl feeling weii al day, consuflted witb hsV h sn0 Wisn anilla lb. his physicelan anti a fLewheurs later Tdest% esno Wisn arebtl was operateti on for appn inii i tide, the oecasiou when the Boêwanville ho Hta.le is p)ro- church commemomates the coi- gresin niebyanti expectei to lie ing of the Holy Spirita._________Iernsi home c ad Corne andi worsbip with us and Li Shredded Toniato 1 .,2H. R. Patterson, Brant- See your neighbeur at Churcli. Pr hp Wheat Sauce ford, is spending a few days h ll- o s p t i a. nd 7 .mP r C p f r days ln touwn, havýing,- a week,'s vaca- Wrhpa l ..af7PiU b o in tienl, a part cof whlich ho spent in SunuThy School at 2.30 p.m.. TÊoronto Vr. onald lues been pienuototi froin. Sgt. Pilot te 2nd WranOf- 0 ,- c 2cO2c ing hours te. hsoredit. Try ens r di epatmnent.