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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1943, p. 1

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LY TU E-S 'Vol. 7, No. 23. ORONO, ONT.,-THUkSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1943. Subscription $ 1.25 Per Year Attend Orono Sports Day and Dance on Monday, July 5th -Orono Girl Guides Honor Their Captain, Miss M. McDoweIl For Her Loyalty ÀIAso Make Presentation to Their Lieutenant, Mrs. W. E. Armstrong Thle 0cYono( Girl Guides hield their fAnal nmeetin-g until the EaIl term ni T1ues'day night, June 22nd. The girl adn with the( Scouts, miet at Vhse armouries and vrwent to the sc!hool ~ground in a biody ýwhere tiho Bow- manvile Ariny Reserve Corps put vUI a sIginalliing domionstration. Theiy seitn essages from ione gi,)Up Uo suoter 1)y nman's of telephone, buzzers, flags aud lights. The gir-ls baýiving stud'ied uore code fouud this xreeyiniteneTsting and were per- initted to send sud take messages, uigthe armiy eupet.AUlthe boys and girs hnd a cance VYre- Iay m.essages and at do0 hefin-al limess's;lge ,was sent thusý, "Lunich wili b, ready utthe armiourios n'os," sud the reply was "Paoýk up." At the airmouries the locýal aýgo~- ecitioun o a lunc(h of snwce ankd chcolate m1ilk rac for al bbicl gang". WVen ail 'wero eate nlua ~circl Majonie MoLaren asked the CaptainMarjonie DowolUifeh' ,-muil ho see*ed in tihe iddle of the circle. Wbile de Ca t'a"s, sur- xouudled by Culides, Scout-s sud Sig- ?,effctlycharing tribute tVo the iiiin, recallinighappy ims t camip, sp cia vents at guide mieet- nsinidenlts onIiGuide hikes, morcose ýcode, snd after the Captuin's TPhey wishod theirh~ Vi elh - !spnss, prosýpUeity and ma1lny niew ~ rcd ii ernew suiroundigs.The * îrls thon.- presented 'Miss McDowell viel a beaxtiful bouqut off re 1 roses aond a whits and goid leather indoxed 'sddress an~d memorandum hbook emie.To Mys. Ai-iistrong, their ULieUenan, feygave a liovely hou- 'quet of pink and white roses for bier iutîiing faitbifulnress. MssMc- Doweul thoni expresseil ler tbankils ,ýaud appreciatiion o t-be Guide Comi- panfl3r, stating tiat always shep would ,C'be'nisth a Vvwr spot in ber lieart for ber girl 'guides. 'M rs. Aritogvery fittingly thankIedJ -the girls for ber trihiute. Afcor lunch the Captais m-oved a -îvýeoof thanks teo Vhs eBoxvm-anvillo ïMgusiiers for the tine and trouble ih'ey bed taken to cmake their demi- 'onstratcun the suceas it proved Yo t'e. Oino of the signallers repIiedi stati ng thir williaig o co-cperate a-gaÀin in tuýe pear future. The Guids thon hod one of thei 1-~npow-wowis ln which they sang fany favorite guide so.ngs, h-u~in T,-lan sd the Guide Fray- er. ertsniythe 'Cide loyvaltywa st its Pea'k dniî this splendlid gatheniui. The Kenya Goverumîent bas adopt- ed a re-port rrcomm.-ending that s nxb ousystem s-i houjd ho intro- duced into the colony, applyiug Vo aIl rces and Vo iUl juveuile and odult off nders. Horticultural Meeting T'he Juine meeting odf the Orono llorticultural :Society was,ý held at thoi homeý of M1r. sud -Mrs. M. J. Tamibilyi n o odyeve'inig, Juno 2swith oveýr forty being present. After admiiriuig the beautif ul peoonies tandiroses lun the gardon, the guoýsts wr entcrtained wiVh some very fnepiano seleotions 'by Mn. The nmeting xvas thon ealled- Vo rdrbTthe president. A piano coloy *bMiss 'CGarol Staples was much apipreciated. iSeveral items of b)usine(ss were thon transacted, mngwhich was a vote of thauks Vo) Mr. suüd Mrs. Frank Uhall for caigfor the Royal Oak which has beon îlu their own gardon sinco 199 sund beiransplanted by hlm Vto the ccme-tery- ý on May 24th. A-, letton was read regarding the Dis<trict FIow-er Show Voo b eld lu Lindeasy sometime li uigust. The pnsfo" 'g7oing, also t4he exhiit, is Vo ho d'cided at -th'e July meeting. 'AfteQr ithe iemns (of hsns eefin- îsihed those present wrefavoured wlithi a pian)o slo hy issBarbuýra Sidsfromn Publicity and Exten- sionDivsion Deartieutof 4gri- "utr, Ottawowereshiowýn by Mr. Staples, enititleod "H'ome- iu Cnad Mr.Stple mvedl a vote' of thIanks to1u)Mr,. sudAMis. Tmlnfori theuir hosptlt, hc asrso' td V yrh ryclapl. Mn.Stalesinvtedthle Soiety Vo Lhi omie for, the July meeting. Thuts a very pleasauýt evoning, vas hogtVo a close. DEATHS PATTERÀýSON-In Clarke on Monday, June il, 1943, George Alexander Pat- terson, beloveci husband Mary Eliza- beth Adam-a. aged67V years. Funeral 'xill ta ke place fromn F. F. Morris Co. Chiapel on Thursday, June 24 at .00 o'clckl. Service at 2.30. Intermoent H-ampton Cemnetery. -- W. 1. Meeting Oron oW om-en,'s In-s/titinte met on ridla y afternooln withi Mrs. J. Eaglsýson sud bler histonical research gopin chsr<ge. E~loiiig th-e business period, ;IMrs. J. R. Cooper "gave a brief re- por t of the Institto convention. Oher temis ou the programume lun- cluded a reading Iy -Ms. fHamm, commnuity sninrol caîl on "<MY Webig"displsy -off old fashioued pic!turos, cetc., aud a im'ock weddiu.-, The wdiu was complotelu overy detail Vo> refreshmuedts 'Of cake ud ibe cream. Tthe 'groomn was Mrs. Dean, tho b-,ride, Mrs. Canletoni (who wo)re Mrs. Dicksoni's -wedding dress), the praheMrs. W. H. Rowo, the hnid's ather, rs. W. S. Cobble- dIiclk, thie og ns'Mrs. Itos;borouigh, and tho e ;t1oist, 0rs . W. Roilh. Thie jani makîng proýject -w11 be, stredxhei) raýLpberiies are ripe. Orono Celebration Wîll Be HeId On Monday, July 51 The nommitteesin care ctVe ,.,ports day suid dance, under the -,'auspices cf hs'Orono Cuamiber 'off Commuecce, m-ll celibrate on <Mon- day, July 51,, iustesd (>f Tbursday, ~July 1sf. - MAI plans are noir compIletedI, Vhe is have been 'printed, snucu thec different events that wiitake rlae durin.- the sfterînocyn sud even- ing. Up o Vths present time iV l 'kow Ibtthere rwill b hvberr e's soVt- gamnes, irith fotir eansebn snlteir'o, B'owms'nville o Local No. 189, Ajax AhI-Stars, Newcaatle 'sud "Ktrono. Ni aasnssd Ororue il1 ýeach ester a enii1in lutfe irl's r- hall, bjut VIe comm)iittee are endos- vonîng Vo sectue another tesm ilu this section se fIat therte will ho tiro girls gamies. The afteiru.oon sports wil b ho ld lu Oroino Memorial Park. luthe eveaiug s dance will wind upjl Vhe sports day which mli bco heid ilu the towm hall with Riùuss Creigeh- ton's Variolty Deunce Baud supiylrg the m-uais. The admisýsion o 1the grounds for the s'oftball 'willho 25 couVa w%îth childreu 14 years aud under being mi'wdl free. For Vhe dance tho a (n-ission prico will ho 59 cents. The naed cod Vohoused for patriofi * ~. . .... Snday School Anniversary 0f Park St. Church the BUILDING TO BEAT THE U-BOAT: NEW MERCHANTMEN COME OFF BItITAIN'S SLIPWAYS "Progress ik beipg made in tho \xlýaraaistU4-oatýs.We are hold- ing our ýown" said iM.. hht:Iillinl hise speech Cof 12..43when ho announced that the Allied fleets wre1,250,0ffiO tons b'igger than iix jilonth's ago; that ew'uidigha,[xcecedail UnitedNtin losses by that amorut. <en and wornen of Br.italin's shipyvards, iworing iat Khihpressure to deifeat ]eel.1"nsot potentwepo of war .played their fýll part in this unprecedleutd buildling pro- grs.Piture '(2sIho'v: Womnen at rWork in a iBritiSh shipy'ard!, pinlt- in,,inilches on an alm-ost 'onapl'e-tAd merchianltmaln. U. C. Mission Band Entertained to Picniic The Miissio)n Bauid' of Park l Street UiVtedCunhlad their fiil me ingii the form of a'pi ni in Orono1, Communnity Parký on Mna iasat tfter four, c*ohlook. ming sd races 'beCIrS they hadý their suippor. The races were as foci- lows Pr-d"l riniig, Marie Le'w,S Ma7ry Ans Arinstrong; *pi- achool rupigace, 'Doreen Wh'it, Manire Lewis; ju-nior girls, runnting, Cariýolyn Joncs, Mariene Catrol; juýnior girls jum-iping race, MAajorie White, Anu Barrýabail; junior boys, running race, Keith Gfiblbs, Ronnie West: junior boys, jumnping race, -Ronnie West, Keith i b~ il,8an11 9 yealrs, Kay _McKen na, Lorina Cl-1a rk; boys, 8 snd 9 years, Keîth .Giblis.ý Bobý. Hall;,'girls 10 sud il yoars, Shirley Flintoff, Doreen Fowler; boys 10 sud 11 yeara, Ray ,W'est, George Joue(-s; girls 12 sud 13 yeunrs, Joan Ralincy, Joyce Corish; boys, 12 sud 13 years, BRay WesV, Ge-ald Rainsy; weebariow race,-girlIs, Sh4irley Flintofsud Joyce Cornisli, Doreen PowrIer sud LormiClark1; boys wheelbarrow rac!e, Keith West sud IMarvin Lunu, Deuny Ly an sd Bob. Hall; girls ki'ck he bail, Kay- MeKeuna, Joyce 'Ccxnish; 'boys' kiok fhe hall, Ray West, 'Chas. Armi- sbrong. The cilidren had broughit their own banches sud ail sat ttables o- gepther, while the -WJM.S., 'with1 Mrs. S:ýtapios, Ms.Littlowood sud Mrs., Logan lucharge, serredi thers miik which the WM..donated. Affer supr ias lever 'Mrs. Lit- lewood spoýke Vo the -Mission Baud,, complmentug Vem ion fleir 'atten- dau-ce, faithfulness, volntarIy gir- ings Vruhotheeyear su'd zsain1g that VIe 'Orýoio Mission Baudias r-ated as the thiýrd highfest l the Bay of Quinte' Coniference. Mns. iLittlewoeod', on behaif cf Ie WýM .,thon expresseda1ppruiýatiOn cf VIe fai th rul ntss Icf fIe M-issin Bauded ers nd Mns. t Pi r- sented Miss Meoieitit a beau- Vîfu,,l leather photog-ratp album, and Mrs.Artrg t a daity bine enmlebray. TIh in.under tIec iedesbip of Mr-s. Staples, sn "For Vheyir joillyGood e aois, f ter -wh ich Miss 'MlcDomrell sud Mrs. Armstrocrg thanked the WjMN.S. Joyce , ýCrnisfi, representirig the Senor'MssonBaud, presei -ted Missý MDieiwith s l'a ci 'ox cf Apple Biossom dusiug powd er,acopn iKd by a liat cof the cildre's ine1s. iMrs. Arm--stnloug , auuounced! that bI ad a lnuiber ni eblidren wibo had atteuided<isinBaud every meeting-. Shie talled hûhes elidcreit out sud gave the boys is pins aiud tlic gIrls bain hws The bo-ys wier,. Bill Aunton, Harold Moffat, KeiI lilis RsaLewis asud Harry Lysh; udthe grs Mary Am, Decoration Day Junte 27 Eeyonýe who rends thiis niotice planý to attewd the D(ecora tioinl Day Serice attheCemetery ou Sunday nxJunie 27th. 1,Rcvs. Littlowood andi Dewdne 'xvii hoprosnt11d will lead thýle de- votona 1pat of Vhe s erv iue s. The, pcjplarspeaerMv.J. J. Mellor, xviideivrthie adc.Th~e Oronio Band xvi lo ad inithe a niugofap - Tefraternal Societies r nie to b)e prousent asuýd decorate the- graves (,f thieir ldeceais'd bruthin. We eaetto hav-e chairs foi- eider- iy peo1ple; alowater will be sup- ,pied. 'Be sure to ho there. God Save the Kin!g. R.C.A.F. STATIONS DONAýTE BLOOD To theNo 1 Boiinig asd Gun- 11ery Scihool at Janvis, Onjtarlo, fais dhe honoir of 1heing, the first R.C,.AJýF. stationi in Ontarlo teo have its 'owu Red CrossBiood Douonýrs Clii'cii. Eveny five weeks the bonys and girls in Air Force Biie lune up a-t the, cam hospi--al and d'ouate Vuheir hloo-d to ho nsed at Tho hattie fronts. Ini the four ciinics that have been held thotre since February, the ien and rwomen of the Jarvis sihcol 'have freponded u't Lil the Womon 's Division, m1ore than 100 Caniadian girls have already given thbeir 'biood -many of them beiing repeiated -do- nors-and the number g-rows -withi eaeih clinic held. To Group Captain A. D. Bell- I'rving, Officor in Command of the school, goes much 'of the crodit for these successfiul ýcllics. Fromn the very first, Group COaptain Bel-iMrvi'ng has Ibeen enthusias'tic about thef clinik sud the work it is doin, and is hî.mself s. reigular donior. I lis ý orwn words, ho is " proud Vo hop itrt of a service( that nmay mean the sav- ing of live.s whien thc boys geV ove there." Everv five weks ýt'hetie staff of the Simcoe<obile PBo o d D(nors1 Unittrmoves loto the Javilcm hosita -mretha'n a s oreo dc ions nuses nd ohinsryworkers. Evr inethie lirst cliniic, th, ro- spous s be ecllnandthe airoein proportion to their, numbl1ers, are g'-ivirng Vhe mona ar t(> aim at. 'O'iig Vo the rgru st-andlard of fitn1e;ss n1eCossary inVýf fligbit trainiung, air ce'v are nloV al- lowed to donate, buit he g1rouud crema, are im1akiiUg uLp for' them. Fol- lowing the 'cýpenng ecf the clinie aud the provinig that it couid ho ,e.nsiitireY .sudecessfui, similar c1iniýluishve boomi oppened ii- many other TR.C.A.F. sud R.A.F. saiosthroug'hut Otario. Airmstroug and MreoCarntreiL- The 'Olireil playeld 1hall after opr.The caiptains were Joan Turnier and: Joyce Corunish. Tie wini- nigsilde was Jean Tunier's with a score oM 15 f0 8. Thu anotfiho M'ýission Band tcim 1was hapipiiy enided. Annual Interesting Event Seholars of Sehool Supply Promotion Resuits For Music - solos by Stella Continuation Schooc Best, Glenn. Tamblyný, Naesin order ôf- menit. 2Asul and a Duet by Mary inc b rac2kets rndicates insu1fiý Phasey and Cora Caný l- edent standing lu that siubjctL. Re treli. ports inyli obc aiedat the s -choo The services iu Par,ýk St. Chiurch, Thomlas Liou, Patricla Page, Ra) Orono, ou Sundsy, June My'th -as Bryson, Grant ciaIley, Victor WNar nn ocason o bth ld il' ,uer,! Lloyd Syer, 1lloward ,Coatbam avun ocaik on okwhih 'oth odlisud(Geoig.,Ross Boyd, Brelyn Gordon young au beaeiook ed 'r.ThyesDonaldEvans (M1usi), Arthur Ai âd a aga vel sdcthe soreetsLaren (Hîstory. _Musicý), Mur llnc wih ~ors ave vidnce f ~Pattenson, Jayce Tonniant (ah speni cnroaio.As one eu- Mont. Richardson ('M1ath. Fn. Hiit tered Vhe church sud sonsed the ase- . ,1 tiîVity Of the pupils gathe'red ini Vhe To Grade XI. cias roomrs, one coutld indleed realize Dawn Mloffat, Joan llarness, Pete it was "The Ciidreu'cis Day." 'Chmîar-a, L a vene B u yd, Willia:ýi WFhen the congregation, had as- RtefrJean Foc, Orville Chat Semled Vhe pupiLs of he sîcool tertcn, Betty Lhnton (Mlath., 'Can wrere dlireetedi hy t1ioir teachers Vo Us.,Nellie Wright (ah.,Paný the scats rcserved for them, sud tnus mne Ro'bins ('Math., Latin), Car flling he church Vo capa'ciy. It FlinVoff ('Math., Frencih, Latin), Dor wa.s an iuteresting sighit Voitnoss (Math., Ll(atin ), Grs arAle'te the atcpion o the faeof the (Math_, La ti)creO more than 15.0 seholans "Miho nied Vo To Grade XII. their phlaces 1sud("ook part lu ce sen- eaTmeGad ueets oVIa The chureh wass boairtiuCy dicar. nounced yen, ated 'ith h estandards and bas- Margaret ckinnon, Carms- ots of ec, i adsud , eet Cornîish, AlnsaplsAlan Corn R'ckeV, nk1aing a'l perfect stigfor i, Sie Ms, Doald oon a oung people's anniverary. , 1 ). J* oe'y(ru The s'rpburelesson 4was rend by Saim Kean. AiVerthe opennîgLatin), Jamels Lowery (Latin). hm 'anld prayor, AMrs. 1Dr'ilmlond,( Vhse mo capable and itret i ofSend For Builletin sipeinted'nttook charge and On Wartime Camiud, hs sfhoul saag-opcf sns 1uAsianding smong whih were "Iu A bullei Wrie ann"h n-y heart there brlngs a meody," "A b,,m pubised Qy ne ConlsumE sogo" snn"VoteVue"eor etinc h Dom-inion Departmten lu 'F." and the 'beiinueuls sangU "Bubl- of Agriculture.Tt1vcouVains dotailo blin". iss ~dryBilliugs, the inlformlatîi On outhe c'anulig offruit 'Sundlay 5chbood pianist, wa'ls at hs sud 1vegetables sud irt sdirection piano and especial mention nst ho as well fr makin~g jams aud jAek iadeoOf ber ver ycedible Per- Epnin e cnnns, as well as wn for-mauce as an acvcnpan-ist. mou wMho are nlow at tihe- job, -wi Mrs. Drlunmond gave sa'nif suni- find the lbulletin invaluiable. Tt ma mar-ily of nhe work carlied on Un te hoobtied, froc of charge by mot sehool, stro-ssiug faitîful attendl- i tg Vo ublicity sund Exý'tensi'on Divi Ince. Sue thon spoke from one of sinDe'partmnent of Agriculturea the iegends of King Athur, g-iving OVtawa, "The QtcesV cf tihe Holy Gal"the_______ ______ tpnos'e of which wiss Vo in,,pire the yOu'ug people frors thie Sunla pupils winth Ve deire to lire pure School. Rer. P. Joblin, ofË St. Paul' aud noble lires.,. Tue story Mas foýl- Bowmaniiville, was thespca speap loiwed by the song 'Flo the en- sud gare a sjplendid diseours Gles'mi," iwhich iras hased on the from the book cf Jonalh on choosii stnyjust toýld. 'On's owu -worlk. A solo "SVep ou The graduates fook their places for Jesus uow"was effectively ner in their ne'w 'classes lu honor of dered by Stella Bert. Mary Phase which the .ch'oo sang "Carol for rand Cors Cantroîl sang a swet ai, ýchidrpu's Day." hamo itldeE, "Jeauts is aliway Rer. Ltleodheld Vne interest foe"A1bas sol, <yGdan ,f bothi children sud adultsa ake Futher Wihile I1tri eas iroîl sun wihVh is- plcal o ie"ya"by Glenn Tm1y.The tchoir san KinueaLors, Cetee's id n athem sud Il --i]the rmueleceo ness are the beys witb wlich we ViHted uch Vob he cignity ,aii uulock he gate Vo 1bar on. The etsbp fthe srie teaers of the csdhool - iiero sked VoajThe day w1s mielog (VhorE stand representiug ne Master Key 'nmitered hy aïl wlxo attend'ed as cf thsse yugmiud's. i asanllo(ccasion cf esatisfactiont The ee~gwrhbe7an with a tacesand ofcr.Con-rilhutlon long service, éle y afuilichoir cf jamiountled V oer$15.0 01 i1- ül. 'y Lr- ni, te- I.- r! rl- fin n.- le Canadian Farmers Now Making Out Tax F( Thousanda 'cf Canadian farmors 'Lom&'. The Department sin- arje fling incomle f ax forma this Vu meîtod of detemiulug a nionh for VIe ilusV tim-e in their cex- er'Y net income as follows penience. Tis situation arises frein (1) LisV youu 1942 farm re tue f ct hat farir ne inomoshave (inlding value off saleahile bomincreased gcn'oraly sud ax ex- pruonucewhich hasbeen us., eiptions 'haro boa lowered. yo fir homie) 'su d d tm o Reaiizinig tihis the Deparýtient of (21Lattouo192 gar Revenue 'at Ottawaira astriku stop ses()inciug dpreci2 atio) a Vo simpli'y Vthe lucome ax form for temogSies(pr. c 1tin the fresas muI Ias possile su d hmtgfer Vo provîde answers Vo pna.ctically (')substract tIc total of every question wblch the farmer la farm oapenses froni the total oi likoly Vo ain whbeu holfa itdowu Le ofarm rcoipta. Th, remaiuder con ipete hIs formn. These quecstionsiý net in o o or farmi. sud answers are conta'iued iii a paina- Tue p eset wytoj do lihe pidlet entitleld, '"Fsrners' Incoine ls Vo fil 'eut 'VIe fonpage Do Guiet92/ 'bib m'y o bc mai- -"Farnmrs T. 1 SupplementaL. EE ORONO

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