- - I I Churchili Crossed A tla7untfic A s 'MAr. X Prime itrS Ciey Guarded Few Saw Hl nouncead a menti ago that Ger- mcan ctrepMbadmorouded.Prime Sir ArchîLbalil Wavell and aoutË 20 otloeîýn higi kin1gBitshof- fici, fer 'o):w hey Wooid have heen close _te the tluth. aidnt RcmnSei,, aise had 0on b)oard iýneariy 00Gemn rion ranin oficrs eptured by Nert- Afrca. o t1 the tact Chureh1ill bai trvelinl th ame Only a Glitupse Ocers n hessp tisancr- no cleseiy -was ho uardeil they failed te catsh bot a giimpae et hl m drig tseenj e mAdtiatti 11iera than gel a tLeeting gae Nonee saw Iho Prime iister oadthe shp udf w al lail uring teecr eig hecrem-aaid teyreferreil dte, CLurelil as "i-e "anil few heivistones thatthei iain- PsmeMitist, anamdianhurabtilUnis whoaccnt pall lite ermal-i prsoor t mn ioghed erisivlywhu he uil ~ ~ ~ ~ V bubielotteAi ocs lul ofrth Atnica vaithin six nek. Wa ae 1ld s0 betre we wecaplureil." Unit "ne ca't lose ,,tile figiht. Wo'l have 1e Buta et et Par in noatue." ara bldthem tsI they il- oxýpeel te o 4 in andalong "ho- co1ure fle s arw otdaenh o 1Ig-lOFetthe pironers aimoaýt beeedte NrbAmarican con through the sh4ps porthkls ws wlîie tAvebeat wasu!llisome is tance trom Poe.Thywems lu Tutteelt healp Artillery atr Bomlber .andii " tank Vaue 0of modern Cainon Proved at Stalingrail ut la nown, reilby eia abla asiti et isis nanbaee te Pîîg tisa ighvetoitygoiii- te ios eau agaiti, rites tie Lon- don orsodn e iaOtw 'J'-ul. isamod-rncailnol atili remaiins 0tse quec etweaens [bswsplnvedi oner sicis ay andlKl ALamain. Tise adileuethlie air bme anil t('1atank was uppese'il lu t7naiiy quairt-s te hal've revelution- lzed wartare and uesia r tii-î ocisely tie cnhrary is the ralisi tat. B t te bhemb- wmis mtot-ecnpeti ta tise formor, hae Paon masterailby srhiiary Exn tia itavia sd aîouasttans cnnet stnd up 10tý an effiien riltry brrge f L Pyrobieý,m THE WAR - WEEK - Commentary on3 Current Events Anythin g Short 0f Ail-Out Victory Will Bring Another War Uponi Us Sheli sie os-tisi-3 war Japan wili betlgin te plan 1for another con- filt, alittAbendi, -fan Eagtarn corresponant sud bseirver et Ja- pa'risa te militaýry mtight, said îT i rafty calculations of the leaer u Tkyo" declareil Mr. Aband,"are te tue t thtisa aer theUniatNa,,tïins have finslly Arugt iitliarte uîscouditiene.l surreder, he nAerican pueople atsd ise-r alies ill sosewar waay tat the-y wtll lioslst .upon s ~ ~ p coîrmiepace la the> Fer 1ast-a1cmromise lesviug Japats lu pssesiono! at leat hait of ber p-sn an. An ncocluivepes etofthis kia, M. Aandadilei, would se- tualy e avîconyfor Japan. sia wouldi pr'epare and waïtfor a new pportunait, sud attack us agata atsoea erleil when, lu sak times etc peace, we seemaei tehvelst lmost ef Our presont allie,"ihv(mit on. 'Auyth1iing shoiî, t et an il-eut v itr il isis war wil riga- otheir 1upeaus-roaby iti. "fwe permi!thtisaJapanese teL Iuopithal i o! wbait tha>y have w fon, j? wet periint tbem te roýmain the rieret lý'part et l'East Asia andl to brutl ze 200,000,000 aub-jiet bmainPons they will ceattie(a le se iresorcofetth-ti ras ani atbrutailizailmaupowvo,lu a n vr e 2rvengea agalîtaýt us . Tl-iser aii ha ieno security fotlie Fou Ftcdn util theck tisa- iUliperawsnîg natins r0dis- Unti a fit ;gï,-srilat ns- pec etan mmientinvaýsion ePz Austahi by ho apanse.Officiai reprtsspeofet te ostabi)sltnent et iponsoairftedac7.apý:ýable, et basig 1500airplaanes il, the la- landacuî-ng nrtýitettisecon- tinent. Asitepeýint r tPe tireat, eaiylu WVa,nttuaatrov- at i Aitei basa ic- Mili ý,te Bey, fir i ait-r ii Austrai n-as nue te ba hînnoback o tise enemy Teeilg thl.ne inoee ligatin onde- giohi -trigh wio i ('a1 been "ilse 1 Aus oilýi:traliaas;aaie Tl)'( ise rio is r oct o t oarne oiy11)pat ho it ntth the Japl]aneso ceîttd uow -isîa lia cui ho usd as s asemfse Guinea and on, Guadalcanal and the Rass-eli Islands ile. the Soi- omeons sud frofi thoî ir bases they have Peý ben pounding tadl at Japanase-ý intsallations. Last week thair Pi plne rid Orty feîhe 4pofNe )Ritti, ek baae t th wlîl Japanese aIra- tagiai sructr'lotlî'etAustra- lia Thise firit sncbn heavy attaclç slace arh 3,tis teeo, s&emed apossible prtntetimminent ac- tion. In RussiÎan- Skies Tisa w inlaRussia las-t waek was Iitc!d)iminantly a arilutise air. Both tPie Luftwaýffe aud the Rail Air Forcýe tradad beavy lowa hy day 9nd h'y night. Nazi f'ilers staged two massed raids on iGnrki, upper Volga ltY neoteil orits automotlve and muini- tions p)lants. A fleet of 500 Soviet bombera smashad back at rail jonctions behinil the aney Enes la the oiiit f Orel, Naizi stronug- pointlikg the central aud son ien fons. GrasrotalI- ated by aidinlg Ysrosisv, 150 muiles noriso a !e1Mscewv. siPl p- ùltscountareil with a saries of mlght1y lows at INazi airdreitti and communicaqtions. One et thWea, oit Thursday ngh, mployed 700 Soviet plaInes ini what was calloid the greatt Russia rial attaici et tise war,.It rasulted ila tJhedeil- stru-ctien et r150 Garman lae and iuuvoroiüs grounit installaions, Tlie soaand ferocity ot tisa air baies n ý ere indicated by a Mos- cew ssonmary cnve-riolg thetir weaklu Jo Jnc. Tis ýclaimailïa bag ot 752 Nazi plaes)e a ssof only .212 Soviet ailecrat t. TheEde n ats To fori e7icu pnetsl h that the Soc lt tecehelilthe edge ovor tue onr mghyLuft- waffa,. lu a receot dsacThe New Yor-k 'Imes coerr'spnodant C> h. Sulzberger thius ,ummned Up hlis ipesO f ltewing pow- er et tPe- on l tair.: cruishing ntilh n qi iv gr" t ie Sov- essentiels. Tue. toigl4te ma- orpst-t tctlei Ciman:it-l rigth b c et l ld pea- the Rc-tcbst-uctï l 'e bs inikluhl is -bag itho1: ou1e lte lts 'iseaî eic- 941o4141 paet ah oit l t. e le the -"!il'Xi Fice-- s îo- cvîtcîî i nv, itutn t l rd ic party e eute Svie acrftio de tt ne et set iiiii-ti prdue Jacknam -i i,-t -J s îiolic v - it them tto acto -.his l'lu iti of ntayPc 1m9s,1ia sitoiieaît, utr otltep-seetmop etitet aýh Sovi1 tet Opimism'1isstl REG'LAR FELLERS-Seeing Double .4 MIJSEUM 'q~ KASTAS EARî~ GENUIt4E TWINS - ON iill-u10rn~l - m-rn-- rb CERTAIN'Y LOVE TO SEE THEM 5 1 OTTAW A REPORTS That di, General Safety of the Canadian Nation 1-la, Been Well Servel by Parliament The-re probhbly nver has been a sesinofPalamntdriing which te02 tiutolwie as Malehinery fr cntolof ination1aL administration has ot buees sub- jected t1 citcim ortardiness an"d vroit.T preýsen1tes- sion ofPaiaetoennJa- ary 2S> Last, and just eenl deal1ing vwith its War Appropri- ationmeseineecpon And yet, impatintiy as we may hear or read lengthy dis- ensinso this or, that item of adIministration --snie of îthem adiuittedly of n n eralimiport- aurce-it willlbecwell for members ofa demoraticsoiety to remnem- berý that ailý of the advantages of are ot raped u initslegis- lati-ve eiiste numn-ber of, new lawsthat are passed oCr oid iaws amned r even in the degree i0f dte atningiveu to items -of past and ppesed expenditure For Primetsbigs inlgle ad tae tothe popl ofCan- adaAt large lCe in itsf ulilment of the fnction of a safety valv a Lain:t immnerinïg disconü 1tenilts, mlisc>ýoncetions ýýý and m(i i suL1n-,de)- standings, as welu au political aberrations of one kmnd and an- other some ou wich, after l, thetomrro.ln ohrwords, een îwhnPrlamntis nfot tick- jng off cul eiiaieaccomi- feelsit,"eat odswiththings as theyexut thenmns filet- A fe memersmay e earg-c uudutedl ther arethoa lwgho et Parlia ofent's time; sepr ticula itemor mesore nay b generaliportane; sol;e atti- tude ma beadjdge tobebcdic- scetos to this observer, t loing at arlaen fi' a gý"ond theî y ea,,hat ioaiCornnes nt right in the PwAs"et ebae aud ia thedultimtoxis e *o the keS un 1d meutinqthefeiec telswi arereqidte an the pr.onel nithis.- mntiona eion alngdstneththhegn 2, i t 1t Il ïaeh cdg of thei t ein nton hasbeen pret nel sro d n il flc eesat to, ae en e uite paros- ni 1h00 i: c t. * c * j so T~o ci ndes etfoi liFUNNY BUSINESS -I've gobt ahubad ha whlistleos, a dog that barks and a parro thatscreehes-nw I wnt something that By GENE BYRNPES hi wn conclus-ions Ever-yoeette25nmer Who cntiuethMiuse et Gom- men isnen threby a nýajojr'ty VOte of the peopie un mthecon- steny wih ere oesets in-imate knowi-egesittha iner- tiýilar gope epefrwo he speaks. Tho egree etYinde- of Gemons lis aoth2e rab]cct altogethran wrthcosier tie akerit dsus oalmt tor n Pariaen, f aaenr telerant of time takonby 'Vert- ornlera, oýruradeiesctca gotutie tÉenmeuiseursitemsof deed if there i s ycniea againa t 'me takn by inortes, thon a, ýîn oxtro-I mprtn Ey Xavier Herbert uralawethCmouali LTe ry bilmitton on the ecason t ustralAnlt n nivrsayhuho ut10 trie w$a1lc7 frhls5. tI lite asrae mr eumdaaa EXPLOSIVE VEGETABILES Aprgsief t lu thse ove te- longl a Kansas City home oe piod-ed suda bI,,evwieut the kthr w idows. Boý' y! ý Tbink whs migisthave appened if ili, b;een sp)innch! Wîindsor Star. * HE'S EARNMED IT Sttsar'eagain ojsri e a aimal0t any dynwJh ei Wromllteailtu peta When Bii-i-dth ooks, Burne How ee wil-vermaincîack Fair rl la emsîîy cmn cd tan- yaars ago anisfmei, ahon tha Naz-irs ahpopolethauhes. Bv ýeu gax. ing teoplace avarnc.umes AriAdlirarist.eare ia vilX- fondireass-net morkvgrsi OF T HE famiiarwithtisrolctae cet nIl pasa bis Iea-g ,roma creapon -g thîsncomingfor iituce reak-a fort sudaCe're having hl sta uer.' '-ttawa Citizen. 'o Minstr lnWaisiugt, rcn spolie tieso lise propets tLtis