Four Dogs Enist lu Canadian Arniy ComanrioeiTa-cics j15 fa 18 nnnI, 'avca1igifngabu M ponde lsIn)wegiî1'sud(rn fwo teet ta ,18 m pu in eigli, ans- 'wcinïg 1te ic aines a!fPrvetes Butring, Rx ndPotun Lîoete liey trnasc oof-n tueUniéd efin~.Rex iîs an ei -- en mixture 0f iuskïsd ralie and = i!Airedal; ing is 50 per- Facstum, who loake ke an ie- tue d came fIefbu hic pace nDg- For Guard Duty Tviigfer gliard dnflly wt dergong ,a fu-eesPourse ln leaming talio s pciuso', cve- anc cxccp)t flirkeerfuîr ILc,ineles of thle FRCOýA.C. Tlie dogu aclam mnlng taettck un itruder y ling bis ana anlld paflling lin dwn An incsfîuc- ter wcars a licavy fwa-incî-hick Pa-d fram 1ýhie coule ta is ting- ertirps for tiiejb.Wi-en lhic a- pvoaehee, flic doge arcsupposed-' taecap upon hlm and get a goad lioldac ading. heTlcy -ail re- efpxl nd thc-appinovedimnnrer cýx- 'ert Bster, s'bofakez bie ý' )Iat , ile padding ad, tien tries F ta i- R11uIstci nate,, -e tmacr Wita ene-at trk fth Bstr lm 00uglionl fie inefuctor. Nevcr Whipped clebls for Vie doge cesst se emy li2.5 Pounrdk icy wcigi. They ar9ivea anc ervzg aday. Tiey are ted, gromned and _faker nro »ÈePR ptresby A niy eme an, Thc e>ee!cc e ùfagsecond jqlperson a-ny- weewithin fleir iltwibî mLect Tbc doge arm a-ied fa respon ta verbal commande apd gestures. puhy-e neyer fmuk nor WHIp- ed leven thougi lu flic arly ye Naturelisgvate fhc dcty dnrig Cold Wner,, TeTownBII Cries"Kmrd Thceifrene eeeuTunicia end DunkequW le flc dffeenc bcfwccthfli own liully nnd tfie ljiffe guy l- o so aanger- A ilbu-lalisa coar a lcat.1 dldhng if ontbut licr-n'lf ke If. Andwon ien liturneyim e fume fact. Tic ,eudo! fic a-t w-ra0ane arp lu fiesanefri NriAf- but icy're juews rkng U, wrfsUnitcd 1Prese Crrspnd oýnt Ncd Rsedceribing bow- fhe Germnan C ape Bon flpoce Tho busiyàlea quiter. T' truc buiy psychoîog y ard Wa- Iih fe saneway. But 1 ltt asuetint a fjjily wiuîlî quit wlen, kte 1 ie alcad, or jueýt even. e'-ga« ta knw ie'S li-ied ntirt Tien you cont on f tiekaed. In lNortil Afrie, hcfr ws c peated4. -But let',s"natge av- cofdn.Africa ,lecCntnn and FEurope iW nair Air Attack Termed We-dge 0f Invasion By CAPTAIN FRANK H. SHAW ECHAPTER XII.! "Ithnkyu are a liateful man, Don ieke!"exclaimc& Dalores. "M laail mca who try to teah cmmron sense te attractive wNomcn, are-liateful," lie responded. "Yau'l findthat'Ut as you go, alon. Nw, snceyouir teth are Theactvit tht ld tanPired ticebly efletcd n tin pat chetr ns lain avvid in- liai un "Les dau~î bc'- thaglathat other plce," comiened Dee she salitall "Ltsbci ei"l u aetrny. wa amsli' ul' t oYu par e d îs m ooes l milf jie ate. 2Sa-e113in flic door for goa d. AccoundJtî ta me for rigliteoseese thnt I'mpear cd ta die." And that was the stary told faý Donna Elenora when sic-ttle at tlic Casa Faileiro If ufcd Dolores was 'dîepatched 1ta a bot bath and bcd; Dicirie was ,oin- forted witlhin by stinging bevcrag- e. Sa muicl did lie risc ia Donna Elenora's gooiî graces fliat lic, was tempte.d 1ta teli flc tru, fli ! lu escapade; but mÈDolores' Fattitude (' towemds bisspjotcmasizip kepf bis lips closecd. N-,ot ]1is mmnd, liwYr lcgv himiself upta Erions" conenrf- Consulte, If nwes ao gi cyni f ail 1Lafellette was plcursiu, i na somefhing new-lic did ofcfe the peaus flic wliolc oldo siltrrplatter, lic offeied thei o!working mliales.Ho'vs dlanger: bis ntry ipsil ideals cauld flot liýcreied il- ontnmur- rlmiaydstuto wliicli Higginsdi ntwat.H wanted construction,:readnt liavoc; end itheopruiy0 I silort-teînp,!eredrvl euliso ciflier liand tf0 1clsein:o a is- rptcd Hiyatela s(-ud-gm b flic whole as fair spoiL. bs Callana Mines were a prise warh flglîf- ing for; anid the reef af li,, wnr give r-bch dta lichkrig Ut was uite tructî tli -oî laiy inform'ation gistteîned lng Dictatar, hveliim an estd anddprt-nd arrd;i myiglit prove to .,lafe. jA cauýse p- Pe-arcÉd talie cstaliisicd--; tlieC sleepiïng cIou f Hiyafala w-aan ousedl at last. In any caseiceasy- goag President was unJlzkcly .ta be lmprcsscd. Moreoverý, tdnrýing lis investigations, Dickic liad camne ta understend fiat ln fic event af trouble Lafallette was srone by fricnds who would -ategîîard hlim,emu)gglc hum clea o! ear-ci- ers, and laidlin adyta o- durc at tir cîtialmment. Tienlie -rcsolved Hliat le was makingimouniitins nit (o! mle- bille, and wenf ta lied "AIllc camne, ï-'1 ke(p an eîef' on Gaspardo," hle ntlered- "T%ï( hundred rfeeTwo l;-jmndre, men witli rifles conjd cptrel;e mnessand hald 'eým f ae Ticr waeanoliercligit ai fi- DORRINIS COULER ili' cciUin g of TDIciee ldoam. as~ ~ ifmcdyfogc Pp J., mis a iado"lcvn againet bis pmoinat ase hi Bagreakfas ine mbrult3o manageer 0f fi C-lin i-ri p.cerY 1ice b"e at ecBal wi Fioen OftL momentai sarin fi ailineaied, bean a sur-resc;fluei# fat fice adna je'Icen a cl majorif ileafogibcfy îng r,5n eqic nasmor hsaron lIa-n fplic ùoïin,'Lary ý "How'secemyflang "Dr-ic si cd t frtcr-r recing. "reak facted yefgýi?' b hnar mi "Na dot Ota natie"imgWybute.w "Býeen ontà-dr o fIe files,'yeum Ex- cellviec" No rma- l fliey wer eu"D -i f.uland " L-Rîlt"; flic formai dor, sandow." I ADin' e arlia 'u(ve *like ail othier Ccinadlian provinces, Québec has Ioyally gearedé her energîes and reoucs furthering Canada's warefot ýshe plays a vital part 41n the United lNations' mompentous fiet for freedomn. Québec ,dl 'er he goads.," ini quality cnd quantify. Her sons and daughter-s dsigihthemiselves in alilbranches of comba't, and infthe prodction fI &munitions, foodstuffs anIrd war equipment. We cordial 'y greet aidviir ta te Province of Qu4ýbcC. Tho.ugh aùur people are busy daxy and night on war work, the quaýint charm, scenic beauty, -rmanffic ofmosphere and, tua- ditional GalIic hospitelity Cof aid Quèbec ta visitors romai»n unchanged. Our frienids in Ontýaricorand elsewhere in Canada will fndc heortyv welcome whenever theýy visit Frenrch Caýnada, whether ocn business, war duty or cction. Aswrim restrictions cLrtcal pleasure dïr iand frye, f s ugesedthat aaioit select some paîrticular dsrc f QuébeC Province and spend ail their5 hoiday therýe.Lteatronrequcat.ý THE PROVINCE 0F OUEBEC TOUIRIST &, PUBL1CIY BUREAU 2'00 ÊBay St., rotaor Québec Cify. Ar ~MACDONALUS 'F~ Q.t legs." Dicie, sed Wnne asManuel brvonglielliecAeeptes and to- tee foeter iti fia crcpSaa Jaset breedtac at wlitis eon epcu i dhlt,"J c ïan get în auè toui o, once Iv,,,veliaul tew tinge pp)earî f0 bave lap- pened; ci.d îlat's wly I' lire. omelette aUtstelesea seso muci 'i ni mi eouestlinfor tlenair une, îau'r vfltrspsiefo potty cAnfryw IfI wcreCou p' sp ot rnwan lt 'm fy la flicr oqn jicgre nl2y I knp I xvacefo niy baih lu ý;argume" Higgin's i d wes fat i al yp iet.le e ts twakbae btheodn- cd rouiEce, os nio' otn ccra 0ft arn pap, n Donna arcs, wiomAlehaened ta lave Ca .ule prirtcTbat WCl fo due ythe Du ot opay Wh1ilîe ordinlary mulaewl foo l ten?ýakedc! o apilot, this matriltatis ro a, n disz- guiiig suject "il,.,ow up 0on aý c7ame-ra plate asa lglit 'the it'Idig lte ulraioet :ay, compses hre-fifhs f sunliht sorl sunight zh qlupas dtrk value on cmeerphtes disclosng uýsec la in camflage cpurpo ý --s rather than genuine. veetation or ,vo thleenemly the tocto fvn abil to de-teeýt ilhmslbut bis carmea cHncemoiiry ta- getabedd noVc adcp by teueof otlodxgrenpan may flescae ln dsloue now puts Anwent cmoufleue Big Mailing Job Dýi>ýuîlUtiou k y milof12- O0(0 cO:piet e W cf-,io Book Three, wî3- ppicaio cardes, wil nalete igs sigemailig job everhanled by tle1 Initefl tare Pet Ofice. Li atnqu atepast 0 yasthere hae 3ben 8 hrri- canes,tevn erhaeIa*l,ý, ,-,(-,11 tidal waves, tAcfaumes and âne dseught. FmureMr 8%tIwoit SISenorU' eaftly hlsscd the major-dama, and paddùd away o teeYl ertain o te reon ng'e eets. (Cotincd e~fWe-ek)