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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1943, p. 4

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ORONO WEEOKLY TIMES THRPSDAY,:,JUNE 24, 194l' The Orono Weekly Times VEstablished January, 1937. Pubishied every Thursdlay morning at the Times Office Or-onio, Ontario Axdvertising Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subsériptions to the United States, $2.00 All Job Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention 1R. A. For-rester, Publisher' F1511 NOTES last thie fîsh derby has beetn ýd, especiai]y la the brown trout ,thus gi-vinig the iardenrt anglers thing to better. On Fiiday af- ýon ofi Isat week Johin Armn- !g caulit a ni'ce brown trout rimeasured 141/4 i nch es i n ýh an d weighing 14 ounces. fish wiil nooýn be in the discar-d as a rnunaLber of anglers bave hopes of inding a two,,or three pounder. Jo!nI'was sapposed to have gone out West on ýSaturd'ay, but something turnied up that lie is still here. With liimi hway the obher anglerswould have a better chamce. Mr. C. T. -Miller -\as out on Mon- dav c-venÎintg last and caught a brown trout aronnd twelve inches liong. Hie Mý'unicipal Suhsidy ........ Mlaintenance of Indigent Paients in Sanatoria.... Townshiip Road Subýsidy . King's Highways.......... Counly Roads .. ........... Old Âge Pensions ......... $21,564,144.90 7,288,500.00 2,000,640.00 17,192,059.00 1,249,442.50 7,007,948.00 say" he ril show the listing en- th-usi.ists how to 'catch the larger' cnesý as tiaxe goes on, as this -was his firsit tiip out this seasont. Not a lied ,sbart at all, better thanii a lot nuade on1 the .'etgday, MIay lt. Over the week-enhd Messrs. John Morris and Madison Hall jourueyed ~to Lake Scusgog forýsome good fish- ing, with the idea oif catching a fish worthwhile, and they surely did. This time the hono.r went to iMadison who soon liad a large one hooked, Mter p'aying with it for some ti'me lie fiilly brought it to -ohe boiat xvhere it was landed. What Madison thouglit a large bass tuirned eout to lie a carp, which is practically no good. iIf it had been ta hass he wouid have lad to throw lt bock un- tii Ithe boss seasen opened. By the end, -of Mardi. 1943, ,the emeloyees of 8,000 industrial and commercial undertakings in Britain had raised £430,000 ($1,904,000) for the Red'Cross ,Pénny-a-Week Fùnd. Classified FOR SALE F(ew acres of standing hiay (alfaif a anld timothy). Appiy to George, FnaSes, Kirby. c-24-p. HIOUSE FOR SALE $,5.Eighit roomis, centre halli 1 lait, entrally located in Or0oo. .Leta McElrofy, Charlotte West, 1Peiteiibor.oughl. c-23-c. NOTICE Dr, A. ~ F. M-ýcKenzie will. be aibsenti from his praotise from 4Ulune 3Oth to July 1l4th (Iboth days iiiusive-), this being his ammual two weeks' vaca- tion. FOR SALE Simali quanýtity of mrixed stovve- wood, 12-inuh; also quantity of poet's 1at $25.00 per hundred, dedivered. A. Car'seadden,ý Phone 25 r 9, Orono. c-23."p. TARI MAINTAINS PuinAY- AS m-YOU s- GO m- POLICY AX the time of bringing downi the Provincial Budget on March l9th, 1943, it was indicated thatq the figures were Interim figures and that definite and final figures would he supplied as soon as the accounting of the Treasury Depariment was complete for the year. These are the final figures for the twelve months ended March 3lst, 1943. Certi- fied correct hy 1H. A. Cotnkam, Chartered Accountant, Provincial Auditor. They speak for themrselves. Combined surplus on Ordinary and Capital Account ............. $27,766,504.72 Reduction in the Gross Deht............................................. 19,906,519M8 Reductioji in the Net Deit ............................................... 11,686,815.15 Reduction in Contingent Liabilities..................................... Reduction in the Funded Deht........ ............................... Reduction in the Treasury Bil Debt ....... ........................... 2,505,44-1.3-7 7,868,100.00 61>500,000.00 7. Pensions for the Blind.. 8. Mothers' Allowanees...... 9. Municipal Hydro Radial Relief................... 10. Training Sehools ......... 145,580.00 12,724438.00 1,246,622.82 123,657.83 TOTAL ................. $70,543,033.05 * Cumulaive Io December 31, 1942, end of Sanatoria Year. The Province of Ontario Further information gladly supplied upon request to LEASURY DEPARTMENT, PARLIAMENT BLDGS.,, TORONTO HON. A. ST. CLAIR GORDON, Provincial Treasurer PIUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 0F THE GOVERNMENT 0F TH~E PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO DISTRICT CHURCH PARADE Ciarke District L.O.L. xiii hold their annuai' Clijrc~h service in Ken- Jal United Chureli on Sunday, Juiy 4th, qt 3.00 o'clock. District Chaip- lain Reiv. Bro. Me4Lachan viii be the, preachier. Keiidail Fij>e and Drum Band will .be în atten-dan-ce. Bre- thren are asked to meet in the Oraing- Hall at 2.30 p.m. Ail are cordially invited to attend this se- vice. TENDERS WANTED Tenders -will be received up to and iiuding Juiy 3rd, I943, for general caretaking of S. S. No. 8, Anjtioeh, duties to ýbe taken over iu thle 1hou- davs. The iowest or any tender not ne- c-essarily accepted. For further particulirs apply to the birustees, airELR. 0 . Ootlhim, Secretary, R. R. No, 1, Orono;, Phone ýBuy in your own hanie town. j' Prrof essional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUR GEON office Ilours: 2.00 to 4.00, 6. 30 to 8.00 p.Mà PHONR 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY& Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V. Sc., veTERINARY SURGEfls office: Main st. Orono Phene 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire. Casualty, Automoà- bile and Liability - Orono - . Ontarioa AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and, Valuator Conduets Auction Sales, of ail ,àzev end at reascnable rates. Gormmunicate with hlm 'at Pot Perry, Ontario, or see bis Clerk, A. E. Môrton, at Orono, for datie. GEORG&-E KrEYESý Auctioneer & Valuator Pure Bred Live Stock, Farin andi Furnhture Sales a Specialty. Non-- to Large, none to Susaoli. Graduate R-eVpert's School off Aucti'oneering,, US.A., plus severalýý years' selling e2qerience. Ratee Rensonable. Wirite R. R. NO. 2,. Oromno, Ontario. F. F. Morris & Sonf Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Bowmanvilie, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono, 27-I The Oldest, Largest and Most CompIete Furnîture Store and Mondemn Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWESTf MORIS& SON I.1 MANVILLE -ORoNO,( E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency PIRE 'AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING sorne of the Largest, Strongest >and Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farni Property a Specialty I arn prepared tu quote you >rates frorn 40c. a hundred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better stili, Ca111. I1xii be pleased to quote 1youi rates on your property which xiii surprise you, The plated work on Most nwidern fixtures in chroi-iiinm. It wiil stay bright anjd shiny with nothiag. more thap an 'Ocrasioliai seaup and water "'bath." If titis is% followed hy cd-y- inlg and p0lishing wliti a S'oft tciotàà, àt will shi-ne like asilver. Gecur yiicez on Wedding Btationary I I. I 11 . ' 11 A bank overd rai t lef t over front the previous fiscal year of $5,793,286.92 was paid off. There was added to the Provincial Sinking Funds the sum et $1,196,805.66. Every tax-payer in every Ontarîo city, town, village and township lias benefited f rom the Provincial Government's Pay-As-You-Go Policy. For as a direct result of this Policy, the Provin- cial Government lias passed on the following actual financial benefits to Ontario inunîcipalities between April 1, 1935, and Mardi 31., 1943ý, amounting to over seventy millions, five hundred and forty-three ilhousand dollars.

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