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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1943, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 19413 Local News Miss Euînice Middetnlas accept- ,d a position in Toronto. Mn. and l Mrs. W. F. L.Tmly ,attended thie funeral of the lateý Mr. Saiie,,l Taniblyn at Lindsay on FrdaGf l'ast wec.k. Mrsý. Mary Sis"son cfl Ororio, ïird lMiSs Mry'Sssor of WhýitlvbyTs-ý June Is Deadline For Locker Holders Pensons holding meat in Indiéens are reminded that, they mius!t declare inl wnviing iilt,-,th(, neareat branii hof the Ration Adnstr>:'ationt, the qu'an- tity of ntondmeat liey had in s-toragÏe on May 27. Thismust be done be-fore Jure30 Decînarers miay deduct an alwneof eight rounds pital, are spendig a week visitinjg for eïovry pej,,son in the -ho'uisehold. wihthM. and M3s. Wallace Sisson lit 1 couponsninust acnirytic, dular- SanIt Ste. Marie. ation eat te cý f oe coponfor each two pounds of nment. Total Durig' the SA=' itiat did So nmMber of coupons surrendeced nced uihdinmag("in andand Or-ono flot exceed one-baîlf th(, total cou- on Tuesday evening, Jure i5th, tir. pers in iail the ration b1ooks zof 'thý Milfrred Sherwin received an decti- householi. Unrati'o'nedl meats d- en,! siock -when lie ws opening the not have Io lie déecarc. gate at Mis farm. Lightving Struck and kn'o'ced d'owin thea chimnney of his house, tien rit mnrt have tra've'- 1k led to the wire gate, for when hle tou>lied thie gate to unfasten, it he' 'receiçved a joli tfhat miade hiiim draw bis balid avay -in a liurry. Mr&- ry mn eturrned to hi, homne in Vancouver lahSt 'Week after vis(tig *iti ls sisters, Mrs. Fred4 TamnlYn aid -MrS. Wilbur Burnett, Park Street. -Mr. Cryderiman, whO lias net been ini Orono f or twerity- three years, saw a g-reat change in the vl age nad said Orono w-as a ýVeriy beauitiful and attractive Place to live. lWhle hieue, in c'onpany ~wkl is wo sisters, they spent a -(couLple of days i Toronto, staiying at the Royal York, --- r A(%ooks Apply at the IORONOTiMES OFFICE vroi to - t ar Eskimw word "Alakh ýSkhak." mean- in-- Great Coutry. FOR SALE Flait TopDe, Oak;, Davenpoit Oaký, Spainish Leat'her lover.Ap,1 Au.l.ction Sale The unden-sîined auctioneer lias received instructIons from Mrys. Dean Carscadden to s'ellbY Pýuilie lier .resirenîce Main Street,,Orono SATURDAY, JULY 3rd1 the followiOng valuable Household Effects : 1 Bcd, sprinîgs and new mat- tr'ess; 1iÉdresser; bedding; 1 pair of .Pfillos; kitcenl and living-room û; -Morris Chair and Ro6cker; rounid dni,îg-rcoom table (bias four leýavesi; good sewing machine; 21 coîagoleum lriuîgs, also a number of mats; i1cook stove and pipes; 1 Qudeýbec heater and pipes; 1'coal oil stove 'with oven; il large alor ven, new; 1. electric plate, 2 elemeots; i seale, 2-1 poulids, neîw; I washi bhouer; 2ws tubs and pails; quan- tity of g-ood aluiîlnmware, iniclîd- ing tea kettIe aid 1rastel; dishes a'd '1--assware; fruit jars; 1 song Ibriandcage;garderi tools, a'sh ýsifter, axe, pqIz ariandotheur articles. Sale to cojîmience at 1.30 z TERMS CASH A.E. Morton Clerk HL. HOY Auctioreer RED& WIIITE STORES A great deal of effort is being put forth to niake Sports Day, July Sth, a real suc- cess. All stores have decided to remain closed and recognize it as our holiday. ]Reserve the date. Corne and have a jolly good tîme. To be sure of a wood Roast of Beef for this week-end, corne or phone early We have a good supply on hand. We are handling Cut Flowers as usual. Leave your order as they get plcked up early. Local News 'Calcium clloride was sprkiied o Mrs. ,W. Harrison,. hrhS. se'iga few days in te cty JonGibson Jr, *is fhaving a nj gavage eneted on lis prope'rty in the, Sýouti ward. 3Mr. J. J. Mellor -will lie th- speak er- at tihe Deeraton Day vicsa 0,1o1o Cemetexyy-on Sundiay, lure 27, Miss rlad who lias been tea'ch- ing at thesi Clarke Union scbool, will resume lier dutieis in the fail in Les- kard. 1 M r. and Mors. Allison 1 two children, Toronto, week-end with MVi. and C owan. Cowar arad sportth Mr is. TIc 'Mrs. E. Silver, off North Bowman- wilfle, and neices, cf Toronto, were visiting lier sister, Mrs. C. F. Awde iurîog the week. TIhe ForesItry is newv workirg eight hours a 'day, froml seven to 1four, givîing the employeeýs a chance to woi-k in their gardelia. Col. J. C. Gamey hae completed luis special Course !at Guelphi, and bs now et home on ai two weeks' fur- louhlifore rqpjorting te bis unit at PrinIce ýRuperI-t, B. C. Orono will observe MndyJUIy. 5th, as a, public-holiday instead of T'tirsday, July let. Storesý will close on Mordny and remain open on Tbursdiay, July ist. Roy- Pofwers, L.A.C. Jin-, Powers and Miss Noreen Hutéhinson visited îwith Mr. and Mrsi. C. L. Pweson the week4end. Jim receives bý is wîlngs ait Puniville ths migFný- day. Mr. C. J. flughs'on 'on Satuiday, Jure i2th, passýed anotiher milestore in bis long- life, reaching.tbegrn eld age of 9C years. ;He still 'takes his ýdaily walks (weatier permit- ting). Mrs. J. E Grady, liamilton spert the week-end witli ber maotJlier, Mrs. 'C. G. Armstrong, retuwnng homne ac- companied 'by Nancy Jamieson of Timmins, wlio also spent a few dIays, Mns. Dean Cars caden w-ill hold a sale of lous'-h.ol'd effects at lierý resi- dn,'Main 'Sfreet, Orono1, on Sat- arda-,,July 3Srd. Compflete list of articles appears on this' local pýage of this issue. Miss Jeanne Forrester left for Toronto on ' Tuesday and leaves froni there tfor Bronte wbere she, alorig miiliother gýirls, 'will lielp with the. atrawberry crop ifor the next three weeks. Miss Margaret Flintoif was în Toronto 'on Wediine'sday last and se- cured a position at t1he Royal Car- adiar Yacht Club at (entre Isisurd for thie summer mnonths. She leaves on Mord'ay rext. lMr. 'Chas. Wood, rwbobas been workitg aet thele1nmrnmer,,t Camp at Bowmainville for thea past 2V2 mon- tbs as a 'carperter, lias accepted a position witb the Generial Construc- tion Co. at Osiawa, in, Vhesanme caîpacity. Coimen'cinig on Srnday, Jure 27, tilie services at St. Savionr's Angli- ican 'Cbnrch 'wiil le held on Sunday evehinîgs irsitead 'cf in tbe after- noors durnig tiho summer m.ontbs, conimencmrg at eigbt o'clock. A-11 are invite'd Vo attepnd. Pte. Ronald Caldiwell and Mrs. Cialdlwell, 0of Clgary, visited over the week-end -with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and îifrs, M. A. Carleton. Ronald lefi for -Kingsiton' or military matters while Mrs. Caldwell is ne- maining bere cforte present. Jini iMajor whbile eut flishing one day recenitly eaugbit a lamprey eel ini the stream near H. lSwancott's farm. it is claimed thei these ecîs 'will icean out the trouit, treams if tlhey Ilecome ipientiful. ,,iways some- 'thinig to 'iminisb the ironut supply. The directors «f Durhami Central -Agrilcultural Society are brigbten- up some of ticbulinson the --rounds. Mr. W. 'C. 'H. M1itchell and son Alliert, in their sipare time, are painting the fence at, the entrarce to the grourds, Vie bardstand and judges stand white wit 'a -green trimiming. The Society are also go- irg toe eecit a 1lag pole ornthe grounds. Mr. Goidorn Bruton, B.A.,wa a home this week for a short visit witb bis mrotier, ;iMrs. L. Bruton. Douringi the summer ionths be is iar chargei c)f a churcli f Englaîrd Mission near Long Brmndl, Ontario. We are glad te heair tuai, at the reent graduaa- tion exorciïses aitith University 'cff Toront, Gordon was a 'successfu] candidate, receiving bis degree of Bacbelor «I Arts. MOTHERSI YOU CAN HEA-Jý Join uNutrition for Victory" Drive! Learîn EASY way to improve your fam;ly's healtk .. . with meais they'II enjoy I Canada needs us strong, to win this war. And famnily hetalth is in your hands. You can help build stamrina . .'. resistance . .. vitality. .. by serving- proper food. Perhaips you recognize the need for well- ba-lanced. meals, but you find meal.planning a difficuit job. If so-here's help! A FREE new Iooklet, "Eat-to-WOrk-to-Win"... the EASY way to good nutrition. No need to be a student of dietetics! The careful planning has albeen doue for you. You haveisimply tofollow nmenus ,/ pro 1V ded.y So do your part! Learn how TRPE é to feed your family wisely! u~ / Send for your FREE copy of BEIR "Eat -to-Work-to-Win" today! INDUTRYSponsored by' 0JfTA R 10 THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and heal th as an aid te Victory. lloustewives areý reminded thati dealers 'oan refase to atcce-ijt coupons I for rratioîned comioities from an unsined ration bo'ok. Ration iegu- lations state 'cleaily thiat ehplage j~ of coponîs muse sine by tihedi peson to whom thie book i,,, made 0 out. This is meant tc, protect thp e t consumer as rwe'll as the lbintehier and (C the latter is quite with-ii in s ight bn in refuîsing to accept couipons from , a sheet cf couponsw hihdoes rotM bear tlh'e proper signature. K ATTENTION I Fruit Farimers D Increase yo-a production by renting- bees duriag- fruit bloom -Apply For Rate-s CHAS. R'. KNOf-X Orono Phone 42r2 REPIR Our RADIO Now Don't wait uintil parts becoime srarce. For your converiience -we carry a complete line of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- '- SERS and RESISTORS If unable to bring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX Orono Tinshop If you are willing and able to join the Farm Commando Brigade to belp ini your spare time COME AND REGI STER RE. LOGAN PROPRIEàTOR Centre St. Orono phone 3or1 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 27th 11.00 a.m.-Worship. "«anpad iaun-Soviet Prieadship" 2.30 p.m..-Sunday School. In the colest place in town. 7.00 p.m.-ewkTîe Wihd1rawn in faveur of Kirby S. S. An- niversary at 7.30 p.m. Rev. H. C. Liastead will preacit. Ï We rejoice ini a siiccessful S. S. Anniversary at Orono U. C. Last Sunday, June 25th. Thardk youo Behin-Lycett was the 'scene cf n very pnetty wed- ing~ on Saýuraày, June l9îth, wliohn fliv. IMvay Lycýett, youngest augli- tr 'of Mn. and-)Mrs. W. J. Lycett, >nnwas given, in miairnge b li er rotcwher,, Mr. W. L. Lyîcett, to Robert Alexander Behm, son of Mr. arid Krs. Bebm, Renfrew. ReVeýrerd Knowles offici'ated. The bride m'ore a gown cf long wite sheer withl fiag-ertip net xcii ad Was attended Ihy Miss Esather âanson , Toxonto, wvho wvore romaýnce ue 'siheerwih shoulder lengith veil omatchi. Eici are a cascade uquet sof nmixed summiier llowexs. 'h groom attenided by lis Sonber, Mvr. Harold Belini. The choir, acç-,ompanie-d by Mrs. copy today! ~' o To get Your FREE copy of *"Eat-t- Work-to-Wjn". juat send your flarns.and ad- dress. c'erl !%,rit.d, tf Victory" Box 600. Toronto, Canada. *(The nutritional statements in "Eat.o-Work-,to-Win" jýar-e accetable to Nutrition Servics, Deparment of Pensi*ns adNational Healtk, Ottawafortbe Canadian Nutritioin Programme.) Holden at tihe Irgan, rnered two selctonsand Miss Leah Gairrow sarng "ecu"dîuring the(igi- of the rgse.Msr.Wilfredi Hawke and Wilfred iBehm iiwere' ushers. Follo'wing the cîemoyabout fifity guecsts attendld a f~iou the lawn of the Liride's parents, Orono. Later the young couple left by motor for a hioncymoon trip to Nor- thern Onîtario. On ir returil they wiill ireside iiOshaîwaiý. F CARD 0F IAK Mlo. ald IMrs. iieity Swancott wish to thank thieir inany fr rind:s and niei'ghibours for tihe iiany acta of k1-Ii,îdness 'and expressions of symn- Ipatyand econdole-nce ex,-tedti the 4uing tierecenti illniess anid de(ath of -Mr. Swvancott's mnother. DRESSES Misses and Ladies, size 12 to 48, in Sheers and Silk Crepe, Rayon and Slub ... $3M9 to $12.50 New Styles in for the week-end. Chldren's Dresses In Crepe, Broadeloth andu Prints, 79c to $2.25 Sun Suits and Play Suits in all colors. Fresh Sausage 2lb. Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. 30c. Large Vanilla bottle Grapefruit each 10e.b BATIIING SUITS Ladis' and Girls', în Elastie Knit, and One Piece, in Wool and Cot- ton Crepe. RATS Balance of Our Rats in Feits and DarkSras 20 PER CENT. OFF. New White Rats in stock. Prime Rib Roast 3à4e. Javax Bottie «I5;c. Domestic Shortening lb. Fresh Side Pork Loin Pork Chops lb. Fresh Pork Hlawks 15e.I In co-operation v Chaniber of Field Day this st, closed Ah day Ju' ARMSTRONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CAH Phones 21 r 1i and 70 r 1 J. J, CORNISH Deliveries ev.ry Tuesday and Saturday morninga

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