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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1943, p. 4

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rA Large of Deeab (COntinmued frern pgeOne) tien rwere m-adJe for the provincial and Domninioni fields. Four important principles cof tihe party are : Ist Freedomn. Freediom of econr- eeience, speech andi religion.. 2nd-Social security rwhieh will bring securty te ail of Canada and lie in the oechefâaIl. 3rd -- Opportunity. The devel'op- -tnent « privato enterprize. That ,uvery peirson secure a reasonatble ~empensatîon for a f ai aouit of 4th--Presenvation of the' British, Con-iýoqwealthi, -which is to be based ýon frecdom esTd justice to ýail. These are the principles that the Conservative ýparty is built upon. H1e then smoke a short tuec on the 'uer. ý 'a Mill ly 3rd,~ an ail day organization meeting of gressive Conservatî've Party candidates and from aIl over the Province, held at the Royýal )tel, listenied with rising enthusiasm te a highly -tive- and inspiriag address fromi the Provincial George Drew. Drew presented a series of pledges te the of the Provice--each oeeof wh143h was usly applauded. The pledges, twenty-two in ,censtitute the platform upen which the sive Conservative Party entera the genieral that programmie which the Leader announced ublic ln bis radie address last Thursday night. 2w saýid: That we must basten victoer and ýtee;t. fle felt rhat aSter Alugust 4th rive- equality 'df Sacrifie. That rue the Conservatirve party -was goiig, to are pledged te do a11 -we can for the ride iVoepo-wer. gnd the Liberals ridel ,prosecutioôn of the wmar. Iii talking on eout. agriculture, Mr. UFroste said tliat Mr. IFroste thon attacked tlie bib- we should have parity of prices. eoal partry on thelà pay as you go That farmiirs selling their live stock pJiy Thait iii 1935 the book sys- shouid flot have to sel b a mon- toem was chaiiged tfor this -norw policy,. opolcy. That thie prices are ail set In 19Y36 the deJbt of the provin~ce wasý and the farmiers have Vo take it 408 millions of doillars and odlay it whecther they like it or not. S31e sa]d stands at 507 ni i lions ofýý,dollars. that, we should l1ot h1-ave to PaY a That seemns Pa tuniiy pay as y u go service charge on hydro, that. it policy to mie or to anyone else.I shoýuld be wiped off. 0On edu1cation -119M6 the per es4 i ebt Per peso hoe said that every child should 'have' stood at $109 wbile toclay it stanids a g-ood education and that the cost at $133.88. of educatioin will hbave to lie increas- In cîoýsinm.g l'1r. Froa),te asked for ed but nlot at the expense of real the support of Dr. Vivian and to state o-f the country, No more elect hinm so as Vo m ak1,e 0ntarlo than haîf the taxes should be placed stog onl real estate. That every person___________ ýsbhuud own theirown property. 'Ifl thie !Coservatives are elected hey CARI> 0F THANKS will readj-ust the taxes and take a Mr. land Ms.Guy G. Gam-isby and laurge part of the taxes off real es- taiyws o thaaik he friends and tate. Al cildreli slould be taught I neighmour s for their. kindnes,,,s dur- to own his or. her home, thoen every- ing the icknless and death of Miss olne would have somuething to pro- Ida D. Gamnsby., -s-l Mr. and Mrs. AIbert JHarrîs, Orone, announce the engagemient cf their' youngest daughter, Mary I3ROILERS FOR SALE Jajn, Vo L.A.C. Glifford Cowan, onily ~Drawln oý'r Rougli Dressed. Markýet son c1 f Mr. andi Mrs. John GoancfPrices. 2Mrs. !A. H,11.Keane, 'Phone Kendal, Ontarjo. The marriage Vo, 51 r 3, Orono, a 26 p. balte( place the latter -part cf July. ____________ PROMOTION RESULTS Gae Kirby School Gii((,VII to VllII.-rDnnald flriown 73, Eloan6r Wiight. 55. ,ý ýGrade VI. tô) VII.-Arlene Boyd 77, Gordon Lowery 62. Grade V. to VI.--4Marvleeni Boyd 71. Grade IV. to V.-,Valcna Copping 78, Hainilton Boyd 70, Jack ý Biysoni Gradne Il. to II.-marion Boyd, Erna Chapman; 11aipld Copping-, Lloyd Lowery. Gradie I1. teIL.-Neill oyd, Gerald Ln.-Kath-leeq-1H. Ard1, teacher. ROOMS FOR RENT Four unfuirnis'hed roons. Apply MAiss Eva Patterson, Oronio; -Phýono 87 r 1. a-25-c. HOUSE FOR SALE Eigh;It rooms, framie, good lot, good well and coistern, st Lot 1q, Block 9, [west side of Churcl Sireet,Neas tIe. Apply to Josepha Tebble, Ne2w- c-astle. c 27 p. NOTICE 'Fomn this date on kindly take notice that we are on wbolesale basis eniy for lunliber. You have a locail Luni-iber Cb. here. Kindly patronize them. A Halll. ~IILk1 "The programme which the Progressive Conserva- tive Party in Ontario undertakes te put inioeffiect la based upo)n the conviction that under a strong govern- ment the vast resources and producing capacity cf this Province can assure empicymnent and good wages for al who will work and security for these who find themsielves unable te work because of sickness, unemployn-ent, physical disability or old age. It is based upon the belief that the spiritual-and material welfare of our people, now and in thti future, can be best assured under British idemo(.cratic institutions and withini the British partnership. The Progressive Conservative Party undertakesbt put the following programme inte effect in the Province etontaario. Poû~ P'w~samme àintain Britishs institutions sud basis0o justice. co-oprallon sud reapon- eBritishs partnersiip by every sibility wisicb la so uecessary for tise welfare itise constitutional pawer of sud securty 0f ail our peop-le. st f Ontario- 6. Tfise ining industry VOiI be assisted lu Lt al limes work lu effective every way possibe sud placed under tise witb tise Domtinion Govern- irection of a Minister wtspracical h al otiher governing bsodies iu kuowledge orf ining. Tise tas buraen wil activities wicii will asist in be Iilitered and tisere will be a more n of tise war to a successful equitable disribution of tise tax between ud in etabIisiing a sound tise differenit taxing ibodies. A larger sisare hkscrty hsats nuac of tise taxes will go tetise Provincial sud mn i tiscir old age for aIl our Municipal treasuries. Ail restrictive mca- te samie timte Nwe wil isnsist tbat sures wbicis deuy pros»etors aud thers ionai riglitsof tise people of tise juducement tu flndieand develop new eserved, sud tisat tise Goveru- iniug properties wiil bc repWaed sud no exercise full contrclo f b, every encouragement will be given t0 al affairs. geologistsansd prospectors to discover new mineraI reas. Every practical measure pos- ,tise factories, tise mines, tise sbIe will be adopted to expsud Iis great persoual services wbicis con- baisic i.indutry so tisat it may oser tise e major groupa of emiploymnent widest opprtunities for employment wisen rted bv aunrooriate legisiation our arme forces are demobilieed. be organized lu every umitîces of outstanding ae given altiority 10 plan ýgulate tise rocsslng and r output. Ciseese boards, dissrbutors. central pro- I otiser mnarketing organii- er lise sueris ont u- In escis lime of production. )VER STOCK YARDS Le taken over, by tise operated as a publicly se tisat speculatmon sud Ly be stopped u£fair LONG-TERM FOREST POLFCY 7. Our vast forest resources, visicli under proper adnistration are capable of creat- sng employmient for isundreda of tisousands of ncew workers, wili be lsced under tise control off an Ontarlo Forest asources Commnissi;on wlichs vil operate under long- terml policies of conservationl, reforestation sud soi) coutrol. Immcndiatciy alter ils formation it yl review ail existing cou- tracts sud vili cancel tisose wvici bave, disposeri o gre;at areas of forest resources wiliout proper consideralion. 8. An Otaie HousingCommission vil b. createýd te plant s great housing prograni Ibrougisout tie iole Province for tise purpoee of creating eimployment lu tise period of r eadj ustîment and et tise sue time briug te sui end tise unsstisfactory isousng conditions in sny parts of Ontario. in. SCIIOOL TAXE-S TO BE CUT tise 9. Tiser. wiil be a svepiing revision 0faur visole ai st.m (0f real estate taxation se tlisa tise owvning suo improvemeint of bomnes sud ring farmi land visicis are tise very foundation of uce our society, will n01 b. discouraged by er- excessive taxation. As au nitial step in t'bat y'10 direction tise Provincial Goverumiet viii tt" assumle at lesî 50 per cent 0f tise scisool tise taxes uow cbarged against real eslate. It l, poul ioever, to be clarly understood tisat Ibis n of change wiii not affect tise autisoily 0f tise lic. local Scisoolbors ýper ec- 10. Our educational sfystem vwil be com- Ibo pletly reviscd 50 lisat every chisii t iss vts Province viii bave su oppotuity te be 1ait edcatted to tise ful exteul. of tiseir metal1 Lat capacty, ne- matter viser. I.y lave or visat tise linanicial clrcssmslances of their parents maybe. Vocationai, training will be md mui ore important part of tise scisool work. so tisat cbildren may be prepared te earn a living by practical vocations] fistruction. Tise important place of our teacisers lu escis community will bc fully recognized. 11. Stepa wMi be taken to assure Ibat every cbîld is given tise greateat possible oppor- tunity to face life w.,th a bealthy body sud mmnd. Healtis measures will be establisbed so tisat medical, dental sud otisca iealtis protection will be available to ail. 12. Stcps will be talfen immediately te prepaere plans for great public undertakings hiicnvi create emrploymeut in tise period of readjusîment immiediately ailer tise w. TO REVAMP-I-YDRO 13. Tise Hydro-,Éltctric Power Commission wll be removed fromn political control. Recogiiizing 1tisat tise publicly owned Hydro-Electric resources of Ibis Province belong to ail out people,.ftisere will be au immediate adjustmeuît of tise rates for electric euergy upon a just sud eqitable basis. Tise service charge lu rural ares will ise removcd. Power will be extended te farms witb full rrcognitiou of tise fact tisat food - production ln a w is hardly less essentiel 10 our succesa tissu tise military effort 14. Plans wiu1 be made for land reclamation tisrougbout tise Province, se that ail areas wbicb can be brougbt, into production w111 be fully developed. Tisese plans will be drafted immediately,- but tise actual development of most of tise ares vii be deferred so tisaItisey csu. be placed under- veterans' organizations iutise' perled' of readjustxueut. Tisis wiii open vide oppor-, tunities for, immediate employment visen lise w is over sud will also off er to veterass and tiseir famîlies tise chance to settie lu organized groupa iu areas viere tiseir eco- nomic security cau be assured. 16. Taxation wiii be reduced sud efficieucY of Goverument incre-ascd isy tise elimination of ail Provincial departmcnts sud services- visicis duplicate tisuse -of tise Dominion Goveruimeut sud are not uecessary for tise purpose of preserviug fundameutal con- etitutienal rigis. 16. An efficient sud permanuent civil service system vwiii immediately be put into effect visich is i protect civil servants from political dismissai ost interfereuce, tiss iucreasiug administrative efflciency by giv- ing to ail civil servants a grester sen-se of security sud pride in tiseir work. 17. Ai lçlgislation wvOl b. repealed visicli denies any ludividual tise rigist te defcnd bis peraQu sud property iefore tise courts. OLO AGE PENSIONS 18. Tiscre wil1 bc an immediate increase in niotiser' alluvançes aud old-age pensions lu keeping witi tise increased cost of living. Tiscre will1 be su imnmediate repeaUof tise shamefuI provision tisat old people VIbave a home of their- own, visicis tiey bave establisied by tiseir savings tistougisout long years, must dispose of tisat homne belore tbey illb.' granted tise very limitcd alow- suces visici thcy are entitled 10 receive. la future tise ola people viso have played t isir part se well iu making tisis great Province visat it iis today must not be forced to mortgagc -their isomes before Iisey cap. receive theîr small pensions. i9. Adeqiate supplies at ressonable prices of fuel. milIr snd other basic necessitica will be assured by effective organisation sud administratiye control. Representatives of lahor, veteran organisations, sud tise cou- aumiug public wili be appoiuted te al bsoards 'desaliug vitis Ibfeematters., 20. Men sud women wiso bave served l lise armed 'forces wsill be assured priority lu fisc public service sud protection fs> tiseir employmient. ,1 uig tise var tisose wbo are la mmli- tary service wiiillic given legal protection aganst tise ecoubmic cousequences of tiseir service. lu ail cases where tise-ability of tisose iu mifitary service sud tisir depen- dents to meet their fiusucial obligations bave been materially reduced by sucis service, effective legs] protection will b. given against seizure of propcrty for arrears 0f taxes, forfeiture of instalmnent contracta. caucellation of 1ffe insursuce policies up to $1o,OOO. judgments cyothlier legal proceediugs for debta incurred bel or. entering military service, sud otiser embar- rassing fluancial obligations. These pro- visions.,isowever. wllýbe suùbject to tise explress condition tisat Ibose able to pgy vil not be permitted to evade tiseir obliga- tions by Ibis devjpe, sud tisaI mat protection will be assured 10 creditors under simple aud effective procedure before tise court. TIisis does not provide for cancellation of obiigations, but merely defermeut witb justice te ail coucerned. SOCIAL SECURITY PLAN 22. A rehabilitation sud ,social security conunitee. vil be appoiuited immiediately vits instructions to draft lansvisiýcis wbll assure social securty for ail our people. sud aise prévide for tise rebabilitation sud employment of thse members of our armned forces sud munition werkefs ,aller tise vw. VOTE AUGUST 4 FOR- THE '9 16v Piogroseivo OG oevlva, yo r Pm*v 0f Oulwl George Drew as 1 know him Dy George W. James Editor Cancadi n Stafresmn Bowmanvili., Ontario An Ontario provincial eection iq te biefheld on August the fourtis. A duty n-- falîs upon the weekly press. That j, to maIre known t0 readers and resident votera tise issues fn1volved. More t1hpu tisat. and equtally im"portant-bs local editors are awaN,-ro-tise hardy, isard workiug, clear thinking, war cOftl- sciousfarm people of Ontario want to kuoW soething about thoe wiso lead thse parties solon to seeck their support. < Issues and controversy, as tisE capign beigistens, wili be deait ,with lu the press in due course. Tise time i, nowv opportune to say somle. tising, without political bias, about qualities of leadership. Persoual history is a fuir test of prospective performance. Let us theis introduce George A. Drew. leader of tise Progressive Conservative Party nf tise Province of Outario' Hi, po-litical opponentsisbav* sougist to picture Geofge Drew as a person aloof aud visionary, iss _.fus wiso bave cone te know George as man 10 Man, cau deuy tisat. Hle bas vision. yes indeedi ._Yisîoii f profouind anid practical ciaracter. Hie bas demostrsted tisat ever since ise entered publie lic', and before. Hi, 'exhaustive searcisings and stern indictmecnte hsave won tise inarticulate respec-t of thaole presently lu power. For hie bas forceti corrective results. Often tisey have sougist te disparage and intimidate iim. Hi, complete fear- lessuess and devotion to trutis bave completely disarmed ail opponents wiso date meet bim upon legitimate and proper grou nds. George Drew jfirst sud foreinost a Canaian, Me deep and strong sud truc for tise Briýtisis orlnectior. lie is 49 Years of age. Hi, grand- fatiser was a memisber of Canada'% first pariaimeut îafter Coufederat:on. George was ail officer in tise Guelphs Battery at 20 rears of age, enlisted at war's ouitbr*eak in 1914, wac severely wouinded in 1916, spent mnarmontbis in ilfitary bsias George Drew cntered public hif lu bis native city. Guelpis. as an alderman sund at 29 isecamiie mayor of tisaI city. Pils admninistrativù experience began early sud bas con- tinued througb to bis present posi- tion as mnemiser of tise Proviincial Parliamnt sud leader of tise Opposition. But liefhas gone far beyo.nd tisat. Holding tise vie-, tisat public 111e demands tbc wldet possible knowledge, George Drew bas travelled througisout Canada. bas establisbed world contacts sud personslly toured tise Britisis laIes during tise present war. seejng, seekcing sud obtaiuiug vital informa.- lion affecting Canada snd tisefture, Outstaninig is tise fact tisat wiile everseas lie made particularlY exhaustive euquiry inito agriculture sud intensive production. No otiser public muan in Canada bas enquired o0 deeply into tbis vital question. Public offiiais sud Caniadisui farmiers sisould be deply indlebîed for tbe writings sud speLches of~ George Drew. since is returra frrom Britaoin. toucising tise present sud futuare of Canadian agriculture. Ile bas acquired botis tise- gasro sud vworld view on Canadar, greaest, yet Most neglected in- dustrY. There is pleasuire mndeed in telling soine.tiàng of thisrinsu Bf. course bas sisaped steadily teward statesmaasbip. uiirectory MEDICAL A.- F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICL4N and SUR GEON Office Heurs:- 2.0te 4.00; 6.30 to 8.00 P.M. PHONE 47r1 ORONO -YETERINARYb4 Wird W. Sherwin B.V.Sc, YETERINARY SURGEON' Office:- Main st. Orono Pliene 56 r 7, Orono, out. J. C. GÂMEY INSURANCE Fire, CasuaIty, Automo.-s bile and Liability AUCTIOINEERS TED JACKSON Auc*tioneer and Valu.ator Conducts Atiction Sales of 9a1l size., arid at reasortable rates. Comuniatewith hl.m at Pet Perýry, Ontario, or sec bis lerkz, A,~ E. Mortoni, at Oreno, for date. GEOj'RGE KEYIES" Auctioneer & Valuator Pure Br(-d bive Stoc, F ar-n ad,. Thirnilture qtaIes a SeelaJty. None, to L-aoge, none te Smail. G'raduate R petsSchool@of~ Auctioneerlng, US.A,, plus- scieraL, Yeâras' IeIin9 exiperienoe. iatee Reasomnable. Write R. R. No. 2,. E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE. AUTOMOBILE,. CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING Sorne of the Largest, Strceingeust aDd Most Reliable Ineurancte Firrns in Canada Farm Prop erty a Specialty I arn prepar ed to quote yeni rates frorn 40c. a hundred, according to classification of * Building Phone, write, 1or hetter stili, rail. I wil be pleased te quot. Yo-u rates on your property which wilI surprise you. F. F. Morris & S0H Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCÇE SERVICE Bewmanville - Orono Phenes: Bowmanvillc, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Oroî)o, 27-1 The Oldest, LargeSt and MoSt Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Gord-THE- NEWEST Our Prices--THIE LOWEST I MORRIS &SON eBOWMANVILLE -ORONOI The Unitedi Nations are now doing gcod weok la Scily, tahile the (-,ana-., difan troojps are trarvelling su fast the headquarters staff can't jceep up tc themi. After theyr capture the whole cfthe Island, thoir batthe cry, fromc then on shouild lie "0n teo nie,"tl ca{pita~l cf the Rlalian NatiIOn, then RIY 'would be out of bthe war. IL, Lis

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