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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1943, p. 8

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sonsiCandaLast veek. (DI!ly on, mg. if teen persons vwere convicted CES pro was aqitd For se'lngan fined for overehaiging on po- tires atunufuI high prices, an tatoes. i1-Ottawa deaIer xwas finied $-500 while, and a Toronito butciIer was fined $125 The Canatdian &forces i Sily ae per- for selling 'bef adbov'e the price ceil- using spedfor: theirniotto ~.MadNAMARA 'l seleli..v,S.dCG Congratulations to Mr. andvi Mr lEv an Quantrili on the birth of a son,. Miss- Agnes WXhite and frierid sietthe week-end ýviLh AMrs.Luo Mr. Alec. Little frýom R.C.A.F. ir Toronto, , spent Suinday with Mrs. NevaLittle. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Mellet speniL a few dJays Ilast w%,eeik wiVh ian Mrs. Wmn. Drmican. MrI. alid Mr's. Cumimings and M i sý Mary MeLean spefit Sunday at M is s ,McLeani',s suimei-ý(r homl-e. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patteorson am'c Wm. spent the welk-end with Mr, anjjf Mrs. Wmi. Pattersmn. Mss.Nom0 Therteli and Mis qazeul an(! Shirley- Therteli are sýpending their holidays in the vil- lage. ,Mr. Earney 'Gre(gg, Mr. and àMrs. Geoge wa~hrckani Mrs. Moxon -pent the week-end with Mrs. T. fil- ditecl. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jank Glover and Mvis Goren Dar-ling-ton spent the, week-eud with Mrs. A.' G. Paliniig- bon. Ninle o.f thIe villige lde gathei- ed ini the Sunda'ýy se'hool oni Tuesday ftnonan'd uilted two quits for the Reid Cross. Mr'. anId Mrs. Revh. Paeden visited with Mrs. R. Bostoc.k on Sundaiy, Rsmryreturned home with theniJ for somn-e holidlays. guests'iof Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dix. Crodked G reek Sunday Sdhool held a church service in their schooil Sun- day *evening. There w\as a gratify- ing nuier present ta hear Mr. J. J. Mellor i- cus on "The Philo-s- ophy *f Lif e.", A mlixedj quairtette from 'Orýono prov.ided sonie fine ,)usic. The pianîst was -Mis. Sde Rutherford. Sduy Rev. W. !P. Roigers, Bownianvillie, bhlhs 11prIeahedinithe Preshyter- ian Chi-ch Iaere for- two Sud t o reLievd- Rev. W. G. Blake, also prahdin the United Church S- day eveni*ng. Ris thlIeevas "Wht it meant to be, a Christian"i* andi his Vent wasý taklen from Acts 11, "The Disciples were *finst îcalled Chuis- tians in Antioch." Mrï. Georg1e Campbell recnd(,red a solo luing, the W. A. -Meeting The W7om-en's Assciation met at the home ouf Mrs. J. T. Pearce on Tuesd'ay eve-niiýg, June 29t'h. Fol- lowing the olpening - ex,,ercises the .gecr&tary and treasur-er gave their, reportsam Mrs. ýC. Burleyv toeok the scvipture ileading. Mr,. McuLach- ian was tslked(lVo convey t&o Mrs. Mc- Lacia,-n the solîety's appreeiation of herkid hosupitality in entertain- mng the choir aidmembers of the fplay on Mýay 24th and 25th. The usuai $50was r votecl Vo go Vo the Church Board for the choir leader and oargaisýt. The minister agreed to look, after having the honor roîl suita'hly ins.crihed. The idea of olir W. A. entertain'ing the Prebyer 'some ime in iepe brw'as intro-' dueetd, anci after d iscussio n it was decidet Vo exrteii e invitation Vo hem hruugh Mr. MeLachian. Our visitinïg commii-itte is asi<ed in future to get inf touich with the seccretary re- gardinlg aiiy person ill or shut in., Car&- will then Ihe 'sent them fro.m the Society. The rolli &fl, "What each one- of iuis can do toward helping make our W. A. ýa suiccesg' was fo- lowed by a solo ilr Mr's. Redknap "Iii theGadn Our minister g-ave us a short aniî very instructive allk afngthe uine of church org-anization anrd then dismissed Vhee meeting with the benecdiction. Committeeý for tihie next nmeetingl, srs. MILacilan n rMss. Pearce.-1 CANDIDATE C.C.F. Movement eonecerning the above party in this section of Dur- IFor further information coneerning the above Party kindly get in touch with .Mr. Nichioils. L n S., lit d ;,S ýs d r. ,ls ýe n r d p u 25c $1.15 I M Prescriptions a Specialty Charies Tyrreli Agent for Jack-man Flowers Phone 68, Orono DRESS FLOWERSi Organdy Cotton and Picque Flowers, new stock 25c. Quilting Pieces, f ast colors, weighlt over 1 lb., sufficient for an average quî1t, including 15 latest quit designs, box .........39C. Panties, white rayon lace trimn, med. and large 29e. Child's Panties, tea rose or -white satin stripe, sizes 10 to 14, pair ...........29C. Chuld's Broadcloth Rompèrs, colors of blue, peacli, pink, green, yellow, sizes 1 and 2, each 45c. Men's Satin and Wool Mixture Bathing Trunks, Colors royal or wine, each........ ....... $1.25 Men's Union Work Socks, red heel and toe, pair 25e. Men's 3 lb. Wool Work Socks , color "rned. grey, pr 29e Men's White Back Denim Work Pants, pair. . $ 1.75 Boy's Chambray Work Shirts, sizes 12 1-2 to 14 1-2, each ............ .......... ... ý.. 75c. iBoy's Sport Shirts, assorted plain colors, sizes 4 and 6 only ......... ...... ......... .0 -Men's Blue Grey Covert Work Shirts, coat, style, one pocket, sizes 14 1-2 to 16 1-2. each $1.1.5 Kleenex, 200 sheets, one box to customer, box. . 13c. Lipstichks, popular makes, Don Juan, Ponds House of Westmore ..... .... 17e., 19c. and 33e. Egyptian Cernent mends china, wood, glass, bone, etc. Stands hot-water tube..... ... 10c. Brass Cup Ilooks, 6 for ........... ......... 5c. Thermos Bottles, 1-2 pint size, each ......... $1.19 Household Sdissors, pair . ......... 39c. and 50c. Clothes Pins, 40 for,............ ........... 10c. Tooth Brushes......... 15c., 25c., 29e. and 50c. Black Pepper, fresh ground, 1-2 lb. for . ....15e. Puffed Wheat, big economy package, 8 quarts. 17e. ORONO 5c. TO $1.O0 STOREI YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE 1 M Moto r Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COJRTESY S ERVICE Equipped to take care of te modest funeral at the. mot reasonable charge as weil as the. largest and Miost exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Resiqdei Telephione Colleet .1 ce 523 and 726 BowmlivileOnt. -~ ~- -= ~- jr I - - ~'!~L!" I r -~ Every Day Needs Noxema Cream ............... 17c, 29c, 139c, 59c. Rex-Eie, Sun Tan, large jar........60C. Wilisonite Sun Glasses..........50c. and '75c. Willsonite Overspecs (fit on over regular glasses).......... ......... ........... 59C. Polaroid Day Glasses, pair.. ........... $1.95 Polaroid Overspecs, pair .............$.95 Calamine Lotion, 4 ounce bottie for......... 25c. "It" White Shoe Cleaner .......... .15c. and 25c. Noxema Sun Tan Oul ....... ....... 30e. and 60C. Sta-Way Lotion, repels ail insects, bottle.... . 39c. Odorono Creani, Odorono Ice, large jar ....39c. Mlun Deoderant ............39e. and 59c. Arrid Cream . ......... ........ 39e. and 59c. LARGE ML ECONOMIY PmeoSALLAG SIZE e* FOR $ 1.00 Stubborn Bronchial Coughs 5 e Lord Baltinmore Writing Portfolio, 50 sheets, 50 envelopes, of High Quality Stationery.....49c. I -'--t

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