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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jul 1943, p. 9

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Some Trick Flying r~om a Le te to The Lon- ~cn (En~land) Express, Sir~ ~ece are fwe stories et 0Scrrv ta 1" ~eurliing feid me by au h t- î'. efficar ~svho sarvad ~~witt b~ni in Malta. t 'rîrg n "Wings for Victery" 'wec~ on ~hc islnnh the R.A.F. de- cide a tri~k-flyiug display. 'Two ni c cemr~arderc anri Beu~- lin' il-r. n s~rg~'int piiof waîe pin ' c~ il"' li"si- fi1 ers ut 1-te sta on. T «~ t~ ~-roîninarder decidati Ife ~ c e isfnnder~ a real finît îsty 1h n ~ down fliC mmm lu X .ation i 'ide fbe wall ef ho 'i aifier sida. Screwbnll ~/ 'wa o ~. la fIe fornafion. T. ry sf~c t the ' i A~ t ~c -w--rt il- play c-., sarn r a. derti i~r ~-fip alocat gï rio ~lf, bot if was' irEs S r' .1, le-;a da , iecidat t tir t c te(7,ein i - az omnt e cou ru - u'-, ube u'va-ece raLi laf -~ r~-Žcaies u th sucec ilsyln '-er nriflaýw "11oug fie or r- ef f fi efus île s l * illuu i'l4 aef ie ihtgree ceou -'e md wicboafmin-s tai ï wenorlucact in. ha hI'udt il epil fo i sayir tra e bahchef ivecan nerarerue fiaCockpif up coer » oileInhesintligence ~ ~igif c rbv f(i peane-e El-cils0 totesfie plane. ficci cin n aeort came in fiath Cnaalu'ple mdcrasi-andat laaafe', andQ 'Iorta 2,000 vessais wdarl 0u' Pet u deppJy ae. W Twe thousa n d iptwncs as 'kp o dr f 4,00 tos prsi ,(ir1 ati a csflan aitofu aiz cr lre aroslis we areý of s d rg.Thaf oulti bo about rosac 'ie wloa et fad riici Ottre s a a fnal. Lna c-r, fieltek folalig ant in g2,0 hinprfoacein.vssa 9ca ir ew et L25 me, wSic weirl '-mil, if woutraseout wç va te be breug'y"l ifthos Br'rr 'u11s1 uplis(l. t GOýD SHOWS HIS PEOPLE T14.0 WAY -- Exduc 13-1M PRuiNTED) TEXUT, Exode5 13:17- 22; l1%17&22a. GOLDEN TEXT -- Jehmvai is mny strangttu auud Song, and he à$ yen.I Peer 5:7 THE LESSON IN TS ETIN ïPlace-The Isnalitas as tory wanf ouf ez Egypt gatiertoi te- gatler f Sccoi, n fa nofi-)b pIes in oun a bacontarandthaý - r or nio fýie lied Sea anti on uefiaiefrecloraet fie lied Sea, Otof Egypt "Antiif cnn t'-pnýs,, wlnen Pbnrnoi md%16f foapeuple go, fIau Goi ad f bem nef .tby,,fiah wyof fie landi of tfia Philis- fieatiiugi tint wsnear;, for Ced saiti, Lest perariventure fie preelarapauf when fiey cea wYnr-,andti fby refuinteEgypt. ut G otid fite paqpfle about, bj fihe way ef. fie wldres y fia lid Sea: amintiei chiltiran et 1s-ael w'enf up arufri eut et fieth lanti etEgypt.", Tie sfiorftýsf antid prnl fiaencetrouta ýfor tfia sre ices te bave pnrsued wouidbava beufiat whici lad aoug fDe c oasf ý'. ief fils rente ýýpaccati ti-ough fie ciief fowns of fMe PhHiistna,,a stroqn~nd warlike ]eople, Se Ced look tbam by 'the nmesf ircifous route possý,ible -fiewye (fthefia ed sea ant i fie vwiiernass et Sinlai te fie Trausýjordanicrgin anti se acroas ýJortinu te ýainnan proper. 'The -linriar's etlia auy ha rauketi aneýng ifs grunfest benae- Bound By Aim Oath "Antid oss ook fuie bnds et Joseph wifi birn: Afe ha d cfraîgiiysworu ftha chîdren et 1ýrIsinacaigCedwill url visif yen; anti ye shaîl carry up ruy bones away ienca wrifi yen. Ani îby took fiair journey frein Succefi, anti encam-pet inh Eýthean, lu fie etiga e11tfiawit- dne."Jesepbi l.atibut li fufieurs by , a ofite carry ils ouswith iem ,0te ilntioe God Lad tihe Peopte "niJeloval .want bafora tiem hy"-day lu a pilleir ef clouri, te' olattem fthe way, anti by nii uapilLar et tire, tegiv tiaýrnlligit; fliat tiey mnigift go b)ý day andi by nigîfb: fIa pilar et louti by day, anti fe pillar oL ti-re by lnîgbIt, deperteti nef fro nbforae eopa" Tie pillai- w-as utet oce a signal ant people mjoveti; hen f cfojppai, iey foliewed. "Thion -wlt biugfbm-n, anti plant iem lu fia momun01e tiine theeane fa0lce J'aboyai, wiici tie nhat mati for fiee te dwvel in, fia suc- turry,0Lord, wiichihy bauds hava ealishati. Jahovai shah reiga fer ever anti ever. 'Jfor fla bervces etf Phnraoh want in wil is chariotsý anti wifh hu,3 bersarnan into fie sea, anti Je- hoval brougif back fia wataersý efth fisea Upon fham; but tfia ehiltran etfIsrael waiketi en dry laui lu ia emids f ethfe cea. Tiese verss de ot cenfin ail grant deal etfnfa-te ha ftugif anti se iafocier sieulti briug te fia clacs fia Utufs settorfi in fia rce in verses. A sd danýl anti ovrh ig trepida- tien ullnnuans fia adversary, ai fia people efthfe Lord arae un-. epposati jlu fii-prograss. This w'as fia ,naturat resuo f ethfi divne uta-poitinanti wonuld A Farm ife Chats To W-omen ;)y Gedîn .Ca d readthes corlumn actweelt wouil b aitget~'r oo uchfor aiso' hat crnet hi- glj w -lioea i asb n wius say i rain 1, e w1 ookea heu tha a bnwatQro. uing for t sncb an !i îrunity We w'difolis eibu rWen e cawhm lyw hothrele mighrdfne th in andu ti deioing evenif onebhonfa e te nia try s us Seiou dateu, wecame asf i ou ne ou ob f ead r ed abou-tlTisy mgie, wih, if t iugre hafd t the rspcord hopefo, il prohcdoagntîcoreibavil]l be a frmenous sse te anaien wa routio.Pelel h il() heenthe atn n i fr lief nd dsobeiOsnce of the chos,;en peope Th WaeofMaa e "and Mrim baephates the dater ef Aron, fook a *tim- ti n rlmpanri with dancs Anr riderubath e bow ite h arfrmth ern es atyte went out jue the wilernassut lenrn hy o-,hewtr A eesobi ffertat fhey cottinet druipnet tbem nti af oncefbey sing aans -aes hu ee ductttea te,wbcwn fh wfes eBre made sweef mnnoeoflimintlife fandMnAbs; ton Cdistrýi it' re i te -? citet whon ewseof i fnti wsfis maiapulicbut new pbiiitr ast bias more or tr aee u silice, f0 'theuifred heei soE ltte te psaHewverif you st[andaeni ogeoghynln ,piet.t]! teee yn.Whlg w weethr temn-îrewr 1fbrae 0uf thegi were ceunectig mod ril. 1e ngt tap fhe e ti erfa pet drîti ese abu t a eznaral ad ans.lle On e ftepas ouaie fIe bels et fs U wt sampwle takn at aioueieptîs. jý mtiaiv Te scate. TbOfhge iro ouldwonrld e om'utelu look fkea tey. We eene -i f ar te usy-nda gat rut the diti aMiothar mnchiuery rend in ne uncertan terins-- OULT." Se ekp utat fe a whie cIne bern. e. urhlia sas eVMr wethr tey niIf reaýlty in-q penleti. Yes, riithee n ee et our lïocal bauks whi-eatiaae befimou nti mn cleîýrks on fir staf. Torawasne eue ;lu fie bkothier than fie staff, aýt fie tirne. Suduty euoe offie girls said-"Loek, Auna, hore'syour, beýtbey ýfrieicorne te vîsif y'ou." Auneleoetiaroiuti iuiktyant what diti >hsha cee but, a littie ;by, about four or five years eld, ah-i ý solufeIly saknaketi. (0f cours the enfirestaff was just about wandee(d on eanti was jef going past the rnauagers office whenï f1ia îed"stpptiet. Accordig- te re portls ftwouid have taklen tha bru.ii of an inrfisfte do just'ice U) fia bank rnugrs xrsinon f glass dooirs etdfiaeutry the liW felo iully ndadout te ie str-eef. Ne eue o ýws whio hewa or hew ha found lkis way te fia back eofthe bank but lie wns avi- deutlyout Mfor ceri, regard- tess Weare stliIwuorryi-ngawya tlie Ibay. Parfuer auda ueihbeur bof ewhrn ereworkîug lone tcicdeti te werkoethr nt draw lu frern oacli farrn on atr nuate iy.Yefra ha rwi freintNihorsfet.Tdyi was our fuin. Ai if rainieti! u fhaf's a chfan(e yen h !ave te taIra., Next , ime ,if îny hathe t he: r way round. As for ina, I have bau bouse- cleainingc,pckgbareanic- iug, Ye Vs, I'v beu aa i b wild wusatrrapare nti blackcaps,. I did't geflsevec) m" cH man.We tebris cwr goori tSe msqifa ,w,5 atianti ciasat ime ont. However I1haw ix jars cd frit Hpuf, aayp. Ei ry piekiug ý-seamis Dte hae gene oDUf ef fashion areunilivea. SeaYe My neighibourusesy [they are te eLtI, othIers rfiat ftbe trarnpingý arount.iin'fwortli what yen gel. Mayhe fliey are rilt - 1i do'tÉ knew. But Ide know fiatas long as Mny legs wilcarry me I'm goeg, te p)ick berrias. Te me itfibas a fascinuation ah ifs ewn.if is's, a thing fiat b-vg bsitl te counry lite.'Thle rsln eavas, fLie siiaging ofethfe birds, Ite me if is just about parfect. At leasf -,I is unfil I bear [lie sounti et a cow- bell1 in the neitote distantvinfy Cows y. .antiamaybamore ofl that ..enough saiti! Isca THIS CURIOUS WORLD By Wl;iJiami NEXT: 'Plfaseulck the flower8t OUTDOOR KING L -~. MLORIZONTAL n P dctir2d 15 Raie- p), 17 SmCagle. 18 Gens et larges SAkcs. 20 Entange. 22 Hoeeie (abbr. 24Dsufe, Sciene(abbr.)ý 27 Wagon trck. 30 Shortvoeu, 3lMqfly er 23 If s mie Aa if a le par-. 36 Romn ron. 3"7 Hamme i bea i v . 33 Né Saern POP-Pop Has Farther to Go ta pj 7 7 icic J ', ýýO!E E el, E Ml--l T 'M's, f - rT (D 7AT Eý8C'O 3Cnt ilitera 1 ThAtes ige cal ,) 42GPeah-) ýrev!ieus Puzzle MI Beetie. <EY , i N I-< Tossïigs. ARCH 2Thsfudoth g AE] E d18 f -C sPCS2estl i, ciandie.a -~~~3 VEfIA 0Lwsandl 2 i Note in1huis. Guios cal',32 Cuts te 3 ~33 Dibblie. 3 Silfaeci 39 A cread.ý place. 40 Year(Lfm' gibbn (14.44 Foreneot-) 6 F'enh rtil~46 Wîfhin. 8 New runs-.47 Serban. -' wici (abr.).49 Soak fIat 9J one. u 5 2 G r Cke'lffere \ ou r"s. 53 Chiaos. 10 5ndn 4 Tberefore, ilEs Fr.,.55 Ecaain 12 Riît (abrj56 Senior(br. iy J. MILLAR WATTI 71 k b-. s' r- v -r- s. -r-

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