ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1943 I & a T ~ L u I m u I nmer hom e h re N E VYIUVILLE Mesz. Jas. ar, Donna and Gwen M is R se Gij bs 'at ~ o m W th l he r p r nt , (M r . a d M is . X' i-s p foore, Castleton. l M k , T m P h d p o t t w i t h M r . S i d n e! IY D n r t o a e v c s a W ~t .C . l sn tl e C e me-i( te ry S un-day A rtgust 8 5 M ess îsý. L el an d a & F îcy ti M l s n a . 0 p m . , - ' in' rno.-s,, Laurna Pearce homne. She 1 iM. n Mis. ot' Stcetr w t as p o red a pýosition in, a Centra l ( M i F ar( B lla y, - H a îl o n, at C o n tro l of ilc e 'ýr Toin on to .- Mi. W m. Stapleto ï Hnin'sal 5y npathy is extended to Mis. Mr. Ver on tac y las oin d t e G org e W alkey n Ilhe lo)ss Gf her inC. . . a To o to aitler, M r. Th os. M ôffattt, Mis .l' e or don, n da , i h M i. J. T . P earc is ,ustJy proud E M iss s - ely anIï I R u th G <C' -rdc cf Ihi s fi nle Hnle . le rep o rts f orty. - M s s. - c u i n e , N ia g a r a a ls e e n t i ai e s o n o e i e jit-iU s u h ï i . R j. o e i. n d M s. W i llis r o , a nýd P t elu ,i s IaL tï-le ,,fM s d m e 1. a d M . a n s f f t C a r ~ B a r d c , h m e o t î w w a e s ' M . W e t o l J t . g e î , C g aT i l e Gliver Turner, Cebourg, tait ýMr. Lani- son 1l o 's .Mrs. Raynicmid Gibbis and Jo)hn, Vins. Oarl Giimilltt and Kenneth, Vijr. Wa'yburiAdam n sud M'U. Veirnoni igtaeey wiii bMrs. RonaIld Gibibs. lVr. ai-1 Miýs. Wmi. Dix and Mari- Lynj, M.ind Mis. George Kiernan, Jean and Charles, Toinonto, with t1heir parents Mr. and Mis. Charles Di-1 L.AjC. Raym'nond Gilmer homne. Ra.vmion L has ýfinished lais initi'al h'lis g at Be le'vii1le andi this w ee'k Lantexed the Elemnenliary Flyia-g S c o d a t O h n a anp ce nd M is. A. A. -Marit in, George Sitaplton's I ~ T H E L F E S Y F H A R N I XN , P E M I E R O F O N A O Hürry N;xon's people were United Empire Loyalists. His farm was pioneeed by his ga dahrover 100 yeairs ago. to y-,nung Nix on, but h e work.ec h r d an c d clid well. g' Thase who know Hoarry Nixon well, know him to be a mon of sound business judgment as well as ca successful "drt former"' lT!e Nixon-,fornily ore chburch.goers Tbsey attend the United Church a S S. George. 1/ Ni>,"n" quietly efficient ways and original tbînlc Whether at the fo-rm or ot the Parîtam'nt Buildingshe earned him a bigh place in. governiment councils. likes to relax in bhis shirt sîceves at h n of a buisy àlay. 43 ho was mony times Acting Prime Minister. Le a cto verGerrnony; K otherinie, R.C.A.F., s o e s o ;M argaret is d i gC on1-fdential w r ia . Bath daughters mo rî d s rvce m en 1Bob workng o thefo.ns. ing 1At IHAY FEVER time is here again. We stock a complet e Une of Oar Fathers," follouw.d by prayer by, Mrs. MciLach!an. Mrs. C. RMobinson, in readinig t.he minutes of the last1 mieetinrig, r p.t our a iuai W .M.S. hiale bhas been f~ ada and was valued at $48.00 dollars. Segv ai list of the conteÈts avud said thec Annuail Tak~fei~ was slightiy below thait of la.st ycar. It was de- pided to purchase a Secra~p Book to '1c edhied Soy the Corrs1pcnding Secy., Mivs. J. T. Pearce, *who asked for con- Lributions for same froi)i members or anycine interested. MrsPlaire had chauge ocf the tlollo'wing priguram; Ti y s " h C o d o f L o w , O 1 K m g c Pe fe ollorwed b)y îead!ings !,y foýui j e i e s tellin ig cf the fi r Irial o "he (o v r ruIl cou ntri es 0af E hio u p e'. ' W w o n e r e a s w e l i s t eU nm e dl i f w e , 1 o_1 - T h n s w aýs e x p ess d t f s. F r a nhi- G i l e r f d a c î n g a s p i a uI s ti n 1 1 t h e' a b s n c e c f r s . W . L. La n . ootl f 150 . 79C. B d t e o f 3 0 . $ 1 9 B o t l p f ' 5 2 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . R a z KelHcgg's Aý,thma1 Rciaedy, gti.aran- H a y t n e , k g ., 2 5 C S O c a n ~ $ .h -Wampole's Respirin- Cap;sules, box, 50e. Rtexail Asthma Power ........6e Ad -Ia a S olu tion, 1- 0 0S-i for $12,5 11 0 Sol . $2.50 N ose and Thro Drops W -,itA g ar nee Urit ish Formula EpI dri~, le s n sal nd or Ha1y F ever and Catarrh, thrrat passag s itick , "3-1 uu c S fo r .. .. .. .. ..- . -sis all size for .... .. ....... 25c,. 2 ounice for, ........ . ..... 0. Large size for . ........... 50c. SPECIAL - lth Brushes, maiýde by Prophylactic .15C. .. . . ... We Sell STIAMPS "Savinlg is Serving" Pres-criptionýs a Splecialty Chartes Tyrreil Aetfor Jacknsani Flowers Phone 68, Orono Olid Engolish No-Rtibbingo Liquid Wax, 1 pint ý-,Jar 49e Goatskin Chamois, each...... ...... .......415e Galvanized SJtility Tubs, each............ Wooden Spoons, 14 inch, each.......... .... 15- Stirling Wool, 1 ounce bails, white, each.....le, Paper Plates, 8 for. _...... ........... .. .c Dixie Paper Cups, assorted colours, pkg....10e Children's Cut-Out Books and Painting Books Mens ew numbers, each . ....... ....... ..20e M-nsCek Insoles, p)air ............15C. Bail Tm he, -white, e.k........ ...........l15c. W'ritinJ Porýtfoliok,"containinig Patr-iotic Pads idivelope goodC quahity, compflete..... 25c. Flèneurte Hai e'ý'ts, double m-esh, large siz-e and bob si e aýdes, eàch ......... . . . .. . Ladli Tr-iiiimed Rayon Panties, sizes mediumr a0d large, each............ ... .... 29r« Misses' Derndle Skirts, sizes 1L4 to 20, each. . $1.69 Brylereemn, a perfect Rair Dressing, made in England, large tube.. ........ . .. . . 50c. -Vaseline Hair Tonic for imiproving' the condi- tion of thle scalp and for- driessing the-hair, two sizes........ ...... ........ 19c. and 50c. Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for ........ ......... 25e. Lifebuoy Medicated Soap),,13 cakes............ 20c. Newýpor-t Fluiffs (Puffed Hheat), pkg. contains 6 quar-ts and one Fruit Juice Tumbler, pkg.. .. 19c. Shelled W alnuts, ounce ...... .. .. .. . .e Certo, b ôttle .,. . . . . .. . . . . . . .25c. Premiiumi Unsweetened Chiocolate,"1-2 lb... 20e. Clothes Pins, 36 for. .. ............. lie. Whiz Toilet Flush, cleans where brush canniot reacfi, tin....... ......... ...... ..... 19e. Chloride of Limi-e, 2 pkgs. for ... ...... ... 1 19e. Store Closed Ail Day Monday, Aug. 2, Cic ie oliday ORONO 5c.1T0 $100 jSTORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipnwnt Private Ambalance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors amid Furniture D)eale-ýrs KINDNESS COIJRTESY SERVICE Equîipped to take care of the modest funeral at the miost reason-able charge as, weIl as tihe Iargest and Most exacting 0 %F E G u 57 e, Vau M E R C pEn R R DU' R H A M Telephone: Office 668 Telephone (lolleet Residence 523 and 7M6 Bowmaniville, Ont. Ontario's pr emier wos borni on the farm in April. 1891 Me wos cEristened Harry Corwin Nixon arid is olways called just plain Hrr Four yeors of more h d work oit Ontorio Agricultural College, Guel ph, 0prod H ur,.ry Nixon o studicus end determined mon rnd/eorned himn the B.S.A. degree.. He attended the lttie ted 5chool house down the rood. Nights, mornings, Saturdays and hoidoys he helped Me returned ta the farm, h& chosen lîfe work. -On Octobei 28, 1914, he married Alice Jackson, oj Guelph' girl whoi-.ad groduoted fromn MacDonald Hall. Warkîng in his own_ quiet wo xns olities of nse lead rs i ear ed h m a e O t io .ous At 28, Hiarry Nixon w os the youngest Cabinet M nse 1 9 1 9n C o o a -J,-n Hamy Néon has been ci niernber oi the MgWatum for Brant continuously sirice 1919, but farming is his occupaticýn and he wotks a' it these Remnedies to relieve the symptoms of asthmna and h7ay fever, at LOWEST'PRICES. ie*1 rAil E E L FOR Equally cit home in a neighbor's drainq rIDOM or in his barn, it Is said he, has recched mony important decisions while miiking; a job he truly enjoys. kif On April 30, 1943, on enthusiastic Lýberal Convention made Harry Nixonlecider of the party. He was then sworn in a 1 Prýme Minisfer, Now he want5 his appoint- ment confýImed by the people. 1 1. Premier Nýýcn a -,ýeacl-crivnlg statesmiýn; a cour- ageous thinrcr ho ý,as ýh-- ýîll ta get thingq done. His iong typerience and lýcvel-hFadedress wili e(ýsLe Pregre;s cné Linity n Gov(-rnýýýýnifor Ontario. ,Vfà. ýNixýDn :5 c. Frierd'y, n-theýly woman; a gracious hý5iesý Gad sympathiic counýei. Sh-- iý weil Iii(ed ýý,e goes.