'Twas Moving Day O n Sici lian F rrnt jing Fedin 24 FHoursý t The rE-arly 'Birds Catch TheFui Brîtons %Wiil3c Glad To Beor jise war tish quee wS ouiy noral af ticket offices, o for ise cisaper tiseaf-acat; - im if e s fublasoma habit. Unlees o thierwise apoydyou eau ssal our day qute,117l about 'a coupla o! isoricsafrtjisa niet sop pan. Tsis latisJe hop 0fgetiu agoqd e(u t oryonr siilig' iort Il aipar-son par raflu--j,4!înnis. ylite tinehie sbop openaat 9 nsm. tise queu'; Winlha quits a long uae, At your greent- groer isi-aisnot so muitcis em- peiin s vaga)ablesara-genl- inll zl ood suply.Butouahas ta ha-a aiy bird 10 cai21tch isa fruit. Tise -bis o!fthis ocsftiseh jam sud cennîulgpop. A walkonconfact ionaer sa ed ise plan- of giiug tickesOn IodasforcakesWto a el for onu hrsa.Th isa mainobjeet hien, vae 10 encore heiin ltis queue bfietise supply orif ick- eitswas exisaucted. Yonr cake on Tsrdiwae a cart'aialy oully if-, you had a ticket. The Queue Habit A rn anuonn1uleagan, broadeOsft and la tisa prase, by tise iistry of Fod ftisat tinis o! plumns couldl ha2isougist withouf "pýoilt" oupons fî'oml a certain data, sutdl tisastokheing boughf ont hi la, couipla o! (days by wafiu tqeueýs. Fisis cmmauds ts queeasd isa slow affair-aud lmmnd you bwing your 0 -wI apr Tisa distrIbution 'o! uew ratios hookq ili Jane poucdgr-eaf que'nces a i thea Food Offices fo staîfr wiis, but -,o loai was tise onftcy thatiinge wera soon ramaidiad. Mthtisaraiway stathins Onaeaun aias ee unes o! fra-vears walf- lu fr ie l~-it atan aun es sssid ikiuly poiee.Eves i i bus stops tise area ow sioticaS saiag 'Quau e up f'dis ildeý* Yesn.fise queue hbt l isé w sha ~ady d-o smaday, ZERO OUT' ,Saydi ngiears acconpanying- k-ning±iLifo Aila fiiste "We ut gînbboled tisa lattee wet a ak, sidLan. aEdwî itiur aalldega, Ais. "1h24 oni wahad atx traf l arpouudhafiCeldtiseruta- nior su-ail o tooly is a lnas. tia ai nî or th ivaso r v coi ie eelu opeation e fl'ven tsulc. Welanded at ( ilsa.m.l patci ino anairpoît. th Tie -fied cusornerwa Amerlian P- w(r itis agine troýiu- The Ialouuad P-3 pitwh ha eYu agtrugh an ofarm,!y au M-1 umfd auvoP-38 elo pilot e e gt down thir craft off to a sptaltse ot ier Ëfw took off tofuruta isa atia, R-'i!uead, fr Bsess o tossunelasos aha fieds tsud smoothing tisa runwar. mooiiiaryoservic, an Aerbian Spitfire etl g oupparo llig orsaC ice n add oatreW,.Brsn o a- LTs wr a ý aist itay ne a ne "glses tf" hasewbe Ramawas ombe fortisefirs time lat îweIkby a vry ltre dsi t b0mbrs i iebodd lili !f avir, evî i ci Edam- sg ' iA xi ii , il s-lbs î 0uti fiiiiog s ice narsat ch amical BeOc Rineis oitise E-triîal Cî--tyhuleo b emrisand endowed w ithrligos u cl tara asocitios ic)eleet h mau daswel o eipiiets elaort ofrcations i, ci were damaga-) l theouttire ai tacÎci- on graterrss nvolved for ouin-w p: lnesi n ýiinor p o v1 tisenAoied pio ea ceai ',ew0f r stai- t ofircrwswaîa epecilly rain map 0f Rorne to tis maln a tait uring my waeks tý(if tain iug.Tiseattak s cco11oinne y sa disributon f lelt to by unpoipled0f the c ity wiug th1eîlt ibeirelgovsetent old is ce dace due by ourfatthes échiîwas Aitne d ecluivonyat "miltaiy ojeci ommuna tinsar Jinsres, mýility in- stalaions Iand arprtail o!-1 bicisar iug usled for tis oi jeterantj0 tise Gersns ;Md Capetai of Fao Vnism. k;t l isemiitaeryaobjecties Mhiis i tojstfcatin. ome for otuL tiseternal ity.it-i aCoyusieda nd ad[as hosgte hae elbratiy isled the a- Ian peoereckesly turned t agintrair friiede sud gwrossly[ o lefs ete m0f aui'sty0fth wiol Fsiat --sysam isat ad- cilred wrto the daath onr tire damocti way 0f life. laný Roma le tentheadquiars of tise cutaterril-, oits wapon.From Romfe ,and its grt riwsy ad coma une and lutanksorethat ar used 10 kili All.ito, maa doules the nmbrof aiu ac ltugjl hy the mlot essenbta nuitw wiofhapOdcad gor iimp)oît- ad.Adiionsof thaeri-epr.ouction iucpl-rd lraandille, twoý)j- row otat 1ofllaner, 10 foot cnt su ragsoec type miClr,,o AmeiasoIaiudadeu ws bavagan bis ta te inO0 ti ir ahist r t For Y ow cOMAfnly Panend la anasilir agecrir n fan csîîliastiden bisin tiasc nien 0flme se Axis etry -tis irst cerihedreligionth etis felig cf milialons 0f eopvla abat he Vtian is osa greetý-' gc~dan o ligeio, Hit l]ier sud1 MsOlijecai, 'o, aun;yî a sosietiair Hmuuityle cne supers titios se he souis ilt cas Wislema sin nRme an ar- Thayraciouadwitiouttie raso- iag 0f Amerîca til piios) faibig.Whn nI bcae lear"j tist tse tain caplita was noti unOaly a miitsy cntagbutha htu isuieuin awang.pspwrO tiser hecbeau perouleycmlt apprdvelForerm ttis esopsfse csueis conncins. obahe w tise ha no oîsa tssu tsa1bomcngLo loierci te, ies.Jua, it!Pay,909 tu bring iscLmntie fm'tisantis only ecap IS 1 thise of Mos- vil Objectves o Raid Homcrueant bmhedf tdmon- tre tisaIi oud a'doa THE %VAR WEEK - Conrnentary o iretEet Air aid n on at tl' ain Mlitay aiway yste VOC 0 F fI1E aunouucte d that iuýa aplema coa mb opnartaan.sile -' tosesmy. o usiiser l"ýýfiva ts old-tiaîe plarino ia, iffll and, od tieso ie eilue rom1(aiamen la mayakthe eo ing apur'- poses. riad ppls aa011spacIai folvo o isirow, udreuje letoq coaiesisa mta o ecd zero panat- rt' sands with ,wa'i' gp ale That The-re is to 3e aSuD tn some of the best new,, of the yjear for. Canadtian faîffiesms lit thie announcementltt, m heAd- m1inlistrator of Faim M21w fi1nerîyfor the \WAima Puces andTrade BoardHaubertH. Blom, ltacte fai mchner qots for. the ust yeau .are to be very maých higher thanIthey hava ben frtAe iug increased quotas Y a producý- tion order onlyý, and the e~atof its siug advaatages isdee- eton sppie 0miateriaLs, Otta- waauthoritis Nwho have studied tie hoe rlm areexess aly hopefl ofrealrecuits, avenl thiough tsr ano eany ýlarge quaintities of cmitdmcie valala ndertisenew uota Teorder roids or a ScuýPply of farm equipent eqallat- naeto apoiaey77 p~ et of thitvrage f 194-41 uGtputý aud repres nsan incresM Sabo)ut 10 per cen(lt. o\er îîpl, prvddbyIsae previons ifarm,11 - ciiery coatruol o~? earpro vision1s areatbiie n ts aicof!156 tpar cenit. of ia14 aýnd j 1avrageoutput. Tisa totalý-, pragram proveides for ap'pro0xiinate- j"y 90i par cent. o! tise avýer.agetota t'cmgs spplied lu the11940 and 1941 period. to,,>a Io ha cotin cdas Ca nîasof ewuring fair d1istribu- tion 1and tie axium use o! evary piece of new equlimant. The (Order has been worked ont after tie moct carerulconsidertionland iniatl cqnLaiatPeu, withl the needs eftheu Canadian fuama, hoefood podctontaks0ftie pusenit ye-ar are reýgar(1dd sital fthe Aflied war effort. Sub)stanftialincrasa iquoatasý On tHiîe ) resýenti, yea's fp r a- gram e nnouncad in ay, and_ he quotas estab1lishied fluMay wxill remnain inefuti, ctober 1 ,o! this yaarand swilbha dditiul tu tlica new quotas n10w establishejd, Inacother words, fi bnr importais 1and 1manlufacturais wil be peri1tted tIo comploethr quloltasforth is;yeaar1fposbe before Oct. 1, sudmilh emt ted ailso to tase avatae fthe ne(-w quotas whcih corne ýita effect Li 0 l e~. Th!1 dmnitr n i give1n0pwar If0 distibutme ma- cIuerywieemfaad. Thle inaw orderapoiaty wisy, if Vwe Cani organiza sucis.a vast war miachina, we eau snotai o)rgaise a mLachina forpi-et ing w.ar. (ona apcwar le hatsom peoia teafaslyrefuse5 te a. a couid r Liainsui suce wuntlts na hdo ouse etarts to ibiu -sBrantford Expositor. ONE SAD CASE fa a year lajb iainacorre- spondent bas coma upon but oa, case o! gennine war eve:A Londioîar totter,ýing hmb a pub s ud cailinig Dfor bin sud ljiittrs. TERROR 0F PEACE And niw me aa ld of!a s psi- war $1400 1inoor car fo iha soid at avary gslestation. Peace, too, eau have its terrors! .-Otawa Journal. EFFECT O0F SOAP HAD~ FoMiki ho hoard soap bocaifl- tkey fer a shml oîtg aedoag ois" ti F O0f couirse 1 miss the -rnony-buit more than thatâ, it's prett-y lonlesoneme andkidu viiouit ail those intlerlest'ing - trvels!tories the to)urists used to teli 1 N ~ i Masseyaltards Company, Lhnited 6¼% Convextilsie Pxeferred Shares Many investore snay flot realize the rcmarkable progresa expcrienccd hy this Company dudng ret-ent y cars, n ti e extent to which ifs nan- cial and cars inge osition ha~ improved.~ - Wr lias pi i ar J a special circular dealing ssiîlî ~h Company and it8 prefeir share At îh current price, these shares pro id a yield of approximately 614%, together wiîh an attractive conversion feature. 'Price At the maÇkct, about $20 per share. Copy of this special cîrcisiar will be gladly furssishcd upon reqileeL 30 ~(uig So-eet ~ Wood, Gundy & Company Toronto Telephone: EL gin 4321 Lirn~ted -By GENE BYRNIES REG'LAR FELLARS ýThe Volunteer ONE ANSWER Raymond Clpper, New Yr