Predicts New Role For The Helicopter Wounod CuldBe Evacuat- Among the many liss of the Isliope hwi(i bbecoe apar ont as hsifrsigarrf ~jeelos, noterwns brought -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~P of1eoledabyisde- uignier, IgorI trsty, etlte meetücing Of the INewYork ein of the Insfite of1flie Aeronuu- -lial Sciences Ths ià the evec- j tin of woudedmontro Wdificiterrain.Mionicture 1f the eeA amytay eicpr, a. to-mu macineciarz-," serceaOvr fhhtjugl chu etut or eampet if can1stand stiiPi Me aior lower media- tfus enier înalublyprompt fivsf nid, If c nof X)cours1 e Inn PInany i therng orou buatp gîoundeirvnt ae a iseverely eý,ve ei aiores a ill pegree of etsù.ot as-anoamu-I lance 1' cruf t. iltisuIl For Civiltri enTnoia P Altoiieve lpenti , wo00 ert àsofn onieenin ,chrct or vStorkywa ail t mi- CARROT TOP tuc ime, this jaunfy chIapeau0 nieled by Mrgaret Neison is a1 victorýy gardon "Mnjrvest H1at" modo of vegetable basket, car- rots, end pars4ley -sprigs. Dried Apples Good1 As Canned Oners Ey Ex:pert at Ottawa oroesing0fiiciappls cts ab(-ut oeiafceýnt a puiagainst 233enrts a ponnd te o aa tiemn, M. RBDavis, ùche4 fcthfe ilvision e'!f lpluoat fleiai Ex-i p)er;Mental Farm, tli te Hose lIat week.1 CTheOmodem irici apple, nmaief avalablo by Élie dEdliyirtirrg Ipr- cew, Is "st ias ,good', as.,tle cani- ïaed pdctic sai. - uPire unofetCodeiappios were euiaefte one bu.shwof etfreýsl apls fic heiasis 0f ie prce -ffelappflos fic nsumer' co1 ýdi 'saford te puy ,M cents a lpouni for 510 ,,drini pirodluct. "ft15 centls a pouiretai d0 pisare being soh]li fot hait wbaf b.y are vwor11tb wb1en fI e rieis gngei y t. cosý f e r frit,"1sali -Mr. Davis. Tliere wa ne )opotilt t nmaýkeVfie diebydrateoi fruit idsr N4f alue ,te flic consumler by show- lgthe value 0ftne frit. Prices Paid f0 oduosfor appleýs foi, de- ydrafion liai been as 10w as 60C '41)cents a brebut uior ex-' Ilting cnilaalos for, deby- srafiOn wem gai lie tdose fer Ji t-:om(iicary se--gotamncera tires>doîyirafd campos hlia ";ire" of iao oitI. l1t2 n aIedopl u aity. Tliey weuld 'smnala wlibloeren u:fior fIîa tiifime. comparative iîl oetfuf l taoues for flavoi' since 19 ~the 'Setiada' name assures you ofa uniformn blend of quality tecas. VP un Pl ye A eF -p Mid athi wtli1!le an- i bai bcof uyleli bsîie ncIv,'. Dcka ii an onacco- aflla toidoua" e ceeaslc i- ric teuss i e laneis -roit yvus; xi tar i nLli r111asxica aoagfieinc u thera" È hee e "Y s Jwl, slat-i? fi 'Tlie metta inis rombSc-g li t a 10 o te oos erlcs semeup b r?"werM dC ,3 e ei Wueis be e wtbe,( vi fic trouble speds,[ andi webav flic new goud," Jý-aî1-Igl mas ir; s a i1bae vclepc aIit etsotspHoban- guife; bot if is'f sorbes. Every itfbing ali-l2Iidoivetbor ic?"iek te me s if ome 0 f]lesemecli are exp, eig eth agtgole seon-yentow wbnI mean!" O nort.Dictie liaialiey son a'n îvarning, ns vie 0f-what lie wlfeertrube wsltiy f coe va ctJet baskc: l t an peccded, ý',te h ws,- lieuse1i accoj elIn-g 10 iz ibt.O c lecking le eem dl;onc eir jtcapi e ir e dcesu eilaspiifs ar, l e~ iu~ service ivrecicti i sil.1 "O ,'lvr ro i L g oTiling fl î_ie ed ei xdl betpee f lmwo atyWaceliielw ced cannon caer vnsdu Dif"lon sYf lr %iing koci papeî.'til ce, e ceelung ie rziii ,ne cklscl edalcfue aigit ygaTIc sltetgsat a k impulse t quelithee lire;s bout- ýnifsnahissig vliemenc dof jio aim. scaed ou lie osdtr contrptoge ioul fiéoe1pn 0f flie wînow nueleauping f0 tbo Ilireuglr tle poffers ie ladi not heaîdhic l atter 0ftievoIgIl- AsPabsice pliffeniCeae- nth, ing 0f fli milityfree~ te uneab.oglfee tro *s s *u oh Pblos fet.Anioh abl hAl.jstbn n ew rpîmade by lnie vigilnt;a aeis împresig bis autoorityon tbecr nniutodfletpfbibosr wanisna(ciedon bi p istolc, Lt was.I wfacedsnwrds on fie avemnt; Azus Pablo lay rnt nti ae enta o titiupra fe IT( nuerneafli lis staggered body îowc% (d S1 vc(fr o. "owil t fr SylvestreStU&, snatced Maf bu111iet 1struCIfne hot-se. As I -Pl ngedSylvýestro gof a gi4p ùon fie poicenmas foot and hurl ,l'Inrom011tl1e saddle. Ilalaligamm ceid m'ol(eone., w isone vijgilantes sbowed dowh tJe street eemng n a abrîsk rnS-ylvcs- ctîueonceIlie fired, twz'iceý p;Ste 11 lliutt. 'Oewr dun te he Paza 1sn rabli]eic * * lî* :)er ierway preuted its td- berc t te te cause 0f iedem Every lleYuws disrgin leve Bel muntned]PMan, ootharge. slokcprs apulled tun flicir pigsiutorsneshu1mt ani bolt Mme, i "dasMse htMonte al-& lano as now agIlo(, ! A ; cum lisst.Siops wcre looteiasa mafrc ourse; w'pons re socrod line,f0.anofTe, ti-o sfated anîet Over1ail(tho'tl pnr ,ai gbibtn',ess. (Contbned Next WVeek) Para7ffin Your Lemons hiltywtli pr affin, usinig a smai bruli. lien i s esrhenl Ho-,w Famous Hotel Chiefs MNeet ["Meatless 'fTuesday" Challenge M EAILE5-s- Tuesdays and ratioingi, generally formi challenge and ia- spiraýtion teo ail]oos.That dbLlenge bas be2en accepted by thie titchen ex- perts of tho Cana-dian, National Ra-il- ways Hlotels, who face exactiy the samne problemis as those of 'M rs. Houseboider; they must exorcise intelligent iaia tion teoviesavoury usitts Chefs in C"aain National Raiiways Hotes-thore are eight of them inas mnany cities of thle Doinion-issue. Tuesdny mnenus which offer pleasanti gastronomlic airent ure te mealtime. Hiere are selections talten freiri a big iist oe meatless dishes OOW being served in National System Hloteis. Tbey have heen prepared by miec of international repotation yet eacbi itemi presenitei, can ho prepared economically ini any ktfch- enette with miodestý resources. FRIED CHEESE SANDWICHÀ The first dish comies from iEdward( Albert Gýebistorf, Chef at the M\ac-, donald in Edmonton, a hotel with a sterling reputation in that busy city, and tliroughout the Wstgenerally, for the excel]leice of ifs cdining room ison'- ices. Duinlg the Royal Tour in 19139, Their îMaLj esties, King George anij Queen'lElizabeth,ý were, guests at an ofc iai1 dinnier at the Macdonald and Ih1ose present on that occasion co- miiend(ed thoe menu as being entire]y choice' ai appropriate. Here is Chef ebto'ssuggestion for a delicious, Maea weil buttered cheese sanid- wic-h with) a suice of Caniadiances YS' inch thick betwýeen. Break tw-o eggs, beat 'well, with a tabiesp)oonr of cream- ania speclt of sit. Sont sanidwich i mxueon both sues ani f ry iiiote to a gulidoît bruwvii, Thdn fi,îish in the cvr0 for five minutes te besueha the cheesbe is positively ied.Sev very bot. If is possible te0 dowiht bottýeLr on-the snwihbread MEATLESS NMACARýONI1 SHEPHERD'S PIE Thlis suggestion came from icea Lacosta, Chef at the Nova Scotianj Hotel1, Halifax. Ho aise suggested some excellen-t fish rcecipes but t ho Shepherdï's Pie, a favorite ini many Canadian, homes, was seioctedl as a norelvain of ano el friend. As givon beiow if %vil maltke Six SernmgS. 2 cups sm1all cut macaroni 1 onion 2 green peppers 2 cupsmil 2 cups grated cheese 2 eggs M,/etlhod: Boil miaçaroni in saited water (flot coo xell coolted). Dico the gre-en poppers and onions, braise in butter or other fat. iMix cýolted miaca rl, reese, eggs and iiik to-gethor.,, Sait acld pepper fo 1faste. Petit in a emil gre-ased deep pant; balte in miediumi hpf orven 25 f0 30 minutes. 'Serve bot,. GNOCCIfl NEW ORLEANS FBefore war imposed travol restric- ions [a.s weil as vationing, Canladiansi wllQ foui temlselves af Sobo ;:il Loendon, 'Greenwich Village'i n New Chef Lâcosta of the Nova Scotiani Hotl.sowsMr. W. Stanley Lee, Prices 'and Supply Representative of theWtie Prices and Trade 11Board hwto nmake Imeatiess shphrd's pie. York, ü-r the ineighbL-oi-hood of Fisher- mans WÂrfin San ranicisco), spoke wiithelighleof the gnocchi discovered in remtaumrns wbere good food uns ob- taniAe atnmoderate, price. It is a real noGveity yýetWila Schmidts, Clef at thýeCnda Nationi-- Pr;ince Ariltr 1Hote l a Port A,)rthuLr, gives aýssurnce ,that it is wi vti the capab!:ilities of eve'ry hîIu'sje2ýIfe ndhereocs off iail good kthn.Chef Schmlidts adds mCrembt astat whenl markt znsieratonsandprice male them scace and epen2sive te a be iIt odf, The rcipe provide, four f0 six servings: A cap mpu, 1 cmmpdicmalonion M' pdcd gren pppers '4 cp diced tedpepr / cep slied miusryos (Optional) S Z c tick sewed tatmes Sata Cyenne pepper- Methd: AWhipail itemIS into a thik ase nddrinü lto slighitiyslted; boiii-g vwater cthrough Izrge pip;ing bag, pioaicing gel]tlyýý. Drain off anid fry with a littie butter anrd grate--d cheese. B--Fry onions, ceiery',gree-n pepper anýd mushroom-s ii tenider. Add tomrjahýto pu i ad cook wveii, adld.-ing red peppw erss-providg tesdeaw- lied. ïf feh of course, cook theinm-wîh die other igeiet.Sait adcayennîe peýpper te malte a rich bot flavor. Put(A Gochinbuteedbo'wI and cr wthho tmae aue Sprnki wih rtd ches ad ibalte. A WseFool Who I's SafeAdSud Thoere waIs amnin stn ntrowho iived ýup ýto bis each , says The CahmNu-~ Always ho eclared thal if 1 i car ever sAlled on a railwsayu,ltac ith a traijn apoeigh o waste no f ime on the Ca,but wo011ldmlalte for sft." a b)uy another cr u a' u unothier cclme a1ter Iar ho said. A goupIe of weeksag li bought a car and )tok it for a ruO. Crosng a ailhway trac àf gave a cough adquit. A traini waýs aPpproachîng froin aDiane Peol e told hn)lmiehd iet gef bler going, butthsbaecp dropped out andwale 'th side of the road, The cir ws reduced tY matchwood. Somne people saibe was a 0ool, but if so ho was a mise ai, lie had insured hbis Car ant) n taCn ne chances. E le Yt the de'nis te the wvrQ0cers anld put in a dai to the inaurance company. Io iC stili safe and sorndd ivfe is not a widow. l'a EqualBran' Caad ow is bidn p proxiafol]y the samo tonnage Of merchant ships as Britain, c ad- ditonfo corvettes and Mot e-o ftive naval craftSiu A chur Salter, joint primnayace tary f0 the insfyof Walir Transýport, fold' th 1-Ho usoËo bae on Shippng, Canada's shiptui[di efor si-nefthe start of vthe w as:a dosc-rib1ed ýnas ,one offlitmoe ~emarablethinga luthe Ltr of the 1BrjifihCmoneth 1by sir Arthur. ISSUE Ne. 31-43 r Prospecting Syndica'te Proer ties Iocated in the internaticnal and Falccn- Ibridge Nickel -Areýa . A $10,000 SyndlicateC. UNITS PRICED AT $50.00 EACH Eachi Unit carrying 2,000 shares cf stock ù)i a comip;ny to LE formed. S4en(t yôor bciplnor write lePr lnormauion CROFTON INICKEL PROSPECTING SYINDICA'TE 427 Wilson Bdg, Toronto F eîeý