Of ficer Ila Lassoed Falling Fr'om Clif f vas ý;Ilte hagIng 80,fnf :!1nb.e 0115 Ca b 0 apoiton - ee me i ,it1 hii of f) f l ic rop1w antUI fe. Ailes mireou -u firaea lo rop sr fic Ofas huldra ania tgeal f riitiagrpo flic fl onnu at ffic rp. tigwtenc underfllic oIler' ari g cîp onlict waý,s ia bare foc- CJap mWrieIBuried: 'lark L a, aufior f "CLf SPIRIT 0F CANADA Fit. Sgt.(ceo. Clver (l'if) stbofh le-gs in a-'traid overlogn whnflak frukhisourC yengibomber, dama9ging the f laiinggear and itail. Cle ndhscewwr ble Ï0 bring the omr; bacr safely.1On)beingfife d for atifici'al1leg"ýs Geo)rge s kedfithat tey be Sour inches longer. They cmpromisedl by givinig him ainadion ai ~ ~ ý1 wci xcfysxmntha fW the day, feoll ng bhis ms l, lih Serg2eant Ca ,erandA&i Mraali Bishp made a publicappearanc af e HviludAircraff and fhankevd the orkers for the ecel- let o fe wr din.Flgf egi a1Ner hps getba Sdé t zy îde With W"I%'ar ïE-fr à rtanàln orPe1 lSidaS adiwfi rf l' yias f eneAniwreB-l'i pout-rcfoy i-a, lc iptýi vitPaiap proi us eig pirlopati Ol iua sali fuat"tic o uci l f0 0i ond f a dfliC 1c lif10 lansume lursf fdisa A locl-g ohel'jl 1,1 iï ni -i tt-o l a ic- o f u'flcr1neei fo a g' sl muIo-ra i g ati j vi Wlcii fliy to lw ili fl ie;,it c i W0c s org ni I bic acOl ii fe l impi-xu festnsiýtaý ot reiL peole iiyluioe lit; ls il wof cerlfu womuscustone lune flouluomanhst la weem oA was ncefliccloli o gre soac. The IonIfllis vlad ibc"u macleýi b Mopenis e0f flcs cif'sExe:u S lînol o Leonoriy Fiel huldieus oys c1d ou fi To s') tiwst i lauîntra tulIsfier r1e Ltirminc fi-ps 0 fos arilale u iain ineao lîisms leywl a i - I I 0F, THE P R ESS BLACK PMARKET CATS 11e was aI dele l teiaK tryig f sai raibis wtlilong hati boeaucat. RAKISH BURGLAR Householdr prted fo fg llc poli ice e, a li,, thin burglar, whom haha id eneountred in lis garersrueli hi aviolent bmw ou flc heti. he einsthe ie fu -O nSacud Sun-Tmes. -o- DIFFERENT NOW Threwa alie Wh"ua tr thrrasgh. soppiiti wih bool teacing liai- MENTAL JORNV ARD oflan thafo. - P4eroronh E'amipro We'lpropably orgîvedthe nu -ow FAI'IC( PA7, SHORT -B s in eral, The otl ntoalpoucin vcgefLes l -iap..sigrou frM ihree millin tofui' mllontos yaa Maera ï.,iiy Fal Hor on0hagl0 ie ffc Tihe Book Shoif COMBINED OPErATIONS Tue Offiaistonry nte C- mnaiido.ôa ith a foreword by, ViCeý- Admirai Lord LouisMotatel Chiefof Combined operavtons Th'fis is" anafoihigabou- mca fomlic Roýyal 1Nn"y, fi er adtiothers of fli UnietiNa- as Cominat Ovpafin-or, mole popîîaily lic heCommnandos. Salfar eommencig wiheicexperimenf1,al attachaon Norwegin soantsoeu prceadfaiiig wifli amoi-cabi, u afepaon fllcCninn.f quil uccssonfollow h jigily Ca- matffielaccoais 0 flhe asa0i'o solie eia, fieacuainiof Syria,flic daring ponctî-iion oL flm iceemy's lin aLiblya-elm11in- 'atiýin utlih use neflsfalking suit onl Sf. Nazaire, fi afr St Madaga,*sar, flic Dippe raid, flice inivasion of Nortli Afric'a. Tebol ia uffterly vifliOut hernI.ies, anti yat is il licroisml The reatder nmarvels aifliterrbl fli trrilecourage, an1)(1iific- awa- somenonhalnceof the rfil R'oyalNavy antiArmysud 1.AF Comb)in.ed Oparatiôns. .Th macmiiian CUMPany of Caada. Tue wold's irea'ug r owbeing bu1'Lltfor lic Rya crl iready beiug incomisn They e, au fooer loti fa e a niugupte a ýbaitflcship o glali passnger uer, nlon- authflicoutbceak DE nwr, Brifai LIES LI1KE -',THilAT WHYUt' COURSE Six-shooteraithe hp iand mîli- taybearing raadily identifs thiofgure on thm Sandaof Sieily 1Royal NvyOfficer p ra i,,e S Capiadiýanî ai a conhiwed peratlionl trtnn bas, tfls of the bigiliregard l -arole Wey aow re plaYniig la k flcaScliafn caiVain says ota îcse traiug preparea thmfor tbeir g1 gtaclin 1r tefron1t lna. Thleir job was ,,ta glu ider enehmy fire, an~dpu iing e dut"fhy Ceau their ltl slis -nt f'sa gooti naine. it iv ),antidasli. Tlierc('s acetii reckleaness bout, the job whir appeals f0 chemnuWcan uW st sS many as you s "ents. y Fred Nehu~r 'il le franli, officer. I'd rather not bave -a ticket." REG'LAR FELLERS-Theý- Expert /P DON1T oaay!_ KNOW WHERE DO' NOW I-EE IJ URE ! 11,1 .REMOVE -B Vf wE AN GET iT CLEANED m NI FAMi3LY WOIJLD SE IF IT *AN' TI-IE RU& WID A Bi 1kAMIUTEF ÎHELP ME ROLL IT UP!)1 WAsNI Y 04;"My MM,- aY/ J YE WANT IrT -Atw By GENRE BYRNES 1--l-
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