HOw Canl1? ? A.When behiling ither ows r MOUhaddt the jue o! haot a eon 11cenore A.Az oticerystnr sae xitceel peu-, Paethe ýpoint ùet te p3enla hpnholtier putfi ,use the1 ot 1edetite scoop o4,f thle 1pifs. T 1f lntho wlî v hecrpy vu. If tewaeill aut î i-,color ïn an accumulat-,ion (e! ruef lunth-e tak, awhhoweud lie draled aud liomeod witOut deiay. Q. flow can 1 hasteaN6 e coo- ing o pddng P, By placiag the container lu M diht iti dwaterte which a hpsdfulet est hasnbon adt Q How oaa I solten l iqoii lue A. inegar vinl Sotten liuiti g1ue 1ýa,1sfla areet Wa h Have YouaHard? O -ffc"e etfrank Stum, naea cen cenroladinitrterlaMemin Tennessc, receaiy antiasheti If anoa 'ould teil mwh i Clr-Yor----dor is 0the g) erocd 1 o'tpay ne reat. men cew botnneyas g 3ondm ahouivcn admv and I aint norptekent." va et-"WePaton, hat ware rWempla Americdtty" lragar oo u. pni p a Wk? ebo h Biche: "oodper e Sy, 1 haebte ciee s% a ta Fuoripri.iutmeata hepl ilupasuaoRas<ere iusslng(h VoTh ereu uepent" aii "Ohreurepe thàher cfe troshiewastn edd' TtAS d u dint ae e vr -!mcl C'hen hded, dd ie? Rai: 0No, bot ha Ieft liP r muton Ï emnuh hei ew6 alive." HowSïîa strittetelio, l naenalîL to, ý,uiy at avey ed oe rnnhagoý she wvas his Entij-Is teacher at an Akron high ehoL I' wMiimDiehi and Donald Pa ,rker find theroselves teamed in niaking airpiane wings zat Fjirestone,ý plant, whiere apwr hr. Lge bas eft smmrjobs open to, teach-ers and studentýs. dhuclî !elewngthse coremeay, te rencAPIbelwshos sud con- gratulations? 2, Is if cci-c t ld s a-dwich lanfo fîgerswhile eain, ilî?, :3'. is if aecessaî'y that ;a bor_,eav- e3d faiJ.-iy rep'7-te letteýrs et con- 4.l fcorî'ec te phrase au !in- troucion Anth melwing man- fer. Mu-s owîî,maî )r,îcient 1,Isitprpe t ouot wd dinginvitationsanti anuroune- mente l fInaeoefth brthe deati v.m, aoliona b Ino sîee car? co. 2 l'e butsemoîmes fea o! thanke t on(îPenv who bas wrîtton or sont lowrs. à.4, ao, Ib1,sfi ca ec.eri,5nLs TinnICan Valable i, A in eao( le olya 2 per 011f fia l'ýting dovn. Tho can ar, how- evel' ofttea sonit direct te turnacos whiich bell l ýn for 10 iheurs iliaa NerlIaito!ai he sCra'ïtp mietal saivaged freai househOlds ia Great Britain is lu thie torm et tin cans, and the humnble tin can is oneofe the mrst vlabeformes et metal "scraip" thIat oaa ho sal. vaged, It can net oaly proý(vide sold- or ter use at a wa factory where nietai parts haveute be je-inod, but it can aise beýomne partî et an ingot et colid sf001,to e ho sed in, the constructîfioetawa" hpor a tank. Prmpt pyna e hpet of 110gho hac. Scaci amples and estýinafe ci quant[ity te0 MaFEETERS CREAMERY 52 Jarvis:t. - Toanto HARNESS & COLLARS FrrsAttention - Censuit your n iearea;t arn-eîs Shliop about Staco Hanuess Supplies. We soi Our goods oly through Goods dealer The goods are iglt, and se are our pric's. We maufactre luour, tac. to.rif - aru-es, Hrse Col!- lars, wetPads, [Herse IBlan- etand Leather Traveirg Goos.Jnsston Staco Braudl, Tcade Markýed Goods, andyu getsatsfctin.Made e'nly by' SAMÛÙEL TIREES CO.. LD WRITE FOR CATALOGGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toernto Beautful ouutuoî'eucy all- r. oer 10 foo 4'hrtau igr WHIAT SCIENCE IS DOINic DELOUSER Pyrethuin, whiclh iogs te the chrsanhemm fmiy, js Widey use-d in sprays to kll oi ios files and )olltherineet, ttertu years 0>,ý f rserhrlates The ve Yorl krTia'tes, WltrK. A 1gevin,, MDr., has iscovere-d a eanoe putin prehrrninto olintmentsll which ljkil lice. -ýThis s mprte eS, »bec.ailsetyýphiils alad(1somel oteinfitinsmay be ransmit1- ted býy lice and otherbit ininïjî- seMt. ntrlied tesson 8,00 prion1ersila thle jails (,'asfg ton, P.C., leave lno doubt o!th oiutment's ettficacýy. Among on>re group of 11504 cases treated, flot, oue reqnirdia second application. T-he ohltment must he ke-pt On the body yne longer fhan fitee mn- Utes. U is washed off easlly MitL soa1pand wteand it does fiot perlnanentl'1y stain the cPIotllinL. QUICK C-ONCRETE Truscon Laboratorieslue. has develope a cMer liquid which is spraye-d on wefrcocrteimmeo- iýatelyaftr ifllsinug to eaan iock ilaIthe moisture. ThIe luse of ths iqn,1jpi&J l in' ighwa7 ,Jy const ruL;(- *'si~" SId 1w al uîr.gists-25e, 35c (tub>,5%c md 040O '7 (CLASSIFJ ED 'ADVERT ISEMENTS IJSED CARIS WT ODTRS tors Lmitd. uLJsd Car ota 21140V Yong Sret;Red re, f;3 21Mount Pleasant Rod T- ronto. Telepiionje lEV , 181 od aIlahle in o t red starcd ockrels Aie lt jus f110~h . amloOt A A : SD1-IGS H 1tE l jhret re t'i tive1monhsLteS11cL -w Ilho.. 1.ualite. R . M c r or,,Amheiltburig, ntari, Dîn, RaiO ow Collctin T lip moe oo, o 1,tomion. WeereL i Le FAM F-N AL N ,001 ARS,2IILSTI dcr ,cutvatio .,young ecin, ma to sl os, driv hd letîiy Sehol. Se en mils frinfor tod \oldsu stc, edyie wiha aiy ie!tho labor exmponse o!f huiiag turf, keoping srae wet;, kpïiyinjg paper, buraip ai cotton mifats, ema1king' pipecon- .er thie curug oiedl oe- Tii shrû41 f -the hUcklebeorîyý semetmos ondesn heg tof2 fot.L CLASSIFIED0 ADVE RT ISEM ENT S L Kl A IU NLIAI DESN em,17Avjenu1, 11Tret PýST'lS ECZEMA SALVE !c1aHches and Weepîng 1,cln.ccain , BrnngE e- anS thlee'sFoot will res-pendc rediy- eth tin",ese,oSr GesS oTntmentEardiesDe1Et ho stt.irr o U-pees ,tey ma sCeA-1, P111C; $1. S ÀE .IA Set post ta o recips e. onc iPiSTSNREMEDAEA HAARSVELP DIXNPS HM edy or Re4maic a(,Ner Oirawaeo . l'ostpaiid f$1u00. 25c iPTERSEONPHAOGOSECOVIAN Patent Solcitets. Etais "WOGRK IfS UNEXCELLED" SAYS BRTISH AIRMAN 1var Iloored (fuite a lotiira compîmenary ette' teStar îip Airma 11 frin ' in Cnada - Jnys ('1Bl 1-I or,0el posures. ý - DEVE OI'EiA l IlrIl - il inu will ge . 1napd ou tl will %vae o ete-t eves mei -if 'eu pal eor ilmrels t Itar S cpz i Nt SeRilîeVfer SeV el ing an pniniUen. unS yo1u wlge the remptesi servieohanLI ei yeu-1r nxt Sîlt SEUapehol F L b 1foa tiaS ,EVEL.PED25 "v 0O TDELRGMNS2 LADY HUNTER J FEMALE PNLLS For Painful and DE4,aygd PHONE LL. 3600 For City Dlvr SKY'S DRUG S-ORE 1981 DavenportRoa (,Corneýr U-xbv!de ve. IDDL E- PGEI W EN rso!J) sufer hot laslhes, Iznsscu.t by thls period in oansll trY LYiaE. Pinkham's ýýVegetet Copun ,dMadje sielp o t'o men., Rundre ds o ufanj markably helpedi. Fol ow lbe tlins, Made i naa CLS,FaibyE;Dý ADVER lTISMET UCER, bRE,9C. M v .ly -il- ast a ra - su. crlts PROPEýr-ZTIFS WAYïTD O i1' parîcuarsin ontiduc -crakehe careu_ 'oeli Powelladgeu-îpaVy Clair Eat, oronto g HABý--re! IITc A"ylmàe, RH. , Onarie otten ae the Ae etlll-lîeall lu hunan ~S lae N u m DINORWIC - TOACEL Il il' XN'l'tlli Isir 5.5. No. 1, Seutiîwos 1, ~î O Hartman district et Eloucisi. t ttc salary cxptcied; Soties te 'oui- Zo,'oole, btcreiary. huard ci ' - us- tees-. Diucrwic, Ont REDDITT, ONT. PUBLIC n 'lICOU isunîres tcîchcr for initier r grades I te 1, cosiim~iîeL g t tomhî-î. Sdlary $000.530 nid h se~ $105100. H. W Geceltul 0w, Ft Trea - p - QIJALiFILI) t'ROTEST tNT Te b- c-r fer bS. Ne. 5, Ciiahoas, .~s - ami $lilt .Apply te Jr,. Cc Jtu Stouglîbemî, e'nlabogie, Ont W'sNTLD TEAIHER FilE as, No. 2 Anlisty. State ssotlîtscal Salnry $000 for sînalifioS te. t r. E. F. Grifflilîs, OxSî,iî Omît. BANCROFT GIIXUL 1' iON Lt usd0,5 SOtool roonires a', - -t- dut teneher. Sslary .8 î-îOll.00. . tii- ply statimug oxperioîiç-e, ,jtrsî ~ lieus cii., te Normasi IRto I -1h beer otan -Trcastmrer et tîme I itt~~ croît Scheol Iloard. TÈAQ'HEF,, P1'tOTESTANT '~ E lies Int. Diplema, Cirades l'-9 or J'eliette Erigliali Sîheel bit tay 's $180 plus $1445 bonus, tp~l :mi nierlirteli te W IIsgg e Trens. fouette, Que RENT, QU 'ILTII'IED TO 0f 1211 for Fb. No. 11, Ford Cou-', sniary £1,1 00.00. O pply ASt n i Tet'x nuit, R 2, Iieer Lino, Ici' TFACH' 30 FOR PUBLIsI' cf Hî)tsJ. No 4 Ballour Apply ~îs spahIs, r tor. Sr le, y fit,- ireeecsuî i-a iîdri5, tîfie. '1, Eheir isîs rd Ont.