ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST l2th, 19i43 Mrs. Fred -Covan îs visiting ;Wi Loa Ne soclN w ber sister la Peteiiboro thîs week.Loa Ne socl ew Mr. aniid Mr-s. James Engieuson Rev. W. T. R. Delve, B.A.,BD. spent "a few day~s this week ini ther and MAilyof Woolr, r vsit 't e. Cliarle(s Miler, Mentre,wa artmef(,ilts in Pe2terlborýo. 1With tefmrsm otpue, Mrs. ho [0!oer h eked Mrs.Pepamwlio h<lias 1been visi eveilso his aunIls. rv s in . Mer-vyn Keane ishodayg Curtis. -, 11i i bLng wlfl her Sst1,-Ir. h asl ]eýft for lier -Home ,on Thiursdykt The msigsjfe lis been f ound.1 Vil. Rchardsopýened the F". 1F. Vo Store in Oroo, ý h-(lie cae to Vtheconl- Vilusion after looking around thaut the, store ïrlIiL ben r1 ed soretime thirougli the igh1-t, as lie disuover-ed thait the sfeWas risingfom 1ils usuial pblace, Later on lie found -out flhat men f-oým the F. F. Morris Co. et ormanvilecamle down on Wed- nesdiay afternioon, and wAiiiheut noti- 43ying Mr. Richardrs, took the sale awyat Bù,wman ville. RIEPAIR Your RADIO Now Don't wait until parts become srarce. For your convenience we carry a comuplete fine of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If unable to bring your radio to the shop, Phione Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX he1deI theparad-ue at Bla ksýtock on tended'divie ser iý lathe Anica liainl chrgeof the service. A sledi oad ihin li thecourse cf cnstrctio fro Mv.Jon Bet' orner to'Claske Unio)n. A s is t me case -w ith a r-en-ewevd or recbut ron"d, a pei ;d oficoe- icean-dcurtailed. speed must lie faced 'by the travelling pub)lio, but the future promiseýs a higiway sec- 'onld te none in this particular in- Aroundýc fifteen member-s cf the Orono Fis-h and Hu1-nt Club wen,-on their ish'ng xpeition on the -Bay cf Quinte near Picton on Wednesda ' la sit. W'e ho-Pe on their return that they, will 'le aible to sapipýjy everycarc in tlie villaýge witb a fish i or two. We have eus order in for -on, Surely that will n-t 'le toc> many,escil ]y witb alI the ex0pert fisbmenoýj taki'ng in the day,. 'Mr. Mlil .Staples -eccuLpied the pu,,lpit c>f Park St. Chiur-cl last Sunday mI'orning. Basing i',iis ermon theme upen the storyv of Josephi's 'dem.Mr. Stapfles fashioned ýfr'om bhe -Ol'd Te1stami-ent nraie a dis- I omurse bth inter'esting and thouglt- provoling. The service was furtlier enban'ced 'by a linautiful vocal solo by Mws. A. A. Drumnirnd. Mrs. O. Sandeseo'ck pi'esrled at the 'ergan. The forepart cf tis week, two iOsonio pecfeirouglit into this office 'potate Vines -with round pieds on, re- s-embling- tomnatees, end whihil we al- so thouglit rwese -small tomate-es. UPOýn naking enquiries fromn a num- ber of thbe vegetable men, we were inform-ed that ýthese are call-ed po- tato bobs, and -wlen tbey arè ripe the seed inside ea ie planted from which iwill grow nrew seed patatces. The fish lrir arrived back home safely Wedaeýsday cvening. They bnci a marvellous day, wibh en-ch- one MýIing baek with a jnaiden's blusb oni bis face. Something like twenty- five fish were caught, se m-st of the people in the village 'are out f luck. We ey.pectec tlei-emta .bing hem-e abu one huindred al tgthr 'While 'out in tihe boat, the water was a Lttle rougli and it is sepostedi tiliat three -were seaeick. Cooking Onions, 4 Ibs. Cooking Apples, 6 qt. New Potatoes, peck New Carrots, 2 bunches Celery, bunch Shredded Wheat, 2 boxes, Thrift Soap Flakeslge. pkg. It Brown Shoe Paste, tin 29c 30c' 55C 15C 10e 23eý 35e 10e Fivç Roses Flour, 98 lb. bag $2.98 Monarch Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 85c Neilson's Cocoa, lb. -tin 29 c Dry Beans, hand picked, 4 Ibs. 25c Chioride of Lime, pkg. I Oc Dice Sugar, .2IL carton, with 2 coupons 25c Celery Seed, 2 ozs. 15C .Habitant' Vegetable Soup, tin' 10c Alymer Asparagus Soup, in 1 Oc Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 lb. bag 69c J. J.- CORNISH Deliveries every Tuesday and Saturday mornings Misson hylli Lwdn ofthe Oron Mr. udso(n returned hollme or Mrs. Sii- York,Iidai viiting %wïi.l r. anld Mrs. George York. Mr'. Jessýe l.tir and 'wife, (À Chicago, are vstn il Mr. -Ore2l 'MIr. and Mrsý. Nra rdh of Ajax, are ,visiting wîvth Lii' P. J. Mr'. Julhn Armstroug bas haid thle roof of Ilus residence r-b idand insulated.' i'. nnd Mrs. Fr-ed Tam-iiblynset the we-n with Mi,. nnd Mrs., VanH-orne. Mrs. P. J.C, ipan is visiting- with her dlauLgiliter, Mrs. Ross Broomie in Toronte. Thie simigtank at OroineComi- iminity Park lias again heen opened to- the puiblic. Mr. Neil Wodi as joine(dli~p with the -R.C.A.F. and is nove stationed at Lachine, Quebec!. Missý Kathleeni Stalpi-es, of Bra-t- ford is hedigler vacation witb Mr-S. Car'l Bl-s Mrs. Pe-eil and da'ughltei, r Ms. Hu- glins, of Peteriono, are v-sitilng withl Mr. annd Mrs. Fredl Dunc.111 A numÉber ocf aur village racing fans attencled the -races at New Hamn- Mrs. D'we, ve 'undorstand1, has rented a bouse i ne~at and i- tends to nmove ýthe end of Augu-Ist. MT. Archie Watson la 110w con- nieded witli the A-nmed F-orces 'ancd us stationed in Ilhree Rivers, Quebec. iMrs. H. Tudley, Beillevi Ji' anti Mkss, D. Manbee visited oves the we-ek-end witb. Mrs. James Dilcloon. WMi. and Mrs. Gi-ddus Jones andi TýiIeen spýent Sunday at the bomec of Ms. anti Mrs. E. E. Petterseon, New- castle. Mr. aind 'Mrs. Vanileorne, Whitby,l and -Mr. andi Mrs. Cedell, Toronto, spent lnst 'week wýith Mr. anii Mrs. Pnred Tantbly'n. Mr. and 'Mrs. TRoy Pouwers left for their hime in Toronito after oidy -ing wi-th the fermesr's parents, Ms. and Mrs. C. L. Poýw-ess. MsIIs. Dean ICarseadden left on Tuesday last f-e-r Ariory,Maiea whese sihe -ill visit witbli er son, Mr. ýG. D. Oarseadden. Mr. andi Mrs. A. H. Keane and - Mr. -ani Mrsî. Neil Porter piciied at thbe park on Sunday last andi en- jeîyed the band concert., Nowce-I .YIha e a Fighiting AiJ a in Double-Quick Tint'e The R.UC. A.UF wants MIORE -Able-Dodied men for Aircrew IÊ~HERE'S a place actually waitinç for you ini the gallant band now flyîng and fighting in R.C.A.F. planes on many different fronts. More men are urgently needed to increase the attack- to? bomb and blast the enemny inro uncon-ditional sur- render. So; whatever work you are niow doing, don't let adventure and glory pass you buy. It's your great chance. A job, even in a war factory, is no longer as essential as pghting iii the air. This is a cali to every young Canadian %vho Can make the grade. Planes and Schoois are Ready- ta Train 'You Quickly You. will be in Air Force unifori right away. No more delay getting into aircrew. Basic training begins at once. Skillcd instructors are waiting, Fast planes are waliting. If you are pbys Ically fit, mentally alert, over 17,1 and flot yet 33, Yeu are eigible. You do flot require a Higb School educatioxL Aircrew Heeded Mow for Immedicie. Training a£ MIOTS NAVIGATORS BOMBERS AIR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS 2 Cý i Recruifing Centres are Iocated hi the princîpal cies of Canada. Mobile recruiting units visit smrailer centres regulazly. Large numJber from tlie villagellIEx -Warden JoIhn Watson, formuer- ex-grnne wardem. 'One tirne upon ____________________livin~g with his daughter in TuoQto jBcownian-v7il1e, Mir. W-atson said, Jfor anome timie died at 'the nvne ¶el Dave, how are yctl, I haven't Iage of ninety-nine years. The old i seen you for, the past se.ventyýflv8. [wà v m -u xNIwtimers in Orono willlremenimber this 1 yea-rs." HUN-LYl Clover sold out. Do iiot leave containers for honey. r Ail orders previous to July l2th will hé filled on Saturday, August 14th, afternoon and evening CHAS. R. KNOX, Orono Phone 42r2 1 - m p Ms. Esn-est Annable, Toronto, lias been visitin'g 'With -Ceeu malley's, 'and a-lac niledi On MT ROY Barrabal aniMr. a-ad Mrs. ýChas. Woocd. Mi. anti Mis. Hasolci Hancek andi Elleen, Northi Oshawa, spent a f ewv -days last 'week visitig witb Mr. andi 'Mrs. Vkito>r Hamleoék andt other re- latives. Mr. Allan iHlal, oui' lumber kng hais 'bouglit tthe Steker residence en Park street, now ooupieci by Mss. -Gerge McKenna andi faily. AI. will so'on m-ove to -Orono. Mrs. R. H. Ransberry and family stiurned] to their home ýin Montreal on Sund-ay ilüst nfteT spending -a -menth's holidays with lier, parents., Mr. andi Mss. Fred Duncan, Ms. Arche Little, 9f Regina, on bis wmay te Ottawa, stappedi -off for a short visit -ithi frientis in Orono and thie surrounding district. HRe is a son of the late Fraser Little. Mss. Prank C~ooper sufered a liemmorhage of tbe eye anti was taken to Osbnwar baspitai on'Set-' usd'ay least w1here she uniderwent an -pe'ation for tlte-reiovaiof the eye. Sie li doing nicely. -Mr. Wm. 'Eck,aauiod Grona boy, wbvo lias se successfulIy menaget the W'oriig Boys' Homne at "Oak- hbîam lieuse" in ->tioîntown Toronto, was recently alopointedti' th ue pos- tien of superinbendent et the Ci- 'drens' .Dietention LTne"311 Jarvis street MUiss Eileeni E. Jiones, -f Ajax, xrko last w-eek spent lialf of liés bolideys witli lerparents here ai the latter part with her 'brother <lifford P. Jones, Ai-Tort Trafflie Control Offiýes at London Airport, seoturnedi on Sat- urday by Trans-Ganade Airways te M2iton. Orono Tinshop If you needa New Furnace your order should be in before Sept 1 Governmnent Orders R. E. LOGAN PROFRItETOR Cehidre St. Orone Phone 80r16 PARK ST. UNITED GHURGR Rev. S. Litttlewood The followirsg arraingenment hais beeni madle for the services durîng tihe month of August. Serviceis will be at il a.m. only. Ang. Aug. Asug. 15--Mr. J. 22-Ms. 'J. J. 'Melles. J. Mejlosr. J. Mellor. You are eordia.lly invited te j Jthlesie services 'of worsbip. I Coa-ae wit-h our elîdrerî. Corne with Ivour visiters. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 DRESSES Ail our Spring and Suuimer Dresses in one and tw9 off. We will not allow any dresses to go out on piece. They ail go on sale this month at 1-3 per cent approval. SPREADS 'Made of good Chenile, SHOES size 90 x 100, in aIl col- Balance of our bargain ors, priced $7.50 to counter shoes, pr.. 39c. $16.50. Loaf Cheese 39e Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. Oxydol giant sîze 79. Fresh Side Pork lb. 30f eio Newv Potatoes pek Zinc- Rings dozen Quart Jars dozen $1019 Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35c. Loin Pork Chops lb, Clover Leaf Herrinigs lb. tin Sunlight ~'Soap 4 bars A - RED&WIIITE STORES SPECIALS IThursday, Friday and Saturday QTJALITY H-IGIIER THAN PRICE 1---- a IV,