QTTAWVA REPORTS That t oig& War Re:tric- tins in Canada as in England are not MkeY te be Iiftd sooo end that"sbsidis have been Ai grat becne fit to t e oi ri a ry crotcîsm, lnirovd, ic riuvirteof diu- tatorliahýs cacedwili thea(crash etMussýolîni, and fl1e suimnar ine, wars et thie timeliasflt r toia uik liftinig 0f retioing aadï fiis eesng of ieshing iu tiulrl)te lifinïg of co1tee ra-" gi u is to ornle liopus iniCn daof iîsdaeeeirtoso :11'o gretardy aotatn B tIli svrd rom t hoseeat Ithe lime i-nt et iCndinstr ti time bilae toi remnfuy "et wrluoithehoe front asýj Sujcte to estictlios ,-onta lmttosand donp. Not by G clngesýt strutcli Mf imaiginatlioni WCeu rainnaàlaCanaapmant piainin aa!y co1nmodity, naev- us eles i isrecognizad by theý autorities thaýt il look considu,- eleselfdscplnefor a ati) of1frue -atn]dIllith1eto g0nirurite pepeto doâ s qn yiuclyendp- ne-s. Aad thue is algrublia Scate'd lis prescnurnewitli CaadennwspJaperm1,elnlat1ic paîlamet bildngsat Ottawa a? few 't' go, Sir John AndLerson, Lod nrsdea f rtaîîsPrv Cooncil end dierged prilarl 1ritein homelfonit, said that the pe o f Bilattin, nmucfs or- eav- il usrctdin their rsojý0nal aatgand pleasur e halbits, 1ru- mendpatienit, w itili1o sigls wotve f restivues 'udu tcrheaVier burduns>,. Thu onl lbî la flic old land, le ei, a e t"de c 0tl aliidya ay t tlie seciore-a bit oa travel whlclril ot ecvrgdb the ritili athortiesbecaseor lt was esuotily astlmeted hre over île wek-ed ltht Cen ada's effort 10 protect lfier Nprîce, certain commodiies woid cos;Ltit $20f000,l isteed 0f the S$120, 900,00 wicWFinance -Minister J. LIslygot front arlametli mnyvote- Tlie WarýItimle Pia adTrade Board ln(ie,)ofigsre raadywdsçlwnubldsupport or, con)a tra it f stiimatu bit aot l sam fueFnacMnitrIsu anaouiced la Saskîtawan thal, the priceceliagon th nucss tics nf life ha'd savud [lie people Sa tpatrtu factwoud seem to, 'e thet î,the nrdliary mahomte, Vir a hme 0sf the worker witli a rop-0f, dhi]Iren 10 fead a-,ad clothe, is ratral euiing fromnt ad' pe ciimed stil idizationpoiirlttea- ter ,ost b le c100000 tm etdortle$00f00'wih ore rcentLly asbeuofia- ly claimed. Axis plane Output Doubled By U. S, - - i t ed12 N ations eircr aft pro - -- Î.nno c aou hre- ti-e 1-ISTORIC CHÂTEAU FRONTENAC MKES 'HISTORY AGAIN Ihe tarlin apearace f M. Curc i a tiuebec and theconfer--ice o F the Bîiii4 an Candin arCaintsini the itoi h au ,rontea will be followed Itr ya rehgw Mr oseut Tehteja'be a1) vs'b hsGvsînstfolfrsvua ek OF îIlE somBING 0F ROME Prýv Jotet aai n tlebmign boe wbo fild 10 mietni n cathea 111e Co Ivryen thtbe aîsemylad takn a hua J.s k -Winaipeg Ti-ibune. -o- J aautla puViar ysnliudton (mleru-hieproducnjacces nI île is m lernngbo a bki adgs seiseasbig ,as pe,asd f, crse PROPAGANDA Fo0us a u c m p t v l o m ci , w b i m a bAvetic drsi tmka i iiiie ïulmoutoIn i Jurn of l !ein sep nt ýaad-aqu lums f nolAgc -Ki i agstn \Vi - t'sna il OUT 0F CIRCULATION Nazis once wýidely ditrit(icd caý,ldars carrying Ibis picture of a te-rror-inspiring Stuka dive bomber witll Mt. Etna as e hickdrop. But Allied victorias in Sicily hiave mede, these calcnars out cof date. eomme)ind ia tlie Sicilien campeigai. "M'onty" has- bestowuýd Ithe higli- REG'LAR FELLERS--SpelIs Trouble ndsitn île ýreýord lime 0fit12 Fciday imorning. Wýitb jusi vr2 liouisconitund, te anme ln BMonrual Airpriueply Sunday 1,5 liors :nd sixKmules aitertake- off, bavinig -faced rantom tlîîougiot 11 etir cossng Thus, lMsechan 72 baurs, or Ilîree days as Canadiensus oualy mark lime, were equirud tot- wjitli a bit n îatu abu- tanin. Tiesasibindtnpfcm Monti- (ial was arcod lîpio,1g off2F, non-sop Iligit from Mclntipcleu sigmetsnIarmiy mail w(r cr bau 1tp le lante wa ila claiga0fCai. ERonald F ere oprein ianager onIjTranls-Can- aaAir iias, whue on!the ratura lin chage0fCapI. M. BC"ock" Barcflay, cioo l . .serv- iceU jl,'dei-s for, Scout Troope la Canýo- ada due ' 01' en 1 lt(2sunt S iia Ib E lo rices. Scoliiigin etIrlm.N.l, carius, on awit!j pntof vigor., Tha ecrii-eitît fomtjic nuar-t by Royal An.Fre sain a Debe-,iiBr'itisli Scouits av tku rpi, ukan r raigor assstig wtli19 olfCul Pcks Cu ib24, umerand Groapl Captan WodinStation O. n colastiie wrkso liai tG iea on tisir raua 0 i-ualo rilain. d V s 70;* Elevebasyead i-d Dnld Puns, of Xyinoie, Pasrlir iet astre- Sco ut in anioa.l ucn(yDn ald wsas prusenl)a ed wilis 700-le wo rk lis raagnd tram ollein la1 tle cily. Shoriage ni'f annwurlaIth1e caretaker of St.cMalys Cudi -Windsor sitli more worien lim ie- coluld posscibly accomliffli with the cdurci,,tparisli hali,cmer, aa ajrge gru'da tocar"- for, fat!dW10tis epcuri, bave solved the problum ivM aotng a Patrol Taoe award0f te Victria Cross ta Wving (Commander GuypPA raid 'oncGermany, bringe 10 ti' e have iaunawaretl une idri Crossalathls wsr Owens Il tu Lay grats ir the Unýite taecMltai".ae my wat Whi att oitinr" Oer or ti grdales were Scof~ t U.S. Naval Acad 1 y, 1w fte1 38~~~~~~Ii nIte7 rauvsili oost The ladan lix al eOsia Fuad raîed b theBoyScouts 0fo (1t-ua Brtai as a i ýioi peto- mrThie inoyliaaIil been 10- vesi,,ýtd l a oshiAe pt tue close f tbewar amenloi, li sd a etefor Sine Y oeIl ot te( Notonl ar ouathe Cil on miiiy înela'iso tachala wahe, rs.u HLf Clleadr a eet cllorseîil wreLay Cbmstrs Nlatteeded Imm.,iîteiu l for i0te",iewwtvc .F ýjJacrk and Pa1t; A Verontfarmr ws plwîn aJ'd ihdn h u u, t a yellng "idda , Ja, Gjddpl "How any nmes doea yoi "Oh," snid thme frmE!, 'i n ie i Jck1bu 5l mides't cno bis vin tregtbSoI pu blut a n,,. H! tnks ll ,els ti -'r Iu~-slelpîng ,,hu." Ship~uIngItir.S USCOTCHI DIENOS'," "xpoR S, i lb. Tobacco -- BRIER SMOKING oea,, MACOONALO'S FINE ÇUTS (withpper~ là, DA)ILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO oqade SD1dierI l e Conodîo Am OERES CANADIANS Oxi UNITED KINGDOM FRCS Mcil Oedeýr endReitc o- Tl!MW 1f8sbettayc'~ iGvren Ila EByCGE NE BYRNESýýl 200 BAY ST, TORONTO. WA. 4731 t' L iL TjK Our Unlls-ted Depaïtnient w2iIsuïpply late-uf o- matioli and quotationâ on lCaaincomipanie. COGRRESPONDENCE INV!TED Miembers Tbronto SokEeag B - 71'juy- -- SON LUI Ifý ', WA. . 47.3101 200 BAY ST. TOROIýTO.