LYTi ES Vol. 7. No. 31'. ORONO, ONT., T-HUIŽSDAY, AUG. I9th, 1943 Subscription $1,25 Per Year T"hieves Break Into Orono' Creamery Andl Steal $3,OOO In Cash Stormy Weather Prevailed' When Orono Fish Club Visited- Pîcton District Orme Gamaby Catches-ihih Pole and Reel Frc m Lake Bottom. Last week thec 'Oreno Fish anid Hunt Clb, unide-r the guidanece ut îts president, Dr. -I\cenizie, visited ýDon. Thnurs'ton's at Picton, Ont., -where they fished îooe black bass al ~day and avaere succesaflla bringing "bheme fitty-li-wo 'black UIass thiat ý"wigheýd frein one hal-f pound to fouar ponseacb. TJhee iwere siiteen in the party :and theïy left Orono at six o'cltoc'k la tibe nonlng. 1ts surprising how -many peoph'e tel pou that the e. aa'V seep la the niorning ind hew f ew are xeady te go and edont lookl, lektry ,eyed at Thiis eaily houx. The 'party had t-we, boats, 'acoent thirty f cet long, and fishied withl ive -m'tinnows and -worns, on shoals in 1ife Ontario rwbere the base on gregate lte sun temsles r ~TIuYvton and bisý sou Bil l ait tlie ihoolis and tike off the fish, se there inay lie a demiandfox r'ckýi rng la irýs \,,-ion'g our trout streamis aifter thlis Eviryho in't catch fsb. Jadk Morris, 31ads'on Hall, Clbarlcy' Tyý,rrell, Jim-i TamnThîpa, AI). West and 'Orm-e GOam-shy eaim tley neyer hiad a nibble. Hcwever, th(,lie tnpwast a1 eon-iplete lose to OrmleGasy for- he lad tour behpings of roast ýcehicken and n11-vIotat-es and tlree ýJios cf ice cýrcain fox dinuer and uea-ug'ht as hrand aew astigrod wilih a reci and inoi on ilt off thc bot- ' tom ut 'the 'haetbat was inarked ý$27.5O and that bue is 'feigfor $7,95 icash, but svbea thc lake got ToGugli low 'Orme did wish hle ladi Iceavaed to walk on the watev. Hývcn though e-tihe boys meationcd ididat catch any fisli, doa't thinle they didn't try fiard and long. Wher Sthe 'waves 'wuve higliest and tbe boat relcked aio(st, Charhey Tyr-reli anil Ab. West sang a very touching mel- ,dy to the lishl with a hula u hla ar- rangement 'indcr the able direction oýf Perce Lunn. MUadison Hall broug,(hut two saad- ->wi,îhes that lie 1msd'e bhlmseif out cf twý,o leaives of bread and s hag of oniens hh lie carried in a suit catse. The sandiwiohes were a trile~ thick but good. For a uwhite it l-oed' as tbouefh JerLk Morris was goitg te give the fl*;sli a cbickeni dinrer' with all the Special Music At Park Street Service, The congiregation of Park eSt. uniite-d Churcli was afforded a rare inusical treat ias't Sundfay mcorning. A vocai duet liy Mrs. IHilda 'Oriyderý- man -and Miss Nancy Jermiyn, and lister i the service a solo hby Mrs. Cryderman provïded a highly aippreý ciated~ suiprise for ýall !present. Pollowmig the beniediction Mr. R. E. Logain, on behaif cf the choir. moved a vote of thanks to the 'two ladies who are filom, Vernon, British Ceihmbia, and are guestsz at the hue e f 'r and Mirs. F. W. Tân-- blyn. M.iss Cry'derm!an graciouslyr responded. M1r. J. J. IMellor O'ccupied the pul- pit in thie ab)sence cf the pastor, Reiv. S. Littlewood. Mr. WMellor in- tejctdinto his sermion theme that touch of frankness, hunmor and realI- ISm1 ivhich bas win hiým many frie n ds. He willpreacli again on Sunda4,y, Au-Lust. 22nd, Iand udy Augu[st 929tli. GereG. LaIw, Clar-ke To'wniship, tpassed raway at bis homne at Lot 19, 'Conccssioni 2, Clarkýe, igs iRoad East: '-on Tu'esdayv, Autgust, l7th. Thie funerJial wvill fie held fr cm his late esdneonursd i,-tigst lOth. Se'iewill be-,held a t wihinterment in Lakeview vCerne- tery, Newtonville. trimings, but ýbeing a frugal mian he hieid ut 1hiy sitting in a pool cf -water on a 'clair. Gordon andIC Bill Watscn eaeli cauglit a fish 'but it made them se siok :thfat they hoe upe\-erytùing , but'Uheir underweari and shoe laces for the fish. Jim Tamnibipn didn't ýget any fish se took off al bis dilothes and toi)k a --un bath so lie could pr-ove to his faiiy that lie had been fishing. Dick Log-an cau.glt the firsit fiaýh whidih made tose 'ld and expert fishermien Ilke Dc MIcKenizie, Johni anid Bill rstog Perce Luxn, Charley Froste, Neil Porter 'and Bill Davey look pretty chea, but they Settled rigeiht down li usnssfo thon on with ',Iiqt determiiined loLok, on, their fraces and hauled out fif'ty-. One More. Bill rmtrng even caught 'a ses aguil, so yon coaa'see hovw lsa id e wsteo have a novice likeDiMc& Logan lcatch lthe firs sh Hnonour Newlyweds With Presentation A larg-e gstheriag of people -ath, ofer ad 'iee but t b"udlore you to ered at Newý,to)nwile Commmnity Hall deatili. e know potu woli't take it, 'on Wednesday night last to hnorse we'll just save our breath. an~d to con'grattulate the newl? Mar- Dear Mary: We&ve known pou for ried couple, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold mlany a year. You"îve aiways been Wade (nec Mary 'Henderson) on fr,ïindly and fuli of good cheer. We their recent marriage. hope you'ill be happy 'and kçnow that Rev,. R. E. Morton who united the you wlll find that the foIks in the couple la miarrflage 'xas as'ked toact villag-e are friendly and kinsi. S<-as ehairmian fir the evening. Dear Arnold: W&Veve kino'wn p ou tIe Mx. Morton called the gathering most c f ypour lite. We hope ou1 te ordex -and with Dorothy Sit-paca lie happy with Mary pour wife, and at the ýpiano they alil j,)in-ed in singl- a's the anniversaries roll around m-tay ing "O Oanads;". 'Mr.i-, orton then pou have hs contentmnent, lo)ve and made a few joiby reirarks and tihen hupne and tra' e eories. uelalled 'on Florence Lchr for a Best -wishes te yov i oth, coç,ngratula- musical section, also a solo by Kath- tiens toc. iLnaiý l tihe icys pou know leen Sinipson, and a musical secr- to'day he yo'urs a lifýte-lime thro'ugh. tien by -Murray Pay-ne. Mrj. Moiut'on SipnedýL on fielisîf cf your ma1,11y tIen 'called tihe bfride and groomn to ftiondlis. Thie emiteMrs. Earl [he platformi, and the floigadI- 'W'aikey, Mrs. SidneyLa' astr, Mrs. i< ressa was read iy M'M-s. Wes. St'i'n- W'es Str'ingerý, D'orothiy Simpsoni. er. Tho1se ia the0comittuee adle the S To Mr. 'and Mrs. Arnold WadeQ. peetain t e bridle anid groomi D lear Arnold 'and fMarp: We comne cf an oiecetrie floox l'anip, ani electr'ic heve 'nigh o bring goýod wisli- kitcho1n àkiock, a cobatn es and Vo start pou eut ight.There sinokex mýid imaga'ýzine rack. pve youung follks and clii folks, the The gýOoiîiniade a very suita-ile 'boys and the gais, y'our friend1s ai reply on bichi fis bride lan thanul- relatives, 'pour neiglibours and paIls. ing their Tay rierds Por the giftsz. - V elve comec from the counitr.y, tne Then they ail jie aSin1g11ng village and te'wns, 'we've powdered "For 'bbIey ~are j'Oly gcod f ellows," -cur noses, put 'oni our best gowns. and the remnainder of the e'veaing We&ve cofme on our bicycldes, bu'ggies was spent in cliatting snd dancing ' ad cars, and some on shaak'li ponies to the imusiecof Chas. Gowan's or- < by the hieht of the stars -Wý-cauld chestra. FIGH-TING FRENCH CORVETTE SINKS TWO U-BOAiTS Action ~picture taken by the crew of the F';gi-ting French i Cor>4 vetLte F,.FS. Aconit durieg an Athiantic 'oonrvoy battie on,,1O.3.4ý3 irn wýýhieh she san~k two. Ii-(boats liy gurieand rnnming. Picture show,ýs: Af ter the '4cease iire"-Lhe Aconit's scecond sub- miarine victim heels ovýel as The ,-, Ig'h inlg Frsciîlh Corlve-tte ste'ams ini to give her th, -cou~p deigac New Ration Books W iII - Be Distribuited Auig. 26-28 Phlis ace 'w v complete fol. the distibioncf Ceuper RLatin Book No. la'ChrkeTowas1hip dutring VIe tlre dp e Agt261,.27dti a 1d" 28t1. Cosoer a* skd o fil in ticJ aApplication' card in 0hei(oh boolks betoe taingthein te I dstribui- tion pitfor aa a o. Beoi( îs bid by afil per1S0lns oeer14 yea!S 0,f agel nýllst ho igne IytIc hoider.. Per-. sons wbro are staying -':awey frolm illeir uisual residerice rnlay obta"In their beC)Ks at ai»y distrib-utien peint but mnust give t hcir hoiïne address. Ia 01,o1o0the-,beCks wihlie is4rb utcd ia thetov hall, andi thp diff cx- ent dates andi times wvihl be as fol- lors : Tliursday, August 26t1, froni 2 lic 5 p.m.; 'rdaAuguist 27tb. frein 2 Vo 5 p.m., in tIc tteiioon andi frein 7 Vo 91p.i.nlu Veveniag, and VIe lasit day, SaturdlayAgu1 28t1, froini 2 Vo 5 p.rn-. Rartion beelýs 'wil'h also-leissuesi at Nesmýcasti1e Coauniiiuni'tpi Hall; Mer- crsStore, Kendal, andi te school1 hiiusc e t Neartonville. TIc, býools wilh lic issuesi at these Vrepae or the s"arne dlays andi tirne as thoee et Oreno.i Suninier Camp at Oak Lake TPhis year, 194, arks one cf tbe meost sncces'sful pears la tIc lieet the Oak Lake Suniner Scbool. The camp copened 0on saturday, July 24th, with a rco(rd attendianice cf sevcaty- fiv-e 'studeiits-. Undex ordina vy cix- cunsaacsit wonid taise someVtine te liecome sequainitesi with se miany per-sons but rŽ't se at Oak Lake Campj. A ficndiy spirit prevailcil andi there grew qjp la a short Vune a ea utif'ui fe howshi p that -will ne er UTndeýr the hcadersfbrp etf11ev. C. D. McLchLand cf ircctcr ct thecap along wlt'b lis able assist- ants, tic camp provesi botb helptul anienjoyable, W e wcre vcry for- tunate lansc 01i11euxcampcek îMrs. Cuie et ofWoedvihle, who bas servoi ed ilhs 'capaciýity sic elficiently fla fermery'rs Sunday wa utdaýy la cnp. Ilaie the lrvnagwe d ccv Curcli service 'alid cmuinservice la 'thc uutudoo)capla beaut itul spot overloooksln'g the hamke and srer' Lcd by stattehy oaksý. Here lan VIls gr'eait en-o-dor AGsi seemed very iraaxto ecI ard evcry Te.'he MeT(ssag:e deiverosi hy Rev. -M. C. Fisfier ot ofv)e's Landiag nwas sa mlost inspîring arilptul ore. Or Sunday avtemil wew(erelonoured by' a' visitreinDr. A. J. Wilson cdi- Vbor of thte iitcd ý'luuc b Oberver,* wîo presenI,.tê te I aiprs Ie work Camps). At the canmp fix-e ser- vice at niglit Rcv, Gray et Stirhing wvas preseat te give a mesg o Vie On Monday VIe camp re'ally geVo urderway wlthj the usue-l full day's progIraimme. At aine a'chohk everyone gatheresi in VIe cutdoor cliapel for the rnorning -,A1orship, 'undier the lea- ersnhip cfi11ev. S. Litthewoe)d et rn.1e (chose foribis talle"TIc lloly Sii"and ecc mrnng le *111ntd a rvealrgwap diifferl- 1ýnt phmses et ti topiFiTe }lyý -4pirit and batI""The o y Spiit unai Pewr" ec.Thesepriose ~lernîg dvotorwere a sournce* ot nphhý't and thedaýy sendthc mor-e *rorth~whih witbsucb abeutti 'Osenre importan.t lessotin thbc)ay illSceemliglter nd(1riderI.ifw trt~- o Gdfor ae fcw inuites ila rhpbetoxe we beg,,,In our daihy 11wg vworalip the daihy stn ud-y pcilod's geV 'urder waly. ThueeWere ' tirce be-ckground cuse o chose from : (I.) "flow the Bible cae o Se," nader the leadeshýp of Rev. C., D). McLe1llard; (2 ) "Wlat dcoes 1V mecan Vo be e Christiain," led by R11ev. R. Il. Wplie ef Celibus; (11) "The3 patternanad lpewer c f a newwoi erder," led hy Rcv. F. R. Valnder- bjuvngli, Oahcw(odl. LaVer on la thec morning Cibe Mý,ethosi Coui-(rse wcxc held1. Agnýin, the c-amnpers culd cloose one froni these thrce to-pics: (1) ",YounigPue- pies a'creut,"led by 11ev. S. Lth- Oood t Orno; (2) -Worshi fr Youthi," led by Rcv. D, . od hesecfAraipriýox; (3) "Youth mdùl Itimzcaship," led liy Rcv. Md. C. Fisher of Gore's Laading * The camper-s, in 'ordier'Vo gain a ce ifiaelathese cour-ses 'wue r c- 1'irdte_ attend lasss ed write four -isslgnmc'ntçs. They resporded aibully to_,theix duties aiiilor tiie clesing(- day of campqi eighty-six cer- tificates wcre prcsented -whic-h 15 a very finle record for Ûbbc camip. The> camp was vcry fortunate iii secLUringig s the missionaarýy speaker rer, VIe re Mr. Surijit SnlM. B.A., cet India.TIl hs addresses Mr. SinigIfolcwcd VIe davelo,.pnient cf tie V'M-iiaary Movemient Vîxeuliý, 'he centuries dewa Vo tic prýeseant day. Oin'e lecture le devoed Vo bis -wa coeutry India. Hî-s hast lecturre en1 the nmcanirg etofthe Cfiristian meenntwas poraps the mo-lllst 'beantiful of theill-all. lInV l, nom- 1pared a m11-issienaavp ,to a sculpter amoetask it is te ilild out cf,;rs tisa nand crein mateialCiris tien 11personahities ma'de in tic mag 'if G-CI. He rcferrcd tVo the Ki'ng- dem cof Godj as a lieuise, rot meide cf sodor 'torle, but nmade etf h iumerý-i uersoaahltie len and slapdatter, the likencess efthtic image cf Ch1rist. Mr. Sirgî added mach Vi o tVie ap noV only 'by bis fine adsebuilt al1so ly bis filace prsor1ity 'Wu will ver fenge(t M1.Sigsred tilin t tc enatfi Sorlg'"or "O neý figrone tuil kcep mvr" But ah i-ovkand no pl'ay mke Jeck a-1duli bey. Thiere were ne duifl Jak s t Oui akeCampt.Rcr- tion ircceive an11 lmnprta1nt par t in the dI'iitviie. La h& moa10i -g 1 a1 fieý't hýuoux et gaines wa1s mui ca- ioyed unde (VIeSýjpendIid ardcpal îiie(ti'on or 11e. l.H.Wdlos ('t Araipricor. 'Tle campor"is ail feit vexy rauetuiËteMr. Woedhousc for teachirg theni se mary new gines te Vale !auc Vo~'bcixYe'ung PeopIe's Unions. The aftrnoons -were devot- ed Vo sports ansid swirinm-iing. Twe (Ceatinuesi, on Pace Eiglit> Some 0f The Envelopes That Held the Money, Were Found Near'Whitby RED CROSS NEWS The Orone Branehch ethVe Red Gross Socety las 'been carrying- on during- the summi-er ntoatlis and many oet eux womenarae dcing seving snd knittinig, even thougl gardeniag, canning, and hiidatyiag take up s0 mnuch of thoýix time. Now that ourý ow.n Ganadian boys are iavolved la the greatest h;attles that have been going on sinze the liegiaaiag of the waxý, nearly four years ag, 'we wvlll 011l lýe anxious Vo keop supplies mev- in-gin laase of emnergenicies. The war i'sn't cver liy aay means, and Io is tIe tinie we al aeed to pull a littile bit liarder Vto 'kep the wcrk going. There is a large quan- tity cYf easy sew-ýing, on Iand no'w, as weil as sweaters Vo le knitted. Aay- one wi car ni ake a'f this work car geVut ait Mrs.Hesper Dean',s horne. The w'ork roomn will open egain la Supteniber, but, la the, meatimie theve is plenty cf wvvork tnt bca ke onc atborne. o- Holiday Notice Af er giviig faithfui service for the past six p -,ears and anhait with- eit a hIoliday, -we hav e dcided thaýt týiis vear we will clese thie Timeii(s office for one(, weQÀ,ekconmencing 0on Saturday, -Augua-t 2kVt, ed openiag igain on Monday, August 8Oth. -Any- c'e who lias -foi work te le prinfedI are as t o lhave it la this week- ~end or early next week, TIc editor and puiblisher is heg-inaing Vo feel the strain snd a go-nd quiet weekI at Lýake Simcoe will lie good for hüm. LOST 'Colic Do- ,white ard tan,nane "DLik e . hildren's pet. Re'wari)d. arys aS., e n sn, otyol 1)v. Pevcy- Vivier, ', Goiservative candidate for Durlani County and who ws suceesunlaÙ,Vte lest pro- vinicial election, 'las fieeýn, namied by Col. freiw as the Minister cf l{ea-,ltlh la the neovernnnt. Creamery Zonijng Plan Set Back to October At th(, urgent request of thie On- tario Creamiery sscitio, e date set fox the inauguration cf the crearnery zeýning pplan bas been set 'bak untîl about thc first (,f October Vo allow for thce oreigout cf lfer- iber details, dIt is estina'ted the plan will save mîore t1isa two ansi:a hai1t million gas im-iles la Qntario Lon(e this yei-arnad bundreds of thous-ands cf dollars tbreugheuut 'Cnd.The avexage saving isc- p--ected Vto amount to over 50 per 'cent. Entrance Was Made By Breaki ng a Wirxdow In the Creamery S'one Vhe laVe Tuesday night, but mcwst probabl'y eairly Wedncesday niorning, Ithieves ibroke into Ühe Orone 'Creaniry and deparltesi with a suirnutf'cash totalhlingi areuad $3,000, The entrance kas off ecte-d hy 'breaking a window l in he creaiiiery, mnaking it pessible for 111cm Vo enter thc building. Tley then proeeeded te the office to wthcre the ýsaife -was. By ah appearaaces it seems they pharned Vo take t1he sate away with thei, as ail the 'p'tpjers were remyovcd fromn its top. Ia somne unsccountable rnanr'er the tihieves were aIle Vo otpen thc 'safe 'without fdamnnginugthc hock, whicuh makesl ock as if 'tley were able te conaect avýýith the comi-bina- ienr. Iidi(e the 'aete Iebull of th3e money' was la differeat enveI- opes, rcady Vo ie pidto the f'armn- crs for- their oream Wednes1'oday morn-ing.-ý Si1oue f Vie ea'eloýpes werc tfoulnd cmiipty, on Vbe ronýd west et Wýhithy, vwIc'îc the thieves li a(1d discarvdeý2d 1them atter takIýing1", eutth'ebc oncy. One etfb 0envihpe ourd cortai- cdJ $11 nard sjerne ingie wich Vihey thirew v y b itk.This ,vould ~p'ee -as i th gang wore from the Teirto or Oshmawa district. lihe luilkof tbe ai1eepwas in new bils, lbing wîhlbjdra wan trointIe 'Rank of Commence on Tues'day, se tînat the serial inilbers ave knowa onn mest cf the bills, 'which wil make it dlifiiucoît for thc thieves Vo exichange fer sautfýi er mey. Tiie police ait Bowmiaavil were notifiesi aud arvivet on the scene at 7.40 a.'m. la the movning aiid are bsworking on tIc c as e. The thieves, 'rille visiting- the OronG Cr-ear'Ie'Iy, ccrtainhry bhit oF a uok-y niglit to stage a rlbr.IV weuld seern that VI te tbieves lad ~sonie flrst îand ialtommnatioa as Vo wbher tIe mnoaey would lie ornliard rcady Vo goont. This euld lie obitire(d by erle et the gn visiting Oxono andi ad ingi tbe iais and ints abut thbe crearnery, but if hs is net Vhe case ibathey were hu'y indcecd. Canadianis Better Of1i (Frein 'ticPeterblorongli E Far-awýay pastur-es way 1 buit m-eer dt ccmies te a dis( thecýüs eost eliving, few peop are better off lan a Cna( case la point is Neiwtoundla there is ne coatroi cf pric peu have te puay pIceime foodi: leef, , $1.015 a poun $1.21J za ; 'btteri, $1.25 lnl,22 cýents a quar-t ai fruit, 25 cents eci. To Draft Marriecl Men From 27 to -3O, Youths 18 OtVawa, _. ('CP) -Hon1.1 lie rnphrey M'tc'i el1, mýInister cf haler, Iïllou-.edttoday the 'eil Vo 11aiuiitevy tanig'e t married m Ier aged 27 Vo 30 incluisiv-e and et 'ahi mrWie rend Ithe g (46f18tVIls yeur. Mr. AMitchell said 'the rerua 'CeÙa1cil cxteainîg .,thec cal-np )covers U11îl mer nef precviousiy dusigned or already munder arins, 'and 'hi- ever tlr maital statnls, ,-w11, ereý 'bora laneny or tic pear 1913, Vo 196inclusive. tihhryVec1îpiesC'L o mer bora in 1925, save VInt rienpe efthteseý 'wýIl le scrVed 'wiVl"odes Ynedi- csP naille e'clius Vlic age et 18 'sud six m'onths, !Mr.'Mitchell said. Artliar AMauNamnara, directoir et national seheictive service, aaaounce'd that 'lord ors -medîcaýl" Vo rmeylcover- cd Sp today's iaaiiouncument 'le mlcd 'is napidly as Pc trom tIcoffiers fcgstrs 13 moiiei divisions la ( U-P Vo InCmw, eal ,,-p ,reg 'bave epidte,,)sin!gihe mcna and Jues swiowmesboralaic eyai, te 193 nlsvIand Vo ia mer, or wid cers wvith A iem nthe pear 19î17 te 1928 ske. As l prvisnal, ls classes m-lentionied wili le rt tpreseit tbémlselve's fcr i examnatin 'm, irf teuiij M accepte'd, tlcy will 'le cal] training andi sei-viýc la Can,,di ORONO