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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Sep 1943, p. 1

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ES 'Vol. 7. No. 32. OPONO, ONT.- THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1945. Subscription $ 1.25 Per Yeai Attend Orono Fair on F riday and Saturd ay, Sept. 10 and il Upper and Middle School' Examnination Resuits For Orono Continuation School' Ijpper Schoel Resits The fo'liowing- rep'oit froîn ise ;De- ýp.rtmient cf Education anid certifi- fates have bren mrailîd to the candi- -date's Yconcerned. Dan Chmara-AI'g. LIT, Trig. Ill. Rubert Cooper - Eng. 'Comp. 1117 Geom. 'TIl, Alg. C, 'Ohemin.C. Roy Forrester-Enig. Lit. C, Latin -Authors C, Latin 'Comp. C, Alg. I11, ,Chei. 4'C. Ail candidates 'who are quaýlifyýinig la vnder Vthe provisons of 'Civeular 27 <f arm work or enlistmen't) are re- nîiaded that 4liey nmust retura their ýbonivleted forms bof ore application ,can ibe ma&e to the Dcopar'tmenvt fer iseir cortificates. 1 Thoýse forme 'hould hoe returaod te R. C. Rosbor- ~ough, 2502 Barzýker S.,Niagara Faits, Out., by miail if ifilid in bfoeSept. lst. Ayfter this date they shou-ldj be givea to My. 3MoGinnis, the aew Prin- ýcipal of vEOeneConinuation 1Schý-oe 'Thisappies tecandl(iteýs ila Middle, andl-1Lowver Scliool as wvell as i Up- per sdhoel0. Middle School IZosuit-s Follo'wing is 'alit of rests frein l'îlte Dpatien f Educeation. Can- wld't ixe hae nt i's y't brn l- for'edcftheir sadigarrrmid tid that if they are qualifyin.gune tho provisieas of 'Circlar27(ai n'verk- or onflistinent) thrm'stcern- ipeeand retura the foin thait was giv-en themi at the timnie cf their 1 ~Audrey B1ngLA, M. Ilist, C Bruce 'Chapnîan -Gcrii. C. Dan 'Olimara -_' Eng. 'Lit. I, Eng. C ip.1, A. M. H1ist. 11, Groin. 1, ILatin Authors 11, Latin Co.nxp. IL. Fr. Auuthrs 1i, 'Fr. Cem'p. 11, Agri- cutrelt yens' I. Bob. 'Cooper -- Latin Authers Ill, Latin lComp. 111, Fr. Authers C, Fr. 7omp. 'C. 'Garma CG--rnish -- A. M. ,Ilist. 1, OGoem. 1, Agr. lst year I. Clarence Farrow - Eng. Lit C, Eng. Comp. Cý , . M5H0. C, Latin -Autilirs C, Lantin c-np C, Algr,,. lst y7ear l Donald Gýod1e --A. 'M. Hist. C, Agr. Is't yea.r TII. June Goode.__Eng.ý Lit. III, Eng-. - Coimp. III, AX M. fliit. IC, Geo)In. III, ýFr. Authors 'C, Fr. 'Comp. C, Agr. lst year, I11. James Loevry- A. M. Hist. C, Geoni. III, Agr. lat. year 111. Joyce Lerwery -- A. M. Hist. 'C, Goosu. 'C, Agr. 1st year 'C. Marg-aret i-Mkinnon -- A. M. Hist. 1, 'Geeni. 1, Agr. Let year . Majcrie M.ýILaren -- En-g. Lit. I1, En,-. Corap. 11, A. 'M. flest. II, AI-g. C, Geocin. C; Ltin Authors ýC, Latin Corap. 'C, Fr. Authors III, Fr. Comp. 111, Agr. let yoar 111., Shirle-y 'Myles - A. M. Hist. C, 'Geo'm. 'C, Agr. lst year GC. Shirley Porter -- Essg. 'Lit. I, Eug. 1Cnp.', A. M. H-ist. C, Latin Authi- ors 'C, 'Georni. C, Latin Consp. C, Fr. Asfthors 'C, Fr. 'Gomsp. 'C, AgIr. lst year C. Jean S'yer - Eng. 'Lit. 11, Eng. coisip. Il. A. M. HTist. 11I, Groin. TII, Latin Authers M11, Latin 1tjomip. 111,1 Fr. Authors 'C, Fr. Coi-,). C/ýAgr. 1st ,year 1. ý1vurieI Tonnîant -- 'Erg. Lit. 1l11, An ailli of fiowe,-(rs at the home of the bride was thle setting'of a vrry pretty rwedding on Wednesday, Aug.* 2ý54h, wluiea Elsie Amry Jean, only d'ýaugter'cf Ms Louise Ireland of Colborne, ïwas united in marriage 40 'StanleyEd nd youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bail of Les- kardl, Ontario. 'Reverend William SterliQg offiiated. Thebriegivra in marriage by her Ibroother John Ireland, -wore a ilush pink' pearl-trimmined chiffomn dress of street length witli matching halo and sýhoLder-leaigth, veil, anid she carried a bouquet af pink tea roses. The bridlesmaid, Mrs. Henry PearLe, sister 'of the groom, -wore a street-l'ength dres's of cnao colou, a ndl carrîd a bouquet of pn and( wlite sWe'et peas. M\r. Roy Ba, brother of the grýoom'l1'asbst mn anMrs. RBal plaiyed thie wed4- digniusic. The grooen's gift to the bridews acedalr 'chest; te the brides'mid aadm piais ech a dois locket, n to the best nian a gidtir casp Af'te'r aibffetlunceo(n the happ)y -rupie lrft for a trip to Otta-wa, the. PhuandIlands and lpointseat Then brýide worea ae lling suit ovE lightgrey ith accessories of rs colour. New Rentai Orders Effective October let Greaiter certaiaty of position forl bohtenant and aod is the oh- jet of the new rentai rg'lain whbich becomne effective Otobeýýr lst, Am-ong the, changeus effected by the ordler are: the ii 1niu notic-e to va-i cýate is reduced from i12 te 63 montlis; 'aýpplications for increasrd rentai wili 'be consideredi only where the tenant is recei imore value, for his rent; gearral sim-plification c-)f condfitions under which a purchlaser mrîay secur'e possession ' of accommodatiorn with- &,ut undue. hardvitipq on tVhe teniant'; aippoi'ntme!nt c f local ïrentais apprai- sers xvio will deal with applica,-tio-ns for changes in rents. Smail Arms Animunition Cannot Be Inereased 'SSmali armsannamunition supplies fer 'civîlian use eannot be, increased without jeofpardlizing d ynaaic war productiion," officials :of thie Wartinme Pices andl Trade Board state. Thiis statemnt cairte la reiply to pleas' for moüre liboral distribution from deal- ers and individuals. Smiail arms ammunition assumed the status of a ratioard 'comnmodity five menths ago. Since the demnand has risen se sharpfly i4 bas bocome a inattor of'coricern how to, make avvailable the extremiely short stzppily to cover essontiai needs. Prosent demand 'las eic-ipsod the 1939 figur~es .by over 5ni percent Eng. Com-p. III, A. M. Hist. C, Latin Athors C, 'Latin 'Comup. C, Fr. Auth- ors III, Fr. Oomap. III, Agr. lst yr C Five Hoistein 'Heifers Borings Sum of $7,500j Fîve purebred Hoîstein heifers Shave bren solcd by \'Miltoii J. Tam- ,. ) ly, O0o011, for the exceptional -. price cf $7,1100. Thle purcisasor le 'Rex Farmenis skgn M, .Tise gronup includes four memisoilrs cf tise Hoinoraie (Mentien Ali-Canladian) Get-of-Sire for 19429 and a sister, al dauLgliters ofE t1is noted X-X bul Ma5n -O0 Wa r Dcao.Cedar Date MVan-0-War wlhO wa's lne,j Al \..«tçanadiaa nd Roserve Ail Amierican tlsree yoar old bneifer for 194e2 le cae ýof tise menVabers cf tisis prize.-wir- nling Gto-io -Mr. Tam'blitlyn rwas preplarilig the entire gpoeup of heifers for, the fail sosand itheýir sale te the U.S.A. xviii prove a distinct loethie Cana- dian îýsboi -ýw ing ". IHow lr t Re-x Farme. wliere one cf the lest Hal- stein horde on tise continent is buin'g assecmblod, thiey wiiýl have overy op- poI-ruity, for future dvtpnn 'ard tisoir prýogeues vii l e watched vth keo-n initerest by Ganadianl b re e ders. BOMIBING UP FOR A BUMTPER RAID ON BERLIN P sthe lows : Boibing tip one of the R.A.iF's Halifax bomb- ersred for one of the M-g raids 'on Berlin. The W.A.A..womýian drive-r with a train of trouble for Geiuna.iy ds W.D. Hughes .of Here- fordJs!hir,! England. Above R.AI]. ineohanics are g-iving the engineus -a ast-miinute insýpection to mnake sure they are in fighting trim. Local News M1iss Eid 'CoýIbsieik waslhomue for the weýek-end.- 'Mis-s Elva Tucker, Trtspent a Couple Cf wreks at r home h) liere. Mi.%ac Bu'ci;ey-, cf tise RC GA F, Gait sprat the 'we(ek-e ad at isis homei.ý 1\r1%Aadrew Morron', Kry c. Y-. Powers. M1r. ard Mrs.'Cleeat VWeb'b and s'eus Dan and Keineti Montrea,1 visited Mi-. and Mcc. H.' Walsh last wýve ek. Corperai'Clai-re Lemnond ai-dc sister Mýiss NMabl Lemnonal, Ottaw,,a, spenit ton days avith tiseir- aunti, Mrs. Wmn. Harrison. Rev. Cecil T. Allia, cf -Mount Zion Illinois, bas returned hlio ne ayter sîpending a week %witih his sisters and brother here. Mrs. H. Wilsh aad M rs. F. Jack- son sprait Tuesday in TrntMvý. Jacksonavremaining for -a couple cf weekzs with 'ler famiiy. Mr. and l Mrs. Fred D'encan and Mr. and Mrs. Virtie Wilson and famiy are spending tisis -werk witli relatives- ia Moatreal' and Ottawva. Mr. aad Ms. Conard Dobrott, cf 'Rochester, N-.Y., loeft un Wed'nesdlay moraing for tiseir home after visit- ing -with Mr. and Mrs. 'C. L. P'ewers and other relatives in the neighor- The front cf tise lire hall is bleingý. ,brigh-ltened uip witis a fresi coat cf paint anciltise briks reopaired. The tcwer vwichei enscases the bell will le painted anlaluml-inuin eler. Mr. Edl. Neilson picked -from lis gairdon a SaR u-t'ianer bran whicl mleasured 16 '5-Smiàches ia lengýti ly 1 1-8 incises lan'width. Thsis is a monrstrous isean anal one shoutd sup- ply lèhe vegetable enal orf a m-eai fo lwe ýpersons., p Advainced sale cf admission tickeý(ts for Li-ndsay P air, Septeniiber 16tli, l7tis and 184h, muay.,ho 'lad at O. W.7 Rolpls's Hardware store or Bill Rid- dieBRïlier Shap. Foýur tickets fuýr $10,or 25 cents per ticket for rither car or persen. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. R, A. Forrester anal rfamiy rrturaod homie on Mcnday afero a lat after- a pl1ea sant weksholidlay 'spent at 'Cedar lBar- borBaCh, Lake Sicee. Tisewa tiser was ideai, tise days being briglt and -warn and tise evenlngs co.Tise fisliing w-,as idieal 'andi a nice catch ,ovE bas nas ýiad. Now we arîe iread(y for another year's faitithful -work te tise puiblic. Dr.* W.W. Shemwin bas bren au- "oinited a part-turne Coveramenuit ITa- epctor by tis e Domuinion Govern- mont. Hol wili 13e in charg-e cf cer- tain dlistricts in tise T.B. Testingý non' goiing on in Durliai CGounty. He wiil ho teStini,g fi fteen da.'Ys eacis mentis and pvactisin'g. tise rst 'cf ý11cdhetiDring absence -Dr. John l epardwîIl ho la care i 1)ieç practise iin Oronoe. On iTùiesday, August 2lst Mr. sudc Mrs Gorge Btos iprnt tise veek- m111d at Tqoonto atteadýUi7~tise wed. d 'ing cof Mr. Roy 'Mýýitchlell te M'iýS ý Peg- ' Taylor, allnt ninety -urst- weepresent at ti e c'iurc-h. Tist 'guests -'were ente-ftained at tise, Win- Rationiing Tinie Table (Clïip this out and keep available). C.ffee or Tea (Greeni) Coupons 1 1to 1. indCUSiVe, no'w vaiid; coupons 14 and 15 (okNo.3) v-alid Sopt. 2; 'cGon 6a n d I17 valid sept. 23; valid rntil declarIed IVOd. ach goodj for 8 oun1ces of cof- fre or 2 ouinces; of tea. Suigar (Red) Coupons, 1 to 13 inIClusive now vai~coupon 14 'valid Soptember 2; ýoupons 15 and 16 valid Sept. 16. Eac(h good for one poun'd of sugar. Ait cannling sngar coýupo.ns valid until Septemüber 30. Butter (Puirpie) Coupons 24-1aud 25 niow valid and expire SciptenSiber 30; couipons 26 and 9-7 valid .Septeirilber '2 and expire Septeifber 304h.Ut Each goo.d for haif Pound of butter. Meat (Buf) Coupons pairs 13 and 1-1 now valid and empire Septerraber 30th; coupon pair 15 'validSptebe 2nd and ex- pire .Sefft'emtber 30'; coupion pair 16 vadid Septemib)er 9th and expire on-i Septemlber 30th. Eaclh pair good foýr 1 to 2 pounds of meaIt. Preserves (Orang-e) Cou1pon DI valid' Septemiber 2ndC, valid 'until dcecared -oid. Good for preserves, sweet spreads or sugar. Many Sirens In Ottawa If Ottawa ever gets a nuisance air raid -a possîbility ibut not a ýprob- ability - 'we'ill know about it, jucbg- ing by tfhe sirens '$ihgo off in unison every ii-lrning at 8.30 'clock. 'llhey arum 'ýto Ibe ins'talled at stra- tegiýc ,pointIs in Ottawa and HIll-and are the weirdest 'sound of a long day. As the 'mournduil but penotrat- in,- noise rises an-d dalls, thousands dotels Jgto work in a estagger- rd day. dhester Hotel to a chicken dinner. The'rest cf the evening was srat[ in entertainnient and dancig. The- happy )couIpIloift for points west on1 their honrynicon. The service at Park iSt. Cliurchi ilasýt Suinday morning miarked t keP clo se of the vacation season. *Mr. J. J. MeIlor, -wlo lias se effectively. car-1 ried on as pastor ini Rer. S.- Littie- mwood's absence, enJoinedl the congre- g Iation to g1reet Mr. Littlewood in goodicly nuinhers next saWbath. IMr. M1ellibr's unron 'was, te use his o'wn tword, "of th e odfsio emo- tiona)l ty-pe" and n'as listeared to wi!th rapt attention. Mr, Glen.Taby contributed a spiendid'ly rded solo. Onl Moniday evening around tet mien lent thecirassstane to eet 1the rne'w flag pnole 0on the arciua grond, o whidi a g viii fly on thecir galai day evervycyar. The c rie is painited la red, 'wite and bue, and1f is 'a very attractive addition teý thffe -grotunds, beimg pialced iu front - of the gramis'tanidand is 50 fret in ghi'gt. The Pole was donated by eMrI. 'os. Coiwan, th e pai rt' s'urplied by Mr. O. 'W. Rolph, -while IMr. J]ohn Morris un-daýrtook the erro- *tiotf o[f the pole, Druggisits Sipo-nsor $500.00 Victory Bond Lucky Draw Partnership Dissolved Af ter beinvg in partnership for thaý past t-2n yearUs, Mr. H. A. Clirkr last 'soid lis iatprest in the O r ono Goal, & Lurnbor Cc. te bis partne'r Mr. C. S. McULaren, \vho wiliicarry 'on the business in the future. Mr. Clarke bias purc-hasedý the E'arle Lumnber Co. business at Prescott, On'tario, and wiii leave ini a nwer'k or two for thatq place to take over his new uies Mr. MeýýLaren lias aise purchased the residepç of Mr. Clarke on Main streot. We 'are sorr y'to l'ose Mr. andl Mrs. Claike and faiiy frein our midet, but it is a stop f'orward, briag a iiclilarger :business than the co bore in Orono. Wr -wish hlmii suc- crsihis n'ew place cf abode, and also to Mr. Me Lairen. Travelling Tea A trýavelling teS lparty -undor L-the ausice cftise Orono 'Women's Ia- stituLte teck place one evoýning last week- and was successful, bojti froin al standp)oint of atn anad faýna- The- tirst 'inp was 'at thi omie f Mvl. and XMrs. FredI Taniblyn wbr ý0rv'ec. Pianio selec!tions'mer ir by aoltplon rs. E. Bircwi The, next place visited wais the_ ho1î1r df MAli. nd _Mris. J. D. DIown, werr salad wrr-e srrved. Music-al pianoi nuleswere givra by Mrs. Brown and a voclinmber by Orm-e Gains- by . 'lie 1iast lap) was te the home cf i-. and 'Mrs. 'Frank Hall whrre teea and eà cff~s wore' ered also cup reading by 'Mrs. Peter Laing-.Voa nunibiers were rnee by A.1 A. D'rumimond and (!Orm-e Gamnsby. A very pleasant time aila by ail and the proceeds am-ounted te Ration Books Issued Tiseloa workers fo-r t1I Ratio)n t3oaý.rd 'compiet('ed their (4din f the ""o, 3 ration bocks iatSallur- d(ay ving V'ery efficient xverk wxas doue by -tise many voluatary workorps, MUrs. N. F. Porter, Mrs. HeprDean, Mfrs. J. 'R. Cooper, Mrs. V. Hancock 17Mrs. il. Murray,'Ms K. Gamslby, MI-S. W. J. 2ema, is MU. Davy.,-Miss MrartRoy' Miss Bola Hallcwell, Miss Berthn Cain, Miss Olive Broawn, Ms.C. MLrn 'Miseý Elsir Rowe and 'S. B. lRuther- ford. A tetal ove 13V6 books were issued durinsg tise tilire days. Citizens generaiiy 'are becoming more accus- tomaed to>tise sîystem cof rationiug ,cem)modities that are scarcojE. Newcastle Balil Club To $end Boxes Overseas The ýNpeasle Basechait Club held a meeting on Thursday evening of last week, andl passed tise bilts cf their eports d-ay, Bonds to tIse amouait cf 1$20qAf were piaed( in trust ia the Canadiean 'Bank of Comme-irce te bel'oft there Iunitil tise beys 'ýcome baldk hlomie, Vo be used te purcisase new e-quiprnent fer; Thie Idpnat'rgi'smem-- bers cf the Ding C'dgoc. are conductiivg a lucky dra-,w duririg thse month cf Deecrnibor for a $500 Vie-~ tory Bonid. Eai-ch timne you purehasie. a 25c. W ar Savin'gs Stamip at TyýrielF's Dru-g'Store, y.ou receive a irre enitry form to participate la thse craw. Tlie stamp reimains tihe prop- erty osE the custoer. Thise enbrýy f orm-, when 'signed, is deposited in the box iprovided at tIse drartg store. 'Pie draw continues' un- t11 'September aSth, and the lueky ticket vil! bedrw at thse Semï- Annual Me-eting cf tihe Drutg Trading ýCe. at thse Royal York 'Hotel on tse evening cf Wýednesdaiy, Oectobor 6th. On10e charce free with .eac'h 25c. War Saîvings Stanip. Pive chances fre avitli feur War Savings Stanips pur- ,clised at n-e timo, Get your en.- tries in now. Buy yeur War Sav'- in)gs Stamps at Tyrrell's 'Drug Store, Flying Otficer Cecil Bruton ReportedMisg 'Mrs. L. Bruton 'bas bren ifre that hr son iyingOflicer Ccl Bruton lias breen rrported mnissing aýfter eperaitions over enmlerri- t-oryv. Cou joineud the araivy in April, FocelaAuus of the sieycar. 194, nd trnserrd teto[he Air After tranagut m'rs P. E. IsirdVi'toîavilr, Quebec, and St. Johasý, Q'uebrc, hr grad'na'tedý as navigator on Se,ýpteiuber 11th - 1942, Hoe was posteci overseas Pa morith 'inter ad atefurtlier trainaing re- ceived lis commissiojn laMard'is off thiis yrar. Hoe was pr<urîloted te 'FI-y- ing- Offier] in Ju11y. Before eltistiag 'Cecuil 'was *apo- ed ia Ross' Drug- Store in 'Midland. W. I. Meeting The rogutlar meeting cif Orono Wo- moen's Inistitute was held intise park on1 FI'iday, Augus't 20'th. Mrs. 'Goodmi-an 'was guest speaker,, p-iviingl a vrry interesting tais on "'Canadian Idut Ies" r s. W. S. 'Puy led ia a sirýng'ag and Mrae Reoygv a readingil on "WVerds." MsH.Alleni conduoted a centes;t on 'Weed 'dniicto"which proved moat illuniinatin),g at the 'close of the mertdng. Refresism-eats of ice creamn, ccookies and tea were served, follorwin- the ceatest. IMrs. O. 'W. Roipli and Mrs. Hi. Allen conveyed theiiseimmbers' thanks te Mr. Goodman for her- ex-. 1eilent ares Durisain CentlIrai Fairi sveek and a haif away, thse thie club. Pli(- club pYurpac a dac sooiein Octv 'porastoýI- e rdtoel mnas 'boxes evorseas fori Any person wishin'g to pi ými aqrticl-es shlil go-e R. Crveilor aenv of tlv, oxctie eo 0rg e Walt Wa ltenl, Gog Cru NeloT. Wý. Jackso>n, er dnTex. Rcad New Truck Regulations For Carrying Passeni "Truekig Order 121 was neyer ARl board offiias hav eb iNtended as a bar to bitchi-hÏIiig ed tha-t truck drivers àre i servcmen and it lias neyer bren en- t carry two passngea t I'orced as scb -M. W. MCuceo f their 'trucks when Cte tL Services, Admiistrator c f the Wlar- heing aýperatd as freLigh t ture Pries and Trade Board said in -nti ,i c l a satement en 1--st U4."TeN priIsleure o oivler as drsined te coserve es- Farmlers anitrnjdoerýs 'ni sentAl trking equipinent wehich permn-its to carry passenjge:, cannotb& reiaced. Toward this 1tainother cases mach as tra thle ore ht oe be broad jli outila empoers tA and frein so tht k Would rervent. tîuksbe,- transpertine tIeir I ajlp EE

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