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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Sep 1943, p. 3

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WHAT SCIENCE 15 DOINC MEAT BY-PRODUCTS Scetferesearcb is adnpt- ing 1ma"ny of the mea idsr' by -products to wnr luses, a nieat pakin1g comapnny said recently. Dr.1. H. Young, Swift &ý Co., hensdeclameýd thiat an1îimlai tis- * sue, glndsinedibie fats, boofs! 1ic,, oms bories, bides anifd wool "aire go'ing te war ini mdfiy fo-rîls and The cem-ist said ia an inter- viýew that la the field of pliar- alacuticals, researcli las inde whaiit lie described as astoundîng ngî'edients produced front ment de velpients, with rrany of, thie animnîs savîing ives on the batie fronts. H-e listed amiong thetse lecitinr and ceplialin, -whicb corne fromi aiinimal brain tissue and are used àn treaing poisonous reptile bites and promioting blood d1ot- tig;intestines vused ilkniiakiag suue;and adrenalia, derived frosui suprarenal glaPd4s, wbicbi makes bloodless surgery possible. A special soap necessary for synithetie ruliber manufacture bas come eut of thie iment indus- try laboratories and the cliemist estimated 100,000,000 pounds eventually will lie uitiized aunu- al. 1 Oth-er by-product uses listed b1Y Dr. Young ineluded: Animal bones are an imiport- anit source of gelatin uised la pjhotography, bone as;h needed la copper smnelting and special boue powders which are effective in remioving fluorine froî iiriaking Wnter. H-ioof and bora meals as, wel as summner hbog hair have fouind w'ide uisage in Great lritain for niaking foamz type fire extin- guislingiý fluidz. Hog bair also goes to make svitors' cus11ions, Gelatia is used la the manu- facýture of poorpi film)s for reconnaissanice purposes anýd for the mYyanufacture of sniokeles gunpilowder-, aimong many other usýes. Soap and glycerini, derived, fmiýn inedible fats, bave wide m>-esas lubricauts, nitroglyceria, gý i powder, cordite and diyia- New -anibassadoir -of Soviet IlRussýin Vo die United States is Andrew Gromykov, above, who bas been appointed to succeed Maxiî LiLtviniov. The latter wvas recnlled ast Mlay for, consulta- tions. His remioval follows a similar dispiacement of Ivan Maisky, Russi's a,)mbassad[or tei reat Britain. Wagons Hitched To Wrong Mules CtuigItalian genemis Ia m race ôver the siopes of Mounit Etna on muheback is ail in the life of a Briti"sli provost îarshal.. The aventure began wben two men, in civilian attire proceedi-ng on donkeys along a. Mýount Ea rond finside the A7liied unles arous- ed tLhe suspicions of an nilert British Eightbi Army provost mmr- shal, who found hîmself a similar mount and set off la pursuit. Closing in on bis prey la truc, Wester-n style, the Britisbi officer found that he ladt rounded up at prize c-aptive la île pe-so-n of General Flutmara of thne Napoli Infantry Division, who readily ad- mitted bis identity and pulled foýrth' a cruipled but once yr- splendent uniforni from bis sad- dhebag to prove it. The general's compjlaioni pro- ducedl an equally wrinkled uni- fori to identify huîseif a-, -t-he gen1em' ýaide de Camp. The prevost marshýa reînarked zfterward that afil he needed tn complete thie "western thriller" was an Amyericnlse Harvmeýsting with oxen is stili at common si ýjght to tourists visiting the beautiful lsland o1 Orlealus, a fewmlbow Quebec Cityý. ~ÙsÙBÂNHE!GTS w ~LYASwn.u.~< 6.Is it correct for a, bride te By CLremove ber engageet ring lie- foe ewddn eriemioniy? _n À ýýANýSWERS ' Ji5AL III iV661 'FREP DERLýY LOOK 10R A How Canl?1 Q. How caI1geV ri fanits? A.Sprinkýlçe ou *f pennyroQy*l lthe plceîifested by theî.- Q. How an I javidhaviing rite lppr wb.en hiangiugÏ A. Leave the rolîs of paper on, the bsmu floor for a few days before Ïbeginning the work. The paper wlll absorli sufficient niýoisture to kee-p it frosu beîng 'brittie, and will al1so facîitate the Q. Hw can retoveolive oul 7ro " arug? ATry covering tbe spot witb Fuller's Eartb, allow it to remain for sve adys and thea -brush off, Q. How,.-can 1 make a go0d filling for cookies., A, A deli'cous fillîug for sugar c-ookieýs is peanut butter, tbinned witb buotter-and a littie creai. Q. flow can I remove greas froým 'trousers or other fabrie? A. Saturate vwitb turpentine; then place the spot between two pieces of 1blotting paper and press a biot iron over danmaged'part a Have You Hea md? Mi,- Gabby: " mi orning, EMrs. Cralibe told mne the very gossip I asked you not to repeeat to 11ny one because I promised M1rs. Hinkîe I would't tell." Mr, alibecr: "Wby, the mean thing! She 4ýr(onised nme she wouldni't ,telli-a soujl'l'hcertainly tellifber n thing- or two 1" Mr, Gnbby: "O, o, don't do that! I promiised ber I wouldn't itell you she bad tuld me you told ber." "Gwe-n said' if any mass kisses hier without warning' she would rsereayn for her 4"Wthat did you do ?" "i -warned ber." A preachier dialed lon-g dis- taince in order to cal a clergy- ian friend ef1 lis in a distant town. I"Do -you wish te place 9a sta- tien teO Station cî "ask-ed the operator. No"came the aniswer, "par- ,son te ïpar-son, pes. Today's, version of yester- dAY's famuliy qUeyryî "Mother, where Ur* ssiy *t0ckings"' "r clon't know, yout had the 1boftie lart." "ýYou i must be keen on the movies, o14 bloy,, to >o twice al weeký." "ItCs not thalit exactly. You see, i1 I don't go teglarly, I ean't understan d a my grandchul- dren ar-e saying." Biil: "Did any one in your family ever make a brilliant marriage ' Artbur: "'only My wife." Mrs. Jones: "Now, pupils, the latest island taken over by our troops ý, roughly about as large as Siam.i" Willie Jt!ior (takinig notes)ý ~'Mie captuired island is as large as ýMrs. Jonles." -Wh, did you leave your last job?" "IiIne8s. The boss got sick Modern Ftiquette By Roberta Lee 1, How many knives and forks should be placed on the table whien settinig it for diiner? 2. Wh4en a m-an is sýtandinig at a bar for a drink, is it necessary that hie tip tbe bar man 3. If one's feelings are hurt by something that is said by an acquaintance, is it proper to tell him so? 4. Sbould thie parents of a~ chiild reprimanid him if lie mis- behiaves at the table when guests are present? 5. On wbtoccasionis is it necessary that a manl Wear full eveninig d s HEMORRHOUDS 2 Speciali ReMedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Meeca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protrudinig Bieediog Pile,,and is sold lTbe ithppe, for lnternai application. Frice 75C. Mecca Pile Remedy No. 2 is for Externi ling Piles. Soid in jar, and la for exteriual use onjly. Price 50e., Order by number froiu your Dru-cgîst. MIDDËjLE-AG"E" WOMEN (Xr.-l). HEED THIS ADVICE11 If you-'re cross, restiess, NEftVOUS- suffer hot dlsecizziiness-caused by this peyiod. ln a wiomani's life- try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C2omnpeund. Madle esperially foi, soomen. Hundrecis of ttsousands re- markabll' be>ped. Follow label direc- tiens. Madle la Canada. 1. Not more than tbree forks 1and twýo 1kaîves belonig on the table -wbel it is -et. If more sivris needed, it is placed on, the table during the meal. 2. No. 3,No; it wjould lie better to ig- noethe statement. 4l. No; eîtber th athier o the niother should quietly taýke the child away from ,te table. He should noV lie scoi1ded or puniishieci in the pres- ence of the guests, but neither sbould the misbelinvior lie ignmor- od. 5. Theoperaforma' evening edigformiai dinnerse balîs o;r formai .evenling receptions wad m1usials. 6.Yes; she mny eitbe tnfr it to bier riglit badorlav it at home. Eduatos l Cinla bope to have the coutryunliedbUN a national spok'un lngag it1in 10 yesýars. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS moremony eaih.Just show our ias Crdso your frieuld. in l pare11t1e. The, se ý, il on sighLbt . Many a ý1ssoritmen, 1ts. Beatiful free Albu ,hoing pesoul 1eards showîg Miliar l nldNaý1val Chis ztmats Card 1s. 1LÀîberl ý1comiri- mission. p'WrietodL llay for unu l1s ual sampie o ffer. The G. A. Mont- gosnry ompay, 4EWelling- ':UD CARS WITLI U001- TIRES. -ee Us firat, MontPlasntM- tors Llnte.Lsed ar Lot at 2040 Yonge Siret Ead Office, 62Mounit Pleasat t oad, To)- ronito. Teehn y. 2181. IIAIiYCHICKS WIXýTER EGG AND PO0ULrYý Marýikets will demand ait we canl prdc.You may wan:t, EaP chcsto augmnt pour lcs 1 fa lt rus hav\e your ordIer for iOtober 'dclivcry. Bra Fal Bu',lletin radif ou (didnl't get One('I aiÀ1l wrtefor it. Bray Ethr,130 JhnN., 1Hamilton. LARGE BULBS 1FOR>,FALI. PLANT- lng. Rainbow Collection Tullps 2 doz. $1.10. MxdDaffodil Buibs 2 doz. $1.10. Deliv'ered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic, BC We grow tbe besi onlp. DYEING & ULEA-NIn( HAVE YOU ANYTRINC NEEDS dyeiuig or ,1eaïàingî, Wrijte o0 as for informiation. We k[re giad jto anwryour questionls. Depart- mn HParker'.s Dpe Works Limuited, 751 Yon1ge Street, To- ronito. REBUILT ELECt-TEJO ',MOT OR S and cupet earrwns and fparts. Cmpet sock. Allen ElectrieComay 36Dfei FAM1FOR SALE 10ARSCLAVý LOAM, ALL UN- dler cuIltivatLion,pun orchard. rick bouse1with Modemn coaven.. iencs. ankbarn. water in barn, two silos, drive shýedI, Lectricity. One mile from huch Village School. Seveno m1iles from lStrat- fordi. Would sIl stoc0k, le edc, im- plements with f aili. Wm. Doug- las, St. Pauls, Ontario. -FOR SALE SOME CROICE ZYOUNG REOýISTER- ed Yorkcshime aowsý just breýd, anld soe hoice oug egssltered basaboutred for service. Edgair Dennis5, R.R, 2. Aumora, Ont. ÂR'TIC PLU]- OE. ILE Foxs. ik. New F encns Suppldies. Baudcs, Swift C(rrent Sasktce 'Wan . BOOT BAL FAUIME£3KA FOOT flALM destroys offensive Odor lnstantly, 45e botte. OJttawa agent, Desamasi Drug Store, Ottawa, FIlEL. WOOD WA1NTED MAPLI, , BICHé'A N D XD croo.First cor second grovtls. Aiso illwod. tate fui Particu- lars and lowest pri'es. Walter Schle.s. 19 Melisida St., Toronto. Training f or Youtbful Recruits Youiths of 17 anid 18 years are needed for service la the Cana- diani Army ns tradesmen and will lie giv7en special training in var- ious ctgoisas 2s:oonas en- listd, Tra-des courses owill traini men asmacbinlists, electrical au2tomo)e- tive, fdrauigbting ,,and survey workers Youtbs enlîsted la these categories miust leienl top phys- ical condition. Their schooling M-Ust include at least c!cmple- tion of the e ighth grade. Recruits wil lie documented and outfittedi at district depots and then snt to vocational trainingachool, Application for enitiment ns tradesmesu may lierinde at the BeaverHll biH reeruîting cen- tre, I LASS IFI ED ADVERTISEMENTS UN, I FIRM ýlINCA DA AN- hairgosecuivl.Wieu for 1par1ticua, 28Vosege Si., Tos.osto, ogitaric RJELIS' ANTED hailnd ust Ihe caplable withdar wages to Ight mn.Apy BiCeteau Il Bro'ý,S., 2AmihersIthurg, RH ,Ontal o. LE A îi N HAIRDIESSiNU 'TH L Itbrs n mehod. Information o n requiesi rega rd: ng classes. Roberison'e H aird ressng Aca.d . emly, 1.17 Avenue Rcoad. Torocito. PATENTS FETHERTONH ,IlH & COMPANV PatentIl soliciitors. Establislhed 18»0; 14l King9W est , Tornto. Booiet ofbinformaition onre A TRL-EVEiHY 'SUFFERER 0Fj, )j, Rheuma ticIPa inIs iorY N euirii is should t r y Dixýon's Rcmey Munros DmPugSoe,35Elginé, Ottawa, Poatpaid 1,0 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Bahthe PoL)mment of IDry Ecze, Rashels and Weepung SkilTroubles. Posut , aiEczemaàz Salve Wil Not Disapp'oint Yolu. ltchling, scailing, 1Burn-iing Ec- zema, .A4cnie,,Rinlgworvm, P;Impls and Atblete's Foot will respouid re,,ditY to this stainleas, odor- ointmient meaodess0f ow stubborn or 'hopeless they mayjý PRICE81.00PER JAR sent posti frce on receipi of price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen st. l", Corner (Df Logan ToRON'TO S1MLENDR ALTAARLS and leffective. $1 (L%%o) weeks' sp ply>) at ah ïdruggists, or pspi from11 Maltb)y Brosý., 5 Booni, To- ronto, Ot PROR 'rLAIES 14WANTED TO10BUT WE R HA VE IBU VERES VWAI 1TI1NGC dens and town or village Isouses ini aIl parts of Province, Sead o, ii particullars in confidenlce at one, ï -we Inake xno charge unleswe seli. VPowell and Cmay t DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Tlh. e re, ïtlAs. os Hil HAVE YOUR SNAPS Ueiivered j llal ù,n 4u ~e.xpuaýse fLai etfJm devýeIope0 au',d printeci for only 25c, supreine quality land f fao: selvicc v uarss-nteed. RMPERIAL PHOTO SERViCE M0otor-Minded Youth Tough On The Japs We seem to 'have tfe Japs on tlie rua la thie air. Thàere's a rea- son: "We suppose that thiere were about 30,000,000 automto- biles la the country and la active use b)efore the gasolin--e and rub- ber sbrae mrcnkids got used tu- driving theî wblen tliey were vIery youig; lots of thlem knlew more aotasthan Pop wbntbey mwere 12 or a littie That made tbeî ,mo3tor-mnided "and wise la thie ways oùf direct- ing, a powerful piece of machin- ery."lit110 othier country lias theC youtb b1ad such early cni tioing, says TheNe. "The only question niow," it; cocees is bow long the eneiny wîll wait before eogii h is ADVERTISEMENTS RABBITS FOR0SAL Chinchllas, educedPrive Liet, "f AMI VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE.."' a . mtsacsoe i Rlouigh WaterN.S., ho ads: ihvetold and I1know tat roininow on yvole will get filmls frolli thini for dr,- titis from ail parts Ofr andateil how weilpiea(sedcustmer ae wihStar epetSri. DV E L( Il UD ANDL)PRIENTYED1,P 2 5 B3-oys ian d g irl s con active serv,ýice enjoy le[tters, ýo mcit moe he youl, too, wi1j st betë r esui 1ts fr-omk p'ouramraif you1mail vour, filmrols o Star SnshtService to be decveloped and printed1. You ,'Il get finler quality, sharpjer rints a lowest cOat. And yuwilî get thle promllpte'ist sevice obta1inable by, Maililus za rol1i for triail. a MOUNTED ýFli)ENLA-11 riEMENTPS 5 Size 1 x 6"fin Beatifuil ERasel Po a aeeL "rge, nts colour- cd b)y baud for' a aladtoa c hargeý C. STAR SNAPSHOGT SERVICE Box 1-19, ot1TrunlA eoi P'rint ,you1- uane euaddrca-s pany on alilres 1RAVE PO4U HKER BUTDX onf's Nuitsad1 Riteumatie Pi Remedy? t gAves ood rsis Sold uosDrgSoe 3 EgOtia v Pspa id $1,01>, STOM A NL) r11tRE-A D 0W1Uj-IMS oien, areL Jhe cus e o iIl i t, ln humani's al!sgs No onle 1is- muner Why not iluoutirfttijs tilulars-Freel WVrite Mi:1veuey 'z RemeiesRpeîaliis.To1üoiuo Q'AI'FiED P Saamy $110. foi Stouitto, C E.P riffith Appip.- s perience William Kermow, IN A PIPE TORONTO CITY WCFOE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 yeas ad over; re; PhyýsicaIlfit; atat 5' 9" in -stocking feet; 160 lbs.; of good character atnd faiir ed'ucaition. ro be availlble fo.r appointmlelt-nt imedliately. Unîform iclothing- îuplied., Apply Nearest Employaient and Selective Service Office Refer to File RO-591

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