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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Sep 1943, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSI>AY, SEPT. 2nd. 1943 :)rono Weekly Times stablished January, 1937. Thursdaynmorning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Rates on requiest Subseip-tioni, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Puiblisher Ipp, gatherinig m'as' held on evening, 27th imat, i New- hall,..wmhen the coniuities toiileand SIîloi-OLned Vo Mvr. and IMre. Clarence G11- former1y Audrey Burley) on1 ecent mnarriage. 'Mr. Win. acted as master off ceremion-i 1presented the followin4g Pro- e: "0 Canada" by al'; pianio ~, Jîie-ii and P'hillip Gilmer; on hby lorothy Stapleton; y Mris. chas. 'Cowan afle, accoriýpaaiied hby Margaret [t; tîwo solos' by Wilmia Prouse anie'd byMrs. Geo. Canip'beill, o violin seIecýtion.s ýy -Mr. 'Geo. cli, ac paed 'by IMrs. ell. The Ih 14e and goo werc taled to the plntformi. Mrs. Hghes. read the ,follo'wing Ad- cAtudrey andl Clarenýc': rwith 'a geat deal off pleasure2 riends -are ga lieeh a ig te honour yyeur mar.iýrig(dl bot ishes; and cong-ratul- for a happy nmar'ied hif . You- )th well kno-wn in this district ie with ýpride we ýwait to watch iake ai sujccess off yoeur menr- Remem<b-iiler marriage is the, in.-, not the end off an adveni- wihyou.r pleasifng vs 4been iifriendly and tivities off the com- ý'was' possible. arc a very lucky 'have ehewn a good called at the Buleyl stoud up under thel ,ther mYernhurs off the opt these g-ifts as an iesion off our innerm-iost ur contin'ued hapi1ne s t) corne. sing-îng <Frthey 'are lelw. Clarence an hnkdtileirumanly sincer-ely for the«ir beau- nd good wsi'hes for- their iiessl.. This portion off onded fwith a few word*s ulations fromi Warden Wni. Laing.. followed by the o"fportilnity off sec- Lay off gifts hefore lunch by the comimitteo. The fthe oveing m'was epent o Le musie provided bhy S. Cha,. Cowan aand A. wanville, and Pte. Edgatr '9d Cysdale anld Sidney Iled off. Everyone e- usatigf-lctioii at theceen- COMPLETE Auction Sale Thle unJerigIned nauetioneer has rýeeeiy:eed instoCcions fromi MRS. ADOLPII HENRY o selli by public auction ýat her for- mier residencoc, Park Strýeet, Orono, o11 SATURDAY, SEPT. 4ý 1943 the ffolloiwin- h'ousehold furniture: Chesterfield Suite. Electri'c Sewin'g Machine Electric Radio, Library Table, 3 Couches, Piano, Bench, Cab- inet, large China Cabinet, Dinirg- room Suite', complete 3 B3tcroomn Suites, coniplete, Marshal Mattress, 3etaMattresses, Eleetnikîe ep 2 WilVon Rugs, Axinsýter Rug 5 Seatter Ruge, 3 Bedroo'm Rugs, Par-, l'or Taible, , Large Chiairs, RoCkinig Chairs, and mnny other articleýs which space does not permit to mon0-1 tien i. Terms Cash. Sale 12 O'cockshr BIRTHS BRUTCON - In Bowma'inville Hos- piaon Sonday'i, Augýust 29th, "93, t o \M1r. and Mrs. Clifford Br-i ' tnOrono a 1son. îMr. and iMrs. Wmi. E. Reid off Clarke are lhappy to announce thie arrivai of ia dagte-r at Bwmn ville Ucspiftal On Aigust l3Vh,> 1943 (Elvit Eleanor Ainu) REPAIR Your ýIR"ADIO -0Nowý Don't wait until parts becorne erarce. For yeur convenience we carry a complet. fine of TUBES, BATTERIES, (JONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If unable te bring your radio te the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. K KNOX Anouncement 1 have purchascd ii Interest of Mýr. Clarke i the 'Orono Coal & Lumber Co. as'-of ýSeptesnber lst, and wvill continue ýte conduct the samne bus oes e rmy ewni naine. .Alil coal oe rs /will be filled. 1 wi;ould appreciat your continued Patronage. C. S. McLaren bONO iFAI R FRIDAY AND SARDAY TEMBER h1o & 1n al1 Exhibits and Demonstrations; Do- Fine Arts, New Classes' have been add- r, along with4-mny Special Awards. SPEEDING IN TH RING ýed Ainrngst Classified Rar,çes, Second Day DANCING 01i1 be held în Newcastle Community Hall y Evening, Sept. lOth, the first evemung. EIGIITON'S VARIETY DANCE BAND n. the Second Nigh'of the ýber llth., -with Russ Creigh- ting on t.he performance. 50c. DANCE A dance wvill be held in Leskardl sclhool on Fiday,SM {ember 3M. Hai off the pr ýceedswT' .be turned over to the B ;îii a Victiml-s' Fu.nd Amsi 5ce's a42-.s FOR 'SALE BY TENDER Tenders PUii be received u~p to noon on Septenmber 25%h 1943, foi- the late Samuel Otttell property on1 th- westË side of -Main Strceet, Or'olo. 1 his poerycoi"seof t o stores, cetrally iocated wUi ,Vh e ece off 7 ro)0noms ovr tl e stores, ý'parate enl- trances, two-s torey br-k odemn convenienoes, ,n-age - dwodh, stores we11 refited. lnspeetion by appointment. TASGash. MHghest or any téder not nfces- sariy amctepted.U Dated Se4piteàber ý2nd, 1943. ALMIA E. CUTTELL, Orono, Ont., Admiinistrat-rix. FOR RENT Apartnient in Kumrite Apart- nmen'ts, Orono. Apply to R. R. M'ad- cieli. FOR SA,ýLE, grey and whi.te e m lu lod conl- ditioni. -Api'PlY Vo i., A. lkh 48s r 2, Oronlo.a-3. WANTED TO RENT A house i~ ail convénience2s, 'oi will purchlase. \Mluslt ha-vo-gcod-szed garder. Appl $e ~ io 0Ono. I a3 LOST White-Red 'Stcer it!t rite head.,I she-t horns, 4ge 1$ ye Owner, Arthur Thonso/ Ken i; --honeý Oronio 6r 1k]a-32-c. Orono 'Fair, Septeniher 100h and 1ltfr Classified FOR SALE Fatim. Sto,,ck and Implements. I have heen ath'izd by Earl Wri'ght, west half off Lot1, Conces- sion 5, iManfvers (f/4 miiýs East Qf Ballyduif) osel by Publie AuctKlon, on Wednes-da ptemiberi th, at 1 è'coe, ilhi'lai-- Stot,, mp1e- ýmente, 'Hay. 'G a ii,, 5 acreý of Pot-- tocs, iHarness 'qu'ardityofIW'ood aud Coel and soýe oLious Id Furniture. A mmibr of he hiuemente are. n ew. No Reerve. For particulars ceëe bille. Terme Cash.-Elmer WiI- ~bur Auîtioneer. The products af fected include: Jams, Jeliies,' Marmalades, Extractedï Honey, Comb Honey in Squares, Honey Butter, Maple Syrup, Maple Butter, Maple Sugar, Molasses, Corn Syrup, Cane Syrup, or any blended Table Syrup, Apple Butter or Caxuied Fruit. On and af fer Thursday, September 2nd, 1943, if is unlawful for a consumner to purchasLý any of the above- isted products, except on the surrender of a valied ration coupon,' Coupons "D" i Ration Book 3 are to be used for this purpose. Coupon "'D-1" becomes gâod Septembher 2nd. Starting Septemer lth, two cedupons become good every four wes These produots are beIng rationed so hI there will be an équal sharing cf tÈl.e available supplies. Persons who do not use the couPans for these products may use them to acquidro moré sugar ini adelition ta their regular sugar ration anennn s raliowance. ONE "D" COUPON~ IS OOD FOR Jams, lellies, Marmalades, Extracted Honey, Apple Butter, IMaple Butter or Hloney Butter 6 FLUID OZS. Maple Sugar or Comb Honey (i Squares) 1/ LB. NET Molasses or Maple Syrup... . . . . . . 10 FLUID OZS. or Coin Syrup, Cane Syrup, or any blended Table Syrup . . . . . . .. .. ..12 FLUID OZS. Canned Fruit .. . . . . 10 FLUID OZS. 1/ LB. NET When purchiasing goods in containers, At will not always ho possible for the consumer ta get the exact coupon value. EXAMPLE : If you are buying jani in contaners- One "D0" Coupon one 4, 5 or 6 oz. container is good for or two 3 oz. Containers. one 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 oz. container, or two 5 oz. or two 6 oz. containers, or three 4 oz. containers. or'any combination adding up ta not more thian the total value of the coupons permitted. SUPPLIERS - Separate instructions which are similar ta the regulations of applying on sugar rationing are available from any brandi of the Ration Administration, for quota users, industrial users and suppliers. RATIONADMINISTRATION_________ Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.. P-HYSICIL4N and SURGEON offioe burs 2.00 to 4.00 P.Di .; 6.30 to 8.00 .. PHONE 4,erl OBONOk- VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin VrnTERINARY SURGEO~N office:- Main St. Orono PhOne 56 r 7, Orono, Ont, J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automno.. bile ax-d Liability Ororïo -Ontario* AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Cenduets Auction Sal1esa of c ll aize2 and~ at reasonable rates. Comm-unicate with hlmn at Port Perry, Ontario, or sece his Clerk, A. E. Morton, at O-rono, for -date. GEOv"RGE KE YES Auciitioneer & Valuator Pure, Bred Live tok Famm ana Furniture Sales a Speciulty. Nomie to Large, wne te -SniIl. Gradute Reppert'e Sehool tf U.S.A., plaa seweral Years' zelling exiperience. Rate Reanmbie. Write R. R. Nzo. 2, Orono, Ontario. W. F. Ward BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones : Office 825 - Residence 40i9 BOW3[ANVILLEê - ONT. E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE -AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABeILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING sonie of the Largest, Strongest and Alost Reliable Insurance Firme ini canada Farni Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared te quote you, >rates frein 40c. a hundred, 1.according te, classificationi of Biliding Pheone, write, or better stfli, >cali. 1 will b. pleased te quote you rates onfl our property which wilI surprise you. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Fuzrniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bewmanville -- Orono Phones: Bwavle Day 480 Night. 734 and 573 Orono, 27.1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complets Furniture Store ani Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servce-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our PiesTELOWEqýT MORIS& SON BOIANVILLE - ORONO IOttawa, September lst, 1943. EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2nd PRESER VES and SWVEET SPREADS ARE RATIONED DY COUPON Sugar E * E N E E E E E * * S N E N E E E Two 'D"',Coupon. ore good for To Concert, 35c, 25c.; Children Free; momm 1 Rmwmmmmmý m Llýý 9 1

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