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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1943, p. 3

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= WKAT SCENE 15 DBIN& SMOKE BO.,ES Wheni the Americani forces landeti la North A-1rîca they were pro4tteti by a pail et. dlense white gmoke, thajt poureti oui of wheel- ed mrachinies, The New Yorki STimes relates. Siimilnr smoke- boxes hiavec beeni ïnstalleti .t 'arious satgcpol ýts on1 ibis fontniet. There is ano reason 'why -a tiozeni of thiemi coulti not .opeeyconceal a ity the eize of Toledo, Ohio, It is net difficut te cr-ante a wmoke. But the samioke miusi be eaf, h is, it musi not make betînlg dfficuit. Wbea the 1robler) was given to5 Dr.' Irving Issaigmuir, Nobel Prise winner of "--> tete General Electrir- Labora1tories, bce decidlefl ihat a souin-cÇoiild be founne' The -smïoke that baîches from a cu ue cýhimaey i8 composeti large- yof particles of carbon. H ow big are they? Anti bow big shoulti they be for the est conceainge, effeci? Having asked imiself these questions, Langimuir m1ade *g -tudy te detirmine jusi what * «he siza of thie particles shoulti be, With the answer la nirdtieh or- dereti a smoke box. It was pretty Auccessful. This firat mio4el wr.promiisia-g, ani n)othing more. The smnoke p)articles were not of at size to suit Langmeuir. He decidei that ke must have liquiti globules of iL rgh diametar ati finally evolved. tbem. Wbat is globules Are we't tell youj for gooti ililitary reasons. The "smioke" w.ns so dense tbat hi t ebscureti overythiiag near the box. What le more, it ceuli block rýays of aiiy tolon. Afiar Langmnuir's new box ht tiemonisirateti is possibilities on an exorimiental scale the Armyý turnieti to the Standard 0O1 De- '-.. Q~elopet Co:uepan-y for MP Ïibîag bigger anti more prac!tica-l- The comp1aay camre forth with a genenaior which broke down an appropriate liquid into globules ~4 urform iza it the aid of It is mouptati on wbesiis I ner-ator, andtiecoks somyewhat ___I< affre elnginie. There is tscn asor of bolier with a ten-lippeti inoutb oui of which the sane was submritted to a tet in Scho- 1anie Valley, New York, on a 0e~ar, caino day, Fromrr a neary Iil Amnicaien and Cana-idian staff ~1i~ssa,,' a hi'"sm)oke" opinlg eut of te generator, he nearby territery wajs coin- Vletely obsiureti. Men walked th*rough the snuoke witbiout the fiightest disceofori. A nf the -smoke persistee. Ia subsequent tests matie at another -place it ing together for twevcnty miles down the whaId. Anti that's te story behiati the tynoke boxes of Northi Africa, A"Men O"verseas Within 3e 4 Montha' tVin1tuill.Y a)! eatagory "A" men who have -ignei uip for service ; broati, but are stilil in Canada wll eh overseas wthini the naxi litres on four monts as rein- *01camaints, national leteace heati,- quarters isiated ast week. 'Thousands or category A mien lave been sent across frqm3 evary PAMitary district in Canada wthln ie past twe nmeaths," hieatiquarters1 ftaid. "This pohicy wili continue gs a graduai precess." Â similar policy la undjer wa.y in yeCgard te eategory A moen 71oW attacheti to national defence hei- quarters i OtaWa, district heati- nîiartars, camp hetqa ier nd training astablishmients, "Category B3 anti C men are Sakinig the places o! Leaor NAZI WAR lMEDAL Thisý captured Germawn officer takes off his liron Cross to show it to curions U.S. Coast Gadmnaor the UV.S.C.G, prisonier-of- war transport enroute to the 'United States fromi North Africa. The boys refused to we-ar the m-ledal, even as, a Jok.e. however. OTTAWA REPORTS 'That p resi dent Ro"Se Ve 1t's Vïsit Tc, The Capital Was 0f Ite-rnational IMportance. hIs a î,few d cays ynow sinc Prei. det itooe visited the capital o! CanIada ni ttie eiCana- dianis fnom a dais witbîni the sdws0 ibe pence itower, but his vli ran)ks as oae, o! ihe fore- mosi Canadfian avenits o! ail tima, Th'iriy thousati pensons - as mfany as htumneti oui for the King anti Quean ,,-tironged Paliament Hill to sceaai hear hlm. Thons- a nti1s more jammati cl ail the ap)prcheLts to the, War nemoial downit own to waich tha Prasitiant raeenl ay a wreaai; and tilu moretouani inedthie routae! his,,motor rida witb Prima Minis- taer aceaza ing, ItO impos;sible to ovanstimate' the imrportance o! ihis first' vîsit tO '11eCapital o! Canlada bya Prsteio! oun great neighbor. Tho PresýitIant hlmrsel! saidt iat 'thea 1future peacea anti happiness o! miankinti depentieti ii largea mcasuna uapon A,ýngIo -Saxon gond will an(It-i nerstintlinig ai o- oDperation. Ant i Cnada it musi ne rememrberýeti. stands as the latarpreter betweenij he Unîiteti' States anti the Empire. oaae ond red, omentaniily, ai tha vasi turnout o! Caniatlanis for a PresýitIinto! ihie Uniieti Satas; marvelieti that thousais of Civil Service carssenognaqphers anti 01f icials latiloosýe for the afier- neoonisoutihave pounedt tbrough the gaies o! Palamnent Ilh toec~e a ýviýsI*iln n iarywhere dignit- airiasaire se comminon. But the faci Is RroosecveIt registens con- sldenably more than mierely as ibe 1heati o! a nieilhboring nation. The, radio hiati brought 'hîs golden voicaý withhin the homes o!, evny Caniadian, Atil apparenily, the riniging sincerity antil earnnstness ýof the jman have carveid e ep Impesios pea _Mn. ati iMrs, Avaerage citizen, for whom ha se penIsisienly' expresses his conceras. Rooseveli, again, is Oaa o! those parseniahilas who doas inot dis- appoint on) seeing, Those measuneti tones anti fine senitiments you, hear over thie ainwaves are backed by;an. intelligent face ani eyes brimamlng wîth kintIuInes; a mas- svleontine heati, which tilts de'fiance ai a 10e; ayes which 111 t, anti look cirectly lie oyours as some np point e! humanitariaiý reasoning is "climaxeti. Strength andi determination ihere are ihere, but neyer, w would jutige, a-nge ni an of indomitabie 1spi r it. whoiconueret i wthin hIis owa fmaeo0f tibe moi ds-ablin]g afitosknlown to mn;who despite partial physical disable- menùýt lmasuseti the affections and imiagination of 1130,000,000 Ameni- cans behint i hm so that they brushed asitie al precedent anti electet i hm to office for a second and a third term, anti stili may tender bita a fourth. Finiancially anti socialy an'"rsicat"yet lejading the most populous of al ther demnocracies into paths at rnmýes deideti( as socialistic. - Th1is was Roosevelt corne to Canada - not onfl y was It the President of the Unted States, 110W TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND) EASILY If you are troubled ,xith 'tlclng piles or rctial sýoranes. do ont de- lay treimt1 tani ln the6resk of leLtinig thie conition become chron- 4e, Any itchinig or qureness or panu assage of tool is nlatnraem arngantiprvo pear tretimnt g5houlti be secured ai once. Foür thie nurposýe get a pctg oDf Rem-Uoid from any , druggist and Use as dir-ec,Thi formula. wich is useti internally la a small, easy to take tbawill quickly relieve thýe itching anti soranass and aid in ha ingte sore tender spots. He-oi S pes to use, 13 highlýy recommeiidanti it seame the height of foliy 0for ay One te îisk s ainful 1and1 chronie pile ýon- dition whaen sncb a finle rametiy may be had ti i uch a emnal cost, if you try Hemi-RoiS and are ont, etrlypleas'et withk the rasulto, ynur tiruggist will gadyraturû beedinig anti PILS ro0t - ldlng P& 1 L E S piles sol kniow Bunkers Herbal ilpiîig reat the cause atitls source. Money back If the firsi bottie does net satisfy. liny front your, druggist. Rlieves distress teou IONTRIY Ew"OMALE Lydia EF. Plyikhamr's Vegetable Coospound flot ont y helps relleve monthly pqin but aise wealc, uerv- ous feeling--due te monthly func- tional isturbslpeer. Ithelpa bulsh! up resltance againet d!.treSS of 'diffl- cut dayk." aiin Canada. buit,IL a te i (d f teva-st front of a traffic h1r t i -on11gs, who tuIrned outt e gret change fomgreen hlone of thi-ewrds greates(t rei, over anid overa humnitrinsoraind y po- couldn'ýt, getier cai viden(e to rule thedetnIsof 0a ailly a cop camie gret nt poerulpeople at thec ed': i!rnecof 1their, anltli1our, mo cstL "Whaït's the mat inmnoscrisis, iand( at lth Ure we got any colors or the 1British E11mire'S gets cr1ii. "htsapn An.d for iis we, .too, as an'- soliers talk sc n; dians, W("re 1hnmbly hakfl s Daddy? we waitched ithe great mfn1 on 1WIlI,1)nthiz Parliameýnt H.ill, i your new bah StIrn:"l ook he Hiave You Heard? ordered hcepi isn 't a siJngle piece1 The Social Hygienle teachler i. was expTlaining the rneaiing of Waiter: "Thlat's1 the word barrenl, but feit he wws ent, s;ir:. We also 1 not getting it across. "Ilf youl had cheese, but so far as a cat for three or four years," isn't a cottagý,e in it. saiti he, "and it nlever had kit- tens, what wvould you say it was?" Wife:- "The ladi Up shot a handi and the young- hasm another new i ster said, "A tom cat." Hcsband: "la t ______too bad she's! not; Saleslady. "Se you thînk dent of such aida yen dlon' t want this new as youae. green dress? Why it?" 1Mandy (of ample prepor- "These r-oek forni ions) "Ne, suh! Not me! plained the guide, " Ah'd, look too mucb lak & here _by the glaciers. ton o' cals ia a lettsice "But where aret patc.'qskedl a3,curious old1 _______"They've tgone b Gracie Fields told in N ew to get more rQ0C ks Yor-k kbout stalingg her car in guide THEY'VE DQNEA S SWELL JOB! ProeettYouw 8001»4»ý Thanks to Alihedti ccess on ]lsnd, fromF aREslnrti have -) sise smd ftyj mea and in the aiir and also to our Cabinet, foy sny pi, Jshiipbuiildlers andi the men of the un, O? wrte, for pr Merchanit Marine, 'SALADA' Depst. W. Tea-lovers are able to, enjoy ae ~ Â L third more of their favourite beverage..Now y-ou can us-e îwo ToRoI4T0 SAFE 2 oz. tea coupons every three s.E weeks insteati of every four. salhe CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEME AGENTS WANTED ______________________FOOT OlU EARN EXTRA CASH, BUEKAFO- MAEMOirE MONEY EASILY. Offensive odor I Js sow oulr beau)tiful Cnd ote iaaa man a bitmas artis o Dug toeOta yorfriends ini spare timie. They ____________ elon, sight. MNanyasrtet Batulfree Album shoing FEL WOODV ',soalcada 18 for 1.0 ni ___________ upl,. Sample book showing Miii*- MÂPL, ECIA t _yaniNaval Chrisýtmias -ar, cordooti.First orS Li(rlcmisin rt t-daýy Al'n6Mlod.Stalt foruusa smleofa.The' la', an-d lowest 1 G. . Mntomey ompanly, 64p1, Shls 1le1liid, AUTO"M001ILES-U SED IHAliRGOO USED CARS %WIWh u001)TIRES. %w 1 G S. TOUPES, Se us9tiret. Mount Pleasant mo- ations, Switcheýs,r tors Lmte.Lsed Car Lot ai ty'pes Cof fineatS 2040 Yonge street; Hea5,d Ofce èoOds. Write for il e32 MounJlt Plea-sant Roatýi. T loge Toronto rono.Teepioe T.211.Supp11 co0., 528 DB BOOK NOW FOR 0OCTOBER At_,ND REJAI Novemyber chick$. The Gver- EOPEARETA men ans It is ncesaryal the good results layinig houses sholti be ýiIed 1 Dixon's Remedy. f to capacity tijis 3 ar" ray FaîlP ainisand Netiti.s. Bultni ety.Hv o or Store, 13.5 Elgin, eoyJray R1atchery, 130 Johr1ý paxdi$10l - Ul.BS _nEIl WAl LÀIRGE BULBS F FALL PLA-ýNT- WÂNTED ): RI lng. _Raý1inbow ClecinTuilipe hand must be capat' 2 toz. $1.10. Mixeti Daffodil1 Bulbe cattie, Exçellent fh( 2 toz. $1,10. Deieei uprs wages to rIght Bllb, tzcB.C. W'e grow the Benetaau Bls, liesi only. R.R. . ontarini. D0METIC EL? A1'iED IFLE S1Gý COOIC GEN"EltAL TO WORK -ýINý Oahawa.-good 1wageýs and living TLSOESf-IHTS conditions. Appy ox 62e 73 Adie. latest mdl.Scor laide st. W%., Toronto. 852, O'ttawa, Onitar. DYEING & CLEANING HAMMDESSÉNG HÂAVÉE YOU AmTIG NED UAN RIethdI dyelng or cleanlnýg? Wrte t& .11 on ,request meiuhr fInformation. We are g4dt o snAfalrdr anewevir your que.qtions. De)ipart- ey.18 veiae f mient H. Pa-rkler'e, Dye Wotk ___________ Llmiited, 791 Tonge oStreet. Tc'- rento0. PATENT! ELECTRI1CAL 8XEirPMENT THRONÂ I ___________________________ patient slIcitors. REILT ELE,-CTRIC !MOTO -RPS 1890; 14 King V anti aqulipmeint. ar, rawvinds1, Bo)okie-t of Inforai aind parts. Complete s tock, Allen e, st. Electrîec Company-, 2326 Dfei FARM llfORSALE 100 ÂC__RES CLAI LOAM, ALL UN- PosTS ECZEM, tIe-r cultivcation, younilg orchri Brick housýe with modem con1elVén- Banîs1ýh the mmmrln laneces. Uank baoatar ibIlarii Ezem, liehs al two silos, drive shed, eIactricity. 5kin Troubles. Pot 1)emie fomChu-c. illage- Salve Will Not Disa MILITARY EVENTS NO LONGER DOMINATE MARKETS! The successful invasion of Sitily and the over- throw of Mussolini should have inspired a miarket celebration. Instead of following the previous pattern of strong buying on good miitary news, a sharp reaction took place . WHY? T he Financial News Letter., Published every Tuesday and Thursday, carrnes an ireteligent and sirnply worded discusision of POLITICÂL end ECONOMIC events which will dominate the mnarket action of every type of securlty la the critical months -,,hich lie just ahead. 'You may enroji your marne on our maifing ist without cet by wr;ting to C harles M. Rashali & Co. Temple Building Telephoxne Richmond st. Adelaide Toronto ' 4959

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