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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1943, p. 5

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>-~- ORONO WEEKLY TIMIES TIIURSD'AY, SEPT. 9th. 19,13. Bl IJavey, t1laioi' vetra., E er1 - x- - i mnan, 'caught fourteeon n$)ce sipeciledi trorut on WednIiesdaýy e'vnin lat ,and lhas 1now one to enter into thÔlei com-petitioiii The large:st n es 'ured 101ý2 inics in leng-th. Thiýs is the frtspcldtrouLt to boentr ed. -John lrston ias one eniter- eýd ini the bontrout lss. 01)1Y ~evenmoredaysto 1,o. Apply at the ORO)NO 0TIMES 0OFFICE Oron - -Ontario Local News iO0ono Fuir, Fida,1y anti Satui se'pten'Lber IOt til th Mr. u% ýnd(i-Vrsý. ,Wý. S.Cob were o n h'olidays last week andci F'oýsl)orou'11h ut Niaýgu-ru Is 31r. and Oins. Virtle Wlo famîily',iMr. anrd ]Mrs. Fr ed Dur andi IMrs. Peel 1an(1 Mrs. Egi Peterbo ro, returneti home onm dany after spending a weektinI treut andi Ottawa, visiting fri( andi relatives. Q.n Tuesday evevning Bill Dýi andi Perc. Lunn were fishing al muiii pond anti tlie flunie end'eavol to catch a trout to enter into contest. "'Bil" lbt a niýce trout, eau!glit himiself an eel andt two si enIs, which were not eligible. Mr. Perc. burin ove-r the w' end icaughbt a nie 'brook trourt ut 'bridge ut Pidigeon River niear Li su y. The trout mieusureti osi inches ti lengtib.lHe was minale 'enter it in the(- contest as ail Oish 'gible for the conbest have to 'cauglit in Clarke Tonsip. PE hiat two tried for thïs fis-h. The i trneelhe hoo'ked h thtee t'h tecok leader alonig with thrcee ies, but ter fishin-g with uanotiher pole thef again to'k the hook anti this time wus lunýdti Perc. 'getting ýhis leas anti lihree fl'y h()oots baLck .aguin. For LumbQr See I can allow 10 Orono Coal & Lumber Co. RED& WHJTE STORES ~SPECIALS IThursday, Friday and Saturday QUALTTY IIIGIIER TRAN PRICE 29c 35C 69C 71c 25c 25c 25c 25c 38c 23c 39C 35C and ricani, s of theu 'but acýk- ek .1G eto) hist af- fish ýe it dcer vi sr l h toc Io t: in s.i- wi lM] TVI Mr. and 'r.O"Boyle and ( son Brinnl and Carl Flintoif spunt the îol'idayv week-end in tlhe MusIoka lWrs. Jas. Dickson has retu,,rnedý iome after spending a vacatio1n -with her daighters, Mrs. Turley and Mrs. VIlson. Miss Clare Smith, Port Ho)pe, spent over the holiday week-end with 4vr. and fMrs. 'C. 'H. ]Froste and son Vilfred. 3Mr. Win. Watson as secured the 'ural miail route *north Mr. IR. H. Bmown ha-ýiig gi.ven it utp owig to is healtýh. Mrs. Gacnet Towns and family, of Cobourg, are spending a nionth.'s visait with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. 't m . n , S t ain to n . Mr. an'd Mrs.* A. L Dfavy, of Tor- onto, were holidlay visiîtors wý,ith Ileir sisters, Miss M.ý Davy and Mrs. L. 'Pra.ick. M1rs. Frýed Lyicett receîvedj a eaible- ramil fromn her h-ýsband, Major E'. C. y'eJt't, inomngler of Li s afe ar- Àval ia England. M1rs. Peter Lanlg and Mrs. Wý. J. Wuts'oa were iii Torontco on Tuqesdaýy ls;t and wene entertuineti ut the uy-al York Hotel. Mr. Ja's. Eugl-,eson attend(ed the qsorts dnyay t Bilk'iooro'vn Mond(ayýT st anid while thenýe visitetýi whth is broýther 'George. Mr. W. Stainton, we vndiéerstund,l Mis puerchased the bome fie is nlow ~cpigandi liasha it covered ith imitation lbrick. Mrs. 'T. R. 'Cooper anldMis at fecKay attend'ed Port Pery Fair oný onday, Mrs, Coo0per a-,cting a s JUdge' or the scipee. %ev. S. and Mrs. Littlewood haýjve ýturned "lto their ho1e1a1terPend- r-g a pleasant mnonth's holidlay at ,eir swumer cotta,,ge at Baysville. .MWrs, Don. Hldcrofït aad thi-ee lughters Betty, Dorothy Ani andi 'hilleY, Of H]uveloek' visited receatly ith lier miother, Ms, Chas. Adamis, iid aunt, Miss F. M. Cobl)ledliclç RADIO Now )on't wait uintil parts become srarce. For your conventeance we carry a -complete une Of 7URES, . BATTERIES, ÇONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If unable to bring your radio td the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX PARK ST, UNIT'EU CHURCH Rev. S. Litttlewood SIJN,'DAY, SEPT. l2th 11.00 a.ux.-ýWorship "Temperancre Message" 2.0 ..-una 'School._ 7T.00 p.m.-Worsip "The Way of Penitence" A Grace Before Meals "'Be presenit ut our table Lord; Be here and ceveryw'ýhere àdore, These inercies and grant that May strengthened for Thy ser- vie e Yl roasting Bologna Sausage, lb.' Fresh Gr ound CQffee, IL Coffex, IL Auction Sale The 'nerînt urceived instr uctions fr-orù MR. WILLIAM LU'XON to sel hby Public auction at Lot 16, Con. 8, Clarke Township (2 miiles eust of EighthL ine 'Corner on J{ighway 35) FRIDAY, SEPTEMNBER 17, 1943 the follorwing Farnm Stock, implemllents etc: HORSES 1 iClyde Bay Mare. CATTLE 1 Durhain Cow, 1eiteei;iDu- hum Heifer, bora Jan. 5, 1943, will negister; 1 Jersey C'ow, 5 years; - 1 9--yea-r-old Grey Cow; 20 Yeunings,; 1 3-year.-olti Bniile Cow andi 1 3-yeai-old Red 'Gow. SWINE 1 YoT]kshire Sow, due Septemiber 26; 4 Store Eogs. SHIEEP Six Leicester Ewe bamiïbs; 4 Weth- POIJLTRY 50 Br'own Legliora Hens; 40 Barreti Rock Henis; CO Barreti Rock Pnllets; 70 Barred Rock ' Coecees; 20 Browýn beghôrjj Cockenec'ls; 1 pair White Geese; 8 White Gosling,,s. HARINESS 1 set Douible Hnes 1 set Single Hunness; flouse Collars. IjMPLEý'MENTS ETC. 1 'Peter Hminilton Binder, 6 ft.; 1i Frostv & Woodi Mower, 6; ft.; 1 Mas- sey 1,wiin Plow; 1 Ma'ss,çey Walklýin'g- P1ow; i Fleury Wulking Plow; i No. 7 Walk.iag PIow; 2 Root Pu~es 1 set seulles; 1 set Sleiglis;2 Wagons; 2 Wa.gon Boxes; 1 Gravel Box; 2 Hay Racks; 2 Cltîvators; 1 Interna[tionail 13-disc Seedlerý; Scuffler; i Peter Hamilton Tutrnip Seetier; 1 Roler; i1 réklîeTop) Buggy; 1 Ctter; 1 Demiocrat; i No. 12 Debaval Separator; 1 Sig-ar Ke2t- tie; 1 Grindstne; 1 Cûook Stove; F'ork', Clas, Gra-in Baga ,s and Sa'cks, andti numerous other articles. Sale to commene ut 1.00 o'clocký TERM$ ISCASH A. E. Morton It takes somethiag like24,0 individual articles t'o keep the 'Cana- dian Anmy rolling. Orono Tinshop for ail makes of and R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St- 0ronio Phone sorlO TE-D JACKSON' Local News Mr.Fagan, Toronito,ws home op-the'h- iay All the echr fo On h lef't for thîeilrurspectiîve sccos Mr. Jackl Buckley of the Canadianl ArmetiForcues, wshomeoertýe w'-ee k -end. Mr. 1Harry Bai'Ley is on thewat ing Eist of the RJCAF anýj will repoýkt some tJie in Novemibeýr. Don't f orget the dates ' for the Orono Fair, Friday and Suturday. Septemiber 1'Otliand llti. Miss Margarret Roy lias left for *Shawinigaa 'FaIts wliere she is on the HiLgh *School teaching staff. 1Mr. andi Mrs. Ailison 'Colwan anti family, Toronto, are visiting withi MRr. and -Mrs. 'Tihos. Co'wan. Mr. W. E.Amsrg lias sold ai,] hlis cattle and is now oû of the cut- ic busin&ss for this year ut least. Sidney York, olf the C-anadian Armi- Foces Kingston, spent the holiday week-end at lis home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris spent ilhe week-end holiday with fviendis ut their. summler cottage at Lake Sou- to healthfull family meais It's here at last! A really practical guide to meal- planning. Al jou need to know about nutrition, in an easy-to-follow, interesting, authoritative book. This is important to you; for recent Government surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fail short of good nutrition, even though seemingly well-fed. Perhaps your famîly lacks proper food for vital good heath ... stamina ... high morale. So get in lime with the "Nutrition for Victory" d1ep rive. Send for your copy of -Eat- to-Work-to-Win", NOW. Follow TH E the new EASY plan for serving delicious, well-balanced meais. dam_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auction Sale WOOD SALE I have heen u tlorizeti to 'sei ýtby public auction for DON GIBSON Lot 34, C«n. 3-, Clarke Townshtp (2 miles N. of Kurv Inn, on IHigliway Nü. 2 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER l8th ut 1.30 P.m. 300 STANDING APPLE TREES (more or less) Co<nprising trees i35 and 50 years o1d. Trees will be soldi in small lots. Buyer to have tili April 1, -1944, to TERMS CASH Elmer Wilbur, -Auctionleer.l IT PAYS TO ENGAýGEMENT M-. and Mrs. R.IH. Hollin'glsworh, Cowýaliville, 1nnnnc I Lh«engage- m-ent of thei- dfaughter, 'Dorothr Irene to Ed[warci Robert, ýnIy so o IMr. Lnd Mrs. Geonge Mourton, Ken- t1at; the n-arniag-e to take -piaec- Shortly. A' large nuiniber fromi this distict- and outside places attended M-s. A. Heniry's 'sauie on Saturday last. Goe<ý prices w-ere realized on many of tho articles offered, andj swme -were sb at bargain prices. SMis. E. A. -Linbert eAd Mrs.ý Zetta Andrews have, returmad fte Torontoazfter spendLng weeks at he home of Mr. andi MrSL R. .1,Brown. Mrs. Andrews vst lier m-n iLamrbert Andrews inMo. ItreaI during the holiday. Phones 2r 1and 70r 1 WNOTICE, Weare short of help iind for the duration of this war we wMl have to discontinue making any delivery. In case of older peo- pie, that this would be a hardship to, me will help out, as they cannot and w-e do flot want them tQ be carrying goods that wve could find time to deliver soinetie in the day. We hope you will understand our position and keep on trading with us as wec surely want your business. wax Paper 100 ft. 25C. Pure Lard Quart Jars dozen $1,19 Rose Baking Powder lb. tin IÇ c. Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. 30ce lb."oc Rubber Rings 25e. Fr-esh Side Pork 30c. Fresh 2, lb. 'lgeur Nutrition made easy! A "can't-go-warong" *(T'e 1?ItritionlaË are acceptable ta Ntitioin set- -voices, Departnent of Pensions arj Nationval Jrealtb, Otaa, for the' Candian Wri lion rgam. ~j~TRY ponsored by 4DUpfeTHE BREeING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) R 10 in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. Cooking Onions, 4 Ibs. Thrift Soap Flakes, Ige, pkg. Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 IL bag Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag Celery, 2 large head-s Rub ber Rings, 4 pkgs. Certo, bottie Certo, crystals, 2 pkgs Ciown Gt. Gems, doz, . Boneless Round Steak lb. A good variety of Beef cuts for * J. J. CORNISH IDeliveries wiII be made on Saturdays OnIy seh'd for WokIWd F u st' yu -nam te doÇom' lerY rnedo ARMSTR

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