UModerm tiquette By Roberta .eo 1. If relaives and friende lv ia distantcities, should wedding Invtations beesent tY mbni evea if ht is known that tb- will b ilnable to at(tn? ". What is thle cretmne Sof etigan orang-e 'at th'e table? 73 Jifone la maiag atcali onL frleýnd and ca econdcaerrres should one remain or leave im- med CIiatie(lyv? 4. If eesayfor a1mn't brjeak a na gemnt lthagïi, shouldhe gite wreason 5.'ait opr o wuse !thefigs whel(n eating fidcikn 6î. Is it il rig'ýjt for a bride 10L baebotb a mantron and a maýid o? blonor at lher w'ýeddinlg2 A nswe rs 1. Yps; they are as miui en- tIo 10 mtationls as il they liv- ed ih) neS neighbrhoo c.Peel 1tha orange, and then puill it apart. At reafas, te oang isoften' dult ilto îbalvea and oaten l h lan orange-spon. 3. Reain for afe miueand then lae.4Yes and ithe true reasonl, for, hýýe hould rlot:break the engaeen ula righit at bornle, or amlonig aif ew lain- tilrilate frienda;s but the proj)er way is t1 luse the uife adfork . 6.Yes, if the wedding is na verylag n for-mai on"' HEEL ON HEEL iiu ise puas as U.S. Sergt. JhnC. Beg,' ovicis o! Plym-iotis, Ca!if. lnoncisalsnlly ligliss up witb isis foot ou1 a falien Portrait e! tise lallen d(iclator-la Me-ssine. HOW Canl?? By Annie Asley. A. Reniove -the yellow s>pots b -wetting the lace sudspr1 din w isei will freeze, or. byweig and spreedinig it la avery bot sun. Elîber mtetlsod miayr- qulire seuvral cdays (te asch isero- ougily, th Ie lace miiie kept ait]nul dîinlis te proce'sa. Q. How Ca1I mb ake a ooti A.By ii'xigfisoo syfv ounus io! aecnumtcarcoal, two oucos o! cMue-fisis bonque, o ounce of areca-nuts, rew and pow- dered.stru tlrugb a fine sieve Q. How cenIi prevent a eoiored Suede bell froinifading ente tise d!res from perspiration? A. Lino 11e aside o!fise boult witb a'ls3rip of! wteriproofads- lyv tpe Q. How Cai 1oosecn cornas? A. t la clalnied tisaI E il!l loosen bWy bininig a piere o!lioin ariioun iLl , clinging tiseapia tieni daily for, about liree or fîour d-iays. Thon seai thse roI-1 fla warml water and it rau bo removed vey easily Q. 0wcan 1I iaise asusj t for whipped creani? A. Sdce oua banana and add ab t0ie, lie of an egg. Theni beat IL. The banana wi dissolve. Thia niaiss a doUdous subaitue for ppdcreýami, The "Wobbie" -A new rpt ve '(',0ts ' wobliie" - a cross beî-w(eeiaa ;,arrol and a beeI, and reported te eontiaia tbLlrceeor four Limes !as murs vitaiai C as ate-a ben itreduced la Hollaad. Large arýea bave elreadly beau )plant!edj te 'wobbies'ý. This la Use irat new vegetalile A .,~ ewhicbagricuue aR Cfae beir f'or a wbole gnraln CANADA PACKERS'-LIMITED' REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS ý<oiiituedi From Provious Pagýe) TABLE SlauhterngaAt lnspected EÊtablishmýentï TotalCanada Crep Year seýpt. 1 te Aug. à! 1 ..9............... 1940 (Waï Par 1). from cýro)p year 1939 to 1943 Cattle 854,953 887,312 94,795 1,010,0m2 998,886* Calves 674,963 690,706 696,943 708,546 598,619* 793,724 758,428 794,638 798,315 837,048* 6.46G7, 185 6,457,6G3 5 143933 76,44 43,32Z4 3,270,85 17% 1%o à 13 Note1T e iinuiititon in marketings of calves indkctenet se inucis a cine s a prospective increase in meat production. Tise reason fewer c-ýieqe were înarketed las that a greater: number were tield on tise fertma te grow-, up into breeding stock, 2-Althnoîgh CrO,»ea 1943,>shlows a diminution, as compared with 1942, ila ti,- number o! etl(11,126) and of isoga (9,550), -nevertiselesa 111 e atuel quanliity of beefad of pork produced waa greater, ieîncsas-41-te animais were heavier. TPise increasefap i weight of ment produced (crop yei 1943 over 1942) was:- Beef 6.5 per ce nt, Poî-k 5.5" 3 abe5 la 1the record o! lnspected Nagstrn a erecord ex 1t o Ininspeotetl Siaugiserinigs, butla crop yeer 94 Isese were muci ilgiebots o! ,cattie and oga cati1e popullation i-la aaais 110W h, Iigluer thma', at anytimte lat 1,1 apprjioacbling crop year 11:usbeenissueid by the Fdî-lDep)ariimea ot Agr,1iutule. 1-Il las fohws TABLE 6' - Forecast by Federal Department of Agriculture Hog Marketings - October, November, December, 1943, Forecat 1943 Manitoba-------------2 0,U TotLal five Provincesý.........2,4,0 Actuel 1942 59 9,600 Perceutlage Incxeasýe 74.0 35.0 45.o Il la lîkely 11e ntasoumablecrP pspect in Eaterf Canada nm-ay leal te î educed bedlg.If se), the trease for- the letr part o! hue coming crop year wili lbe less. Tfisre might even lieeua decrense. Recent Almed successesgive goupdfor bo»pi btiian AlIe l victery in Europe may ureieet an eeîiieîdate %an leW en xetd 1'te polma0Lhe v. -w iodaleay allil forai dy. Wlst emadawill 'btuas peiml pont 1 ise Canadien Live Stock Indu dry?ý Tise dsus ons0f it î;e à llid od oterenreC et Rot Spriag"s gveSomte 1oacias 'to tie eîw ta>1 luIsle immliediate pa wrperiod t1e:e jýma1nd for- fond wl egrtrnotleaiMoanietpresefL nt.l isat period, mny ocupied anldneutL contîes,1w exrem lhoîtt f ond, m-uai reaceive immendiate supplies. CmmîtteAswicre set paItie coneaceP10 wk oui pînA su edvancelfor ibeso immedate pwotwar Shipents These re vlief bimetaw i nedte11 ontiini .edtfora 1perlodi o! omie or two years. 0b) As 11Ut3 e ong-i-nge food Pi-OkuLemthe UCCofeîe n niyed a ponucy f selttng Up hier titional standards in A AWeil counîtr. Il was tise view 0f tue Coniereoe dibi if ettei could 1e given te sucis e pWic, uSelodproblein would lie,flot liow 1u dispose of upoebtrte o opo du1-1e1 enouglu food't0 mPeetwrdleuieet.Sc nl pîcif piael lieci cen 11e gieate samne, oubld have far'-recbinig ipiatosfoi- Canada, wbii i-oueand, miLformu r s coninue ioduea 1large foodsrls But to setup adutenstandary rds et nutitîoa in i44 coutrîies(and maa mo-eferneutral eîd eemyconiiieswoid bave te o bî )oug5,isi la) is a. vastly complica ted problemi. Iluevoîy c Innry new mthoda of food distribution woUld bave 10 1e întî-duiced. It wuld ha apo- gramme wc-hwould Oa years le work oui te completion. Jlb a, tsrfrsimple omo-Sns isaI evry xIsting Outiet for Cnada'S surplus fod sbou l1e assiuouly culiatd. las in el.d o!fve slock, Canada ias one, cie!sq plscrop, and( one Petaibed customne.The surpha crouplaisoga. TIe usomeih Great Biaa-tesurpmus laslipedinu the lorm o!, itsi- Ilacon). Il la ts is arkýei, bfoeibe war, (Cnnedia WltbeBacon was :a seon-laeprodciu. Daialcnise (-)[i iraI place. Caniadian Wýilt- sb1iresr sold bat p eaapoimtl shillings pe'r Cwl., below thal, o! Daiali. flare'spect et Urîtia ubacon uplistie war imnposed upon Caîî- 9faanaspecial obligation). PFiom June 194u, wbiea Norwa, Deama1ïu-rk and 1flolaad Vwere overrunp Canada becare Brobons soe outaie sou o! Wltsiire' acn iCtiaiaifarmeurs %w",eeugltu nrae rdcl 0 isellit. Tiseir response laidicjated il utierecord o! bacon shipm:eata.ý E8xporls to Great Bri&ain latislge h sýt ewryear (193) istad býeenj-----...-.........-..-....-...-..-192,000,000.. lbs. Tl'is aear, cibe obj2ctive is 675) miillion 11s. Shipmieniis nmay feuaitbori t Hiabut will exceed ...60U,000,000 hbs. Aloagaîdne tish aae d proi-cion, for lwo years tisere was car- ried nrward a moat succesaful campalgn o!filog improvernmti(ed by tise Canadhi Deparîment of Agiculture and the CadinBacon 133ard).ý By tMe Sprng ot192,Canadien bacon isad reachl a standard e! quality amd iza liglier thabat ever before bGeen aciieved. Ae- porAs comîng bacfromEnlad gave grouand for tise hople tinit at ast C2anadian bacon maight become ea Lstablisisýed in firsi place ilailie Britisis liarket. (fnaddichtio u dte1ie pepularily based upion improvedi quaHlty and sizabili, there was tise stroag emotional fadecr lisat Canada isad come tu Brltains iselp wlien baccon was net available fremi any allier sour Lceý.) WVisI w ldil atleante 0the Canadian farner if Canadian bacon wonere esabied l iaih.tplae ii laite Brililis marliet? Ila addc.ition 10te ise greatly increased vlmit wouldci mean an extra 8 shillings per wl. (30per bog) on al le 'bacon SLipped tu England. Tisa, la tutu, weuld mean aýn extra ý3.Q0 per iog on ahible isogeý produced la Canada. (Fer Mle price o! tise total crop la determiaed liy tise price whinb ca be. ob,,tainied for tise surplus.) hnpce ilinga la Canada Ibis year wlhhli approxlimatly .................. ...65000io. Unispcle klli aileat . ............ ........ .00 1^e, otal jsog producion la Can-adla snjw la ex es l e.....---. .... - .....................,0,0 An exta $3,00per hMg wmud mmanw âte Canadian fÜarmier an added-iieome of!...........$27,00,00 pr year. TJhos is the suam at stake in the issue whether Canadian bacon, aWte the war, sa occupry first or second positiou n àthe British market. Withintiire last twve monf lite prospect of achieving fîrst position lias beenj jeopardizedl. Thse reason lies la thse urgene1y 0f* tie < British demnand for blacon. The Britishis Miisy of Food was very latent upoa jmainatining a four-ounce ration of Wiltshire Bacon. To doIi the y required frmiCanaaG75 million pounds yer year. To eet tiris requiiremient, the CaneadianBconBoard cut downii domestic consomrption to onec-fifth 0of the C2anad1i)anrdcto.Net- withstandingtNé, however, Bitish reluireentsi could be met only by finishig Caadien hogs to a heaier weight. At tMe urgent requesi of thse LM1inisry -,f Foofil, tis as been done. Thse resuilth at Canadien baconise beginning to lose its aqcept- ance, not iithe tiMiisry of Food. but wîth the Briti6h public.' Britishi iousewlves are begiing ttubiilk of Canadian bacoin, as la the, last wer, as heavy, fAt bacon. C-onsc(iously or subconsclously, the idea is being re-establishe1d lu their mlinda that Canadian bacon is really a seconid-grade baconi. But that la not the only penalty. la the at analysis. tie person %Mo detwrmaines U4e q"uio!ne baLcon is tie man w1bo produrces tuse pig. Twenty years have beeni spent, la briugig bomne otohe Canjadiail Armner the neceasity for lean hogs and sizeable weights- r, ueresent requcst for heavier bacon is bound to blur tise ~re mental i)cture i thof e proper type of acon hog. it is a mucb easijei muatter to brecak down standards thaýn to restore Ail tsse tacts bave many times been caiee by tise Depart. me.(nt of Agriculture iand tthe e mem bers of the Bacon Board. la tise energency tUiey have Wet tey muat respond to tWs req-uest of Ibe jMnltry of Food., However, tue ilncreased mr~tnso!flue -ýcong erop year, shulnakeposilean ear retuNuth stndards ready reaclied laitMe Spingot 142,Wadi therer a furtiser sustained campaigu (of T saisum aistake m ilakes this th", mostimotatsigesuel Caa nAgricutue. As in prevlos yearsacopy o!sitaeport wnwillbeset tuevery employee 0f tue Compaay'. And14J, as; lu1 pre Vi o aS yea rs, ts irectors(j wlsfo expjre ssftler appreciation aaid gratitude for the l oyal and efficient work ut cm- ployees of ail rankas. Ti-Copnysprofit-sisaring plant bas been cainc.Thre bonus dhirteIoe 4lmployees at tise close o!fbefiscal year w-as....................... ......... ............700.0 A refere nat lngtb bas been nmadeto the diffiuit pobls wbîcls whi arise la the comling monîbaHI, o!fgeth ie work dloue. 0,heproessng f foS la ono! Lb moÈese atiaSP w arjobS. T, J3rctr eel ïtbey can assuire Shlne]ohlders andihe publi, .thatthle nen and women wbo work flor Canada Packiers wili înotfaiL. TORON-'Tl, 2r Auguti, 193.l. S. MLAPeiet Extra copies of this Report are available, and so long as they last will be miailed to anyone requesting themr. Address tA Canada Packers Limited, Toronto. S UN DA Y S C HOO L LÈES SO0N SEPTEMBER 19 TH-E SIN 0F MoSES '\AND AAROIN-Numbers 20. PRINTED TEXT, Numbers 20:1- 13, 27, 28. GOLDEN TEX' -- Be ye an- gry, and sin not. Ep-hesianis 4:26. MEMORY VERSE - Chi1drený obey your parent3. Colossians 3:20. 2HE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time-Abnut 1131 1ý.C. Place-Tise carl; p1art o! ouir lesson opens in Kesw icbl reuily Kadessharnea, L moat im- pottant place Lu the \wauaeninga o! Isael, located in tise extrenie southeast of Palestine. Tise loca-, lion o! Mount Hoi La neteaci k'ow , tighis t of e!, somewiere in ise Sinaiticdert Deatisof( umia "And tise chiPirea o!f anl even tseuwmod cr'mreain, Carle mitotheC wildee, o! Zja lu tise firat mroli: I'd tise peo- pie abode in Kadesh surd Mr ium died lisere, sud was burieo tisere."ý Miriam jwais tise sîster of Moses and may be seîd tb lie tise niost prominient women llo! nil those wisho came up eut o! Egypî. I sraelites, Camplaïnt "And there was ne water for tise congregation; ind they as- semlbled Ltieiselves logethler egainat Moses and againat Aar- on. And! lhc people strove ;ih Mnoses, and speke, sayiug, Would tisaI we-,Isd died wisen out breuis- ren died befere Jeisovais! And wsy hv ye lirouglit tise asseni- bly o! JehIovai intistis wilder- 1 This is tise active musiiing camp o! tise nortis country. Tise presencrt actiity maiy well lie a record for diamiond driiing hi one ares. Tise development o! tise young Kerr Addiso-n minie te s poslirpes iu ise forefront o! Cansada's biig geld mines, bas been tise stimjuluis for the effort te find niewmns.Al antisorities agreca ta conditions axial in tise anea, wisicli warrant tise expectation that severalne mnswiflliec developed. 'l'le question whiibwe find Ilu many m-inds, is-H.ow ca'I en participate lu a sining developmnenl, suris as is gettîngl underway Ï-a Larder Lake, and dIo se on a sane, sonnd basis, witis every reasonalile chance o! succes?ý Our answer la "diversification" over tise liat of el located piroperties, wisere tise pnices o! tiese hanres are s'i11 in tise penny elasa Arjen-, Armiistice, Lar-Add, Moosewood, Pelangie are al1redy dnilling, sud Tovaricis sud Gnassy Lake -are e-xpected te lie drillin1g Shorly., Virgo Larder anid Largold have been flinanced; andnuor are is-eard in regard te -Mrlin Bird. MenaI iseiisMne as be ineorpoan sd is planning, diamiond drilling. We are iaiterested la Tovanicis, and tisiistise cisances fer sucýesa are good. On, location next te Cliestervîlle and close to Kerr Addison, me 'tisii Pelangio mnay lie a ,igwinr. Tison, ou tise excellent condi- tions indîceted liy driiling te, date, Moosewood, iocatl adjoiiugil Oniega, miay have ore conditions aI any tume, Tisenaagalu, on Lar-Adà, !lanked on two ides liy tbe Amialg-aiaî.ed Larder, wisicish~ pn issben fînanced liy, and la conlrofled liy Anglo-Huironiani, Consol- idated Smeltena-, Ventures and Nrna-iechances for auccesam ahiould i e excellent. W e tisini tis Larder Lake developmeent is tise opportuity o f years. Mlay we assiat you. Correspondence invited. We have a miaiso tise Larder Lake ares availalile on request. GEORGE CMAMAN a CO. 200 BAY STREET TORONTEO nies, that wý re shoidie herPe,e anid our bea,'ss. And vb(refore ha'.ecye made ,ý,us toornýje up on of Egypt, to bigus intlebi evil place? It i o paeof sJ>d or of figs, or of vines os r of!1po- egranates' ; nihris there anmy water toerik, ifot strange- that, alrepnnigs nn tkn ft he e]ý;grace anzudmrc of God tesýe peo l houd o have tre upae 0Gd u stead ofcopinn to os? They 'Tura ta GoD "And Moses and Anron wevnt £rom the presenrce of thiasse. lily unlto the doo teten)t oe meeting, and f eu uLpon lthleir faeesý; adtegoy- eo appeared .untthe, ossanld Anron do(13 not appear, on, tisis oc- casion, 10 have attempted an, wy re- ply te the peopfle. Th1ey juat cast tLemiýselves ulpon theliin Gd Leut us rmmb tibis. Gýod de- lîgbtls to be- used. If Ibis toulit w-er'1eeer keptlu aur hiearts, we shouid 1hear laso! the accenlk o! impatience and dhictnt, aud more of tise langýuage -of lak fuineas and praise. The ýDivine Comamand "And Jehovab spoke unie assemblMe the cnrgtothiou, -and Aron thy brthr, a speak ye unIe lise r1ock ! beàfore Iheir eyeS., that it gîve _,f orîli ils %ýater; ac thon shait brîng ,forthl f0 lhiemwterout of tire rock; seý thon shaît give tie cngrga lio)n and Iheir c- te drink.ý" Yelars before Moses :a ide lu use the rod because hisï, t w-as ulrîed; but th)s isle tise greateýr faill1i sbould wvorkC ltib-ugb a aliiter and orýe fra. gil e 1means--tlhe aUccent o, f bis vole. Incomplete Obedience "Anld Moss( ý lock lise rod from before Jeb1oval ,as lbe cma hlAn oses and Aaron1 g;alhered lisesembytoýgetherj before tbie rock, and he said ulo theml: Hear nowye rebýels, sha11 we brinig yôr, forth wte ouIt of Ltiserock" Though t[he people udutd eevdcen- srand were actinig tise part of reb)els, yel il was flot M.'oses' dutlý ow 10 upraid fthem. 1They dic net probably so mnuch cdaim) the abîhiily le bring forth water theacîesas chierisis a du v-heter th 0Lor.would. d, il La belaif of sucis groe7 offeniders, Therevfore Moses and- A1aron0Fp speak ,distruSlfui!y. -"1And oses lifled Lnp hb i and, ald swote lise rock wîti hlis rod twc:and waler caneý forth_ abundea(,iitl% , and tIhe conigrega- lion drliank an a heir caIlle." Mýoses was net direclly commi-iand-. -id b sInise lise reock even Once, H-ere we find hiiim siling ,it twcunioubtely tise resuit of. excitement and uajuslified agr Punishment of Moses "And lJehovaisid unto 'GYoses a1:d Aaron, Because y'e believe4d netL in mie, te sanctiiy m in iith, ey es of fith ildren co! lsrael, t'er1efore ye shah noti bring this assomibiy mb toise land which ', bave giveni themi." Moses had directly broken the divine cern- mand. H1evwas net l sriebu le speai.