ORONO WEEKÇLY TÛMES THIURSDAY, SEPT. 9th 1943. World's News Seen Througlh IRISTIA-ýN SCINCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper -Con stru ctive--Uunbiased-Free f romn Sensational- jals Are Timely aud instructive, and Its Daily ýgether wth the Weekly Magazine Section, Make an Ideal Newspaper for the -Home. Thie Christian Seience Publishiing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly, or S1.00 a Month. Saturda-y Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Irntroductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Name- - -- ------ - - -- --- - - --------- SAMPLE COPY ON REIQUESI Y OU don.'t need a hig~h school, educationi to win your wings no.The R.C.A.F. is prepared to provide you witàh the education nesayto miake you eligible for a ircrew. This is your chance to team- For Wallboard andi NFWTflNIIII SEE McLAREN Orono Coal & Lumnger Co. n jâ 1 Ë v1 afm WIUv Ç Keith Burley has RCGAF.I MrI. and MVrs. Chas. friends ia To)rontoD. Me. and Mrs. Bock visited in Peûte1iboro. IMes. Henry Joues is in Port Hope HosIpia. entered the Dix visited and family, ýCritically 111 A numberv from here attended thej Rickard-Pediwehil wecdding in Newcas- j tie Ohuech on Saturday. Mrs. Frank Slemon, Toron1 to, ad Me. Fred Rowve, iw, visitedi their mother, Mýes. R. J. RZowe. Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Miîlsoii and Do nwere Sndyguests' of Mu. und Mrs. 'Hilton Avery, Cobo4uug. Mr. Ge-orgec Stone and frîenldMe. lFric Wtsi, shw, iite'd the frersparents,M. and Mis. Jas, Storien MissWilnmu Prouse and Mario Bruce and Messrs. M\oiley' vRobins-on and( BreLnton Farrow sp'ent Sunday at edly Mes. Ccci -neey and Miss Mr g-ret Deaut re ou a trip tVo Scou- louu, N.B., whevre Ron-al BLuîley,7 ROAF, is stationied. M s. Norýiiaan Saiis, New asthe, and ýMr. and HMe's. Reg. Woodam aimd Mar-ie, ont spent thc week- cndj \ithl datives h ere. Me.Roheet iMorton andI Bill, ]Mes. Russel Lowe and DT-avid*(land Aisses, Ruth and Lois Chanmbers visited Niaari FPailslas4 rweek. Mr. undI Mes. George 1(im-ball and~ Me. Arnold Wade attend'ed the dou- r1le-he-ader baih game ,at Ma-ple La Gardens, Tor-oato, Monday. Mr. and Mes. D'oLph Payne andI Douglas and] Mr. andI Mes. Otto Kleiser, Toronto, were gucsýts oF1 their ýpareots, Me. andI Mrs. Reuben Pa yne. AiC2 lMilton Morton, Edmnontonl, Aita., spent the -week-en-d wthis parplts, Mr. 11d Mes. Rchert Mior- to0n'. Milton aili co-ntinue his train- ing- ut MontreLal. The ladies of the colnmuity have an o'!jpportulniyty Vils weeok of taltiag a sewing c: ourse. The 'W. I. are sponsoring a course in re-m'odelhmng eoVies antI it is being held lu the Conimunity hall. Mr. andI Mrs. Irwln Goheen andI baibe -Camiborne, Me. and Mes. ,How- ard Gordon and babe, Port Hope, Me. and Mrs. Douglas Ogden antI Ruth, -shaa, avert, Sin-day gulests of 'Mr. anti Mes. George Kimbaîl. Mýisses Marlon Brueceand Wiima Prou§fe enoyed a triplast week Vto Ganano-que, Vie TIousand Islands anMd -Co-linsý LantIing, U.S.A. They,, Veuvelied hy the GollacuittCoh Lines aIl the way maUkng a f ew houes stop lu Gananloque and an ovýer-nigli;,t stog InlaBelleville. R1ev. and Me-s. J. Meaiabave returned froria a pleasant holida,)y and IMr. MeLit-lan oeetpietI the pulpît S-ulday evening. fHe prea-cliedaq stieei ngsermon -rt the e ,xV "The Sacredness of Humian Personality" centred aouthiepo-em "Tfie Man Wiia Hoeby Rdjwin Mavçrkham. Mr. Grorge Campbl- ang, the solo part in theienrI-ie by the choir aIntI MiFssJean Campiell rendcred a beau- tiF'ul sol-o, "The Soul ut '-ae' -aVe.", On Octoiber 3rdtI-tere -will be a sp)eelal service ilutVie UnitedIChuc at 'U10 p.m.,-%vlie" an Honour Rol Iii!l be uvie.On tVils hbouQuel roll are, bnsc'ribetI the inamles cf all the- Ioys andI girls i re la thel ArmJ)pIdForces fronm t-lis vicilli y. Tbe q)(,tepaker avilIl be Rpv. Wal- -tee Tsraafriend-O'f -flac. Mc Lachlan avhen. he was luinthe Wes-t. -v. Tristain is -in ex-soldier of Vie -lest war aint is ut preseat doingý dluty aith The arîmed forces ut the Tatennenl Campn t -Bowmanvýrlle. Up with the hard-hitting comiades of dhe skies in the big drive for Victory. Yes! ... you can be in .a fighting man's uniform at once. Make ypur decision right now! Enlist, for aircrew, today! Planes and Schools are Ready to Train You Quickly No more deliy getting into ircrew. Basic training begins ut once. Silled insuructors are waiting. Fast planes are ready. If you are physically fit, mentally alert, over 17 afnd not.yet 33, you are eligible. AC-9W1 ose the services of any of these- Chartered Banks.@ Bank of Monfreal The Bank of Toronto Canadian Bank of Commerce The Dominion Bank Imperial Bank of Canada The Bank of Nova Scotia The Provincial Bank of Canada The Royal Bank of Canada Banque Canadienne' Nationale Barclays Bank (Canada) - i These banks are constituted under the Bank Act- -an act of the Parliamnent of Canada. BAK They compete with each other for your business. This makes for fuir and efficient operation and for quality of service. Enterprises and individuals maiy go to any or ail of them to deposit money, -Y "btain loans and transact any other banking business. Security and privacy are two fundamnettals which the Cania- dian people have always de- auanded of their banks. They -inaintain more thani 4,350,000 ,d&posit accounts, knowing that -therir money is available when ,they want it. la thousands of <laily contacts with bank man- agers and staffs, they know that their private affairs will be held In every sense of the word, the banks are servants of the people. Lord Macmillan wrote in the Royal Commission report of 19 33: "The miechanism of finance is a delicate one; the confidence upon which it is based is a slow growth, but it may be destroyed over-niglit, and those to whom i s entrusted responsibi/ityfo r the wcel- j'are ojthepeople imustproceedwiîth caution in the adoption o/changPes. " SCHOOL OPENS Tuesdayý Septemb)er 7th at 9 a.m. Hlere is a complete stock of sup- plies for both «Public an~d Continuation School. Save mmoey by mnak- in)g this youir Iea4Iqujarters for ail your Sebool Supplies. FENS AND FOYUNTAIN PEN'S Eugle Penhlolders, each ......... 5c. Eclipse Founitain _Feus.$ il ArbveelDip-It Penls, oai.15C. Iuki-0-Ducýt Dip It Feu's, writes 200 wo-rdfs for oue dip, each25 Watermuu Pen, $3,57 & -$1.1i6 Waterln 'n e CSLs . $5. 06 and ......... . ......... ........ (AIl prices ta-, includeed) PEN CILS "Rami-ier" and Crest Pencils, rffb)bertpe, metal f errule, -a chIl.......3cý. 2 for.-5c. Dixon's "Mirado Pencils, rub. brtipped, belt value each 5e. MeebaicalPencils uat 39e., 4ic (Tax included) \Miss Lila IPRynelias rretuecdto her sehiool at Por-t Robinson. MeAl. J. D. Mecrrili, Wawoth spent a -wei< vwth Iis cusin, Bud MUr. andMs.H-arry MJc Gee. , o- onto, -isited MAr.nd Mrs. Raymond Bruce. Mr. and M S . J. Lnatrvst ed -Mr. adM-s. Joseph exsîton Suinday. a weken gcst ç4f-M i ss J Canibel. Mu. anld -Mrsý. \.HedsoM- iish, visited 'Mr. adMe.George Henderson. Mr. and lMes. Doutglas O'gden ni R-th- Osbawa, spent a week 'wýÎih reatve hre. Miss3es Ruth and Lois Cham-tbeus, Belleville,.pei a few days at Mer. Robeet AMortoni's. uMr. amd Mrs. Ekuiier Rinlil and John, Oshawa, visiteýd bis miother, Mrs. iH. Randaîl. 31v. and Mes. Cocu RPo)inson and IMr. and( Mrs. Win. Milig-an visýited ftriends ut Argyll. Mr. and irs. Mac. Irwin, Mor- rish, s'penit Sunda'y with iMJr. and Mus. Frank-Gilm-ier. Miss Helen -Mortoni has returned from rvisiting her sister, Mrs. Lloyd lcGahey,, Peteeboro. Mr. and ýMes. Jadk Nalis and fani- ily, West Hili, were guests of Mr. tad Mrs. Wm. iStaupleton. Prescriptions a Speciulty Charles Ty rreli Agent for .ackimau Flowers Phono 68, Oronto Old English No Rubbing Wax, 1 pint....... 49c. Glass Castor Cups, proteet your floors from cas- tor i-marks, two sizes, 3 for ....... ........ 10c. Fancy Flower Pots, assorted colors .. 15c. and 25c. Small size Flaing T,-'Lin Pails, about 5 quarts, each .................. .........-25e. Pot Menders, saves pots a'nd pans, 6 mnendets on a card, com-plete with wr.,eeh, set....._... 10c. Crystal Glass Cups and Saucers, set....... f5e. Zinc Jar Rings, dozen for............. ... 27c. Better Quality Corn Broomns, each......79c. Kleenex Clea nsing Tissues, 300 for ...... .... 3c. Ladies' Adjustable Shoulder Straps, tea ros-,e or white, pair . ...... ........ ... .........lO 1c. Men's 3-pound Wool Work Socks, pair . ......2_9c. Men's Engineer's Caps, washiable, each...... 29c. Boys' Assorted Twveed Caps, each........... 69c. Tooth Picks, 1000 in box for ..........5c. Parke's Catsup Flavor- and Preserver, saves time and 'material, prevents souring, bottie. . 35c. Windsor Fine Sait, bulk, 3 pounds for....... 5c. 100 pounds for............ .... ..... $1.00 Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for ....... ........ 20c. Cooking Onions, 3 pounds for . . ... ........ 25c. Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24-lb. bag ............. 71c. ORONO# 5c. TO $1.OO STORE YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE, Motor Equipaient Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furuiture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped te take cure of the modost f uneral at thse most reasoniable charge as wieIl as the largest and Most exactiug Telep4honc: Office 668 - Resideuce 523 -nd 726 Telephofte Colleet Bowmanviile, Ont. Sokiirs cktaiied from aIrlly'traini- cording to National Dcfecnee 11. Q. ing tobo hp with the hae'vest will be Wher>e they are geanted eomlpassion- paid ut $-I a day in Western Canada, ate leave to work on their own $3.50 ln most pa-rts of Ontario, $3 lu fains, 'or the farrms of neur reIla- Quebee .and the t.Marit-imes, fuenyiers tives, soldiers iget fieee trapodra.- ,aso provding roomn and boaeurd, aeo- tion n up te 500 miles. HIOR SCHOOL EDUCATION NO LONGER REQUIRED to join the .UlmcmAisFT loin the Fighting Coiurades of the Skies Racruîimg Centres are Iocated hi tthe principal cites of Canada. Mobile recruiting umits vist - smailer centres reqularly. hi any of more thon 3,000 branches and sub-aigencies of the Charered Banks c.cross Canada you con entrust your savings and discuss your financW ialaoirs wit assurance that privacy wi be maintained. ----------------------------------- 444*8 Mca ili the "nainAemy whio require giasses rei-ceive themi as a frýee issue. Outstanding Ç, anadian a-tists have donated prints of their work to be hunglý- in canteen-1s, mess hlals an1Id ,loumges of andasthe-e 2ur'Mcd We have a comple-te stock of TEXT 80O7KS for Public and Continuation Sehool CRBRLERS ANI) NOTE BOOKS Fînlest Quliity, !Light P'ape(r Stýockç, easy to write o*n, easy to read from luW ahty' pes for- peul or pencil, ruled or plain, each ............-3c. f for.5c..5c. a.d ..............and ......... 10c. WI'ire-O Exercise Bos lie flat at every page, 2 sizes ........ ..10e, 15c. Students Loose Luf Note Books, cach . ......................_.... ........ 15C. ",Seh-olustic" Loose Leaf Note Books, eachi..................... ..... ...25C. COiymj3lia Refuis, close ruled, each ....... ............ ... .. lie. 31onarch Refis, close ruled, 35 double sheets, each ....... ........... 8c. A 1Il School Supplies are sold Strictly for Cash. Please do not ask- to charge them Scrup Books . ......... ..... ..................... loc., 15e, 50C., $1.00 and $2.00 Illreaeh ...............le. and 5e. Music Rooks ..........10c. School Dictionaries ........................... ...... .............15e, 25e. and 50e. Winstou School Dictionaries, comipiete and Iliustrated, each _... 68c. 8 Color Paint Boxes,, steel boxes, complete with brush, eaeh,_ ..35c. Fountain Pen Ink, bottie for ..._.......................... ... ........... 5c. and 1 Ocý WNatermau Fountain Pen Iu'ks, al colors, 2 ounces, each ...........15c. Mathematical Sets, at . .........>.......... . .. ........._............... 39e., 65c.- and 75c. Scbool Crayons, box of 8 colors,........... 5c. 16 colors ........ ......... 10c. Asco Oil-0-Graph Crayons, blend -well, 8 color box.__...... .................. 1 âe. Outurjo Druwing Books, smnall . ................ ....ý6c. Large ............... 8c. Asco "B" Art 'Puds, eaehi...................................... .............. ... .... 15C. a