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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1943, p. 2

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Englisýh Bicycles Throw Doughboys Blritains Lease3-Lenid ln Re- verse, Provides Americans3 Wïih 50,000 Bicycles r'fiL y thousand BPritïi-ma,-de bicycles, 5,003,000 d-ay pigeon's for skeet shooti-l; ani large ubesof garbage cans are amonig the more. unusual evi- 4enices that U.S. Lend-Lease, 15 far from) a "one-way street." Bi.Gen. Albert J. Browning, 'irector of the Armoy Service, For-ces Purchases Division, yes- terday told a press co)nference on his retura from Great Brit- ria thatths and many more or)diniary forms of aid offerL im- pressive proof of the value to the tJnitcd States of Lend-Lease in .reverse. Moat cof thase_ materials are raaýsfe-rred to U.S. forces in rianor the%- overseas terri- torieýs. But tha shh'tt s BOt LwaVýýys ~ccmpisledsmoothly, Brown~- ing said. ~For example, U.S. flyers who uise thle bicycles to travel be- tweenl the widely-dîspersed build- ïngs at BritLsh airdromes cal the v-ehicls "i tl er's secret * wepon, '1'ey c-eaai't get Lsed to their frontwhi-eel brakes anod are cosantiy beinig pitched over thehadba. And thiere wais a hitch whie-a Y Amleriçans' asked for garbage eans. The British said they could not furnlish thîs eommoa 'Éie. Then -somiebody thouight to ask fori"us binis" and UJ.S. soldiers got il the garbage canis hiey an tecd. * The(- 5,000,000 dýay pigeonýs ildid't ca,,use a vipple of Confu- sion, howevver, be,ýcause skeet shooting iis recogizedt as valuaible trainiing for aerial gunners. MILITARY ATTACHE TO CHINA Briigadier Orvilla M. M. Kay, Deputy Adjutt ii[- Genaral (Bý) sitice 19411, whjo hs eauapoit ed Canadian Millr.ta acleto China. B3rigadier Kay is,.a former *Wýinnipeg britraind serived in tlie rstGraat Wnr withi Ro(,ya1 Fl y ing ,Corps. He -ývs officar commaniding theWnie Grenal.-,dier1S t fi li outreak of Clifiord Wabb) Is Impres3sed1 by TheirGeea ern Hiera, says tIc Ottawa Citien, ara the impressions cf Clifford Welii Daîly Harald war corres- pondent, after visiig the Cana- dona frcs mwhh capturd Agira: -"I - - - cam1e away imnnosaly impras edi wth thair ganeral bcniaig and grand figling quai- ities and the remarkabla maner i thihtey adaipted thmselves Hae said the Canadians made a "perona mater ofwipîaïg 0euh the first Panzar regîment, part of tlie l5th Panzer Division ila ,lc ati for A3gira, after chas- ing the regiment AIl the way te Aýgira ,f-oromGramimiehale. Wa,ôbi -adedCI "Ev erywîare armn,g the Canadiais I fouaid Ie' sanmîe cheerîness, ltesae ois- zerýous wvelconma, the same quaery: "D)o the peeppae at hom-e think wradoig ail rgihft." 2,0,000 tons of iron aamd teel, ýiO0 tons <of aiumninu.m and 250 tinAcfshe-ief aaiýuim wili be irvxity ài& -i-1 -Ê- r%--er -â e"9 OTTAWA REPORTS On Donald Gordoni's wri aginst the disasters c1fin- flationwhc only strict ob- servance of price ceilinga cair prevenit. "IrfIlhe dam rakGoili us","declared Doniald GroCn ada's 3lusty ai. fothribt irec- tor, of thatnwet and biggas3tecd- omie axpariit of modern civ- ili7ationi, war timeý price controis, before the, Weekly Newspaper As- sociation Convention fa Toronto,- Delivering oane of the most pow- erful public addresses o! ' the whole war, Gordonl was appealing for continued support for the pot- icy of cotrols-warning of the ruinons -dev astation of homes and huain happinees which wouid an- ana u3 pon the brenkîag dowa of the ramparts bulit agaînst inflation, la telling the manufacturer, fnrm- e a2ind xorkiagmani that cotinued grono preiý(ssure for higlier prices and higIier wa!gas, would prccip- "On every sd the pressures te whc1 refer alre making th)em- mailiit a inddemilandiug wagead- justmnents a'l nallng îthe linae. Not- wýi Iltetanilding tý Ilie waga ceýiling ' mlanly tliusandIs of wage iacr,'eases- are blngdamadedand as, o1-1( wageadIjustmlent aftar anothler is mý,adJe it la r(flectedimedatl lu thlecostfo proiluiction which, lu iss, uasthe prassure on the pi celiag is rnapidfly becoming inisupportable. "F004 clpricea are eceapinigsad jily "upwards s thie agriculturni inidustry lnsists, upon, suqd obtains, higlier prices under the emergency of curtailment of assential sup- plies. With few exceptions bus- iness and -industry keep their eyos on profit m argins and jenlously protest any m ove te limit or con- trol th-em. Black markcets are dont- mencing to develop. . ,. Gencrally speaking 'our 'courts deal laeniently with offenders Paragraphs I like thlese can only be deiscribed as, anmoag the most potent and thought provoking of the wvhole war, acf excli,diag al the utterances of the Prime Mia- ister and bis Cabinet colleagues. It saemed odd te this columnist that Mr. Gordon did net deix eT sligldy into the detail o! thie vwor- ing o! the price control ~se aaid shiow the hsavem y orfvwliom will -remmarsirlla pri(cs o!D ha 199ý-20 period, jueti wlrýt price con1lto,ýls aveefctd Jitis al setforth lafi thieLao iazete, anl officiai ulcto s sIc y the FaFderaiLarDe iLît n, but, of course, nt ada Ati the baginîng of June, '1943, i!y te current Labor Gazette, the C'ýadian cost of living index ws17.6 par cent biglier thau la Aeu,,193,9, the last pre-war Pnnh or thia similise, peiid diui- ln ic ln st war the advance was 49.3 par'lcent. Si 1(cP 111e estab]liaimant of the pie ce'iling tba inldex. bas ad- vancd 26 pa cet.,that is ba- iween October 1, 1941, and June of the crratc iyear. For the comparable period dur- ing thie last war, betwecn Octoba-r, 1916, ami Junie, 1918, the advaance wns 28.6 par' cent. Since August 1919 foods have advanced 31.9 Par cent; lotbing 20.3 par centý; bomea frnishiags and services 16.7 par 'cent; fuel snd light 14i.2"par cent; rent 7.4 par (cent; aud imls calaneous G.8 par- centi. Caliadfa's csto!rlivin , ha id sa', !sl ca sedonly 2.6 lias oceintace eeme,1941, wblle that >t ftha TJiicitàdSttes bas gene up1 13 parcet Thle averag'L,'e o!ratail prices la 60 cia(s fil Canaàa. foi ceirtain stablJe foods and fuel at certain1 dates hetwaea 191ýý4 te 1943 ara aIse ncluded Jiu the LbrGs zatte's ffici aanalysis, anld soma1. of 'tie ontrasts betwea Jane j120 rpies sud r those of iJine 1943, are ais follows: - "4PORTERETTES" JOIN RAILWAY WUKERSK Shortage of manpower has compelled Canadian National Rail- ways Express to emnploy women toperforjn duties previous1y ver- formed exclusively by nen at the Central Statcn in Montreal. iliese womnen act as checkers,"oad and unload railway express cars. This season, thousands of boxes of baby chicks have been handled througi-, out Canada by express as shown here, June 1920 poeti4 Bacon 6 Laid3 Eggs5 Milk1 Butte>r, dais'y Butter, creamery Bread Cannnad foînatoas2 Beanne, dry - Potato6 C, c., 40 32 60 45 38 18 54 41, 14 10 59 16 66 39 9 7 21 14 12 '18 5 .30 19 ago n Winnipag bced comPaIiseiis of clotbinig costs as batween 1920 and194, e o! w V' w cas $5 5 iii 1920, nveraged 135 la19 43; sit,$195 b1920 a-nd $110 ia !141; socis, $150 la 19ý20 as ainst 65 cents la 1943; vuwme's steig,$175 to $275 ini! 190 and 69 te 11.35 todaY; ses $11.60 te $20 ia 1920 ns coînpn"crd te $6 to $12 teday; and weaear's dresses, $20 te $Y60 in 1M20and $S te $40 ia 1943. Trhesa prices o! today cenitrast- cd witbl these et 1920 show 7n-haie tbe saving er ovai' a billion dolIlars atfeceted by pri-ira cool ha,9s ýgoe-inite the tamiiy budaŽis nil 'iioethe COUnItrY. Not Tough Eog Fcr oldir'sLîfe GodnBoy, n big browo and -wbita Eîîglisb setier of Miaw- ais, ndJia, le bathhoe a causathe smytrieecodnf ie a "soldieýr" ont of hlm sayss tha HamIýilton Sp),ator. Ha n-as f00 affectionatasuld conIid not learu lb hte iny ona. Had ha beau, controntad with rani Nazis aud Japs the outeoie might hava beea different, but lie juet coffldn't snaî'iasud growl af amlebaiv foc. Thosa wbo kuon- ibis iioblke braed wili nndeýrstnnd sud dappi ove the honorable * islirg nbl Golden Boy received. Norse Seaman Saves Comrades From Seas Swimmîng .,500 yards ia the January waters of the Atlantic te get liold of a loose lîfebaat, and flian rowing it sing e lianded back toward the siniking sbip, were twîa deds %vhicli rececntly earnad an, unnamed Norwcgîaa second maute a double ivardc fro ris ,Fis King and cùuntry. ,,reveals, T'he Montreal Star-. Foi at the- Stean orwgian instar, pre saatad this 25-yekssr-old iuanasriedý sailor with the St. Olav Medlsud the War Medal. Bea e h a a father, imothas,.sisýters and broher fliugin Nozrway, is nanme cannot lia mentionat;1, aoc his pictare taken. -1 Inarmaking the presaentai on, Mr. Steen said that the awïurd was for "parsonni gallaatry" of the second mate, who had ren- dered a great service te King nad country.à S "La Bis Majasty,,'f anme I. pre- sent thasa medais, n1,s a siga cf lis oxvngratitude, as wali as that of ail Norwagiaa people," ha said. Askad te fteullis owa story the enirpiecad it togethar, witb much quastioaing. Hi slsip wns bafween 1thc Azoes ïand Brud ha said. 'nad oeada-rk aigl-,it, scliche startad to fail on the veýssai from the port sida. Theèn a f>ev minutes inter, they s b-adtecme fremn thc starboard.(1 "q knew .then tînmt we ýeaba- iag shied ýiby tesbnie, gaid! th-e seconidma. "Aftr tît tic iacer.dinrias started te go, ,undtflic shIp 'cauglit ire," lha ralýeled;. Oaa cf thelfaoasbroke awny nad fIa namad sailor jumdj oxaboar into tha Janu- ary sea, ad s for àt. 1Ia readh,la i scasfuly limbiled abadandwd t'ha Iaavy boat to tie Slip) whare lhapickýedu 18 cf the craw. REG'LAR FEL-LERýýS-Prinhead's Finish- Tfle Rock SheIl THE HUMIAN COMIEDY By William Saroyan Thie J iuan Cmeyis a story of an Amenrican family iail war- time, and in partLiclar of Hiomer, Macaule,tefsat esne la SanJounVae. The story bondsinunfor- gettable scenas. Homer running the two0-twenty hris littie Ulyssas imprisoned in -the 'bear trap in Covîngton's, story; old- time telegraph operator Willie Grogan, wîth a bottle la the desk drawar to fuzz the sharp raality of the everflowing mnessages of love and hope and pain and death,; Spangler, with a- love -for' the whole world; Homer's oldar brother Marcus singing, as tne troop train in whicli he sîts hurtles away from home. The Human Comedy captuves, but doas not overstep, tlLe mod- esty ýof ordinary humnan beings. It is a very simple-noval, 1L't is a, very great achievemant. The fluman Comedy-by VWil- liam Saroyan. George J. McLeod, Limitd- Price $3,00. Mvilkweed Leaves 'Are Býadly Nee Three cents a1 poundt for hand prepared milkwýeed leaves will lie paid by tlie Dapartment c f Agri- culture in -a Goverament-spon- sorad pro jact cf tha National Reseýarcli Council te secure large quantitias of the rubber produc- ing plants for eprmna pur- poses, it was alnaounced recently eat, the Univýersity cof Western Ontario, ,Lndon, Ont. The price, advises, The St. Thomas Times, will be paid f or leaves wÈich have been stripped by hand and well driedà. An alter- native price- cf $30 par ton will be given for milkweed which- has been eut by binder and stookad* in sheaves. Soviet Women Farmers With al le b>c-îodied men la the Soviet fightlng for pas womea bave takea their Places -anffârmiag throughiout Russia andinlatbe last two yasrs 700,000 wornen have leanadte rua tlractors aid ecom- bine harvesters, SIDE GLANCES POki-ESS III thicUnited SLate, the COST of living rose 24 parce-nt. and tha coSt of food 46 pa)ýr cent. ba- tween lJanuanry,191adMy 19)43. La, Canaëda the cost of living went Up 12 per cent. aild the cost of food 18 Per Cent- la the similar period. -Ediîonton ,ý ournal. Belated Arrivai A new Germnan gun, with a longer range than othars th at shelled Britain's coast froma Cal1ais .in the past, is reported in London toý be la action, Its in- ventor, however, wîll be sa'ddened by the thouglit that lie got to the 1p.arty just as it was breâ-,king , up. The Days Round An old coiored wonan ex- plainad how she kept content with lier liard lot by saying:- "Wlien I works, 1 works liare ; when I sits, 1 sits soft; whcnI stürts to worry, 1 goas te sleap." -Ottawa 'Citizen. on the FooaFon soldiers are bttr ed ta h civilhins, Next thing we know, th oswill be writingus some chEeery letters to kaap up our -The New, Yorker. Three Opfinion Ages Opinions change. Wheni you are younig you are sure you, are riglit. Wliea you are midle-aged you bjeýin to wonder whether you were avar right. Wlien you are old you know you ware wrongl,- but there isn't much you eana do about-it. -wnSound Sun-Times- Sneak Goal' Welearra that football is play- ed a good deal in Japan. And of course there is keen competi- tion te score a few goals before the kick,-off. -Pe1erborough Examiner.. The ottoiso)neo ýf the most popular itemns of food la any ser- vice mess. By Galbraith 'T rton't ,like fishing eiÀther, but if 1ilhang around the house »o0 înuSh mny daughter-in-law keeps thinking up littie' jobs for me to do."

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