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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1943, p. 3

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Laorsqueeze In Van-couver Office WJo,'kers Mýay Do Four, Hour Stint in Overalis After ~" Out laVancoverwhiýeethe niianpwer suecze l s tighlt as anywh,-1(iee dcc ii the eutm a ne cbre ebeing ,triet i ot whchray give outr wrids the Winipeg Free rec PI l acet i upon heaeup tit!11Lî,at m1any ýpuie pIc orking in sdnay.ocptosWoulld weicone a chace to docone pttmewar work.Ilia anme of chopeý ganigs of pfficewr- crs don overils anti1I(1 santi do a four-hour sti11t fter their normal da-y's worký is done. It je tooerl yet to jutige whethcr tUe p1lan wil cucceeti or fail, yet caiy reporte are encour- agiag. The clemks anti stenog-. raphers ant saiesmen wbo aredo- ing the work are getting a great deal of satisfaction -ont of 'it. Wbcther they ýwili Uc able to keep up the gninti after the nov- elty wcl off is somiethiig cs ~gi.It le onle tbling t) workfo 12hourýîs La day fo)r a week or two. Ui l uch more difficiLtot trthontte eieifor 1mnthe One( factor whlicbi lende omle of the Vnovrobserver's to feel that the plan huis a goot chance of uccese is the oit adage that a cange is as goot i ns a rest. The work the mca anti womea do at ight ile comipieteiy different frm tewotk they do in the da.Tbeyý work- no biarder at their war jb than they wouid la their gartenei or playîng golf. la) any eýven1t the Vancouver epnmn ile somîetiag,,for the rest of the ýoufltry to pay comne attention t.o. - , If it workc thlere it canl be aot et in il other centres of beavy xar routin KILLED IN SICILY Major J. H., W. T. Pope, sec- ond in command of ,the Rloyal Canadian Regiment, h was kili- ed in action in Siciy-. -Major Pope, who was 29, h1ad been in the Canadiani Arm-y sînl 1934. He eormerly ires'ided in Vict3)ria, Queb;ec City and Ottawa. Swîmýns Past S1hEerks To u rialS ervic Secondî Officer Arrives Oni Timle to Conduct a P*uneral. Service A Bible cle(nched betweea bis teeth, an officer of -a torpedoed British piercbant ship swam from one lifeboat to another dcfying shark-inf ested waters of the South Atlantic to read tbelbanal service for a dèad shipmate. The sýtorY of this heroic act bas N.- just beeni reveaicti witb the awardîngz of the George Medal to the officer, Vernion Upton, The 22-yeair-old secondJ ofPicer took commandi of, 40 men in two lifeboats when bis superiores were kçilleti by the torpedo, explosions. The survivors were more than a inonth's siingi from the South After a few days, Uptoýn, heeti- less of the sharks x; vhich losely - folowed theboats, swamn from neto thie othier to tend the wouinded and! revive flagging ~ ~piits.On the l2th day the f irst oian died,'afKter having gone ini- ýsanue. Holdinig a Bible in bis teeth tokeep it abJove water, Upton- againi slipped into) hteshrfl- - cd senls and swarn to the second !boait toecontact a proper- buii evie-Ont the ne:x.t day -- îthe l3hof the or7deaI -- reýcue* ONTARIO'S ABLE PREMIER Witb his well-known energy and ability, Premier Drew is imme- diatcly attacking the problems presenteti by his program of reforms. Hec has'taken the Education portfolio, himself. q, By SGwendoMne P. Clar-ke CHATS I There is one ativantage to a big bouse -- one aiways bas a good eboice of roome la a thun- derstorrn. That's the way wc fiat it, anyway. If the storme corne from the couthwest tien we open the doors anindowsfaeing ýnorthàeast. 0f course if it'c bot, 1 alwatyc wait unitil thuelaet nmin- ute. Anti tbea tUe wint gets ýup anti 1 have to rush arounti fromn 1-0on1 to ro htigwi ndows ai l1ock 1-iiig do ors; but by tbat time Pa'rtaier je gencrially arouati to leudatiabandi. By tht you may gather that there is a storm 'raging as I write. Anti it sure, is a etorm. The lightning je incessant anti tbe thuier terrifie. Ramn is cîiing by lan shecte andtihte win d is Vw istiag ani twiriing the trees like an angmiy mur ster. TUcre le a big Aibestnut tree a littie way fmom thec backdoor anti it looks as if the wint anti the tree weme ineketi- in' a terrifie fight te test the xiii anti strength of cacb. Have yuu evor ivatcheti a tree la a stomm? To do su le to marvel at its trernendous ctreagtb. Sec bow the wind whirls amoundth te bacebeadiag tbemi firet ibis way ai then that. You wouid bartly believe that auytlîing coulti stand apij agaginet tbat awful wiad. Hecre is a mapie sapling, ils trunk no thike tan a broor handie, yet look at the figbt it pute up. It benis ani swayev, it istrc but it doesný1't break. Fmom xhenee cones itestreagth -from wheace the Power to mc- siet thedestructive forices of the wiat? I suppose the ancwer ie-, the strength of the tree is la Its ruts. Anti that sornehow makes me thiak cf the war, anti cf tiie great multitude of peuple who go te, malte up 'tbe Ailieti strength. Ail cf us like trees-sorne big, sumie small, ant ikhe -trees, of a different fibre. Some ctrong iike thie oak, othere akia to the les sturty calibre of the bacewood treo. Bat yet each, according to our streagtb, standing up againet the cvii wiadc of war,. Bending anti cwaying maybe, but not breakiag. Not breakiaig becauce env roots are set, fira iy anti deeply ia the soil of Canada anti of the British Empire as a ivhole. Weil, the ctorm le over but it le stili aiaing. Partaer sr-ys the spririg crop is iyiaJ flat. That menas more trouble is harvcst- iag anti probabiy coaciderable ioss of gan But tbat's one of the joy-s of farining - yon neyer know bow mucb you will get for al your work natil the grain is iu the b-lu. Anti yct urban peo- p:-e woader wby farmere co ofte-n' grumble about ther wentbcr.1 Frein 'wýhere I amn sitting 1 ena sc the storin bas floodeti the garden anti the ditches arc rua- ning. Altogether it is unie grand mess. But stili we bave resua to be tanakful because un-rwbt is la the barn anti we have no eut bay iyiag ont to spoi. Sorne of caur neigbbore are not so' lucky- tbey bave wheat, aisike and tim- othy ail ont la the field- waiting te be tbreeheti. 1Onîe 'thiîg is certain, there le no trop in the temperature!f Every tirne I rnop my brow I try to remember we choniti bethank- fui for the beat hecauce the longer it etayc bot the longer we cau do without fuel for -heatîng anti the lees tirne we shall bave te worry about coal--or lack of it, Anti yet 1 can't get any com- fort frem the thought. Isn't it lunny-in the wintcr we get s£0 tiret of coiti weather anti look forwart longingiy te tbe warrn tinys of sunîmer. And la time the warm tinys corne-anti then we get tireti of the bent. What inconsitent creature we are! S UN DA Y s C HOO L L ESSON I SEPTEMB1ER 3 ISRAEL CALLED TO BE A HOLY -ý-'EOPLE-Book ofLetis. PRINTED) TEXT, Levïticuas :14 11-18, 32-34. GOLDEN TEXT-Ye chai! be hoIy; -for 1 arn holy. 1 Peter 1:16. Memory Verse. Be ye kinti, Ephesians 4 : 32. THE LESSON IN IS SETTING Time.-1444 B.C. Place.-At s5mai God's Purposa For Israel "'Anti Jeovah spake unto Moses, saying, Spck uno 0ai hecoge gation of tUie citraofIsal anti saýy uto tbcrn, Yc shall be holy; fori- 1Jehùvali yon Gotiarn ho)ly." This cmaisets before us the object of tUe wolemoral law andtihte suipree ,ojeet of tUe gospel also, namcily, to p ïro- duce a certain type of moa-har- acter, a holy inanihooti._ "Anti yc shal kep rnysabbahis: I ar n Jhovah your Goti." The obi- servanice of tUe day ip Ii the instrucetion 0of the peoipie in tUe f car ntiadmonition 0f the Lord, ant inlaacquiing ithe oliness which is the kcyaiote cf this les- son., The violation 0f the sanictity of the Sabhathiiis dinucetia the greateet sCia wich the srei ites cominittetid. The TrueC God "Turn ye not unto MIol, noir make to yourselvcs anolten God": 1 am Jchovah your Goti." To turai to an MIo means to tura away from the truc Goti. Anything that 15 put first la our ife before Goti is God to us. "Ye shall not steal; neif ber shah yc deal fal(sely, nior lic one te another." A mnan whio will steai will lie; stealing genierally aceces- siae yingý, la an ittemj-pt to coýývr p the cvii iceti. "Atiycsliah nuit J'17byrn nlamle fal'eeiy, antipoandh name of Goti: T arn Jhvh"T isl a warniing agait tha,,t smi into which mca are so prone to fal- the careles ai pirofane use of tUe name of Godi. 1Impartial Judgm-,ent 'ILion chaît inot opprees ithy ieigbbor, nor mb lm iii: Thewgc of a hireti servant .shiail not bi with thce ail ighrt iuntil morniing.' This beniigacar'e for ithe laborer, aidthe eucain gie n attcmpt todeauihmaraai ai hgi paei l th,- Scrjip- turcs. "Tulsbait flot ur the ef nom put a etumbinigblock bet("ore the b7inti; but tbou satfear tly Goi: 1 arnJebovah1." Thie pro- hibition againet injuistice to tbýje infirm anti01tUe poor is Uenfor(ed by an appeal to fear tb Lord "Yeshah do lno urigbi,-teouisnýess la jutigment: thion shît ot e spect the person. of tUe ipjour, 1or1 bonor the personi of thle mgty; but in rgtoseesatto jutige tbey aigbbo,;0r." hrema be no affictatïion ýof keieato the poor, ee-au bcemut9 ne fawning flatl(i,,ry of týe get Howcver, TI don't tbinki of lisD are lookiag [rar o this ""in- ter-not with a coal eotg, Certaily we shoulti e gvin coasiterable tboughit to ways and menas of using lese fuiel. WVe may finti waYs «f doubling uip for sleepinig, or giving opl)corne of Our privacy su thait beat mnay be chut of'f in corn'e rom.Il is pýossile "thie lvig-oo oaltibe tispeaseti with for the witeranil more use mate of theding room. Wornienfolk mnay even b driven to wearing warm unde1Lr- wcar or suffer the corfeequeices! And wc rnay al 9e a lot mnore- benithy and cacrgetic as a recuit of -lowem bouse temperatur-ces. Wbether we are warm anti eom- 1fortable ýdepents a lot on wb,-at we are lý$ady to.giv-- Up fi the way oif convenienees. In matters of jutigment the judgo miust be ipril Loveý Thy Neighbor -Thouchaiot go up) and down as a tbbeeramong ,thy pjeopl)e." Siander Injuires ýthree proswith onie act: the person who caniders, the person -who le clandý ýeetiantiýý the ersn wo Iils "Niter shaitthuS t fa n J agaist the biood of thy neigh- bot: 1 arn Jehovali. One mus' not be-a false witnecss to the en- daugeriag of a man's life or stand by without A{ effort to s ave 'him frorn iru!n or danger. Thnshaît not hate thy broth- er lat thy beart: thou shait surely re-buke- thy nieighbor, andflot boar Sinbcae of hilm. Tbou shiait flot taike veganeior bear any grintge againthe eiltiren o! thy people, but thou 0hiiit love thiy neighbor asî thyseif: 1 arn Je- hoyaU." We- arecebiie tp avr- cage tbe wrong e ýýven whea the, robuke Ibasprovýeti ineffec(tuai. ReVerctnçe For Aged "'Thou shial risc up betore the hoary heaq ant honor tie face of the olti ïmn, aithou shaîlt fear tby Goci: 1 arn JchIovahi." , The "snowy lockis' 'folder mien cbould inspire-reverence ila alof us. The duty here enjoied has ,ýbeen rec- ognizedinlaal vlizeiinations andtithe violatuion of it is descrir- ing of th& scvcest puishmcnt.dý Lovýe For, The Stra.nger \1nd ifa -I'anersojouriu with the in your land, ïyc shah l ot do hlm, wronig. The straniger that sojourncth with you shahl be unto you'as the home-bora ýamong you, anti thonsluat love hlm as thy- self; for ye, w-ere sojourncrs la the lard of Egypt: I arn Jchovah your Sea-Going Jee-p SoId ForIeCem A stor-y of a se"-oigJeep:- It was (on0one of tbose ot Pacific isiants with secret, dec-p bays whice -3American ashp ancor on cnug. t sppot) naval officers' rhlb on the beacht. In front of thie club was the- most dlpttdJeep -you ee saw. 'Thatý" an officer related, "is prohably thle oi jeep lath world that cveiî traveled on a submarine, "One of our submai-,riines ei ifroni a pier at Penrl Harbor, When they'd subergetheyj'd take- out the motor anidreno-ve the tires anid put thern inside the sub. 'ýeni they'd lash the rest of it to the coDnaîag tower otie Weat aill ovcr thie Pa-cific ta way." Someone naet ov it got oz), the bcacb. "Tbe suboficrIddntget into port often en eougitoejo uin it" the officrexplaq)hined "So thcy sold it to thle captain tC>, that îvarship out iin the bayfocr trcgallons of ice crcam.- "It stili ruais goodl." Goti." The rage l ot sirnplyI, to UcttreatIetI with osieato antid uts buit hc is to be put onl a perfect eqJuality 1witl h te r diaary Isi-aelite. JHeaice thc pr ccpt laid clown, 'Thion chant love thy neigbbor as Tjycî, s here enacteti with regard to t h e stranger. n .' E L "BUCKEYE" STATE I HORIZONTAL 1 Depicteti state. 7) For mer Rassian tler. 9 Hu-n er sia in b)y Artemnis (myth.), 10 Firet vertebra of the acU (anat.) . 12 Verdant. 13 Modify. lW1ýExclamation of corrow. 16 Fartber la. 20 Englisbi town. 22 Sesomne. 23 AccentLs. 25 Imitate. 26 Symbol for terbium. 27 Half an cmi 28 Sîze of chot. 30 Ear-ly English 31 Oit Ro-man weight,. '33 Electrical. 5 term, 35 0f the matter (iaw). POP-Ney'er Touches'the Business End Answer'io Previous Puzzle 17 N\1orth Cvira- U1iMS K 1ORîOVina(br) U AT E PHI N Ai ý J l18 Compass peint. STEE AD C M 1n 9 Nickname for SAPLY STEV Etiward. lINSEE TI O21Br ADITARE R~ U23Genus of DR ON, RI M'il- AONST G24çCheeks. BED PI E RE 27Hariagorgasn KQRÂ~D -IIT AP29ERcý W USE AN OVO 'Apianace E><OS TYPAU,33SUnit ofetner, 314 Personal beîna 36 Written formr of imister. 37 Caiciun (symbl).) 39 Cnimeon. 41 Be indisp)osetic. 42 Merninrient. 44 'Cbaracteiýistie. 46 Local posiltion. 47 Sense of emeli mistaike. 53 Exhibitions of farm protinets. 54-,55 - - forme mnoct of its aurtherra boulluery. VERTICAL 37 Clevelai laj-, 1IiNative metals. its laýrgeset 2 Go la baste. - 3Per'tining to 38 Beverage, ions.40 Remuýve-. 4 Onwad. 41Ventilates,. 5Syimbol for)] 43 Titie of tanitium. nobility. 6 ieilook,, 44 Mvigration. 7 Eatimely. 45 Drop ojfey Pcid.fluiti. 9 Spoken1, not 46 Dry. wniten, 48 Baby1,àniýn . iBr'isthike goti o! partpestilence. 12 Velub!-ie, 50 Sevea (Rom.) 14 Inveig1e. 52 About Uatn 1,5 Attom ney 53? S ymnbciofor (aýbbr,). iron. By J. MILLAR WATT 41AY~ .~U TRIED ~rnt~I~ i~E OTf4~ I 0F ] w

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