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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1943, p. 4

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ORONO WBEKLT TIMES )rono Weekly Times stabished January, 1937. Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Rates on request Stïbscription, $1.25 R. A. iForrester, Publisher garet iMcKinnon, M/ajorie McLaren; bicycle race. Cârel Staples, Greta Mericer, June Goode. Intermedli alte Events --iUigh jump, (Continued from page one) Auna Staples, Shirley Myles, Heélen Carol Staples, Margaret MinoWpod; standintg broasi junifp, Anna Zune Goode; dicsus throw, Carol Sýtaples, iShirley- Myles, Pauline Staples, Margaret McKinnon 'Jane Robbibns; runniag boad junsp, Anna, Goo(ýde; basedaall ta'get, 'Carol Staples. Shirleyý Myles, Betty Lin- Staples, Grta<Mercer, Margaret Mc- ton; discus throw, Ana Staples, Kiunon; ha sebaîl throw, Carol Dam Moffat; Shirley Myles; baee- itaples, J'une Goode' Greta ýMercer; ball target, Pauline ýRobbins, Shir- -vlleyftall serve, Audrey ;Billin'gs, ley Myles, Jean Fee; basebaîl throw, 4arijl Staples, 'Mlarjorie AeLr nAna Staples Shirley Myles, Joyce 100 Yard: frace, Carol Staples, Mat- 'Lorwery;volleylbaill serre, Jean Fee, Paulfine -Rolabins, Joyce Lowery; 100 yard =ace, Auna Stajples, Shirley My- les, Pauline Rvobbins; bicycle race, Joyce Lowvery. Anna Staùples, Shir- ley IMItIes. Junrior Events - High jumip, Joyce Tennant, J'oyce Cornishi, Donna West; standing broasi jump), Jiyce Cornish, Jo)yce Tenn!ant, Evelyn Stapletoni; runing broad jump, Ev elyn Stapl'etan Norma Rânsberry, Joyce Tennanit; discus throw, Evelyn Staplýleton,, Norma Ransberry, Joyce C~sh basebfali tairgelït, Joyc(e Tennant, Evelyn Sbapleton, Joyce C ornish; biasebaîl throw, Donna West, JonHarnes.s, Erç'lyn Staple- ton; voileybhalserve, Donna West, Joyice Teonnant, Evelyn Stapleton; 100 yard irace, iEvelyn Stapleton Norma Ransbierry, Donna West; bi- cycle race, Norma Ransberry. 'Donna West, Joyce Tnat 1Slow bhicycle race, open to ah geirls iras weon lyy Joynce Lù-wery, folloires by Carol Staples iansi Margaret Mc- Kinoarespectively. Patronize your home merehants. i 1WIIAT lUere arec some sugg-estions for pe4ople who wvant to hAep supply articles to go into the Chiristmias boxos for the bioys overseas whîch wIll soon be packed by7 the Orono 1 ]ranch of the Red Cross Society: MVilk Chocolate- bars, gumn velvo, ch1eese, canne i milk, razor blades, siýhainig cream, tooth paste or poir- pencis, Oxo, playin- cassis. We 'are haviiug fruit cakie nmade and donations ocd raisins, sugar, 'peel and cherries will be acceptable. We veoulsi aIso like to make somre honn-made cauidy. What eau yen sainfice for eut boys? Remeumber eut afternoon tea dey, Thursday. Septemiber Sth. It seems tbat Russie has Ger- rnap3rls auniber la, the present stri-- g-le on tbhe Eastern front. It will net be long untili the Russianps have wron 'batkl all cdW thýeir uw territory, a dis- tance cf seome six hunmdresi mles. .,wilewere planninq 0 Everybody is thinking a great deal about the future, these days . . . planning *... getting ready for-the period to follow the war. Ail realîze that the war may bngsurprises-but the tide is tur ning in our favour. Chemists and engineers, producing things needed for war, are making discoveries wihich will mean comforts and con- veniences for ail of us when peace cornes. New methods of making things, new, processes, new materials, now being filed away in blue prints and formulae, will bring us many new and useful articles. Many things flot available now will be replaced by better models an-d designs. You may have plans for a new home, remodelling your present home, new home furnishings. If you are a farmer you will need new and improved equip- ment and~ machinery. N~ow, while you are thinking and plan- ning, you can do'something to insure that your plans 'can'be carried out. Victory Bonds-which can be bought on convenient instalments, with money as you get it-provide a means of keep- ing your savings intact, e-armarked for things you want. Most Canadians are saving money. Most of us are buyinig Victory Bonds and when we buy Vctory Bonds we are helping'to win the war. We are helping to speed the day of victory and we are doing something that will beneflit ourselves. WHAY 15 A VICTORY BOND? A VICTQRY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay ini cash -the face value cf the Bond on the date of maturity with half-ycarly interest until that time. A Victory Bond is the safest investinent in Canada backed by the entire resources of the Dominion. Canada bas been issuing bonds for 75 years, and bas never failesi to pay every dollar cf principal and interest vehen due. A Victory Bond is an asset readily marketable at any tume. ilToy National Wac Finýance Committee Classîfied FOR SALE ChieYearling ý-Steeris and eif ers; alsýo som-e Dair'y Cow,ýs. Wýý. C. Evans, Orýono. "- 6 -P, WOOD FOR~ SALE Weare nove starting to cut mnapie and beech. Order your wýood now.1 Apply to A. Carscaddlei, Phonie 25 r 9 Oronio.c-6i. STRAYED PFrom in~y premnises - Year-ing1 .5teer, light firown andi whLte, tag in ear with niy name and~ address. Anyone having informn-ation about thîs animial ýplease phoine J. A. Pat tesson R.R 1, 'Orono, and receive reward.a-36--e. THANKSGIVING SERVICES Harwest Tlhanksgiving Services will be held in St. Saviour's Oihurch on S.unday, 'October 3rd. The Mev. E. R. Jaimes of Toronto, a forme, Rector of the Parish of Clarke wf hbe the special prenacher at 7 pan. on thiis date. FOR SALE SSeven-ro(omed bouse, centre hall plan, hard ýaid s'oft water inýside, ~nicee laandi garduin double gar- age, larýge chieken bouse (practically new), anid stabl]e. Ail building-s with eloctricity. Three wvire service :to bouse. Apply to Mrs. E. Underwood, Kendal; pbone larlie a4111. ýc-38-p. AUCTION SALE I have been authorized to seil by public auction for, Mr. MUeMahoni, in the 'village oi Pontypool, on Friday, Octoher 1, 1943, bis household fura- iture, inclding -cthesterfield suite (2- (pieces) with rocker anij footstoo-l to matoh (rgood as new), andi New 5cea1e 'Williams :piano andi bench, in excellent condition. Seeibis. Sale at 1.00 occ. Termis'Cash. Elmer Wi1bur, Auctioneer. b-35-c. AIJCTION SALE IIOIJSE, LOT, and FURNITURE The undersigned bas receive, ins tructions fromn the Estate of the Late MUARTIIA PETHICK to se,11lby PubJlic Auction a-t lier late home in the VILLAcI'E 0F NEWTONVILLE ,ed FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th the folloiwinigHouischlold Effects: 2 Bedroom )Suites; Bedroom Dish- es; ,Drop Leaf Table; 3 small Ta"bles; Kit'êhen Table and 6 Chairs; 2 StOîves; Kitchen Catbiniet; Settee; 2 Widker Chairs;-Odd 'Chairs; 2 ýCou- ches; Floor Oilcio'th; Staýir Runner; Carpets; Quart end Piat Botties and other articles too aunun'LS to mon- tien. The 112 storey iFramie iflouse, lot, large garden and stable, etc. will be offered for sale subject .to a reserve bisi. Sale to corimmence at 1 pa.. TERM1S CASH W. J. Ilancock, Auctioneer FURNITURE SALE The uindersigned has rec'elved instructions fr-o-n W. H. HOOPER, PONTYPOOL to sel hypublic anction or, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4th thie following artàils of Fura-iiture: [S3hedrooni suites; book~ case,; 2 bed"stcads with sprýings and 1 mat- tresses; wad mb; nirrors; Single Ibedstead; buireau, 7 drawersý; side- board; large cupboard; 2 kitchen tables; kitchen cabinet, good as new; several ,ockiuàg, chairs andi kitchen ichaIrs; verandah hammnock; fruit ceupbïoard]; writing desk; several sinîll tables; china icabinet (gooii as new'); lrg lour box; pictures; hbouse plants;; 2 ironcooliag pots; ilawnnlower; garden tooMs; saws; coaaI eil stove with ovea; rceai il heater; goosi plush armechair and settee; Philco cabinet radio, in, good order; lMeICskýey saife (goosi); spin- idie lounge (with mattress; hall rack; ' stand; ironiag board; dishes, Rùd many other articles. TERMIS CASH Sale ýto commence ia 1.80 o'élock Ed. Youngrnan, Geo. Keyes, Snappiest parade (of m-an Y) seen' in~ Ottawa recently iras -when the girls of the C.W,.C. put on a par- ado on the mnain th'oghi:fare. Odd- ity but really goosi, ias the girls' owhi pipe band, with the pipers irear- mgTain o' Shiaters. 'The girls can sure niakie those bags bhulge -with music. Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHY'SICL4NY and SUR GEON 0 Office buts : 2.00 to 41.00 p.rn.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.nLý PHIONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD, VF7TE RINARY SURGEONS Office Maîn-.St.'* Oronê, Phone 56 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty9, Automo- Wie and Liability Orono 1- OntarîaG AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and' Valuator Conducts Anction Sales of al aizes and at reasionable ïlates.. ,CQrmnicate with Min at- Port Perry, Ontario, or sea iis Clerk, . E. Morton, at Oroino,. for date, GEORGE KEYES;, AuIctioieer & Valuiator Pure Bred Live Stock, Farm anZ P urniiture Sales a Specialty. Nocnê to Lag'e, none te Small. Graduate PRepe'rt's Scihool et Auctioneering, U.S.A., ipluseVera> years' sellmg emperience. Rate& Reasonal>le. Write k R. No. 2Z, 0On, Ou4ario. W. F. Ward BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Ofice 825- Residence 409 BOWMAN VILLE -ONT. E. E. PATTERSON Insuirance Agency FIRE. AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. 0. RIEPRESENTING soute of the Largest, Str'ongest and Most Rellable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty- I arn prepared te quote yen rates front 40c. 'a hundred, according to classification of Building Phone, write, or better stili, eait. I will be pleased te quote you rates on your property which_ wiIl surprise you, Fo F. Morris & Sona Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE bowmanville - Orono Phones: Boemanville, Day 480 Night, 7&4 and 573 Orono, 27-1 TheOldest, Largest and Most Complets Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our, Prices-TFHE LOWEST MORIS& SON, jBOWMANVILLE - ORONO .LUES DEFEAT W)RITES IN SCIIOOL SPORTS IIELD AT ORONO ON FRIDAY LASi

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