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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1943, p. 5

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ORZONO WEEKLY TIMES NIXON-4HARNESS GREAT NEED FOR CHILD WELFARE IN COUNTIES A quiet wddnv a-s helid at Trinîity Parso'naj'e, Br1 ','wmanVille, on (Co'ntiniied fromi page o'ne) S'aturry, Septeniîher2.5th, 14,in cyad jieiecrime have ~-'when 'Ilie Viola, second daugýhte2r1incr.'1ease terrlbldy iii the war years (4 Mr. and Mrs. Deweyu Elane ,-111ad the GidrnsAid So'ciety at- Oronio, was upited la ariae te teiipts -;to'protet thýe child froni jlnyNxn nysnc Mrs.anJ, moraldager by imipîrevinig its home uni Jaes Nix_,on, aisze cf 0Orono. lie. Ti'ained workerts for this taskl Rev. ;Mr. Gnffts oficiated. Phe area'ale but the wvo'rk costs bride wore a b-rown crepa ,dresisf çWh itJ oney. A tag-\day wiil be held ihat, sbhoes and gielves te maý,tch. Af- 500n jjte heclp raise f unds in -the chief ter the cermlony the couple1 left on town,'s cf the U'nited Ceunties. The a h'oneyno'on trip te Hamîliton, Ni- speaker askeý.d for ber listeners te gara Falls and 'other ;points. pnay for, the' wcork and the workers of the Ghildren's Aid S àiety, te MORTON - HOLLINGSWORTH studylisIobesandt ipu Theweddig wassolm-ize at eey way they 0oul. The ed~lng ws se'emnzed a Ms. Victor. Spencer apoke cf the thne parsonage, NerwcastLle on Satur- Bible IReading Felleowsbilp of whicb ~day, Septem-ber 1ith, cf Dorothy h is Secretar n'aad.Is ci Irene, daughbter of _Mr. and Ms R. Jecct is to, encourage the study of H. Holing-sworthi, te Edwiavd Robert, thie Bible Iby groups cOf People. k ~son of Mr. and Mrs. 'George -Morton. , tî bolt r 'pie wii Rerv. R. E. Meton efficiated. serve as a 'gu4de for tihis study, The bride wcre a pink 'wool dress There are aitogether about 'a quarte1: with 'black accessories aand was at- of a million 'members 1 f the Fellow- tended by the greomi's sister, _Mis s h!i), of wheom 7,000ý are in Canada. ffMuriel !-Morton, in a pale 1bine weol The- Bisbop 'cf the Aretic - gave dress weith navy a(!cessori'es. The a1 very instruýct.ive and moving ad- grooems&man wns My. Arniond Hol- dreçss on the iMission work la the ling-sworth, brother of the bride. Esenpart cf his vast diocese, A -small receiption was field at the W-hich ceers about eue third cf Can- hniîde's home, al'ter -which the coupfle a da. He shewed a set of beautifui left on amioter trp te Northern eoolured hlantera sldes, imost -cf Ontovrie and ethnei, peints. w'hic.h were produiets c f hbis own pbiotegraipbv. lHe apoee(cf the d'eep- minch hoiey for their coupon. ly sýpiritua-lnatures cf the conve'rted ofihonîey We understand that the Eskimo anid the Leucheaux Indians. N'escrfc is tee gr'eat. for thein if ~pîIblie will be able te secure twice as it will benefit tLheir ,churob commun- _______________________-__________ity. The collection, alter the expenses wecre dedueder. was voted te, the l~fI. furnîlsliings for the staff roem cf .too'kS the new goverument sehool at Fort -George oni the western sho re ai James Bay. __ Tea iras served by St. John's à, W-. Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE -- - - - - -0 ORONO BRASS BAND HOLD ELECI'ION 0F OFFICERS On Tue.sday evening last the menibers of 'Orono Brass-Band iheld, their election cof officers which re- sulted as f'ollows: lien. Pres.-A. J. Tamblyn. Pres.-Carlos Tiibl7yn. Vice Pre-s.,Stain. Payne. 'S.c.-Tre'as.---Jioape Best. B'andimaster-4M. J. Tambl-yn. It was 'decided iby thi memnberýste pay Off ia ce(-rtain iamoutiitof m'oney on the note, agaiast the band for the purchise 'cf the inýstpum-ents. 'Pie rosît of the evcnirg was'ýspent iii Thle Falcion Inii, om the King-ston RWUh'way, mas destrcyed by fire on Saturday. Losîs $Ü5,000. ID 1 WHIM RED& WHITE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friclay and Saturday QUALITY MIIGER THIAN PRICE Fresh Cranberries, lb., 35c Ep-peror Grapes, IL 25c Bulk fine quality Soda Wafers 2 Ibs 39c Large Grapefruits, 2 for 35e Spanish Onions, 3 Ibs. 22c' Large heads Celery, 2 for 29c Cooking Onions, 4 lbs. 29c Hand Picked White Beans, 4 lbs 25c Hornes Custard Powder, 5 Pt. size, pkg: lO0c Oxo Cubes, pkg.. Maple Syrup, 100 percent. pure, 16 oz. jar Cyrus Flour, 24 IL bag Moonbeam Cheese, lb. 10e 35c 69c 39c Good cuts of l3eef for the week-end Ask about Lamb. J. J. CORNISH Deliveries will be miade on Saturdays Only Local 'News bas returned hbome a11fter -a couple cf weeks' visit ila Oronoj. Dr. -and MUrs. J. H-. Leslie, Peter- bore -spenit ast wvee'k-euffi with Mr. and hArs. W. J.RidI. Glenn. Tn) li as enrolled witb. the S.P.S. Torolnto, te take a course on chemi-iical eniginieerinig. Donald Stap1es lait on Sunday for Toronto wbere be is taking ýa-couràe ila engi*neering physics at S.P.S. afiss Lilliaxi Fowler, cf tbhe Wrens (Navy Divisioni-), Ottawra, spent last week-end rwith ber parents, iMr. and Xrs. R. J. Fowler. A number frein thils 'locaIity ýare pieching aipples ia different places in ,Durham ceunty, helping eut withi the shoýrtage cf pickers. îMr, a'nd Mlrs. AI. Hall and fami y mvsved into tibir new homn'e on Park street (the Stoker property) on Thurt2isday cf lasit week. We are pleasedi te kacir tbat lirs. C. iG. Amtrn is imrproving af ter- ber recent seieus ilîness, 'acd is now able ïteg-o out for a carrvide. M1r. ii Mrs. R. S.. Cornfortbi, cf Linidsa-y, visited fiiemds in Orono" on Sunday lasit. They werei accomnpanl- ýied by Mis'orfortb, their ete Mr. W. J. 'asnspenit the latter, part cf Iast weeklu iiToronto attendL- ng the reunion cf bis uniit cf fthe lasit Great War, the 2lst Battalion. Tihe îDurham County Public Speaking Contest cývi]l be bieid in the toa hall, Oron-o, on Friday, Nov. Sýth, at 7.30 p.m. Please keep this date open. About fifteen memnbers of Orono Masonie Lodge attend'ed the Scottish Rite NigÏht atCedar Lodge, Oshawa, on ~Saturday e'vening last and report a very pleasant e'vening. Mrs. ;Susanna -E. Taimblyn, of Orono, was united in mariage te ;Mr. Samnuel- Rod'erick Caidweillof Port Hope, at RrightMn on Saturday,- September 18, 1943, iby tihe 11ev. iC. W. Barrett. Sgt.-Pilo t Jame.s Powers returned te ïMaoDonal, Mno Mohday accnvpanied, by hsw ,after spending, his furloug-h with býis par- 'cuts, Mr. amid Mrs. C. L. Powers, and fniends in Toronto. Mr. and -Mrs. E. J. Hamm 'and .)LT and Ms Ephriam W'bite spent ýa very pleasant trip visiting in King- sten' Bfruckville and tbe Capital 'City recently. Tbey aise paid a visit, te the lake on top eof the mo)riutaini. Ten -or twelve -o the M-Iasonic bretbren of Ornn Lodge atteinded Temnple Lodge District Nighit at Oshawa One night lastwek Sev- erai of thejOrono officers and Paist Masters- tok part in the egl1ree werk. The Autumn Tbank-Offering m-,,ee- mng of lhe o~S f Park St. Uited îChuiich, Orono, wxilibe'hcld on' Tues- day, ýOctober 5th, at 2.4 5. The guest 1speaker will lie Miss îSherwiin. -A cor- diail invitation is extended te Ail te, attend this special meeting. NYDRO MEÊTING Orono Hydre Commission miet on Menday, .S'eptemlber 27th, and the follewing 'billsw-ere codered Pmid: H.E.PJC., $385.02; Oronio Telephoqie, $8.25; B.P.U., $108.61, makirig a total of $451.88. RExpAmgl1IR Zyo0u r RAIDIO Now Don't wait until parts become srarce. For your conveiience we, carry a. If unable to bring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. I. KNOX PARK, ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Litttlewood SUNDAY, OCT. 3rd Il a.m.-4Wrship- Holy Communion. li faVeur c.f St. Savi'om"s Special Than'ksgiving Ser- '"Driiik nent liquors that into-xi- cate andJ disturli tihe reason."> Local News Mr. 'Os. Comja'.s sale held on Wed- nesdlay last, drewý% a large cQOvwd The wethrwas ideai and peuffie camne from ail over the coiunitr4y. 'Go'od prices ýwe're received on al live stocek and imipIements. Two cutws (hrought la inth'e tidy sum od $140 eaÏch. A very pleasant evening was ýheid at the home oüf IMr. and Mrs. Ed. Smýith Cliarke Union, -when about sixty young people -gatberred at their Ihome- to present the newlvy-marrTied couple, Mc. Norber.t Prescott and [bride, Miss Mabel Sni-itb, witha mî,scellaneous 'sho'wer. IMrs. George Richiards and daughi- ter Mildred, Toronito, are apendling a week in Orono. In conversation with Mrs. Richardis we w-\ere infToirm- ed that her .husband ( wfih is stîli in hospital ýis graduaily i'mnproving and mow hais some fceelingý in blis ims They will return te -Toronito on Sun- day. The lwrge Eagieson Transport of Co'boung- on Thursdlay afternoon of last,,week met with au ajcidenit bc- hind the fire bal, The 'driiver drove the truck ee the trap on top) of the file cisterii and the riglit hinid wrheel s'nmashied througil the trap door. I t ook nea'riy twýo heurs to jack the truck 'up te get it eut. Hanv'l suggestions wreoff er-ed by the 'spec- tators as Ote best way te accom- plish the fete. FA4LFIRDATES Picton ............. .... Oct. 1, 2 Tweed .......... .... ...Sept. 30, Ocet. 1 Maduc .............,.................. Oct. 5,C6 Marm'or~a..................-.. ...Oýt. 12, 13 Pontc Hope ..................Oct. 8, 9, Stirling .. ......... 1........~ .Oct. 7, 8 Roseneath ...................Oct. 14, 15- Warkworth . ... ........Oct. 7, 8 PARK ST. ANNIVERSABY Please keep iSndahy Oct. 17iclea. The Rev. Milton Sanderson, Toivonito, has heen is'eeured as tihe atnniversr preacher. For Cernent, Lum- ber (rough or dressed) SEMcLAREN Orono Coal & Lumber Repairs for ail makes of Stoves .and Furnaces IR. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR 1exître St,. Oreno PooSn r l . «.21uncheons., *dinners. Balanced deoidous ...* tn *The Puttonaltstaeents 1.1 "Eat-t-Wrk-to, Wl'" re eeptiîi t Ntiioli Servtes, D- p t of ePensions and 'National Iieaith. Ottalwa, nfor the Canadian Nutrition P'rogramime. W OYtEN everywhere acclaim "Eat-to- Work --to -Win"*, authoritative new bookiet that takes al the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practicl... time-savig ... easy to uise! And there's a copy for you ËkEIIE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health; as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build heaith, stamina, high morale-to help keep th.em fit, on the job! So learn the easy way to "good-to-eat" meals that provide every food need ofthe body. Send for your copy THE of "Eat-to- Work-to-Win" today! ------------------------ ENGAG;EMENT M'r.'amI tMi-s. Willam Mc,ýDonald1 wish to annoutnce the eiugagememit of their youngest, daughter Elsie brene, to Jack e-ollodk, s'on 'of Mr. adMs IWilliam PolloÇk, of Toronto; the weddâîng te take place the latter part of Septemfbher,-in T6onto. IN !MEMORIAM ,1m loving menory of our daughter and sister, 'Leta Hanicock Hold- away, wh' d'eparted this 11f e on ýSeqpt. 26 1042. Gone from as, leaîvin.g memories Dieath can neyer take away; Memorieýs that will allways inger Wlle uipon this earth ve stay. -Sadly missed by parents, and lirrPothers. sis ster' BIRTHIS 'Coiporal Ernest L. Boiren, RMC.A.F. and lM[gs. Bwe-n are happy te announCe the îbith o'f their soni at 'Nieholl's Hospital, Peterb'oron'gh, on 'Friday, September 24tb, 1943. RIEGISTRATION REQ1JIRED FOR HONEY PRODUCERS Honey producers wvhose total pro- dueiionis less than 2,000 pojndis a year are requjred te register as pro- ,ducers îwith their local rationiiboard acicording te the r4Ccent reguintioli on preserres raitioainig. iProduieers cof oves' 2,000 pounds a yeaqr are re- q'uired teo operate coupon banking accoun-ts. Ary iregional office cf thle Wartime Prices and Trade Board ca give furtiher atutvn on the pro'. ceduire invoived in cither ease. ARMSTRONG' S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 r 1 and 70 r 1 IIOSIERY Girls' Knee Socks in al sizes Priced and 39c. Children's Long ings, in ai Priced 25c. to colors. to 85c. Stock- sizes. .59c. SIIOES Bargain in Brown and Blaek Puimps, in Suiede and Patent Trim, A sizes, per pair ..ý........$1.9.5 Rofled Wheat 5 lb. bag 23e. Lemons 3 for 10e Javax bottie 15 cO Fresh Shoulder Pork lb. 30e. DRESSES Ladies' Dresses, Coats and ilats just arrivedà. C-ati and see them. WOQL SUITS, AND SWEATERS Boys' WooI Knît Suits in sizes 2 to 4 years, in s-hades of red, blue, green, navy. Priced .... ... $1.59 Also Boys' Windbreak- es, in sizes 6 to 14 years, prieed froni $3.95 to....45 We have Veal and Lamb for the week-end. wax Paper 100 ft. 25c. Spanish Onions IOc. Cooking- Onionis 4 lbs. 125e Qake RoIled Oats 5 l b. 1ba g Soap Flakes large 67e Fresh Sîde Pork l1b. 30e. "Here's the New, Easy Way Healthful Familytcals" MAIL rHIS COUPON r -- r - --- ---- ---- --- ---- --- -NUTRITION FOR VICTORY",E ,BOX 6oo, TORONTO, CANADA. iPlease seudme my FRED copy of'¶at-to-Work-to-Win". à Address- City - pros,._______ Sponsored by m THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) iu the interests of nutrition and hcalth as an aid to Victory. complote lino of TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN. Olo T n h SERS and RESISTORS -O T ns1 Umm< ,Phone 3Orl6,

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